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Letter to New Consultants First Hosts

In summary, Cynthia Nurss, trainer and director for The Pampered Chef, thanks the recipient for being one of the first shows for a new consultant. She emphasizes the importance of inviting many people and explains that statistically, about half of the invited guests will attend. She also encourages enthusiastic RSVPs and reminds the recipient to follow up with guests before the show. She reminds the recipient to review the Kitchen Show Planner for opportunities to earn free merchandise, and to keep the original show date to help the consultant reach her goals. Overall, following these steps will lead to a successful show and the recipient will receive great Pampered Chef products.
Staff member
Dear _____________________:

Hi! I'm Cynthia Nurss, _______________'s trainer and director for The Pampered Chef. I'd like to personally thank you for being one of the first shows that _____________will do as a Pampered Chef Consultant! You have a very important role and your generosity is appreciated greatly by us both! By allowing people to come into your home, you will give _____________ the exposure she needs to launch her business successfully. Your Kitchen Show is one of the most important demonstrations that she will ever do. As her director, I'd like to share with you a Recipe of Success that will help make this evening a success for the both of you.

1. Please mail out all 40 invitations at least 14 days before your show! Use the Guest Planner in your Kitchen Show guide to make a list of guests. Don't worry about having too many! About half or less of your invited guests will be able to come. People are busy, so it's hard to pick a perfect night for everyone! It'a very important to invite many people! Let me give you three reasons why:

If you invite 40, statistically 20 can't make it, 5 may forget, so you will have about 12 -15 people in attendance out of 35-40! (Tried and true statistic!) Good attendance will make your show a success! We say: "15 is the FUN number!"

No one's feelings have ever been hurt by being invited but feelings are hurt if NOT invited. You'll find that if your friends and family are familiar with Pampered Chef, that they will be thrilled to be included!

Pampered Chef is a very low pressure company. If you have a good crowd at your show, your guests will be purchasing what they want, and not what they might feel pressured to buy because of a small crowd. Have you ever been to a show where there were only four or five?

2. When taking RSVP's, be ENTHUSIASTIC!!! Explain that Pampered Chef kitchen shows are like cooking shows on TV, but they get to taste the food! PLUS, they will get great tips and easy recipe ideas. Use your Guest Planner to keep track of who is coming. Ask everyone: "Who do you know you could bring along with you?" rather than saying: "Bring a guest." If someone can't come, ask them if they would like to see a catalog. Outside orders can really add up which will impact the amount of free gifts you and _____________will receive!

3. Call all guests on your list 5-7 days before your show. Even if they said that they are coming, it doesn't hurt to give them a reminder call so that they don't forget. Ask them what recipes and products they'd like to see demonstrated. Tell them you are calling to find out a "headcount" of how many are coming to be sure you have plenty of samples for everyone. _____________ will be calling you to set the menu and make final arrangements 2-3 days before your show date.

4. Review the Kitchen Show Planner in your packet so that you will know all of the ways for you to earn points. Those points are what earns you FREE merchandise!!! You receive points for closing your show within one week of your show date, the number of bookings, number of orders and amount of sales.

5. Please keep your original date because ________________ is counting on these first shows to work towards specific goals! Did you know that she also will receive FREE merchandise during her first six months, in addition to earning a paycheck?? So both of you are getting great kitchen tools!

If you follow these steps, your show will be a great success. You will earn wonderful Pampered Chef products that will enhance the time you spend in the kitchen.

Thanks again for helping _____________ get off to a great start!

