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Old Tupperware Consultants? or Anyone Very Familiar With Tw?

In summary, the Tupperware Party host does not like the refrigerator smart items or the forget me not set. She has two small kids and was thinking of ways she could have used the refrigerator smart items, but they are going to sit in her basement until she eventually throws them away. The refrigerator smart tab broke the first time she tried to open it. The Tupperware Party host contacted her TW Consultant who told her that TW does not do exchanges or refunds and that the company would not return the items. The Tupperware Party host has an awesome TW Consultant who sells products similar to hers and she was happy to tell the customer this.
Gold Member
Last month I hosted a Tupperware Party. As part of my free product I got the fridge smart items and their forget me not set. I DO NOT like ANY of those things. I have two little kids, and was thinking how I could have used that FPV to get some other stuff that I will use. I know these pieces are going to sit in my basement until I eventually throw them away. Oh, and the fridge smart tab broke the first time I tried to open it. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary....

SO, I am usually totally not cause trouble type or person...but I decided to call my TW Consultant BECAUSE I would not want one of my hosts to keep her FPV if she does not like it/would not use it! WELL, she is just like "I do not get it.....WHY don't you like them?" Then she is repeatedly telling me HOW to use the things (kinda as if I am a dummy) ANYHOW she has just straight out told me that TW DOES NOT do Exchanges or Refunds........ is this really true? I mean, that is crazy to me? How can this company be around for this long with this type of Customer Service? I have a feeling this is the Consultant's policy. Does anyone know better?
I think I would call the company directly if she is not being helpful. My mom has had product replaced all the time.
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sorry this was so long.

Another thing that is funny to me is that she told me to give them away as gifts! For one, they are no longer in the packaging.... I have USED them, and I wouldn't give something to someone who I do not like!

I have also told her about the fridge smart breaking, and the fact that forget me nots DO NOT fit with MY fridge shelves. I mean, it isn't even like I am just strictly saying I do not like them. But even if that was why I wanted to return them, I should be able to!
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  • #4
StacieB said:
I think I would call the company directly if she is not being helpful. My mom has had product replaced all the time.

WOW!!! I did call the company directly and they said that it is up to the individual consultant if they want to return it or not....but that the company would not return it! I am amazed.
Kinda makes you glad you're with PC and not TW. Doesn't it?
That would just make me mad. Sorry you are having to deal with that
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  • #7
raebates said:
Kinda makes you glad you're with PC and not TW. Doesn't it?

Exactly what I said to the CS rep.
OMG, that is Ridiculous! I am sorry! Can you find another rep around???
PCMelissa said:
WOW!!! I did call the company directly and they said that it is up to the individual consultant if they want to return it or not....but that the company would not return it! I am amazed.

Wow, even the broken item? Glad I sell PC and not TW.
  • #10
The broken item is ABSOLUTELY replaceable... do not let ANYONE tell you different. TW's plasticware is lifetime guaranteed for a reason! and seriously I would contact a different consultant and see if they can help you. they at least should be able to do the exchange on the broken piece.
  • #11
I have an awesome consultant - wanna call her? PM me!
  • #12
pckellyd said:
The broken item is ABSOLUTELY replaceable... do not let ANYONE tell you different. TW's plasticware is lifetime guaranteed for a reason! and seriously I would contact a different consultant and see if they can help you. they at least should be able to do the exchange on the broken piece.

