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My Microwave Caught on Fire Using the Chip Maker!!

In summary, the chip maker released and changed the cook time and instructions and people are having fires. Holly Smoke had a fire using the chip maker. PC changed the cook time but warned people not to cook them too long.
sherri lynn
Hi ya'll. I was using the chip maker and I guess it got too hot and caught on fire. I see PC changed the cook times, but wanted to warn anyone not to cook them too long!
Sorry that happened to you. Thank you for the warning.
Holly Smoke. Guess @ least it was at your house and not a party.
They also changed the directions to state that you should allow the microwave to cool down if it gets hot during use. The previous directions just instructed to reduce cook time.Hope the microwave was the only damage. Make sure you call HO in the morning to let them know. It wouldn't hurt to ask if that's covered by their insurance...
  • Thread starter
  • #5
You are right, I'm so glad it didn't happen at a party! :)
Uh oh! :(
You know I love my chipmaker but...shouldn't this have been tested and tested and tested and tested and tested and tested and tested to the upteenth time before releasing??

How on earth are we going to keep our hosts from playing with these things! You all know how much they REALLY listen to us at times.

Getting worried, would hate to have someones house burn down cuz the kids were making chips....and then.....
My microwave over heated and broke using the chip maker the first day I had it. I borrowed one from a friend for now,but it doesnt fit the DCB or the chip maker :( I have been lost at dinner time.
:( This is not good!
  • #10
My NED was saying she heard a few others had fires also....I didn't see the emails she was reading and referring to, but not cool!To me, it's surprising. I can cook my chicken in the microwave for 30-minutes...but I can't do several batches of these chips without fear of it overheating?? I know when I tried it one day, I think I did 5 or 6 single batches. MAN was the inside of my microwave hot. I finally stopped.
  • #11
I thought it was just my microwave that did this. I made 3 batches of chips and my microwave overheated and wouldn't work for 20 minutes. I had waited a few minutes in between each batch so I didn't feel it should over heat. Is this safe to sell?
  • #12
This is scary....Newsletter went out today, and the ONLY comments I've received is regarding the Chip Maker!!!!
  • #13
After three double batches my "overheating" fan came on to cool the microwave - and that was even letting it cool off a bit in between while getting the next batch ready!! It was VERY hot inside. The DCB must absorb more of the heat than the light weight chip maker and chips. There is not much use of doing just one batch because they are getting eaten so fast - you just want to keep doing more :D
  • #14
cochef said:
After three double batches my "overheating" fan came on to cool the microwave - and that was even letting it cool off a bit in between while getting the next batch ready!! It was VERY hot inside. The DCB must absorb more of the heat than the light weight chip maker and chips. There is not much use of doing just one batch because they are getting eaten so fast - you just want to keep doing more :D

I wonder if this is the biggest thing. Everybody who is having issues, make sure to tell HO about it!
  • #15
I am glad that they changed the times, since mine only took 3 minutes or so. I was doing embroidery before PC and there was a potato bag that everyone liked. I don't do them any more, due to safety issues. I don't know that I can sell the chip maker if there is an issue.
:( This scares me!
  • #16
Can I ask how long it was in the micro when the fire broke out? Just curious.

I had seen the chip maker version on qvc and the number 4 min in micro stuck in my head and have been doing it along the lines of the updated times. I have a short attention span and have only done 3 batches at a time, but am curious to know how many batches are too many? Also how long before the danger of fire is at risk?
  • #17
My problem is that I just never got them to be cooked right. They were either soft or overcooked. I burnt so many batches trying to figure out the timing, I gave up after a while.
  • #18
It killed my microwave too! I was making a few batches for my Fall Preview show, and I guess it overheated? I'm going to call HO today, I didn't realize this was an issue. Maybe they'll take care of it.
  • #19
I am not going to even try to sell this... this is waaay too many people having problems that should not be.. you get teens or inexperienced cooks using this and there are going to be some homes burned down or someone will burn themselves.. it won't be long before HO will pull this product and then I don't want to have to deal with all the backlash of returning and refunding.. I was very excited about this product but $5 commission is not worth the headache or worry..
  • #20
You can check out the reviews from when QVC was selling this product a month ago. They sold something similar to the simple slicer with it.


No fires reported.

