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Let's Get Fit Together: Join the 30-day Shred Challenge!

In summary, the goal of the 30-Day Shred is to lose weight and improve your health. The DVD is available for purchase at Target, Walmart, and Amazon.com. The program is intense, with three levels of difficulty, and requires that you work out every day. The ultimate goal is to lose 8-10 pounds a month.
I don't know if this would be weird or not but I'm wondering how many people would like to do this with me and share their daily progresses and updates? Whether you like JM or not, she's a great trainer and really works you into shape. I'm combining the DVD with healthy recipes and I'm hoping to work off my flab by the end of February. I've got about 6 inches to lose. Not sure of pounds but around 30. I just think it would be a great motivator to do with WITH someone.
If you are thinking about it, the dvd is on sale at Target right now for about $9. It might also be on sale at Walmart and it's around $7 on Amazon.com and is available on instant video on Amazon. Netflix also has it available on DVD.Who's with me? (Even if no one joins - I'll continue to update this thread)Edited to add: If you'd rather do one of the Biggest Loser workouts, I'm not sure how similar they are but being that they're probably centered around the same concepts I would think they would have the same overall affect on your body.EDITING AGAIN: I also wanted to edit this to say - If you're not doing the Jillian Michael's DVD but you ARE doing a workout program, please feel free to join in & share your progress. The only reason I started this as a 30-day shred thing is so that we can refer to the video in conversation and everyone will know what we're talking about.
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Can you tell me more about the DVD and the program?

I have started my "healthy eating/workout" routine Jan 3. I am journaling my food on sparkpeople.com and working out 4x week. So far, just treadmill mostly but working up to more exercises in the next week.

But, I am interested. Is the premise that you have to work out every day? Also, does it provide eating guidelines?

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  • #3
It doesn't have eating guidelines. It doesn't say how to schedule when you work out - I assume it wants you to do it every day but I'm going to do 4 days of workouts and 1 day of rest because it's a LOT healthier for your body to get a recovery day, but not more than one.30-Day Shred has 3 different levels (1, 2, and 3)
You start on level 1. Each level has 3 circuits. 3 minutes of strength+2 minutes of cardio+1 minute Abs=1 circuit.
You do one level until it becomes a bit easier for you and then move to level 2. I'm a major newbie so I can only get through 2/3 circuits at once but I'm hoping by the end of the week I'll be able to do all of Level 1 at one time.When you do the program (I assume along with healthy eating) you can lose around 20 pounds. I've heard great reviews. And I know Jillian Michaels is a fabulous trainer. She REALLY kicks your butt. It's a love/hate thing. I love that I'm already feeling results after two days. But I HATE her guts while I'm doing it because it's intense.
Hey Shelby! I'll do it! I have the videos...and I've done it before - a few weeks. I got hurt and then couldn't do it easily. I still have some trouble with my hip- but I will see how it goes! :) If not, I may substitute my WW video which is I know I can do with my current issues. But I have to lose the weight - I think it is WHY I have problems with my hip. ULTIMATE Goal *end of year*: 60 lbs.
"Makes me Happy/Healthier" Goal *by this summer*: 30 lbs
Shelby, I'll do it! I have kept Jillian safely wrapped in cellophane since I ordered her? Frankly she scares the living daylights out of me. But if you say she is great, I will let her out. It will be nice to have some accountability here!
She's not nearly as scary in her videos as she is on Biggest Loser.
I am ordering the dvd now on Amazon. It is down to $6.33 right now. I think I will order her ripped in 30 also (for later).