Best regards,

Cynthia K. Nurss

Independent Advanced Sales Director for The Pampered Chef
Dear Cynthia Nurss,I am happy to be one of the first shows that _____________ will do as a Pampered Chef Consultant. Thank you for personally reaching out and for your kind words. I understand the importance of my role and I am excited to help _____________ launch her business successfully.I appreciate the Recipe of Success you have shared with me and I will definitely follow these steps to ensure a successful show. I will make sure to mail out all 40 invitations at least 14 days before the show and keep track of my guests using the Guest Planner. I will also be enthusiastic when taking RSVPs and remind guests about the benefits of attending a Pampered Chef kitchen show.I understand the importance of having a good attendance and I will make sure to invite as many people as I can. I also agree that no one's feelings have ever been hurt by being invited, but not inviting someone can cause hurt feelings. I will also make reminder calls to all my guests 5-7 days before the show to confirm their attendance and find out their preferences for recipes and products.I will review the Kitchen Show Planner and make sure to earn as many points as possible to receive free merchandise. I will also keep my original date as I understand the importance of these first shows for _____________ to reach her goals and earn free merchandise as well.Thank you again for your guidance and support. I am looking forward to hosting a successful show and helping _____________ get off to a great start. I am excited to receive my own Pampered Chef products and enhance my time in the kitchen.Best regards,

Dear Host,

Congratulations on being one of the first hosts for _____________ as a new Pampered Chef consultant! Your generosity in opening up your home for a kitchen show is greatly appreciated by both of us. As a trainer and director for Pampered Chef, I want to share with you a Recipe for Success that will make your show a success for both you and _____________.

1. The key to a successful show is to invite as many people as possible. Please send out all 40 invitations at least 14 days before your show. Don't worry about having too many guests, as only about half will be able to attend. Inviting a large number of people will ensure a good turnout, making your show a success.

2. When taking RSVPs, be enthusiastic and explain to your guests that they will get to taste delicious food and learn easy recipe ideas. Keep track of who is coming and ask your guests if they can bring someone along. Even if someone can't attend, ask if they would like to see a catalog as outside orders can add up and impact the free gifts you and _____________ will receive.

3. It's important to call all guests on your list 5-7 days before the show to remind them and confirm their attendance. This will also give you an opportunity to find out what recipes and products they would like to see demonstrated. _____________ will also be calling you to set the menu and make final arrangements 2-3 days before the show.

4. Be sure to review the Kitchen Show Planner in your packet to understand how you can earn points for free merchandise. These points are based on the number of bookings, orders, and sales from your show.

5. Please keep your original show date as _____________ is counting on these first shows to work towards specific goals. Did you know that she will also receive free merchandise during her first six months, in addition to earning a paycheck? So both of you will benefit from a successful show!

Thank you again for being a part of _____________'s new Pampered Chef business. Your support and participation will help her get off to a great start. I am confident that by following these steps, your show will be a huge success and you will earn some amazing Pampered Chef products to enhance your time in the kitchen.

Best regards,

Cynthia K. Nurss
Independent Advanced Sales Director for The Pampered Chef

Related to Letter to New Consultants First Hosts

1. What is a "Letter to New Consultants First Hosts"?

A "Letter to New Consultants First Hosts" is a personalized letter sent by Pampered Chef to new consultants who have just joined the company. It serves as a welcome message and provides important information and tips for hosting their first party.

2. How do I become a host for a Pampered Chef party?

To become a host for a Pampered Chef party, you can reach out to a consultant in your area or contact the company directly. You can also visit the Pampered Chef website and fill out a form to request a party. A consultant will then reach out to you to schedule the party.

3. What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a Pampered Chef party comes with many benefits, such as earning free and discounted products, getting access to exclusive host specials, and receiving personalized cooking tips and recipe ideas from the consultant. It also allows you to spend quality time with friends and family while trying out new and delicious recipes.

4. Can I host a Pampered Chef party if I am not familiar with the products?

Absolutely! Hosting a Pampered Chef party does not require any prior knowledge or experience with the products. Your consultant will provide all the necessary information and demonstrations during the party, and you can also ask any questions you may have. It's a great way to learn about the products and see them in action.

5. How can I make my Pampered Chef party successful?

There are many ways to make your Pampered Chef party successful. First, invite friends, family, and co-workers who love to cook or are interested in learning new recipes. You can also ask your consultant for tips on how to make the party more engaging and fun. Lastly, be sure to have a list of potential guests ready and follow up with them after the party to encourage them to host their own party.

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