I thought it was my micro that was freaking out. I had made the Autumn Risotto then started on the chips. On the 2nd or 3rd patch of chips the over-the-range exhaust fan went on. I couldn't get it turned off. My husband ended up tripping the circuit. I haven't tried making chips again - yet...
  • #21
I think the overheating issue is because you have so little in the microwave when you have the chip maker in there. After all, turning on a microwave with nothing in it will cause it to catch fire. If your microwave is hot, you'll want to let it cool down. Period. That goes for anything you put in a microwave.
  • #22
I just used mine the other night, but it took WAY longer than the suggested 3 minutes to cook them! It was more like 8-10 minutes. I did let the microwave cool down though, so no problems. I will just tell my customers to make sure they let the microwave cool down between batches.
  • #23
I'm thinking that when you have problems, or try the chip-maker, make notes of exactly what you are doing. If it's after only 2 batches for example you start noticing weird things in your microwave, make note!And then report it to HO. They will definitely need to monitor this- because if we start selling these to customers and THEY start having problems (you know how folks read/follow instructions! and lets be honest- using it for 10-15 minutes in most peoples minds "should not make my microwave catch on fire.") I too think it has something to do with not enough being in the microwave to prevent the overheating.But HO will be replacing alot of microwaves or returns on the chip maker from unhappy customers. I don't think I can in all honesty SELL the product, without at least clearly explaining it! And once you do that, they won't want to buy it anyway. not worth the risk. If someone asks, I think I may just say "As much as I love the company and all of our products, this is one that I would ask you wait a bit on. There seem to be issues with figuring this product out, and until they do, I don't feel it is a product I can recommend at this time."
  • #24
I'm excited to get mine - I just put in a sample order!

Thanks to you all for posting about this. I'd be very upset if I ruined my microwave with this. I really appreciate the heads-up to be very, very careful making chips untilI figure out how my microwave deals with this thing.

Also curious on what HO has to say about the burnt microwaves.
  • #25
I think the chipmaker is great- if you are only doing ONE potato worth of slices. :) about enough for ME! haha. Definitely not if you are trying to make enough chips for your family.....too much time.
  • #26
For those of you having microwave issues because of this - please call HO. They need to know. I've called and am working on filing a personal property claim because of it. I'll let you know how that goes. But they definitely need to know there are issues!
  • #27
Yes. I'd rather they know NOW, versus after a lot of sales, and then they need to issue a recall or stop-sell.
  • #28
This is very serious...nobody bothers to read instructions. To be honest I think most people will just do what we tell them when we demo. But really, I don't want to tell my customers that this could cause their microwave to catch on fire. The wiring in my house is not the greatest...can't run the coffee pot and the microwave at the same time...so this really scares me to even try it out.
  • #29
I haven't used mine yet. Thinking now I'll wait until they get all of this figured out.
  • #30
I've used mine quite a bit and haven't had any problems, so I was surprised to read all of this. But because I almost burnt the first batch, I cut the times way down on the rest and all has been fine. Maybe they're being cooked too long which is what's causing the problems?
  • #31
chefjessicah said:
I've used mine quite a bit and haven't had any problems, so I was surprised to read all of this. But because I almost burnt the first batch, I cut the times way down on the rest and all has been fine. Maybe they're being cooked too long which is what's causing the problems?

But if folks who are having the most trouble aren't burning the chips, then it can't be "too long" in terms of the food results. Yes- I can see if they were burning them. :confused:
I know for mine, it takes right around the 5 minutes - just as the U&C guide said. But by the time I got to the 3rd or 4th tray (one potato worth of slices), my microwave was REALLY hot inside....hotter than I've noticed it with other things (like DCB cooking for 30+ minutes).
  • #32
When I called in my claim the guy told me that with the new instructions, there shouldn't be any problems. He also said that our customers will be getting the new instructions, not the ones we got.
  • #33
Ok...so I just compared the previous times with the new times. I don't know that it would even work in mine. 2 minutes for a single tray. When I cooked my potato chips - single layer (and these were SUPER thin) - took 5 minutes to get them perfect, which was the original time set. I'll be surprised if 2 minutes does enough....but I'm willing to try.But I'm a little confused by this statement referring to Double-Racks:
Rotate top to bottom after recommended cook time and microwave in 30–second intervals until desired crispness is reached. Rotate trays as needed for even doneness.
Any ideas what that means? Do you cook them double for the minutes recommended (so 3 minutes for potatoes), then 30 second intervals till done? Or do you have to rotate them every 30-seconds the whole time? If it's the whole time, no thanks! It's a pain to rotate those trays every two minutes, let alone every 30-seconds. (haha- I know. Complaining.)
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  • #34
esavvymom said:
Ok...so I just compared the previous times with the new times. I don't know that it would even work in mine. 2 minutes for a single tray. When I cooked my potato chips - single layer (and these were SUPER thin) - took 5 minutes to get them perfect, which was the original time set. I'll be surprised if 2 minutes does enough....but I'm willing to try.