My goal is to lose 8-10 lbs a month. If I can do that, I will be happy.
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  • #8
chezshelly said:
Shelby, I'll do it! I have kept Jillian safely wrapped in cellophane since I ordered her? Frankly she scares the living daylights out of me. But if you say she is great, I will let her out. It will be nice to have some accountability here!
HAHAHA! She's pretty good. Kicked my butt again today. You feel the burn and want to give up but something - I'm not sure what - makes you want to continue. The only reason I can't get through the first level is of pure exhaustion. The pain begins about 1/3 way through and I manage to work through that - it's the exhaustion that makes me have to stop.
kam said:
I am ordering the dvd now on Amazon. It is down to $6.33 right now. I think I will order her ripped in 30 also (for later).My goal is to lose 8-10 lbs a month. If I can do that, I will be happy.
I think I have the ripped one too. I bought 3 of the DVDs the other day :)
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Ripped in 30 is even more intense. I love the 30 day shred... because no matter how much you hate whatever exercise you're doing, you are no more than 30 seconds away from changing exercises. And you can get through 30 seconds of just about anything. And it's only 20 minutes long.
  • #10
I almost bought this DVD at Target last night!
  • #11
I'm in! I'll buy the dvd this afternoon and get started. I downloaded MyFitnessPal to my phone to journal all of my food and exercise and I'd love to add something to my routine. Right now I'm just struggling to keep the calories under control! Good Lord I never had any idea of what crap and how much of it I used to consume! I work at a university, so I'm able to get good walking time in.I love Jillian (which is why I auditioned for TBL) and would love to have her kick my booty into shape! I'm all about accountability too!
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  • #12
Day THREE!! I'm excited because I was finally able to push through and finish all of Level One. Here's my schedule of how I intend to do the next week.
Saturday & Sunday - Level 1
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday through Thursday - Level 1
Friday - Saturday - Level 2
Sunday - Rest DayI have some favorite quotes to share.
During the first circuit Jillian is talking about how there is no modification in the jumping jacks and says "If I can get 400 pound people to do jumping jacks, SO can you!"
And then another that I missed the first two times because I stopped shortly before.
At exactly 22:22 (as measured by the timer on my dvd player) she says "we're almost done, I'm sure you'd like to shut this dvd off right now but you need to push through"
I almost died laughing because I HAD shut it off right before that the other times!!I feel good right now though (I just finished & showered) and I'm excited about how my body feels after just 3 days of working out.I just want to leave a tip. A friend of mine is a Beachbody coach and last night I had posted this to my facebook page and she left a VERY helpful comment!
  • #13
I have been teaching a group fitness class for the last year at a boot camp style facility. I have also been working out for almost three years now. What your friend said about eating is right on. We suggest eating 6 small "meals" a day to keep you feeling full but not eating too much. What happens when we eat 3 big meals a day is that you give yourself way too many hours in between eating and that generally leads to over eating when you do eat. When I first started this I felt like I was eating more than I use to because it keeps your body full throughout the day but when you look at the amount it's actually less.With your 6 small "meals" we suggest 1 carb and 1 protein per meal with as many veggies as you want, expect for one meal which is one protein after you work out. Measure out your carbs by looking at the size of your fist and your proteins should be about the size of the palm of your hand and just as thick. Be aware when you get things that say "whole wheat" vs "100% whole wheat". The first ingredient should be whole wheat not enriched white flour. It's a complete marking ploy to make you think you are eating healthy when you aren't. Also watching out for high frutosce (sp?) corn syrup which isn't good for your body.We also teach to shop around the grocery store and avoid the inside as much as possible. This is generally where your meats, cheeses, fruits and veggies are. You can venture inside for noodles and breads or frozen (never canned) veggies if you can't get fresh.One of your "meals" should be a light snack about 30-45 minutes before you work out. This gives you fuel to get through your work out. I like to eat an apple and a cheese stick or almonds and an apple. Like I mentioned above you need to get in one protein within 30 minutes of working out. This is great in the form of a protein shake or bar.One last rule to follow by is the amount of sugar in your servings. Your sugar content should be less than half of the carbs listed. If you are eating something that is 30 carbs, the sugars should be 15 or less. I don't remember the exact reasoning for this off the top of my head but it's always something that has stuck with me.Hopefully this will help some of you! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or need any food suggestions! I'm also currently working on my personal training certification :) super excited for that!!
  • #14
During the first circuit Jillian is talking about how there is no modification in the jumping jacks and says "If I can get 400 pound people to do jumping jacks, SO can you!"
Yeah- during that part, I always yell back at her "YEAH- well they didn't all have babies that killed their bladder control either!!" and I do the modified anyway. I am still working hard through them, and I don't have to jump and pee myself to do it! :D Sorry for the visual, but she can blow it out her ear on that part. hahaha.
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  • #15
One other thing to add - I recently had a friend on facebook brag that she lost 6 pounds in three days. When another friend asked how she did it she said that she was eating 1 cup of fruit, 1 cup of veggies and 3 oz of meat twice a day. This is a big no-no!!! You are basically starving yourself this way. I almost consider this border-line anorexic! Our bodies need fuel (carbs) and need more calories than that to function. While she's loosing weight now (that's too much to loose though!), soon her body is going to think that it needs to start harboring fat because you are starving it. Which then leads to weight gain because it eats at your muscle for fuel while storing the fat.
  • #16
esavvymom said:
Yeah- during that part, I always yell back at her that "YEAH- well they didn't all have babies that killed their bladder control either!!" and I do the modified. I am still working hard through them, and I don't have to jump and pee myself to do it! :D Sorry for the visual, but she can blow it out her ear on that part. hahaha.