Yeah- I think I'd definitely make a stink. It's principle. But just think of the great story you have about "us vs them". A Tupperware lady at a booth event this week was right across from me. She came up and said at the beginning "This should be interesting- since we are 'competition'. " I just smiled. I couldn't believe it. I then glanced at the catalog and felt better. The stuff we do have that is similar to each other- they are WAY WAY higher priced than ours! I personally don't like much of the newer products- I like the old classics. :D But can't afford them. I sold an ice cream scoop today to a guy at my booth. I was sort of surprised he only bought that one item. Shipping alone was half the cost of his item- but he didn't flinch at the $20 price tag. TW's scoop- before shipping/tax- was $29! I about choked on my lunch when I saw that. So if they can charge that much for stuff- they can fix your item or lose a customer!
  • #13
I did sell TW quite some time ago. The way I remember the 'return' policy is that it was up to the individual consultant to take the return or not. If it was not covered under the warrenty, the cons. had to basically pay for it. It has been 10 years so it is a bit fuzzy. I do remember that if you picked up an older piece of TW that was shredding the company would replace it or give you a credit towards a current similar piece. There are other differences that make me glad to be a PC consultant.
  • #14
Okay so I haven't been on here in a LOOOOONNNNGGG TIME... sorry guys... Tupperware does have a lifetime guarntee on all of their products..... I have never heard that it is up to the invidiual consutlant before..... I would find a differnt consultant and explain the situation to her or him as the case may be.
  • #15
TW's lifetime guarantee is not all-covering, nor does it come on every product. If you look through their catalog, you'll see very small notes indicating that. That said, their customer service is pretty shoddy. I had a major problem with a consultant several years ago and got no response from their HO after I sent them a letter. I ended up taking the consultant to small claims court (she cashed the checks from my party, used the money to pay her rent, and then gave me excuses about why I still hadn't received the products 4 months after the party). Melissa- I know a (different) consultant (a former coworker) in Taylor. Want me to give her a call and see what she can do for you?
  • #16
Wow! Sorry about your problem! I have a friend that sold TW and she got sick of having to accept items that were really old from customers that were NOT hers. She didn't like to say no. I wish people would realize that they do not have a lifetime warranty on everything anymore. I have people say that to me and I tell them it isn't true. Plastic sits in your cupboard so it SHOULD last forever. I have Rubbermaid that lasts a long time and I know that TW is better, but they both last. PC has products you actively use so it's natural that they'll wear out over time. It LOVE that we can return products we simply don't like. That's awesome!! Whoohoo for us!
  • #17
Yes, but Fridgesmart is a lifetime piece. Their plastic is still lifetime, at least most of it is. It's the knives and cookware that have a shorter warranty...
  • #18
raebates said:
Kinda makes you glad you're with PC and not TW. Doesn't it?

Those were my thoughts too!
  • #19
I took up a TW order last year and I was disappointed at my host benefits. I guess I couldn't help comparing it to PC. They used to have us beat on shipping but their shipping went up last year. Minimum shipping now is $4.50 and over $45 is 10% of the order... or so my consultant said.

Also, I gave my TW consultant some lids to replace way before Christmas and I still haven't gotten them back!
  • #20
Something tells me she does not wanna return it because she will loose the commission and or have to pay for the return. Either way, it's bad customer service on her part!

Makes me glad we have a company that is what it is...AWESOME.
  • #21
That is so weird. Last year I ordered there freezer smart collection and decided to return it because it wasn't supposed to go in the microwave. Their customer support line didn't give me any trouble about returning it. I personally love their modular mates, but because of the price can't justify it all the time.
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  • #22
This is so weird that i am getting so many different responses. I actually DID call their 1-800 number and speak to someone. THey confirmed that it is up to the individual consultant. I appreciate all the offers to get in contact with some good consultants. but the truth is, it is not THAT consultants problem, and do not want them to be out the money to help me. Especially since I do not plan to do business with TW in the future. I would feel differently about it if it were JUST my consultant and I would be planning to reward a consultant who took care of me with future orders/parties. But I will not.

Thanks to you all though!
  • #23
Tupperware products ARE ABSOLUTELY guaranteed, but they charge you shipping if your return is not going in with a show. One reason I have so many TW pieces waiting to be returned from the classic variety. (Mom was a TW consultant back in the day.)
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  • #24
Di_Can_Cook said:
Tupperware products ARE ABSOLUTELY guaranteed, but they charge you shipping if your return is not going in with a show. One reason I have so many TW pieces waiting to be returned from the classic variety. (Mom was a TW consultant back in the day.)

