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Maximizing Bookings and Business Opportunities for Your PC Launch in December

In summary, Mindy is new to the business world and is nervous about asking people for bookings. She has a catalog show going on right now and a show next Monday which she is hoping to get some bookings off of. Mindy feels that it would be a shame to lose out on her incentives within her first 30 days, so she is going for it. She recommends that Mindy get a website and set up some catalog shows to increase her chances of getting bookings. Mindy is excited about the business world and wants to share it with everyone she knows
Newby here! My 30 days is on Nov 24 I believe. A friend is having a cooking show, will also be my Kick off, but not until Dec. 10, that is just when it worked out. I made my "100" list (but only got 80 that I could think of) and all of those people will be invited to the show in December. My problem is that I'm so excited about PC and would love to do some business sooner, but don't want to double up on the people being invited to my opening. My weekends in November are all taken up due to my regular job but am open during the week or for catalog shows. I know it sounds silly but I feel embarassed when I think of asking someone to have a party, and like I said don't want to hit someone up twice between now and then. Any tips??:blushing:
Hi Mindy. Welcome to PC and to Chef Success! This is a great bunch of people on here and you can find so much info too. I hate that you won't get any of your incentives for your first 30 days!! If I were you I would have a party or open house one night during the week so you can get some orders during your first 30 days. I believe that the people that want to help you get your business off to a great start would come to both, or at least they would have the option of going to one or the other. This is just my rambling thoughts, and I'm sure other more "seasoned" consultants out there will have some other ideas for you too (I'm pretty new myself, my 30 days was Sept. 22). Good luck with your new business!!
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  • #3
Just curious if you have lots of bookings set up for November? I like your goal :)
I have a catalog show going on right now, and a show next Monday which I am hoping to get some bookings off of (I know I have one person booking off of that show for sure). I have another lady who has said she wants to have a catalog show, and I need to call her. I have kind of been waiting for her to call me, but I'm learning that I need to take the initiative and call her and set it up (I've been waiting for her to call for about 3 weeks, lol).
Welcome!!!! But don't wait until your Kick Off party to start asking for bookings! That's over a month away and you could hold ??? shows between now and then? Plus that date might night work for some people and you'll just postpone getting more bookings. Also remember how fabulous the host/guest specials are now that your leads may want to take advantage of as well as starting their Christmas shopping early. Then when they get bookings off their shows they earn even MORE host rewards!

I say go for it!! You don't want to waste any opportunities by being "too polite". You want to get your business going NOW!!!
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  • #6
Do you find the catalog shows easy even though you don't have a website yet? I think a website would be really easy
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  • #7
Did you feel embarrassed at first? I feel like if I ask someone I know, and they have a party and invite the same people we both know, and I ask them again later,.... it's like I tell my kids, stop ding donging me :)
I wasn't embarrassed at all...nervous YES....but more excited than anything about getting started. I have loved PC for years so it was easy for me to want to share it with everyone I know. It was totally amazing too how my enthusiasm was contagious when I made those first calls and my friends wanted to help me get started. Of course, not every person said yes, but they were very supportive, wished me well, and gave me the confidence to make the next call because I'd "practiced" the wording with someone.

And I totally agree Sherri Lynn that it would be a shame to lose out on your incentives within your first 30 days.
Mindy, I went ahead and got the website, but I haven't had any orders from it yet, so I can't say that it made a huge difference. I just gave the host the catalogs and order forms and she does the rest, then just brings me the orders with the money. I was embarrassed at first a little, but you will find that you will "get outside" the circle of close friends and family pretty quick. When your friend has a party and asks your mutual friends, there will also be some people there that you don't know, and when they book a show from you, they will ask people you don't know, do you see where I'm going with this? Hope so. I also look at it like, this is my business, I do it for money (a lot of other reasons too, but also to make some extra money) and look at it that way. I also think PC is a great company, because most everyone cooks and many, many people love the PC name and products. Hope I have helped to answer your questions :)
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  • #10
Thanks for the help!
  • #11
You're welcome, anytime :)
  • #12
Hi Mindy and Welcome to the PC Family! This has been such a wonderful thing for me and my family, I absolutely have no regrets joining PC.

My director Robin House, provided us with this wondering training guide of what to day, who to say it to, and how to get 6 bookings in your first 30 days. I am posting it here and I hope it helps you some. Good luck!


