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Monday Is Right Around the Corner...

In summary, user Darcy's anxiety is really bad this week and she is scared about the unknown. She is preparing for the surgery but worries about the aftermath. She is encouraged by other users who have had the same surgery and who say that it is a normal process. She is praying for user Darcy and sending her support.
Silver Member
Hi Everyone, just wanted to let you all know that my Gastric Bypass surgery is a go for Monday, August 27th @ 8:30 am.

I'm having terrible anxiety this weeks, a problem that I struggle with already, but it's super bad this week. There's so many things I want to do and say but I just don't have time, there's never enough time! I'm a newly wed, married almost a year, and no children yet, that's why I'm having surgery, we want children SO badly! I'd like to ask for you thoughts as this day approaches... I could use all the extra help I can get!

I'm so prepared, yet so nervous about the unknowns. Only two days left untill the unknown. That's what I'm terrifyed about. I know I'm doing the right thing, I just know it. I know this is what I need and this is what my family needs, but the unknowns are freaking my out. I mean, what do you do in this type of situation. Do I plan for the worst? Do I put together a list of things I would like done in case the worst happens? I mean, the planner in me say YES you HAVE to, but everytime I get myself ready to do it, my heart is screaming NO, avoid this like the plage.

Has anyone been through this or situations or emotions like this? What would you do?
I haven't been in the situation, but will be praying that all goes well and you stay safe and that your nerves will be calmed so your body will take it and heal well!
I remember someone on here was in the newspaper after having the gastric bypass surgery. I'll try to find the thread. I'll keep you in my prayers that everything goes ok.
kdawn1124 said:
I remember someone on here was in the newspaper after having the gastric bypass surgery. I'll try to find the thread. I'll keep you in my prayers that everything goes ok.

I'm pretty sure that is user smilesarepriceless.
I have totally been there. Both times I had my children I went through these emotions and when I had to have some surgery a couple of years ago when my daughter was one I did as well. Even though these things are routine procedures to the medicla staff, its our lives and of course we have a right to be concerend...

HOWEVER -- see that thing above where it say "Routine Procedure". They do this stuff EVERY day. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true!!

When you worry about things like this, think of how wonderful your quality of life will be afterwards. The changes that it will bring for you and your husband and the logevity of your life that you are extending by doing this procedure. Those things should being you a great sense of pride and with hope a calm serenity that you are doing the right thing.

I'm sending a boat load of prayers your way and you better let me know how it all goes since I will hopefully be doing the same thing in about 6 months or so!
Darcy - If you need to talk you are welcome to call me - I had my surgery 2-6-98 Been there done that I have lost over 120 lbs. I even have a profile on obesity help!

I have been through all the emotions and fears that you have gone and cn truly relate. You are welcome to e-mail me at [email protected]
Darcy - I just PMd you my cell phone if you want to talk
I did not have gastric by pass but I did have major surgery when my 1st was only 9 months old it was so hard but as someone else posted these surgeries are routine for these Dr.'s my thoughts and prayers will be with you on Mon.
  • #10
Get together with someone you trust, and PRAY. I am praying for you for peace, discernment, and for you to know God's will in this...lifting you into the light of His health, salvation and glory. His will for us all is health, wholeness and completeness. Praying that he send holy warrior angels to surround you when you are in surgery, protect you, and hold you in the shadow of His wings until you are back safe with your family. Claim that in the name of Christ Jesus - it will be!

We finally had prayers answered after 14 years of marriage w/o children, and are adopting two precious kiddos. God is faithful to us, and these children are as much ours as if they were our creation. Better...they are God's creation! Friends repeatedly comment how they look like us. God has an awesome sense of timing that is right and a great sense of humor too. Look for it, and - may the Peace that passes all understanding fill your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ. Peace!

God Bless You and all Cheffers too!

-praying for Paige and her family-
  • #11
You'll be in my prayers. Be sure to let us know how well you're doing once you're up and about.
  • #12
Good luck Darcy and congratulations Scott!
  • #13
My prayers are with you! Please just relax and follow all recommendations of your doctors.

I worked with people who had this surgery when it was first being done and it is amazing what it does! I know that now they have done wonders with perfecting the proceedure.

Take it slow and don't stress!!
  • #14
Best wishes to you Darcy!! I'll be thinking of you!!
  • #15
Wow! Scott's prayer for you says it all!

With all of us praying for you, I hope you are feeling less anxious!


  • #16
2 more days and you'll be a new woman! I hope you are having a great weekend.

...and congratulations Scott on the kiddos!!!!! Yeah God!
  • #17
Darcy, I will be thinking about you Monday. I have thought many times about having this done. I will know when the right time for me is. Extra Prayers being sent!:angel: :)
  • #18
Scott said it very well and I will be praying for you.

Congratulations Scott

Kathy - you deserve a congratulations too. To loose 120 pounds is quite a big deal and I really need to loose a lot. I keep saying I will count my points tomorrow, and then this week and I keep procratsinating. You and Darcy have put forth an action and that is what it takes is an action.

