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Not Sure What to Do With This Host

and I would tell her that I would like her to get 2 bookings from the show before I'll give her the go ahead.Sounds like it's time to turn this into a catalog show. You should try to get 2 bookings before giving her the okay.
Silver Member
I have a host that's rescheduled multiple times - usually the day before her show was supposed to happen. She seems to really want to have a show, but things keep coming up at the last minute. I told her this last time that I'd be happy to do her show but since she wants to do it on a day I don't normally do shows, she'll have to have 15 people in attendance, and she will have to try to have 2 friends book summer shows with me before her show. I thought that was more than fair because if this show does happen, I'll be missing out on time I normally set aside for other things and I want to make it worth all the time and effort I've put into planning and rescheduling the show already.

She says she can't have more than 10 people in her house. She said she'll be lucky if it can fit 10. She didn't say anything about the bookings. What would you do? How do I make sure I'm not wasting my time on this show? I have one more booking this summer and that's it. If she gets me 2 bookings, I won't care if she has 5 people there...but I also don't want to be too pushy or grumpy about it.
first i would send out her invites yourself, this tends to cut down on cancellations.
i would also explain to her that this is your job, if she keeps cancelling(sp) the day before she is not fully invested in this party

i would give her the 5-10-3 challenge
5 outside orders before the show
10 people in attendence (if house is small do a deck/backyard party)
3 bookings

maybe suggest that her and a friend(with a bigger house) co-host a show
and if she cancels again hand her 2-3 catalogues and order forms

i don't think i'd be that nice to re-schedule her more than twice, especially on days when you usually do other stuff
Sounds like she isn't inviting enough people and is cancelling out because of that. I would offer to do the inviting for her and get her guest list to help her out. Makes better use of your time. Can't really force anyone to book but usually if you can get 10-15 in a room you can get some bookings
Have the show outside!
Just a thought--offer to send the invites and open your house to her and her guest. If she cancels your already home and if you have anice house that is a powerful recruiting tool.
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  • #6
Good points. She doesn't want me to invite for her - she said she already has 10 confirmed guests so she's not inviting any more. I can offer for her to have it at my place. My place will easily fit 15-20 but it's a really small crappy apartment, so no recruiting tool! haha Outside won't work since we both live in apartments. I'm at the point where I want to turn it into a catalog show but I've already told her it's no problem. And I really need bookings! Although I haven't been great at getting bookings from my shows anyway so if this is the same, the show might not be worth it.
I will not reschedule twice for anyone if they've cancelled on me twice the day before the show. No way - they have twice left me unemployed for a night. NO WAY.

I JUST had that situation this month.
On the 8th she called to reschedule her show for the 9th. Rescheduled it for the 15th. So yesterday I called her to see what our headcout was and to go over details for the show. She says "Oh, I emailed u the other day to reschedule - didn't u get my email? Can we reschedule it for another date?" Now mind you these have been Fridays and Saturdays she has been messing up for me. So I said "I'll tell you what we can do...let's make it into a catalog show...."
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  • #8
Is it too late for that now? My last email was telling her to get the 15 guests in attendance and 2 bookings, etc...She will NOT pick up the phone, but she'll respond to my emails so unfortunately this is the only way to communicate with her. So my last email was saying no problem, if you have 15 guests in attendance and 2 bookings before the show. She responded with "Um, 15 people won't fit in the apartment. Seriously, I have room for 10 tops. So let me know what you want me to do." Can I now say "why don't we turn this into a catalog show?" I have the worst time closing catalog shows. I've had 5 started since I started doing PC and only 1 ever closed.
I personally would go and do my show whether she has 1 person or 10 people there. Because if you need bookings just that one person in attendance that books a show or is interested in the opportunity could lead to many more successful shows for you. I do a show every summer for a girl that never has more than 2 people in attendance, but she wants a kitchen show and does very well with outside orders -- I just plan a very short demo and on with the show.

If she bails on you this time then I would offer a catalog show, and bless and release. You can move on to find a quality host who wants to do her show.
  • #10
I, too, would do the show, regardless of how many people are there. I consider that part of the risk I take in my business.

