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Ok, Positive People... Help Me Look at This Positively...

In summary, the conversation revolved around a consultant who is trying to remain positive despite facing negativity at work. The consultant had put up an invitation for a coworker's party, only to encounter negative comments about direct sales parties in the lunch room. The consultant also discovered pushpins in a photo of herself and was advised to speak to a supervisor about it, with no follow up. Suggestions were given to invite people outside of the office to the party and to focus on having fun rather than it being a direct sales party. The consultant was also advised to not mention the negativity to the host and to continue working hard on her direct sales business.
No, I'm not being facetious... I really am trying to remain positive, and I'm having a very hard time of it.

I'm a new consultant, had my first show in August. So far my shows are friends, family, and coworkers. A coworker is having a show Friday, and since she'll be at a different office most of the week, she asked me to put up an invitation in a common area at work so even if she didn't invite someone personally, they'd know that all are welcome.

As I walked in, I noticed a photo of myself that is hung on a board full of employee pictures. I noticed it, because someone shoved push-pins through my eyes. I took out the pushpins. I could tell someone has been putting them through my head, because there were more than just the two holes in my eyes.

I put up the invitation, and walked out, trying not to let the picture get me down.

Then I came to the lunch room. The discussion I walked into was like "I hate those things... they make you feel like you have to buy something. It's all overpriced crap you don't need." It went around in circles about Partylite, jewelry parties, etc. but it was obvious to me that the part I missed was them discussing the upcoming party they're all invited to.

I did my best to hold my head high and eat my lunch. A coworker asked me if I was going to so-and-so's party. She said it in a very nasty voice. I tried to be pleasant and say "of course I will be there."

I really don't know how to roll with these punches. I really just wanted to curl up and die today. Suggestions on how to deal with nasty people are welcome. I feel like a pariah, and I feel like no one will come to my coworker's party as it is right now.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} It is so sad when people have to be so mean. I don't have an answer for you but can you talk to a supervisor or HR person about this? There is no excuse for such behavior.
wow! Do you work with a bunch of middle school kids? That's ridiculous, immature, mean, and hateful behavior!

Hugs to you.

Hopefully your co-corker's party will turn out well. Coach her to invite people outside the office.
GREAT BIG BEAR HUG to you. I am so sorry that this happened to you. You must work with some insensitive jerks (sorry). Good job holding your head up high, you go girl!!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Should I tell my coworker who is hosting the party, (she was in another office and missed all the drama) all the trouble I had today and how negatively people are behaving? I did tell a supervisor about the pins through my eyes. They blacked out his face in the same picture. Only he and I were targeted. He said basically that they're jealous because I am smart and I do a good job, etc. There won't be any follow up.
Hmmm....my thought - work hard on PC and quit the job! Not too helpful, sorry.
On the bright side, you do have at least one co-worker who believes in you and the product enough to have booked a party! And it is highly likely that although there are a few outspoken negative people, there may be others who like PC and just didn't speak up, or couldn't turn the tone of the conversation into a positive one.
As mentioned already, encourage your co-worker to invite lots of people you don't know, and maybe look for some fairs/events to do, and pretty soon you'll start doing shows for strangers!! :)
Be sure to have your coworker invite lots of people from the office she will be working in this week. Try to get as many people at the party from outside of this environment as you can. It will be more fun and lead to better bookings for you.
I totally agree with encouraging your host to invite people from different areas of her life, not just the office. I'm also very sorry your other co-workers are so mean.I suggest taking any opportunity which presents itself to let your co-workers know how excited your host is to hold this party, and how much she's looking forward to having a get-together outside of the office for everyone to relax and have fun, and enjoy a new recipe. Don't focus too much on it being a PC party, but more on how much fun they'll have if they attend.Also, I wouldn't mention to the host the negative comments which were made. Keep yourself above reproach, and continue to hold your high. Telling her the things which were said will only hurt her feelings, as well.
  • #10
I agree w/Sarah, don't mention the negative stuff. Stay positive, continue to smile and share your host's excitement...
  • #11
I'm so very sorry you walked into that hornet's nest! People can be quite petty and mean sometimes.... I wouldn't say anything to your host either, she doesn't need to get upset or have second thoughts about holding the show.