Darcy, breath deep and know you have people to support you. You have a husband and family there who love you. Take care of yourself.
  • #19
Just wanted to bump this to remind everyone to pray for Darcy - her surgery was today!
  • #20
I've been thinking of Darcy all weekend. I wonder if she has anyone to give us updates or if we'll have to wait until she feels good enough to post herself......
  • #21
pamperedlinda said:
I've been thinking of Darcy all weekend. I wonder if she has anyone to give us updates or if we'll have to wait until she feels good enough to post herself......

I have been thinking the same thing. Prayers going her way!!
  • #22
pamperedlinda said:
I've been thinking of Darcy all weekend. I wonder if she has anyone to give us updates or if we'll have to wait until she feels good enough to post herself......
I've wondered that too - is any of her downline on here? She has been on my heart all day.
  • #23
Yes, whoever hears first - please post! I hope all went well!
  • #24
I have sent her an email and asked her to keep us posted or have someone close to her keep us updated but I'm not sure when she'll get that email.
  • #25
Yes...I have been thinking about her a lot today! Hope we hear something! Otherwise, she will still be in our prayers for a successful surgery and a super quick (no complications) recovery!!

{{{{{HUGS Darcy!}}}}}
  • #26
I hope we hear from her soon but know it will take some healing time.

Darcy, Just know we are thinking of you while you are taking care of yourself!!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
I made it!Hi everyone,

I'm back and alive and kicking! I can't even begin to tell you how much your thoughts and prayers have meant to me. It's this amazing feeling to know there are people out there who don't even know you that care... wow, that's all I can say!

Surgery went well. Infact, my surgeon came out and told my husband and waiting family that things went exceptionally well and she didn't want to jinx herself but things looked perfect. That was SO relieving to hear! She's really opptomistic and that's a good thing. I did continue with my plans for laproscopic surgery and nothing changed so that's AWESOME! Get this, a robot did my surgery! Isn't that neat? LoL I have six small incisions all around my tummy and they are not painful at all.

I just made it home today, so I'm sorry that you havn't recieved an update before now. I feel good and am getting around the house well. My husband went back to work today and my mother is staying with me for the remainder of the week to help take care of me. I like having her around, my house has never been so clean! LoL I tried my first little bit of liquid food yesterday and tollerated it well, it's been smooth sailing on the liquids ever since. I was so nervous to start them but things are good.

Thank you again for all of your thoughts. I still have a road to recovery and as long as I continue to do what my doctors are telling me to do, I should be fine. I'm following their instructions by the book!!! LoL

I can't wait to get caught up and I'm SOOOOOOOO happy to be home and healthy!

<3 Darcy

chef_kimmo said:
I hope we hear from her soon but know it will take some healing time.

Darcy, Just know we are thinking of you while you are taking care of yourself!!
  • Thread starter
  • #28
BethCooks4U said:
I have sent her an email and asked her to keep us posted or have someone close to her keep us updated but I'm not sure when she'll get that email.

Beth I just got your email today and I thankyou SO much for it... it brought a smile to my face!
  • #29

Good to hear that everything went exceptionally well. You take care of yourself, Darcy. Remember to let DH help you out, both around the house and with PC. :)
  • #30
Glad you are home Darcy! Take care and keep us posted with your progress.
  • #31
Darcy - you have been in our prayers and thoughts all week! It's so good to hear from you! I'm glad everything went well and that you are sounding so chipper!
  • #32
That is great news! Wishing you a continued speedy recovery!
  • #33
Darcy I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. Remember take it slow and let those who want to help, help.

Aren't mother's great? I love it when mine comes over, because she typically does the same that your mom did, clean for me. She will never know who much that means!

Take care.
  • #34
Take care of yourself Darcy. Let your mom clean everything she wants!!!
  • #35
OhmyDLM said:
Beth I just got your email today and I thankyou SO much for it... it brought a smile to my face!
I am so glad to hear that everything is going well!! WOO HOO!! Now you'll have to do a countdown (does <3 mean you lost 3 pounds already?)!

Take care of yourself and don't do too much too fast! Let them pamper you!
  • #36
I think that she used <3 as a heart! ...turn your head 90 degrees clockwise :)
  • #37
Oh I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well Darcy! Now I can't wait to keep hearing all your updates on the weight you lose!

I would love to get the Lap Band system, but I'm so chicken!
  • #38
Yeah Darcy! I'm so glad everything went so WONDERFULLY well! I hope the rest and your adjustment to food goes equally well.
  • #39
Yeah Darcy! I think that says it all! I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for you!
  • #40
(((hugs))), Darcy!! I'm so glad everything went so well and you're feeling good, too! I'm thinking of you and I hope your healing time is short so you can get back to everything you enjoy doing!! :)
  • #41
Darcy- I stopped in just to check on you!! I am so glad that you are doing well and I wish you a wonderful recovery!! Get well soon!!
  • #42
Yea Darcy!