By the way there is a modification to jumping jacks - we teach it for people who can't jump due to knee issues. You just step out on each side while still doing the arms.
  • #17
wadesgirl said:
By the way there is a modification to jumping jacks - we teach it for people who can't jump due to knee issues. You just step out on each side while still doing the arms.

That's what I do. And on the other BL videos, that is what they do. I seem to be developing arthritis in one hip, so between that and bladder weakness, yeah, I do the modified in a few things.

I haven't started this yet- I will really try to get it in starting this weekend or Monday. :)
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  • #18
esavvymom said:
Yeah- during that part, I always yell back at her "YEAH- well they didn't all have babies that killed their bladder control either!!" and I do the modified anyway. I am still working hard through them, and I don't have to jump and pee myself to do it! :D Sorry for the visual, but she can blow it out her ear on that part. hahaha.

Hahaha I get too winded to holler at the tv. Instead I wait until the punching part and I imagine myself punching her, along with other various people who annoyed me during the day, in the face.
It may be violent but it gets me through. Lol!!
I don't hate her at all. But when in pain I like to blame someone.
  • #19
ShelbyMichalek said:
Day THREE!! I'm excited because I was finally able to push through and finish all of Level One. Here's my schedule of how I intend to do the next week.
Saturday & Sunday - Level 1
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday through Thursday - Level 1
Friday - Saturday - Level 2
Sunday - Rest Day


How did you determine your schedule?

Does Jillian recommend how many days to work out and how many days to rest?

I guess I am looking for her fitness "plan".
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  • #20
kam said:

How did you determine your schedule?

Does Jillian recommend how many days to work out and how many days to rest?

I guess I am looking for her fitness "plan".

I made it up. LOL! When my husband works out with his buddies, it's 4 days of workouts and 1 day of rest in between. I based mine off of that. As far as the levels, it's just what/when I anticipate being ready to move on. I intend on making it through the DVD and being able to do Level 3 (without feeling like I'm going to die) in a month. My youngest baby is 10 months old and I personally really really do not like being out of shape. I was a cheerleader in High School and dangit if I don't get back into that body!
  • #21
I am not doing JM but I wouldl ike to join in on the accountabiltly. I do have a workout group that I get together with which helps tons. We are currently doing insanity. I have to say I love that work out. Nuts I know=)
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  • #22
Jennie4PC said:
I am not doing JM but I wouldl ike to join in on the accountabiltly. I do have a workout group that I get together with which helps tons. We are currently doing insanity. I have to say I love that work out. Nuts I know=)

