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Maximizing Your Pampered Chef Shows: Tips for Hosting Two in One Day

In summary, Karen did two shows in one day. She suggests spacing them out 5 hours apart to avoid rushing and to have enough time to relax between shows. She also recommends doing the same recipe for both shows to make it easier and to keep the shows moving along.
Suzy Englert
I got an email through the lead system (love it!) about someone wanting to host a show. It turns out that the consultant who was to do her show this coming Sat. night can't because of health reasons/back surgery, and the host is looking for someone to do the show. I have a show that day, and it would be cutting it a little close to do the 2nd show (she does live less than 10 minutes from my house).

Has anyone done 2 shows in one day? Any suggestions? I can't do the same recipes, as the first host is doing Chicken Your Way(unless I make other suggestions), and the 2nd host was planning on doing holiday recipes. I haven't done any of the PC holiday recipes but have been focusing on appetizers this season, since everyone is entertaining a lot and is always looking for good appetizer recipes. I'm thinking that the Greek Cheese Torta and Parmesan Rosemary Pinwheels will be good and will suggest these to the host when I talk to her tonight.

Your suggestions are welcomed! I really need this show, as I always love earning the Sella thon products!

Suzy in Texas
I have done two in one day and mine lived an hour apart from each other. It is completely doable as long as you keep an eye on the time and just be open with both hosts about what is going on. Both of my hosts knew that I had another show that day so they were very helpful with keeping an eye on the time and to keep it moving along and wrapped up on time. I told my first show that they were more than welcome to stay longer with the host but that I had to leave by a certain time to get to another show. It was fine!Karen
I love doing 2 shows in one day. What I found easiest is to space them out 5 hours apart. Like, a 11am and 4pm show....or 2pm and 7pm start times. This is so you are not rushed at the first show and have plenty of time in between shows to get a breather, reorganize your paperwork and get to the next show relaxed and ready to go.

If you can do the same recipe I would highly recommend it. Just makes things that much easier. If not, roll w/ what you know (EASY recipes that you know like the back of your hand) and have a good time.