Yea God for hearing and answering prayers!!

So happy to hear that you are home and doing well...listen to your doctors...let your Mom and DH help you as much as possible! Better to be safe than sorry! Accept their (and anyone elses!) help...let them get a blessing by blessing YOU!!

  • #43
That is great news Darcy. May you have a speedy and complete recovery.
  • #44
Great to hear from you Darcy and I am glad to know things are going smoothly.

Take care of yourself!
  • #45
Thanks for the update - I have been in your shoes and that surgical gown. You will be amazed how fast that weight come off
  • Thread starter
  • #46
Oh my gosh guys, thank you SOOOOOOOOO much for all of your well wishes.

I have been home for 3 days now and I feel PERFECT! I've been getting things done around the house, cleaning, cooking, and exercising even! The day after I got home I had my husbands family all over for dinner and I made the Chocolate Mint Silt Torte that news, wow, that looks to fancy and it's so easy to make! Everyone said it was delicious, and the crazy thing is, I have absolutely NO desire to eat it! I havn't been hungry at all! Infact, tonight I made my parents and my husband the new cinneman rolls with the sprinkes, something I would have LOVED a week ago, and I was even tempted!

This is a major life change and I'm so happy I made this decision, so far it's well worth it!

Thanks again everyone!
  • #47
I'm so glad you're doing well. I'll be praying for your continued health and healing.
  • #48
Glad to hear you're doing so well! I look forward to reading your updates of how the "new you" is shaping up!
  • Thread starter
  • #49
iamtamnur said:
Glad to hear you're doing so well! I look forward to reading your updates of how the "new you" is shaping up!

Well, here's my first update!

I'm almost 1 week exactly out of surgery and I'm down 13.5lbs!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

I don't feel it yet and my husband doesn't see it you, but I'll get there slowly but surely. I can't wait to start making babies :) ha ha.... about one more year or so!

I'll keep posting updates weekly I guess since the weight will practically be falling off at first, then it will slow... I've been walking alot but I'm excited to get my approval hopefully on September 11th to start hitting the gym. There's really going to be a new me!:D
  • #50
OhmyDLM said:
Well, here's my first update!

I'm almost 1 week exactly out of surgery and I'm down 13.5lbs!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

I don't feel it yet and my husband doesn't see it you, but I'll get there slowly but surely. I can't wait to start making babies :) ha ha.... about one more year or so!

I'll keep posting updates weekly I guess since the weight will practically be falling off at first, then it will slow... I've been walking alot but I'm excited to get my approval hopefully on September 11th to start hitting the gym. There's really going to be a new me!:D

Congrats Darcy!
I can't wait til you start posting pictures! Some really good friends of ours - a husband and wife - went in together about 18 months ago for the surgery - together they have now lost over 400 lbs! And she just announced she is pregnant!!
<h2>What is the date and time of your surgery?</h2><p>The surgery is scheduled for Monday, August 27th at 8:30 am.</p><h2>How are you feeling about the upcoming surgery?</h2><p>I am feeling quite anxious and overwhelmed this week. I struggle with anxiety already, but it is especially bad this week. There are so many things I want to do and say, but I feel like I don't have enough time.</p><h2>Why are you having this surgery?</h2><p>I am having this surgery because my husband and I are hoping to start a family soon. We want children so badly and I believe this surgery will improve my health and increase my chances of getting pregnant.</p><h2>How are you preparing for the surgery?</h2><p>I have been preparing for this surgery for quite some time now. I am mentally and physically prepared, but I am still nervous about the unknowns.</p><h2>What are your fears about the surgery?</h2><p>I am afraid of the unknowns and what could potentially go wrong. I am trying to plan for the worst-case scenario, but it is difficult for me to do so without feeling overwhelmed and anxious.</p><h2>Has anyone experienced similar emotions or situations?</h2><p>I would love to hear from others who have gone through a similar experience. What did you do to cope with your fears and anxiety? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>

Related to Monday Is Right Around the Corner...

What is the date and time of your surgery?

The surgery is scheduled for Monday, August 27th at 8:30 am.

How are you feeling about the upcoming surgery?

I am feeling quite anxious and overwhelmed this week. I struggle with anxiety already, but it is especially bad this week. There are so many things I want to do and say, but I feel like I don't have enough time.

Why are you having this surgery?

I am having this surgery because my husband and I are hoping to start a family soon. We want children so badly and I believe this surgery will improve my health and increase my chances of getting pregnant.

How are you preparing for the surgery?

I have been preparing for this surgery for quite some time now. I am mentally and physically prepared, but I am still nervous about the unknowns.

What are your fears about the surgery?

I am afraid of the unknowns and what could potentially go wrong. I am trying to plan for the worst-case scenario, but it is difficult for me to do so without feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

Has anyone experienced similar emotions or situations?

I would love to hear from others who have gone through a similar experience. What did you do to cope with your fears and anxiety? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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