LOL! It's not that crazy! I dislike working out. But the feeling of accomplishment after I get done is SO POWERFUL that I'm SO glad I did it.
  • #23
I found this regarding schedule:

How to Use a 30 Day Shred
Nov 4, 2010 | By Janelle Vaesa
How to Use a 30 Day Shred Photo Credit Michael Hitoshi/Lifesize/Getty Images

The Jillian Michale's 30 Day Shred workout video is an excellent video that keeps the muscles from becoming "bored" with a workout which results in a plateau. The 30 Day Shred promises results in 30 days by completing the three stages for 30 days in a row. Exercise and a healthy diet is the best way to a healthy weight loss, writes Seizer and Whitney. This is an intense program and you should consult with your doctor before beginning this program.

Step 1
Measure your arms, waist, hip, buttocks and thighs. Measure around the thickest part of each body part; for the arms measure around the upper arm around the bicep. To measure the waist measure around the belly button and measure around the hip bones for the hip measurement. For the buttocks measurement, place the tape measure around the back of the buttocks and bring together at the front of the body. Write down the date and the measurements for each body part.

Step 2
Plan out 20 minutes each day to complete the workout. You will need 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the video. Mark on your calendar each day you have completed the video, this will help keep track of how many days you have been doing the program. Placing a check or a star on the days you complete the video will also help motivate you to continue with your goal.

Step 3
Set up a mat and weights. Clear out enough room for you to be able to move about without falling over something. You will need either a mat or a blanket to cushion your back on when doing crunches and floor work. You will also need a set of weights, either 3-lb. weights or 5-lb. weights depending on your fitness level. You may want to start out with the 3-lb. weights and switch to the 5-lb. weights if you feel that the weights are too light.

Step 4
Select level 1 on the 30 Day Shred. There are three levels in the video, the first level should be completed for the first 10 days, the second level should be done for the next 10 days and then the third level for the final 10 days.

Step 5
Measure your arms, waist, hip, buttocks and thighs at the end of the 30 days. Write down the measurements and the date and compare the results from when you first began the program.

Things You'll Need
Mat or blanket
Tape measure
30 Day Shred video


Jillian Michaels: Fitness
"Nutrition Concepts and Controversies 10th Edition"; Sizer, Frances and Whitney, Eli; 2006.

Article reviewed by Jenna Marie Last updated on: Nov 4, 2010

Read more: How To Use A 30 Day Shred | LIVESTRONG.COM
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  • #24
esavvymom said:
I found this regarding schedule:

Thank you for sharing! Looks like I'll be amending my schedule :)
  • #25
esavvymom said:
I found this regarding schedule:

Thanks for the info Bobbi. OK, I don't think I can do 30 days straight. In fact, I know I can't. I just did strength instead of cardio yesterday (and it was not anywhere near as rough as what the Shred will be I am sure) and I am sore today.

I think I will work up to this. Once I lose my first 10-15, I will probably need to switch up my routine to drop the final 15. I am pretty out of shape right now, so it would probably be good to work up to it.