Di, can you tell me how I go about returning stuff then? I spoke with my consultant, AND called the tupperware 1800 # from their website. TIA

REALLY though, I am writing to tell all of you who read/responded that my first PC recruit emailed me last week to tell me that she has decided to try selling TW. ha ha. It just made me laugh after my issue with the company.
  • #25
I just "retired" from Tupperware last month. If the consultant takes a return the items come out of her pocket, not just the commision but the entire cost. Tupperware, as a company, does not accept returns if you do not like an item. However, if someone really hated something I would take it back as a warranty item and they could pick out something new. Speaking of warranties, they are a royal pain in the butt for the consultant. Half of the the items are no longer available and you have to do some creative thinking.

For the poster who has not gotten her warranty items back, it may be because your consultant has not had any orders going in. The consultants have to pay shipping for your warranty items unless the warranty request is placed with an order. I was upfront about that. Some people had to wait a month or two for their items but at least they knew it. Most of the items I had to warranty were older then me (almost 36 years old)!!! As you can tell, this is the main reason I left. I had someone call me yesterday about a 30 year old cake taker. It was nice to tell her she would need to find another consultant from the website.

I am so excited to be with PC so I don't have to deal with their wacky policies any more!!!
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  • #26
lovemytools said:
I just "retired" from Tupperware last month. If the consultant takes a return the items come out of her pocket, not just the commision but the entire cost. Tupperware, as a company, does not accept returns if you do not like an item. However, if someone really hated something I would take it back as a warranty item and they could pick out something new. Speaking of warranties, they are a royal pain in the butt for the consultant. Half of the the items are no longer available and you have to do some creative thinking.

For the poster who has not gotten her warranty items back, it may be because your consultant has not had any orders going in. The consultants have to pay shipping for your warranty items unless the warranty request is placed with an order. I was upfront about that. Some people had to wait a month or two for their items but at least they knew it. Most of the items I had to warranty were older then me (almost 36 years old)!!! As you can tell, this is the main reason I left. I had someone call me yesterday about a 30 year old cake taker. It was nice to tell her she would need to find another consultant from the website.

I am so excited to be with PC so I don't have to deal with their wacky policies any more!!!

Wow, those really are pretty crazy policies. I am so amazed that they still have consultants and customers. I also am still a bit shocked that my old recruit decided TW is better. I know right now the person she signed with gave her 2 shows and a bunch of leads. She kinda said it like she expected I would have given her some shows recently or something.... I gave so much support and ideas of HOW to get shows, but I was NOT about to just hand her some of my bookings. Anyhow, sorry, that was a bit of a tangent. Bless and Release.... I cannot help someone who will not help themselves first!

Related to Old Tupperware Consultants? or Anyone Very Familiar With Tw?

1. What is the difference between an "Old Tupperware Consultant" and a current consultant?

An "Old Tupperware Consultant" refers to someone who was a consultant for the company in the past but is no longer actively selling products. A current consultant is someone who is currently selling Tupperware products.

2. Can "Old Tupperware Consultants" still purchase and sell Tupperware products?

Yes, "Old Tupperware Consultants" still have the option to purchase and sell Tupperware products. They can either purchase products at full price or attend sales events to purchase products at a discounted rate.

3. Do "Old Tupperware Consultants" have access to the same resources as current consultants?

No, "Old Tupperware Consultants" do not have access to the same resources as current consultants. They may not have access to the latest training materials and may not be eligible for certain incentives or rewards.

4. How can someone become a "Tupperware Consultant" if they were previously an "Old Tupperware Consultant"?

If someone was previously an "Old Tupperware Consultant" but wants to become a current consultant again, they can reach out to their former upline or contact Tupperware directly to inquire about reactivating their account. They may need to complete any necessary training or paperwork before resuming their consultant status.

5. Are there any benefits for "Old Tupperware Consultants" if they decide to become a current consultant again?

Yes, there are benefits for "Old Tupperware Consultants" who decide to become current consultants again. They may be eligible for special promotions or discounts, and they will have access to all the resources and support available to current consultants.

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