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Networking with Avon: Combining Shows for Bookings?

In summary, the free-cycler is offering facials and other services to people who join her local group on freecycle. The recipient of the offer is considering accepting it, but is worried about what people might think if they show up and don't buy anything.
I subscribe to my local freecycle site and a lady on there posted an invitation for all of the ladies on freecycle to be "pampered" at a show she was having for free. She sells Avon and is going to do facials and such for everyone. Well I emailed her to find out where she was located and told her what I do for a living and she has invited me to do a combo "show" with her. That way both of us get our names out there. Has anyone done anything like this? I mean it was offered on freecycle so I dont want ppl to come and then be surprised and think they "have" to buy something. I am mainly wanting to get bookings but really dont know how to handle this. The Avon lady said she was having snacks in her invitation but not what she was having. What are all of your opinions on this? Good idea or what? I am going a little out of my way since this lady lives about 45 mins away from me. But at least it would broaden my distance and get out of my comfort zone. I have NO bookings at all as of now. I have already had all of my family and friends have a show for me so I need to broaden my horizon I guess you could say.
Especially since you don't have any bookings on the calendar right now, it's a great idea to try. I've done several combo things and I've found that they don't tend to be huge shows. I've done a few where it's in a host's home and just me and one other company. Instead of one big show, it seems that both companies tend to have smaller shows. It's a good way to get your name out there. Just last night I had a host who had about5 or 6 different companies represented and she had it in a banquet room where her husband worked and we each had a table. Obviously we didn't do any demos, but had displays and took orders. She invited 70 or so friends. The bummer for her is that I only received one order and she's trying to gather more orders at work to make it a show. But the good thing for me is I got three bookings! And only 8 or 9 people showed, so it was way worth it for me.

I say go for it, especially if it's no cost to you. Plus it's really good practice talking about PC and hyping up our specials and promotions. Good luck!
I meant to also add that when both you and the other company do demos, it can get really long for guests. I've run into that problem where guests get kind of burned out. Obviously you can do a really short demo, but I just wanted to give you a heads up on that.

By the way, what's freecycle? I haven't heard of that.
I'd say go for it also. I did a joint show resently and had over $500 in sales we both did. Do a short presentation or set it up as an open house and just bring a potato or vegs to demonstrate a few of the products. I also have done it were I did one recipe a head of time and explained what I did to shorten the time. They can be good and not so good, but the new contacts and other business consultants can be very valueable. I have a southern living consultant call me with a Pampered chef show lead and I booked a show for september. Try it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I did a demo with Tastefully Simple. I went first and while my stuff cooked, the other lady went.

I must say my sales were lower ($300). I also made the mistake of letter her check out her guests first. She asked everyone if they wanted to have a show. She did it in a pushy way which was a turn off for me just listening. As a result, I didn't get any bookings. I think I stopped asking as I got sick of listening to her be pushy about it.

As everyone said, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Give it a shot. Let us know how it goes.
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  • #6
ThanksThanks for the advice everyone. I talked more to the lady and we decided to do it at my house the end of next month. I am going to go to her show first as a guest though, mainly to meet her and get some possible contacts in her area. I am not going to demo or anything though. Just get my name out there. But she will come here and do facials and such.....I am going to have to make up some flyers or something to advertise though. And hopefully get some business stirred up.

Becky freecycle is a nationwide service where ppl give things away free. Alot of ppl do some subtle advertising on it. It just depends on your areas freecycle on what you can get away with. I saw a lady offer to have an open house pc show on base today and the moderator seriously chewed her out and put her on a moderated watch. But I am a member of 4 different area freecycle boards because I am like right by three different counties. Some let you have a signature where you can put a link to your site, others dont. Feel free to check it out; there are always ppl looking for "moving boxes" which we know PC boxes would be great for ;) It's a way to meet other ppl though. http://www.freecycle.org/
Debunny said:
Thanks for the advice everyone. I talked more to the lady and we decided to do it at my house the end of next month. I am going to go to her show first as a guest though, mainly to meet her and get some possible contacts in her area. I am not going to demo or anything though. Just get my name out there. But she will come here and do facials and such.....I am going to have to make up some flyers or something to advertise though. And hopefully get some business stirred up.

Becky freecycle is a nationwide service where ppl give things away free. Alot of ppl do some subtle advertising on it. It just depends on your areas freecycle on what you can get away with. I saw a lady offer to have an open house pc show on base today and the moderator seriously chewed her out and put her on a moderated watch. But I am a member of 4 different area freecycle boards because I am like right by three different counties. Some let you have a signature where you can put a link to your site, others dont. Feel free to check it out; there are always ppl looking for "moving boxes" which we know PC boxes would be great for ;) It's a way to meet other ppl though. http://www.freecycle.org/
Thanks so much for that information! I'll have to check it out. I'm sure I can also find somethings to give away. Especially kids stuff! :)
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  • #8
youre welcomeIt actually is a great site; especially during spring cleaning time. Who likes lugging all of their junk to goodwill or salvation army? This way you get to give things to ppl who may really need it. I have saw alot of disabled ppl in my area on ours. So it makes me feel good to know anything I give really may help someone who otherwise couldnt get something. And it gets your name out there and ppl remember those who help them in their time of need :)

Related to Networking with Avon: Combining Shows for Bookings?

1. How can I combine Pampered Chef and Avon shows for bookings?

Combining Pampered Chef and Avon shows for bookings is a great way to increase your sales and reach a wider audience. The first step is to find a consultant from the other company who is interested in collaborating with you. Once you have found a willing partner, you can plan a joint show where both products are showcased. This can be done through online parties or in-person events.

2. Can I use the same invitations and marketing materials for combined shows?

Yes, you can use the same invitations and marketing materials for combined shows. It is important to make sure that both company logos and branding are included in the materials to give equal representation to both products. You can also create custom marketing materials specifically for the combined show to attract more attention and generate interest.

3. How do I split the host rewards and benefits between Pampered Chef and Avon shows?

To split the host rewards and benefits between Pampered Chef and Avon shows, you can divide the total sales between the two companies and determine the percentage each company will receive. For example, if the total sales are $1000 and Pampered Chef products made up 70% of the sales, then Pampered Chef would receive $700 and Avon would receive $300. It is important to communicate this clearly with the hosts to avoid any confusion.

4. Can I combine orders from Pampered Chef and Avon for a combined show?

Yes, you can combine orders from Pampered Chef and Avon for a combined show. This can be done through a joint online party or by collecting orders from both companies at an in-person event. It is important to keep track of which orders are for which company to ensure accurate distribution and delivery.

5. Are there any restrictions on combining Pampered Chef and Avon shows?

There are no restrictions on combining Pampered Chef and Avon shows as long as both companies’ policies and guidelines are followed. It is important to communicate and coordinate with the other consultant to ensure a smooth and successful combined show. Also, be sure to check with your company’s policies to ensure that combining shows is allowed.

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