I still want in for accountability though!!
  • #26
Well, if I manage to get in each day this week, by Friday, I probably won't be able to walk! But I'll get two days rest because I'll be in Charlotte at Spring Launch. :)The thing I have to remember is to make a smoothie or something after my workout and put some Glutamine in it. My DH does a lot of body building, and he says that is good for getting rid of the lactic acid that makes the muscles so sore. When I remember, it does help.
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  • #27
After each of my workouts, I've been eating a sandwich wrap that's PACKED with protein. It's very good for helping your body recover and keeping you full.
And when I say packed with protein, I mean this wrap has about 15g of it!Y'all CAN do it! Don't say you can't. It's about pushing through. When you feel like you're going to die, close your eyes and say to yourself, or scream aloud (I don't have the breath for that though) "I CAN DO THIS"I'm INCREDIBLY out of shape. I'm 40 pounds over my natural body weight. I took my before photos last night and I swear my side photo looks like I'm 5 months pregnant. I haven't done any REAL working out for 5 years. I'm a pretty lazy person too. The last time I did any strenuous was when I lived in Mississippi and by strenuous I mean I walked one tall flight of stairs to my second floor apartment at least 10 times a day. That's nothing. I took 3 days to get through the first level. I made it as far as I possibly could before I passed out. The third day my body just had some kind of breakthrough and I was able to finish. Day 4 was rough for me too, but I pushed through.I prepare and eat my wrap right after the workout and then I take a hot shower. If you need to workout for 5 days and then give your body a rest, then do it. It won't kill you. But don't take more than one day of rest. And don't do a rest day every other day. And on your rest day, take a jog around the block. Don't let your body just quit. Because it's when you PUSH yourself, that you'll see a difference.
  • #28
Great post Shelby! I have 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 - I love these DVD's because they get things done in a short amount of time.

Someone else mentioned myfitnesspal.com above and just wanted to mention it again. If you are trying to lose weight and get healthy you need to go there. It is such a big help! I started in July and have lost 40 pounds. Didn't start working out until September. Wish I had exact results to share with you about the DVD's but I don't really go by the exact schedule.

Good luck to you all!
  • #29
I didn't/won't be working out today- seems I've caught the cough that my son has had for 6 weeks...so the coughing fits are plaguing me, BUT I am going to do my measurements, and my Before pictures, as well as dig out/dust off my DVD and weights. :) Hopefully I can start by Wednesday! But reading this thread keeps it on the top of my mind.
  • #30
I love reading these posts because they help keep me motivated to continue on my own regiment. Funny how women seem to need that "group" support!

I wanted to chime in on the day of "rest". It is very important for your muscles to recover. That's why when you work out at a gym, the theory is to do cardio one day, muscle/machines the next. So, when you do "rest" the best thing to do is simply work muscles you didn't work through this 30-day shred regiment, or, work them differently. A VERY EASY,low impact regiment that really does help is walking!

Keep going ladies! You can do it. ANYTHING is better than Nothing!
  • #31
I did it once and was getting really fit. I'm doing it on/off now. I'm trying to get back in shape to train for a 5 k (5 pounds down woohoo!) I lost 30 pounds in 2010 (gained it all back, though) so if you ever need tips I WAS a success story lol
  • #32
I will be joining you ladies. Thanks for starting this group. It is perfect timing! My husband just surprised me with a weekened trip to the beach in 31 days! I really need to get in shape. I am picking up the 30 Shred DVD from the library today. I have never tried anything like this...is it really hard?
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  • #33
veggiemama said:
I will be joining you ladies. Thanks for starting this group. It is perfect timing! My husband just surprised me with a weekened trip to the beach in 31 days! I really need to get in shape. I am picking up the 30 Shred DVD from the library today. I have never tried anything like this...is it really hard?

Hard is in the eye of the beholder. It's a challenge, but it NEEDS to be. You can't get results without straining your body. I'm a couch potato by nature. I very honestly am. I'd rather sit on my butt and watch television all day than actually do anything. But I'm desperate to get into shape. The 30-Day Shred is going to kick my butt into gear. If you're determined to get your body into shape, you CAN do it no matter what!
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  • #34
Updating for Day 6. (I got lazy Sunday, otherwise this would've been Day 7)
I'm feeling the burn still, but the workouts are getting easier to get through. My concern at the point is both the kids have a bit of a cold and I'm getting it too.
I'm learning how much I really hate cardio. I'm getting through it, but dang I wish I didn't have to!

I reached my Pampered Chef team sales goal this month ($2.5k - THIS girl is promoting to Team Leader, GO ME!) so I cashed in my incentive and got acrylics. Y'all have to know how paranoid I got about doing weights with my pretty new frenchies. But you know, it's actually not bad! It's a crappy excuse to not work OUT!

