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New Consultant - Worried About Bookings

Ritts has started her own business as a consultant and is having some trouble getting bookings. She has a few recipes prepared for her open house, but she is mostly nervous about how many people will show up. She also has 2 bookings for September and has sent out catalogs. Tracy would like some advice on how to improve her business.
Hi everyone, I am so excited I found you all! I'm a new consultant and I'm a bit worried about getting bookings to begin with. I don't have much family in town, and really most of my friends live out of state. I am having my first party at my home, sort of as an open house, where I'll have several recipes already prepared. I plan on preparing at least one recipe at the show, but I wanted to have a few different things for my guests to sort of taste test.

I have maybe 20 people to invite however, being honest with myself, I expect maybe 5 or 6 to actually show up. I do already have 2 parties booked for September, and I have several catalogues I've mailed out, so hoping those turn into book shows.

I set up my website. I gave a catalogue to my pediatrician's secretary this morning (she was pretty excited), but I'm unsure of what else to do.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Oh, and because I signed up through a friend that lives in another state, I haven't even been to a PC party in about 5 years! I love the products, am extremely enthused about them and really want to make this a success.

Thanks ahead of time.

Tracy Ritts

Congratulations on starting your new biz! You'll find lots of great ideas on this forum.

Call your out of town contacts to see who would like to be your first catalog show hosts! Their products will be shipped directly to them, so distance is not an obstacle.

Follow up with all of the invitations you send for your open house (as someone mentioned here, you might want to avoid calling it an open house so that you have your guests arrive when you want them to!), by making a phone call to each guest and personally inviting them. You might be surprised what that will do for your numbers. Also, remind your guests to bring someone you haven't invited...this will be the beginnings of your expanded network.

Watch your videos and listen to your audio tapes...they'll help you with ideas on how to approach your show.

Now, take a deep breath, relax! You'll be great! :D

CONGRATS and WELCOME! The first thing you need your recruiter to do is to get you a hospitality director so you can attend meetings. I believe this is one of the things you can do that will have a direct impact on your business.

If you are looking for ideas for bookings, do a search for the word bookings and you will find a TON of posts on this subject.

Good luck and let us know how we can help!
Congrats on starting your business! You're going to love it! Maybe once you get hooked up with a hospitality director and cluster (I strongly recommend that!), you can also go observe a couple kitchen shows. It's nice to see different styles and it'll be a good "refresher." Definitely ask your recruiter/director to locate a hospitality director. Good luck to you! As you know, you can post questions on here and everyone is SO helpful in answering everything.
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Thank youFor your welcome and your advice! I have booked another kitchen show for September and also another catalog show.

That means I have a total of 4 kitchen shows and 2 catalog shows between now and the end of September.

I've also ordered a bunch of the new mini-catalogs and am going to go door to door in my neighborhood to introduce myself. For anyone that's not home, I'll leave the mini-catalog with a letter of introduction at their door.

I've promised myself to find a new way each week to get my name out there.

Thanks again!


Related to New Consultant - Worried About Bookings

1. How can I get more bookings as a new consultant?

As a new consultant, the best way to get more bookings is to reach out to your friends, family, and acquaintances and offer to host a party for them. You can also use social media to promote your business and connect with potential hosts. Additionally, consider partnering with local businesses or organizations to host a party for their employees or members.

2. What if I'm worried that no one will book a party with me?

It's natural to feel nervous about getting bookings as a new consultant, but remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Don't be afraid to reach out to people and ask them to host a party for you. You can also offer incentives, such as free products or discounts, to entice people to book a party with you.

3. I'm not sure how to approach people about hosting a party. Any tips?

The key to approaching people about hosting a party is to be genuine and enthusiastic about your products. Start by explaining what Pampered Chef is and how hosting a party can benefit them. Then, share some of your favorite products and explain how they can make meal prep and cooking easier. Don't be pushy, but make it clear that you would appreciate their support as a new consultant.

4. What if I don't know many people in my area?

If you don't know many people in your area, you can still reach out to potential hosts through social media or by partnering with local businesses or organizations. You can also attend local events and network with people to spread the word about your business. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make new connections.

5. How can I keep my bookings consistent as a new consultant?

The key to maintaining consistent bookings as a new consultant is to stay organized and follow up with your past hosts. Keep track of when their parties were and make a note to reach out to them again in a few months. You can offer them the opportunity to host another party or ask if they know anyone else who may be interested in hosting. Also, continue to promote your business through social media and networking to attract new hosts.

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