It's also important to let both hosts know you have multiple shows that day...so the first host can help you clean up to help get you out of her home on time..etc.
It really is a blessing to me, so long as you make sure host #1 knows you have to be at another show by a certain time she can help you rally the guests, get people moving in & out. I love to have 2 in one day, if i could have every Sat like that i'd be a happy consultant!! Twice the money without going out on Sunday or a weeknight! Best of luck!!! Hosts really are (most of the time) so nice & accomodating & then you can tell the guests at #2 that your a tad tired BUT ready to give them your all & they laugh at it. Plus they think the business is so easy to get bookings b/c you were sooo busy you had to book 2 in one day (great recruiting).
I have double booked all my Saturdays for the last few months and I love how it works. The biggest thing is timing and organization. For organizing, I have a file folder for each host with their name and show number on it and all the orders go in them along with anything else about the show. Then I also plot out the timing of my route so I can track how long I have at the first show. I don't think it makes a huge difference if you do the same recipe or different, I have done it both ways, if you do different you can just pack a kit for each show if you have enough product. If you don't you can just pack what you need and wash it at the first show. Also I use folders for my catalogs and order forms so I pack enough for both shows so I don't have to repack any paperwork, but you could always put 2 order forms with each catalog if that is easier. I have done 2 as close together as 3 1/2 hours apart with an hour drive in between or as far apart as 5 hours, I don't like having a lot of down time in between because then I am gone from home longer and that makes my work day longer, but I have 4 kids to get home to! You might find the time in between works better for you. Good luck.
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  • #6
Thanks for all of your good ideas-they are appreciated! Will keep you posted on how things progress with both hosts.
Suzy in Texas
I have done 2 shows also on a Sat a few times I have 2 on this Sat #1 is at
1;00 and show #2 is at 7pm . I shoulsd even be able to come home wash my dishes and go out again
Good luck nice to get a big Pay check for 1 days work
I always do two shows on Saturdays and have for the 6 years I have been a Consultant! I am beat by the time the second one is over but it is well worth it getting 2 done in one day!! It is very doable, and you have gotten all the tips I could have given you already. I think the most important one, host coach accordingly so they know what is going on!!!! Especially because, for some reason, Saturday shows tend to drag out longer.....not sure why that is? Hope it goes well for you!
I love two show days! I wouldn't pack anything that you're not going to use that day - you'll have plenty of extra just for the varying tools you need for each recipe if you're doing different. You can also take a crate to #1 and bring home anything you won't need for #2 dirty.
  • #10
I've done 2 in a day and actually have 3 scheduled this Saturday. I have started scheduling 3 b/c if I am going to have to be away from my family, I really want to make it worth it.
I am scheduling 9:30, 2, and 6:30 times. I am a little worried that this one might be a bit stressful b/c my 2pm host was an hour late to her own baby shower and I have about a 45 min drive to my 6:30 show, but 6:30 is at my best friend's house, so I know she will have everything ready.
I am doing the holiday Cookie and Candy Show format at all 3 shows, but they have all picked different stations to do. I have a milk crate in the back of my car with catalogs and order forms and all of the other paperwork and such that I need. I always do dishes at shows, so I won't have to worry about that.
  • #11
I do two shows on Saturdays and it works well for me. I often do a Friday night, Saturday Day, Saturday night, Sunday day weekend. It's crazy-busy and frantic but AWESOME.
I make folders for each show, try to do similar recipes (if not the same recipe) and do all follow-up calls for all 4 shows on Monday morning.Keep the hosts informed so they'll help you get in & out quickly (or bring along a new team member to help you out) and you'll be FINE :)
  • #12
I often do 2 on Saturdays. I schedule at 11 am and 6 or 7 pm. Always have a bit of a break between shows to eat and rest. I go home and wash my dishes and repack my kit. Awesome way to boost your sales.
  • #13
I only work 2 weekends a month and it's around Military paydays (since I live on a military base overseas). All of the Saturdays that I'm open to work have 2 time slots available. If both are booked, I set out everything that I need for the first show (which is at noon) and then set out everything that I can for show #2 (which is at 6PM) - anything in show #1's kit that is needed for show #2 goes on a list. When I walk in the door from show #1, I clean out the bag, wash the items that need to go to Show #2 & re-pack. I then do the dishes from show #1 & go relax until time to leave for show #2. I'm never crunched for time, but if I were to get behind, the important stuff is done & the dirty dishes from show #1 could be washed after show #2 if needed. ;)
  • #14
My first AND second $1000 shows were on the same day, 2 hour drive apart. It was great! I would do the same recipe if possible. Since you can't, I'd make sure I have two bags packed, so both shows are ready to go.
  • #15
I am doing 2 shows this Saturday for the first time. The shows are about 5 miles apart from each other so it just made sense. Both hostess/host's know what I have going on and have been fine. I think it'll be fine, I don't think I'll make a habit of it though.

I also want to comment, I see a lot of you discussing that you are taking your dirty dishes home, DON'T DO IT!! LOL. :) I recently was at a weekend retreat where I had the opportunity to spend some time with Nancy Jo Ryan and she told us that we should NOT be taking home dirty dishes and that she had recruited a number of people over the kitchen sink. I still haven't had any recruits over the kitchen sink, but I am much more relaxed after my shows knowing that my dishes are all clean! Try it, you'll quickly be a believer!! Best of luck!
  • #16
emaaht said:
I am doing 2 shows this Saturday for the first time. The shows are about 5 miles apart from each other so it just made sense. Both hostess/host's know what I have going on and have been fine. I think it'll be fine, I don't think I'll make a habit of it though.

I also want to comment, I see a lot of you discussing that you are taking your dirty dishes home, DON'T DO IT!! LOL. :) I recently was at a weekend retreat where I had the opportunity to spend some time with Nancy Jo Ryan and she told us that we should NOT be taking home dirty dishes and that she had recruited a number of people over the kitchen sink. I still haven't had any recruits over the kitchen sink, but I am much more relaxed after my shows knowing that my dishes are all clean! Try it, you'll quickly be a believer!! Best of luck!