I agree, that, if she bails again, do NOT reschedule - tell her that you will be happy to give her the supplies to do a catalog show and if you have a website, an online show, as she is obviously very busy and scheduling is a problem for her. The ONLY way I'd ever consider doing a cooking show for her again would be if she provided me with her guest list (with name, address, email address and phone number!) at least 3 weeks ahead and I was able to send the invites out for her. I have sent the invites out for every single show I've done so far - no one has hesitated. I tell them I'll pay the postage, which I do and do NOT ask for reimbursement. I am going to start asking for phone numbers, too, and tell them I'll leave reminder messages, in an effort to increase attendance. I really debating doing the automatic phone calling thing. But, I digress ....
  • #11
I just had a show last month with someone who cancelled twice - she had 4 people at her show, I got 4 bookings & we closed the show @ $437 in sales......I thought that was great considering I wasn't expecting much going into the evening. I agree - I do the show, regardless of the # of people. Usually my bookings are better at lower attended shows.
  • #12
Another option is to have the show at a local business like a coffee shop. I know that if I'm making food, the owner has to be a little convinced, but we buy the coffee and snacks from her. Outside...have it at a park! It doesn't have to be outside your home. If she's going to have 10 people FOR SURE in attendance, that isn't bad, but tell her that since that's all she's comfortable with IN her home, she should definitely check with others to see if they need anything. Or maybe have an open house instead. Sometimes it feels like you don't need as much room then, esp if not everyone is there at the same time.As for canceling twice, I would mention that you really want her to have a successful show and for her to have fun with it, but each time she cancels, that takes away a night you could have worked and a paycheck that you missed out on. It's a joint effort.I had someone doing that (though not the night before) and I just said a catalog would work better and it did, though I think a home show would have been much bigger.
  • #13
I'm with Carolyn on this one. I am NOT in the business of rescheduling. I know we all need the bookings, but we don't need the headache of the last minute reschedules. I think first and formost it is important to make sure that your hosts know that this is your business, and needs to be treated as such. I think hosts that look at it as our hobby don't understand the whole "now I am unemployed for the day" idea. And are more likely to cancel, since you just do shows for fun anyway.

That being said I would call or email her, tell her that you are looking forward to doing her show, but are a little concerned about the head count. Tell her that you understand small spaces, and if there are already 10 reliable people confirmed that's fine. And ask her to collect some outside orders before the show, to make sure that it is worth it for both of you.
  • #14
Does you apt complex or hers have a clubhouse??
  • #15
If she actually does have 10 guests come, I wouldn't be complaining. :p
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  • #16
That's the thing, if 10 actually show up - I'll be super happy!I'm going to do the show (if she keeps it). I just need to figure out how to word my email to encourage those bookings and outside orders.
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  • #16
That's the thing, if 10 actually show up - I'll be super happy!

I'm going to do the show (if she keeps it). I just need to figure out how to word my email to encourage those bookings and outside orders.
  • #17
Rescheduling is a huge pain!!! I send out the invites for my hosts, so that rarely happens. I did have this happen in March though... here is the e-mail that I sent to the host:
Thanks for getting back to me Kim. I'm sorry that you've decided to cancel and at this point I won't be able to schedule another show for that night. As you know, this is what I do for my income and cancelling does unemploy me for the night. I do take my job seriously and had been planning a great party for you. I have an opening on March 22nd (one week later that your original date) if you'd like it. If you would like it we would still have time to get your invitations out if I received your guest list this week and all of the time I have spent on your show would not be wasted. Please let me know if you would like that date. Thanks very much --- COLLEEN :)

She e-mailed me back immediately that she would take the later date and hand delivered her guest list to me that afternoon. Go figure. I think Nancy Jo Ryan said it best... she said, "Sometimes Pampered Chef consultants are just too nice!" As a side note, this show ended up being an $1100 show. And now the host orders from me monthly to get the guest special and uses her host discount. I guess sometimes we just never know!!! :)
  • #18
I'm up to Show #53, and have had one same day cancellation and unanswered phone calls thereafter, so we never rescheduled. I had
done the grocery shopping for that show, but used the items for myself.
I'm now to the point of being thankful to keep my Active status. To assure that the bookings I have gotten, hold, I offered the hostess an incentive of my own. I told her that if she had $200 in outside orders before the Show, I would pay for her Hostess Bonus item. I named the lower priced Chillzanne Rectangle server this month. It has worked twice for me, and I am convinced that it takes the stress away from low attendance, and possible cancellation.
I have also added the condition of one booking, and did get it from my April show which we had about 12 people attend. This week's show was well attended, and several guests also brought outside orders for my hostess. We are close to $400 with prospects of it being over $500.

I'd be happy to continue with this "stress free" arrangement. I've noticed that when the hostess thinks they are getting something extra for their efforts they come through and are more committed. This has also helped me get repeat bookings from some of my hostess'. Getting bookings is my weakest part of my business. I did my first show in May 2005.
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  • #19
So you offer to buy the Host Gift if the host has $200 in outside orders and one booking? I think that's an awesome incentive! I'm going to try it. Bookings have been my weak spot lately and I had decided that I want to have my hosts do more work when it comes to bookings, so this is perfect!
  • #20
Sometimes I have offered to pay the difference for the host bonus too - I have used it as a booking incentive - If they have 3 bookings - the host bonus is free.....It's worked the couple of times I have offered it.
  • #21
Remind her that the show doesn't have to be in the kitchen. Most houses/apartments in the U.S. have at least one room that can fit more than 10 people.