But I'm a little confused by this statement referring to Double-Racks:

Any ideas what that means? Do you cook them double for the minutes recommended (so 3 minutes for potatoes), then 30 second intervals till done? Or do you have to rotate them every 30-seconds the whole time? If it's the whole time, no thanks! It's a pain to rotate those trays every two minutes, let alone every 30-seconds. (haha- I know. Complaining.)

I hear ya! It just doesn't seem worth all the hassle for a few chips.
  • #35
I made a bunch of different chips today, some with our spices, some with Mrs. Dash and Spike (my dh loves Spike). I did one tray a time and just switched them out. got over 130 chips with one large russet potato. Average cooking time 3.5 min. Did 3 min and checked, then 30 sec more if it needed it. I will be pre-making chips before my shows and taking them with me in the glass storage thingy. My family's favorite was the parmesan ones, added a little salt. No oil on any of them.
  • #36
I finally tried the chipmaker and was under impressed. I felt like it was a lot of trouble for just a few chips. One batch burned and made the whole house smell awful. I am not sure I will even try this product again. Not sure what went wrong since I was watching it the whole time. I don't see this being a product I even want to talk about with my customers at this point.
  • #37
You have to start out with the shortest cooking time and then go up from there. Mine took over 5 minutes with two trays. It's like blaming the pan you are cooking a cake in for overcooking your cake.I made a batch today and they cooked up perfect. No overheating, no problems with my microwave!
  • #38
I did use the new cooking times and tried to pay close attention but they went from light to burnt in seconds. I am not saying it is the products fault but just didn't seem like it was worth all the trouble. I might give it a try in the future after I have had time to forget the awful smell it made my house. I am afraid I would have the same result at a show. Yikes, that would be a memorable show for all the wrong reasons.
  • #39
I've had a few people ask if I was going to use this at shows. No. Microwaves vary too much, and you really need to play with the timing the first few times you try anything.

That said, the jicama chips were good.
  • #40
I wondered how jicama would do! What did you season them with?
  • Thread starter
  • #41
Ok, I called HO, and they said I needed to clean my microwave first!! I did not clean it first, not that I thought it was that dirty or anything, but they said if there is one small piece of food left in there it will get too hot and cause it to overheat or catch on fire. They were very nice about it :)
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  • #42
My Microwave Chip Maker will never leave my house. I don't know what it's made of - some kind of plastic maybe - it doesn't say on Use and Care. I personally don't eat anything cooked in a microwave and am certainly not going to put others at risk of having a fire in their homes. I think the point of having unattended teens using it is a really good one. Bad product and I bet they'll pull it sooner than later.
  • #43
I just read Sherri Lynns post.....HO response was just plain rude! You can certainly see a young teen getting out the 409 to clean the splattered spaghetti sauce before using it! That was a ridiculous response!
  • #44
The chances of an unattended teen using the microwave chip maker and doing all the steps (slicing, blotting, etc), and that teen NOT being responsible enough to wipe the microwave out first....slim. If they are taking those other steps....they'll likely be more responsible in nature. It's the ADULTS you have to worry about! haha. I opened my SIL's microwave to heat something up at a family dinner.... I was thankful she was not facing me, because my immediate reaction when I saw her microwave was horror and disgust. My BIL (not her husband) saw me and just grinned. It was DISGUSTING!!! I was afraid to touch it or put my food in there. I can only imagine what the chip maker would do in her microwave. I'm picturing this:
  • #45
sherri lynn said:
Ok, I called HO, and they said I needed to clean my microwave first!! I did not clean it first, not that I thought it was that dirty or anything, but they said if there is one small piece of food left in there it will get too hot and cause it to overheat or catch on fire. They were very nice about it :)

is that on the use and care instructions?