I learned a trick last year that has saved me TONS Of time...when I am prepping for the show, I get the host's permission to fill her kitchen sink with hot sudsy water. As I am doing my demo, each time I finish using a tool, it goes into the hot soapy water (if I am close to the sink, I put it in, if not, I recruit someone to be my runner). When done with my demo, I clean up my table, turn on my laptop, and the dishes have been soaking long enough that all they need is a gentle sponging and rinse...I then lay them in my (former) dirty dish bucket that now has a clean MF towel laying on the bottom. If people want to cash out immediately, I leave the dishes til I'm done tallying orders (and generally some good Samaritan sees them sitting there & does them). The wet, clean dishes drip dry in my bucket on my way home. Love it!
  • #17
emaaht said:
I am doing 2 shows this Saturday for the first time. The shows are about 5 miles apart from each other so it just made sense. Both hostess/host's know what I have going on and have been fine. I think it'll be fine, I don't think I'll make a habit of it though.

I also want to comment, I see a lot of you discussing that you are taking your dirty dishes home, DON'T DO IT!! LOL. :) I recently was at a weekend retreat where I had the opportunity to spend some time with Nancy Jo Ryan and she told us that we should NOT be taking home dirty dishes and that she had recruited a number of people over the kitchen sink. I still haven't had any recruits over the kitchen sink, but I am much more relaxed after my shows knowing that my dishes are all clean! Try it, you'll quickly be a believer!! Best of luck!

Exactly. Some of my best conversations have come while cleaning up together. I get orders (as someone is washing a tool or drying it, and plays with it a bit more), bookings, and recruit leads while we're chatting over the sink. I consider it just another part of my show.
  • #18
I've done this numerous times. The one thing that helps me is that I offer the same 3-4 recipes all season so my kit is always packed for all the recipes. No changing anything out. I do also wash all my dishes at the hosts house so no worry here either. I do grab extra catalogs and order forms if I do not have time to go home and change those out as I set them out for the new show.
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  • #19
Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions-they were very helpful and helped me to get in the right mind set as well as prepare everything I needed to take for both shows.

The first show was ok-two co-hosts who have not returned my calls, and sales are not even $150-was not too surprised. Two friends did book a show that they will co-host in January, so we'll see how that goes. I spent a lot of time thinking-will I get done in time to clean my dishes (always take them home but may change that after reading some of these posts) and will I get to the next house in time? And we did Chicken Your Way-this group could not afford the grill pan and some people did not place orders at all.

I had extra time and was able to stop at home, drop off dishes, etc. and got to the 2nd show right on time. A fun group, and by the time her family collects orders it will be a good show. I was filling in for another consultant for this show, so the recipes/theme had already been selected, so I did different recipes at both shows. I think that made it harder for me but might do 2 shows on the same day in the future if I'm doing the same recipes. Will give it some thought. Just wanted to let you'all know how it went! It's always good to try new things in this business, and I'm glad for the opportunity to be always learning and growing!

Suzy in Texas
  • #20
I know this is after the fact, with the shows already done, but I've done two shows on the same day a few times...in fact, my very first two shows were the same day. Those were a morning brunch show (started at 10) and the other started at 3pm. Different recipes and both hosts knew what was happening. They lived about 45 minutes apart, so that was not good. The first host was such a good friend, she did my dishes for me and helped me reload everything, so I could get to the next show easily.

In all cases, I've been upfront with both hosts. They understand it's a business and I'm trying to take advantage of my limited time to do shows (weekends only). I would suggest that if possible, you take advantage of doing one recipe an EASY one for the second show in future. Otherwise, you may be quite exhausted by the 4th recipe of the day! And I'd have all the paperwork separated for each show ahead of time. And if you have duplicate products, it helps! Now I have so many products of my own, I can create two separate kits, if necessary. And I have also cut down a bit on all the stuff I carry. Sometimes, I only take what I'm using and the Tool Turnabout for shows. If they have questions about other products, I offer to bring that to their cooking show and using it in the demo. Good luck on your next "2-shows-a-day".
  • #21
I also want to share.
I just did two shows yesterday, I had them scheduled that way because I'm on a 4-week vacation to my home town (700 miles from where I live) and wanted to schedule shows with some of my past hosts - they both picked the same date 1 pm and 6:30 pm.