Personally, I would back down from a show with your requirements - it would just be too daunting to guarantee my friends' attendance. If you really want the show, then you might want to give in to her but have very low expectations.

Perhaps you could tell her that a cancellation means turning the show into a catalog show and her getting orders that way....
  • #22
Having 10 bodies at a show doesn't mean that all will buy anything. I had a show with 12 people and only 2 ordered. After that the hostess felt embarressed and got $400 in outside orders and 3 bookings.
I feel you go with the flow. Who knows what will happen, when you go into someones home with their friends it's hard for me to put demands on them about how many guest she has to have. I do have guidelines and hope they follow them. It is my time that I feel is wasted at first but then I try to book everyone who is there at the show.

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  • #23
You guys are right, although I didn't say "You have to have 15 people there or I'm not coming" I just put some emphasis on invitations and aiming to have 15 guests in attendance. I did this especially because I feel like she wasn't inviting people and that's why she'd been cancelling.
  • #24
I've had a host reschedule twice on me, from June to July, from July to August. I don't have high hopes for her keeping the August date either. Plus I had another host "forget" she booked a show a while ago w/ another consultant and canceled the date she booked with me. My July is aweful and August doesn't look so great either. I'm getting discouraged.
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  • #25
This host re-booked for this coming Monday. Fingers crossed the show actually happens!!
  • #26
toes crossed as well

lets hope its a good one for u
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  • #27
Well, I still haven't spoken to this host on the phone since we rescheduled. We've set dates and times for me to call but she doesn't pick up. she won't call or email me back to confirm. I left her a message today saying I'd "pick up the ingredients and plan for 10 people and I'll see you tomorrow!!" I just don't want to do all this prep and everythign for this show if it's not going to happen. I'm going to try to call her again tonight but I need an excuse for calling incase she actually picks up...
  • #28
Tell her you're running low on paperwork and need to know a head count so you can get catalogs from another consultant if you have to.
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  • #29
Good idea - thanks. I'm going to be rude and call from another phone - she's clearly ignoring my calls.
  • #30
That's not rude. You're out running errands and used that phone. :D
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  • #31
Well she's not answering. I don't know what to do! I'm sure I'll get an email at midnight or tomorrow while I'm at work. I guess I should stop being so negative. Maybe it will be an awesome show...*sigh*I am just beyond frustrated right now. I did this to myself - I should have turned this into a catalog show a long time ago. Why can't people just call and cancel?!?!!!!!!
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  • #32

She wants to reschedule...I'm not going to - is that bad? I'm going to ask her to collect orders and turn it into a catalog show.
  • #33
not bad at all
3 strikes your out!
  • #34
If she wants free product at all she will do a catalog show! It is much easier to do a catalog show sometimes than a cooking show (ie cleaning house, etc).
  • #35
Winnipegk said:
Well she's not answering. I don't know what to do! I'm sure I'll get an email at midnight or tomorrow while I'm at work. I guess I should stop being so negative. Maybe it will be an awesome show...*sigh*

I am just beyond frustrated right now. I did this to myself - I should have turned this into a catalog show a long time ago. Why can't people just call and cancel?!?!!!!!!

I had a director once tell me that if that happens to her, where she can not get a hold of them, she leaves a message saying something like... If I do not here back from you before (this time or date) I am assuming you do not want to have this show and am very sorry that this did not work out.... something along those line but she makes it sound like they are calling the show off and more often then not when she has had to do this, her hosts call immediately.

Related to Not Sure What to Do With This Host

1. What should I do if my host keeps rescheduling her show?

It's important to communicate with your host and understand their reasons for rescheduling. If they seem genuinely interested in hosting a show, try setting a deadline for when the show needs to happen. This sets clear expectations and can help prevent further rescheduling.

2. How can I make sure the show is worth my time and effort?

One way to ensure the show is worth your time is to set a minimum attendance requirement, like 15 people. This will make it worth your while to dedicate the time and resources to the show. You can also ask your host to try and get 2 friends to book shows with you, which can potentially lead to more sales and bookings.

3. My host says she can only fit 10 people in her house. What should I do?

If your host can only fit 10 people, it's important to be understanding and flexible. You can still make the show successful by encouraging your host to invite friends and family outside of her home to attend. You can also suggest bringing in additional seating or rearranging furniture to accommodate more people.

4. What if my host doesn't mention anything about bookings?

If your host doesn't mention anything about getting bookings, it's important to bring it up in a friendly and non-pushy way. Remind your host that getting bookings can not only help make the show more successful, but it can also benefit them by earning them free products or discounts.

5. How can I avoid wasting my time on this show?

To avoid wasting your time, it's important to set clear expectations and communicate with your host. If they seem uninterested or unwilling to meet your minimum requirements, it may be best to move on and focus on other bookings. However, if your host is still willing to host the show and put in effort to get bookings, it may be worth giving it a chance.

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