You and your host will have the last laugh though when the party is a blast for everyone who attends and your host earns all of the FREE products!

Keep your head held high! And remember "what goes around, comes around" for inconsiderate people like that.
  • #12
That really is pathetically mean! These people sound like they aren't too happy with themselves and have quite a few issues to sort out. Ignore them...you won't be able to change their attitude and it is better that they NOT attend. They may be bitter that they're living paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to buy from these shows...better to complain and show disinterest than to admit they can't afford to buy anything. :D

Everyone has posted some great advice. Look forward to the fun and keep your host excited. She does not need to know what the petty's said. Have her invite her friends, her family, other office co workers, etc.

The pushpin thing is downright absurd and juvenile. Let your manager and HR deal with the issue.

Remember, the success and fun in your adventure with PC is not dependant on your coworkers...biz is everywhere and you'll find hosts and guests who DO see the value in our awesome products.
Bah to them, I say....when you see them....just think, Bah! lol
  • #13
Mean. People. Stink. Just sayin'I would mention that you think some of your co-workers have issues with direct sales parties, if for no other reason than to make sure she's not counting on everybody from the office!I'm fond of telling people I'm "too poor to buy cheap." I stole it from a mattress commercial in my area. Cheap stuff needs to be bought over and over and over again. Quality lasts forever.
  • #14
So sorry you had this experience
First, I wouldn't tell the host. Some of those people may have just been going along with the crowd.
Second, I have friends who will never come to a show, no matter how much I say there should be no sense of obligation etc they still say this is what they hate about party sales. Okay, that's fine. I hope they have fun things to do that night. I try to "bless and release," an expression I learned here.
Sheila compared it to offering a stick of gum. If you had gum in your purse, and offered it around and only a few people took it, you wouldn't be surprised. So focus on your friend that is hosting. Encourage her to invite tons of people from work and not from work. Have a blast at the party, and I hope you get great bookings.
And don't keep that picture. Get rid of it, and focus on the friends who are supportive. That's the kind of focus that will help you.
all the best, and a great bit cyber-hug
  • #15
magentablue said:
I did my best to hold my head high and eat my lunch. A coworker asked me if I was going to so-and-so's party. She said it in a very nasty voice. I tried to be pleasant and say "of course I will be there."

My response would have been something like, "Of course I will be there WITH BELLS ON! I am the consultant! Will we be seeing you there?".

If you don't like something or not interest so be it but the nasty attitude is not necessary.
  • #16
magentablue said:
No, I'm not being facetious... I really am trying to remain positive, and I'm having a very hard time of it.

As I walked in, I noticed a photo of myself that is hung on a board full of employee pictures. I noticed it, because someone shoved push-pins through my eyes. I took out the pushpins. I could tell someone has been putting them through my head, because there were more than just the two holes in my eyes.

You received really great advice already. I wanted to comment directly with the pins in your eyes. Next time take a picture of it and document it. If this type of behavior continues and you are the target, I would take it higher than your immediate supervisor. It is unacceptable to work in a hostile situation. Keep everything hostile related to your job documented in a log, in case you need it for future use. It may look harmless now, but please believe me it could escalate farther than you think.

Not everyone will react to your business like your coworkers. Hang in and keep your head up.
  • #17
Honestly the hardest time is the beginning!!!! You are still a little unsure of it, and they are trying to break you down. I have been doing this for 7 months, and have more shows than I can handle right now. The hardest shows are those that you do for friends and acquaintances. All it takes is good customer service with one person that you don't know at a show, get them to host, do an amazing job of host coaching, and you will be out of your circle forever!!!!!
Continue working on host coaching (I know that is hard with people you know), and make sure she gets some people there that you don't already know.
  • #18
I'm so sorry. That behavior was completely unacceptable. Often it takes just one or two loud-mouthed, negative people to sway the crowd. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those people who were agreeing with the negativity don't feel that way at all. Group-think took over. It does get better. By the way, I agree that you should document any further destruction of your photo. That could definitely be considered threatening behavior.
  • #19
pamperedlinda said:
wow! Do you work with a bunch of middle school kids? That's ridiculous, immature, mean, and hateful behavior!