Did you talk to the Test Kitchen or Customer Service? If Customer Service, I would sent the Test Kitchen and email about this, it is unacceptable.
  • Thread starter
  • #46
I talked to customer service, not the test kitchen. I'm not sure how to send the test kitchen an email, does anybody know so they can tell me? I would sure appreciate it so my information gets to the right people :)
  • #47
sherri lynn said:
I talked to customer service, not the test kitchen. I'm not sure how to send the test kitchen an email, does anybody know so they can tell me? I would sure appreciate it so my information gets to the right people :)

Go to CC -->Managing your business --> Home Office Contacts -->Email the Pampered Chef. Then you can select the appropriate contacts.
  • #48
After reading all of these messages, I was very hesitant to try mine, but I did anyway. I started with 3 minutes for 2 (russet potatoes) and increased it at 30 second intervals until crisp. It ended up being 5 minutes. Now I was wondering if the make and model and the wattage has anything to do with the problems people are having. I bet when they are tested, they don't test various amounts of microwaves. My microwave is a Maytag over the range vent micro 1000 watt. It doesn't have a turn table but it has a sliding tray which worked just fine. These fine details of what works and doesn't work need to be ironed out. The chips were actually really good and my family loved them.
  • #49
my SIL placed an order at my website last week (surprise!) and she ordered one. I sent a little thank you and extra info. I got from cs...now I wonder if I should tell her to clean her microwave before she uses it......
I really doubt if her's needs cleaned, but....I've not looked in it since last Thanksgiving...
  • #50
Honestly, I think it has little to do with a dirty (a.k.a. NORMAL) microwave. I think that was a customer service rep who didn't know what else to say.
Now, the SERIOUSLY filthy...that's another story! LOL
<h2>1. What should I do if my microwave caught on fire while using the chip maker?</h2><p>If your microwave caught on fire while using the chip maker, immediately turn off the microwave and unplug it if possible. Do not open the microwave door until the fire has been extinguished. Use a fire extinguisher or baking soda to put out the fire. Once the fire is out, contact Pampered Chef customer service for further assistance.</p><h2>2. Has Pampered Chef made any changes to the cook times for the chip maker after this incident?</h2><p>Yes, Pampered Chef has made changes to the cook times for the chip maker to prevent any further incidents. It is important to follow the updated cook times provided by Pampered Chef to ensure safe and successful use of the chip maker.</p><h2>3. Can you provide any tips for preventing my microwave from catching on fire while using the chip maker?</h2><p>One important tip is to always use the chip maker on a microwave-safe plate or dish. Make sure the chip maker is not touching the walls or ceiling of the microwave. Also, do not exceed the recommended cook times and keep an eye on your food while it is cooking. If you notice any smoke or unusual smells, stop the microwave immediately.</p><h2>4. Is it safe to continue using the chip maker after this incident?</h2><p>Yes, it is safe to continue using the chip maker as long as you follow the updated cook times and use it properly. However, if you have any concerns or experience any issues with the chip maker, please contact Pampered Chef customer service for assistance.</p><h2>5. Are there any other precautions I should take when using the chip maker?</h2><p>Yes, in addition to following the updated cook times, make sure to always use the chip maker on a microwave-safe plate or dish. Do not use the chip maker in a microwave that is not working properly or has any damage. And as always, be sure to read and follow all instructions provided by Pampered Chef for safe and successful use of the chip maker.</p>

Related to My Microwave Caught on Fire Using the Chip Maker!!

1. What should I do if my microwave caught on fire while using the chip maker?

If your microwave caught on fire while using the chip maker, immediately turn off the microwave and unplug it if possible. Do not open the microwave door until the fire has been extinguished. Use a fire extinguisher or baking soda to put out the fire. Once the fire is out, contact Pampered Chef customer service for further assistance.

2. Has Pampered Chef made any changes to the cook times for the chip maker after this incident?

Yes, Pampered Chef has made changes to the cook times for the chip maker to prevent any further incidents. It is important to follow the updated cook times provided by Pampered Chef to ensure safe and successful use of the chip maker.

3. Can you provide any tips for preventing my microwave from catching on fire while using the chip maker?

One important tip is to always use the chip maker on a microwave-safe plate or dish. Make sure the chip maker is not touching the walls or ceiling of the microwave. Also, do not exceed the recommended cook times and keep an eye on your food while it is cooking. If you notice any smoke or unusual smells, stop the microwave immediately.

4. Is it safe to continue using the chip maker after this incident?

Yes, it is safe to continue using the chip maker as long as you follow the updated cook times and use it properly. However, if you have any concerns or experience any issues with the chip maker, please contact Pampered Chef customer service for assistance.

5. Are there any other precautions I should take when using the chip maker?

Yes, in addition to following the updated cook times, make sure to always use the chip maker on a microwave-safe plate or dish. Do not use the chip maker in a microwave that is not working properly or has any damage. And as always, be sure to read and follow all instructions provided by Pampered Chef for safe and successful use of the chip maker.

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