Show #1 had 4 guests (lower than last year's 12 people attendance) and most of the food was done before they arrived because we wanted to have it ready to eat. We just left the knives, chopper, and mandoline out so they could cut their own toppings for the salad. One guest came later after everyone else had left but it was nice because she was a much older woman and I got to sit with her on the couch and do a catalog run-through.
Sales are currently $220. She took the catalog to her church social today and since her wishlist is a "$400 show wishlist." I have faith that it'll get that high. She's interested in buying a DCB for her college aged son as well as a bunch of stuff for her own kitchen. I can comfortably say it's looking like $500 in comm sales.
(Note: $300 shows are average here.)
I got 'home' at 4:30 and had just enough time to breathe before leaving for the second (we washed dishes at the first show)

Show #2 had higher attendance than her last show last year. There were 4 people there (2 last time) and two call in orders while the show was going on!! Two bigger orders with a definate booking for a Wedding Shower & Registry for the one lady's niece next April or May (yes, I'll be travelling back up to do the Shower) I'm excited about this because the groom is a really good friend of mine from HS.
Guest Sales are at $230 and we're waiting on at least two for sure orders. They've both called me to get the web address and told me they'd need to wait until Monday so they know what's in their paycheck and how much (not if) they can spend.
This host is also looking for a $400+ show because her wishlist is $160 worth of stuff and that's not including the 8" saute pan she said she'll buy if the sales get to $500.
She and her husband are both cooks (both work in a restaurant and she grew up with a LOVE of cooking) so they're always a joy to work with.

I'm going to meet with host #2 at 3pm after she gets off work on Monday to close and host #1 and I have a tea date for 5:30 on Monday to close hers.

Sooo glad I did these two in one day because now all I have left is a few catalog shows while I'm here. No more 'working' for me this month!!

**We did the same recipe, Deluxe Cheeseburger Salad, for both shows. I didn't want to bring my entire kitchen from Nebraska to Northern MN so I brought only what fit comfortably in my new consultant kit bag (not sure what the bag is actually called) and my TTA in its bag.
  • #22
I am way late posting an update, but my first show was fun but 'eh as far as sales (I was not surprised). My second show was great fun and did lead to a recruit which is what I needed to go to Toronto!! He hasn't signed yet (waiting for payday) but one of his first shows is already booked!
I am hopeful that he qualifies in time for me to actually get to Toronto! :)

My take on the 2 shows a day? I'm not a huge fan. I work FT out of the home and I don't like giving up an entire Saturday away from my family. I'd do it again in a pinch, but I'm not making a habit out of it!

Related to Maximizing Your Pampered Chef Shows: Tips for Hosting Two in One Day

1. How do I schedule two Pampered Chef shows in one day?

To schedule two shows in one day, first make sure you have enough time in between shows for set up and clean up. Then, reach out to potential hosts and offer them the opportunity to host a show on the same day. Have a backup plan in case one host cancels or reschedules.

2. How can I promote my two shows to maximize attendance?

Utilize social media platforms and email lists to promote your shows. Create eye-catching graphics and share them on your personal and business pages. Encourage your hosts to invite their friends and family and offer discounts or free products for bringing a certain number of guests.

3. What are some tips for managing two shows in one day?

Be organized and have a detailed timeline for each show. Make sure you have all the necessary materials and products for both shows. Utilize help from your hosts and other team members. Take breaks in between shows to rest and refresh.

4. Can I offer different menus for each show?

Yes, you can offer different menus for each show. This can add variety and attract more guests. However, make sure you have enough time to prepare and cook the different recipes.

5. How can I ensure a successful and profitable day with two shows?

Communicate with your hosts and guests to make sure they are aware of the schedule and what to expect. Have a clear plan for how orders and payments will be handled. Offer incentives for guests to book future shows at each event. Stay organized and focused throughout the day to make the most out of each show.

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