Hugs to you.

Hopefully your co-corker's party will turn out well. Coach her to invite people outside the office.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I read this
  • #20
I also agree with taking your picture down. How childish for someone to do that, yet still hurtful to an adult. No reason to mention it to your host, either. ( You have documentation here on Chef Success of the date it happened, for work purposes)

Looking on the bright side: It's true, there is pressure to buy at home shows. We've all probably got some item from one show or another that we only bought to support the host. Some direct sales consulants are really aggressive, too.
Don't take it personally - for a while, I assumed all Mark Kay consultants were stalkers, but turns out it was just that one ;)

Maybe the folks who think PC is overpriced won't be at the show to disrupt things!

I think you answered perfectly by saying of course you'll be there! Have fun and try to let it go!
  • #21
I have the same issue at my job, but probably for different reasons. I work for a non-profit so people are always asked for donations for this and that and when I advertise PC parties, these types of comments begin to fly! I just focus on the customer base I have in the building and try to be creative in gaining new customers. It's rough but try not to focus on it! It will distract you from those who are wanting to support you.
  • #22
I remember my first time my boss allowed me to talk about HWC products at a staff meeting (as others have talked about Habitat for Humanity Run, etc.). I let everyone know an order form was in their box. I had a big stack in my mailbox, UNFILLED out by the end of the day. I took it personally. I even asked a teacher who had survived cancer to be a host for a catalog show and she refused. Now I have another teacher who's had two shows with me and have been very successful. I just move on.
  • #22
A funny story that may brighten your day ....My BFF (who loves PC but can't afford cookware) has a pan and has lost the lid. She was looking at ours and I thought her cookware was 10 inch.So this morning when picking her up, I brought both lids. Guess what? I was right. Sadly, the 10 inch lid is NOT open stock.So hmmmm ... I have the 10 inch stainless skillet and the 6 quart stock pot, and one lid to go with both. Can't give it up ... so I told her that if I should be blessed enough to get a 5 pc stainless, she can probably have the lid!
  • #23
Same here! I got the same response when I first started my business and tried to invite friends from work to another employees party. What I did after that, and no, I never responded to the negative crap, I simply waited until after the party. I wanted to see who would come from work. And those are the people I left info with when stuff changed or if there was something I remembered they wanted that came up as a host bonus. It worked out well as those few people kept adding more and more people from work to my list of people who wanted to be in the know. It was of course all new employees! It was some of the old ones too because when the PC party people started bringing in products for potlucks or what ever, they were asked where they got them. Well, the rest was history! In fact, I just delivered two catalogs to 2 of my ex-coworkers and one is going to host as soon as her new kitchen is done so she can show it off! COOL!

Related to Ok, Positive People... Help Me Look at This Positively...

1. How can I maintain a positive mindset during difficult situations?

One way to maintain a positive mindset is to focus on the things you can control, rather than the things you can't. This can include practicing gratitude, setting small achievable goals, and surrounding yourself with positive people.

2. How can I reframe negative thoughts into positive ones?

One technique is to challenge negative thoughts by asking yourself if there is evidence to support them. If not, try to replace them with more realistic and positive thoughts. It can also be helpful to practice positive self-talk and affirmations.

3. How can I stay positive when everything seems to be going wrong?

During times of adversity, it can be helpful to remind yourself that challenges are temporary and that you have overcome difficult situations in the past. Additionally, try to find moments of joy and focus on the present rather than dwelling on the negative.

4. How can I use positive thinking to improve my overall well-being?

Positive thinking can improve overall well-being by reducing stress and anxiety, increasing resilience, and promoting a more optimistic outlook on life. It can also lead to better relationships, improved physical health, and increased motivation to reach goals.

5. How can I incorporate positive thinking into my daily life?

Some ways to incorporate positive thinking into daily life include practicing mindfulness, expressing gratitude, setting and achieving goals, and surrounding yourself with positive influences. It can also be helpful to identify and reframe negative thought patterns and to engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

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