  • Who to Invite, What to Say, 6-Show System[1].pdf
    22.7 KB · Views: 697
  • #13
Sorry for the misspelling. I meant to say "what to say".
  • #14
That's great Sherry! Thanks for sharing that. Mindy- welcome! Personally, unless you have NO DATES, I wouldn't wait so long to have your Grand Opening. You can still do the one in December as planned, but do one int he next 2 weeks! Not everyone will be able to come to the one in December, and who knows- don't prejudge that they won't want to come twice! You've probably got neighbors too. I definitely like the file Sherry attached. I'd go with that and forget that you have a show in December as your "kick-off". Start NOW. :)That is one of the biggest regrets I have from my early days. I didn't capitalize on those FANTASTIC rewards PC offers in your first 90-days. You don't get many opportunities later to earn PC Dollars- and those can be SO helpful- be it for supplies, paying for national conference, or getting new products (in the spring!).Good luck!
  • #15
I want to add that when I asked people I knew to host a show, I told them that I just became a consultant for the Pampered Chef, and I have been thinking of them because couldn't think of anyone else I would feel most comfortable doing my first show with.
  • #16
HAH HI Bobby, didn't see your post until a moment ago. Thank you, and I believe you are so right that PC does offer some excellent perks in the very beginning. I also didn't get a chance to take advantage of them.

You know also, Mindy, another thing I have been doing recently is just waring my Apron out in public like going to the grocery store, or gas station. No one has ever questioned me about it. In fact in the 4 times I have done it, 3 time out of 4 have been very succuessful and all 4 times has been conversation starters. I got actually had a lady tell me, "Give me a catalog and set me up a date because I want to do a show" I said SURE! :)

Also if you not into wearing your apron around, then simply as any person "out of the blue" if they know anyone who would like to come to a PC party. The way I worded was, "I am thinking about hosting a PC party and was wondering if you know anyone who would like to come."

This is an indirect way of asking them if they would like to come and also asking for referrals. I did this just the other day, and the women didn't want to come to the party, but she ended up buying over $130 of products and plus she gave me the number to another girl she works with.

Sorry so many post. :)
  • #17
Sherry- don't apologize for "so many posts"....good advice is great! :)Now if only I can figure out how to turn this wording into something I can use - I've been a consultant for 2 years but I haven't done a cooking show in almost a year! I've "survived" on catalog shows and orders, but I want to do shows! So I can't say "I've just started my business"..... :)
  • #18
One thing that I've found is that a lot of times people will order multiple times because they can't afford to buy everything that they want all at once. They sort of spread it out so it doesn't hit their wallet all at one time.
  • #19
I was told to call everyone and tell them that you are starting your business. Ask them if they would be willing to host a show for you to help you get started. If they say no, then tell them you are having a grand opening on _____ date and invite them. Of course you will invite them anyways, but if they would like to book btwn now and then that is even better.
You said you don't want to "double dip" (don't think those are your exact words but....). It's not like you are selling overpriced wrapping paper door to door like the kids do for school fundraisers. You are selling great products, that are reasonably priced for the quality, and they are products that people love. If they come to a show next week, they are (most likely) going to have many things they want, and cannot necessarily afford it all. Inviting them again next month gives them a couple more paychecks to save up to order more things that they want. They may also order Christmas gifts for other people... one stop shopping and they didn't even have to go to the mall!!!
Also, you can make your grand opening something a little different if you are really worried about it. Do traditional cooking shows this month, and try the Holiday Cookie and Candy show idea for your GO. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing your GO like a traditional show, just and Idea of a way to ease your nerves and make it different.
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  • #20
Thanks everyone for your input, its nice to come one here and be able to talk to people who have been there. I just have to get over the embarrasment factor
  • #21
I understand Bobbi, you are ready to get back into the full swing of things. And that is a way you can put it to the people you call. I would first start with past host and quest.

For a past host I would say, " Hi Susy, this is Sherry Luna with the Pampered Chef. I know it has been a while since we have last talked, and I was looking through my past shows, and I see we haven't had a show together in over a year. You know with the Holidays coming up, its that time of year alot of people would love to come to a party and start shopping for Christmas gifts. I would love to do show for you and your friends and I'm sure you would love to get a kitchen full of free products also. May I do a show for you? I have this date and this date avaliable."

Or you even mention the fact that after taking a short break, that you are doing cooking shows again and would love to do a cooking show for them and their friends. Especially at this time of year when everyone is looking for the perfect gift to buy for their loved ones.

I even have said something to the effect that "you would pleasantly surprised at the number of people who already have a list of products they would love to buy but can't because they don't know where to buy them at. PC is not sold in a store nor can you go to a Kiosk to pick out what you want. They would love to be to be invited to a party so they can order what they need."

Good Luck and hopes this gives you a little idea of what to say.
  • #22
Mindy50135 said:
Thanks everyone for your input, its nice to come one here and be able to talk to people who have been there. I just have to get over the embarrasment factor

I can relate to that one...as most of us can. Embarrassment, fear, etc. I recently chaired the Fundraiser for our Cub Scout Pack....we were selling Popcorn. When I would go out with my boys so they could sell, we were going DOOR-to-DOOR and it didn't phase me one bit. It gave me a great chance to see that people didn't really care - they said yes, they said no. No one was annoyed or bothered. It's really the same with my Pampered Chef. People are not annoyed! They may not say yes, but how will I know if I don't ask. This is something I learned this past month and am excited to try to implement into my business. We project our own fear and thoughts out to what we think others will be feeling. The simple truth is it is very rarely the case.

Another thing I learned with the fundraiser- We weren't asking them to buy something just to be buying something. We were GIVING them to an opportunity support to an organization that they may believe in. In this case- Scouts.

Applying that to PC- I'd be GIVING them the opportunity to earn some great products for free or discount, and have a good time with some friends- all from a fantastic company! THAT's how I will look at it now- not as me asking them to host a show for ME. It's for them!
  • #23
I'm a newbie too. My 30 days is up 2 days before yours. I have a grand opening a week after I signed up. I used what I had at my house and borrowed a few things from a friend. My grand opening consisted of close friends (about 10) that I knew I would be comfortable with. They were so excited to come over and let me "practice" on them. Turns out 3 people ordered from that show.
  • #24
Hey I dont know if someone already said this but I'm still new too. The way I looked at inviting mutual friends to host a party or even come to your own is great because they should definitely know people that you don't know and if they come then thats a huge plus! Thats a way to spread your business out past your inner circles! The more you do that the more "new" business youll get! And I would just ask my friends please invite people that I've never met before. I found that to help me out a lot! Good luck!!
  • #25
ChefAmandaWason said:
Hey I dont know if someone already said this but I'm still new too. The way I looked at inviting mutual friends to host a party or even come to your own is great because they should definitely know people that you don't know and if they come then thats a huge plus! Thats a way to spread your business out past your inner circles! The more you do that the more "new" business youll get! And I would just ask my friends please invite people that I've never met before. I found that to help me out a lot! Good luck!!

Plus, it can spread out people's purchases who are on a budget. Most folks can't buy everything they want at one time. They have to spread it out over a few pay periods or months, etc. Having multiple parties can help them do that and still benefit those hosts.
  • #26
I just started in September, and I truly agree with the thought that people cannot afford to buy everthing they want at once. My mother (poor thing, lol) has been to about 4-5 of my PC shows and buys something she wants at every one. Now she is holiday shopping and divides it up between shows. So just because you ask a person to come to a show one month, does not mean they won't come the next month.

Related to Maximizing Bookings and Business Opportunities for Your PC Launch in December

1. How do I book a Pampered Chef party?

To book a Pampered Chef party, simply contact your consultant and they will work with you to find a date and time that works for you and your guests. You can also book a party online through your consultant's website.

2. What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a Pampered Chef party not only allows you to earn free and discounted products, but it also gives you the opportunity to spend time with your friends and family while learning new recipes and cooking techniques.

3. How far in advance should I book my Pampered Chef party?

It is recommended to book your Pampered Chef party at least 2-3 weeks in advance to allow enough time for guests to RSVP and for your consultant to prepare for the party.

4. What should I expect at a Pampered Chef party?

At a Pampered Chef party, your consultant will demonstrate and prepare various recipes using Pampered Chef products. You and your guests will have the opportunity to try the food and ask any questions. There will also be a chance to order products and earn rewards.

5. Is there a cost to host a Pampered Chef party?

There is no cost to host a Pampered Chef party. Your consultant will provide all the necessary supplies and ingredients for the recipes. You may also earn free products and discounts based on the sales from your party.

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