I'm weighing the options of doing 6 Week Six-Pack along with the 30-Day. It would be 6W6P in the morning and 30Day in the evenings. The thing is, I don't normally wake up before my kids. It would be a lifestyle change to say the least. But maybe that's what I need. Any thoughts on this?

P.S. I don't know if I said it before but I did NOT weigh myself before starting. Why? Because I don't care how much I weigh. I care how well my clothes fit. I'll know when I've lost weight. I don't need a scale to tell me that. :)
  • #35
ShelbyMichalek said:
Updating for Day 6. (I got lazy Sunday, otherwise this would've been Day 7)
I'm feeling the burn still, but the workouts are getting easier to get through. My concern at the point is both the kids have a bit of a cold and I'm getting it too.
I'm learning how much I really hate cardio. I'm getting through it, but dang I wish I didn't have to!I reached my Pampered Chef team sales goal this month ($2.5k - THIS girl is promoting to Team Leader, GO ME!) so I cashed in my incentive and got acrylics. Y'all have to know how paranoid I got about doing weights with my pretty new frenchies. But you know, it's actually not bad! It's a crappy excuse to not work OUT! I'm weighing the options of doing 6 Week Six-Pack along with the 30-Day. It would be 6W6P in the morning and 30Day in the evenings. The thing is, I don't normally wake up before my kids. It would be a lifestyle change to say the least. But maybe that's what I need. Any thoughts on this?P.S. I don't know if I said it before but I did NOT weigh myself before starting. Why? Because I don't care how much I weigh. I care how well my clothes fit. I'll know when I've lost weight. I don't need a scale to tell me that. :)
Way to go!!For the cold, try to get some Emergen-C. I swear by the stuff. You take two drinks a day and the last few times I used it, it helped to keep the bad stuff away!As far as adding the 6w6p try is every other day for now and see how you feel. I don't know how this work out compares to what you are already doing but sometimes too much working out is too much, it can cause your body to fail on you (especially if you don't compensate for more fuel that you will need).Just wanted to add that I know you are close to Omaha - are you familiar with Kosama? It's the bootcamp facility I work for. They have a great program with intense cardio. I've seen a lot of success with people who stick to the program. I know it doesn't matter what program you do, if you have the heart and determination and are feeding yourself right, you can do this!!
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  • #36
Well, I'd written this on Facebook last night but forgot to add it here. Last night I planned that I would wake up this morning and do 6w6p and then 30day again tonight and if I felt dead after tonight I'd hold off on doing the 6w6p every morning. Well, I wasn't able to even do it today. The friend Jon is staying with got sick last week, Jon caught it from him, the kids caught it from Jon and now it' caught up to me. I'm feeling the cold big time! I'm going to try the Emergen-C. No way I'm skipping 30day shred tonight.
  • #37
Today was day 3 of 30 day shred for me!! I'm with you Shelby, I already feel better! Now to quit judging myself every time I look in the mirror! Baby steps.....
  • #38
I took my measurements this morning.:eek: (took me 2 days to find the darn tape!)
My kids and DH have hockey lessons this afternoon, so I'll have almost 2 hrs of alone time (love that!!)- I am going to pop in the DVD and kill myself for the first time this afternoon- as best I can anyway. My cold is still kicking my "franny" and I would rather take a nap, but I at least want to start and go as long as I can. Even if I can get through HALF of it, I'd be happy! I'll let you know.
  • #40
What a great story!! It is so true too. It all comes down to the choices we make every day.
  • #41
I ordered the 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and TBL:The Workout - Weight Loss Yoga with Bob HarperI get bored easily (that's my excuse) and now I will wait for their arrival in my mail box. Hopefully they won't gather dust like all of the other workout videos I've purchased over the years.
  • #42
I did my first workout. [url=http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php][/URL]OWW. The first circuit is the hardest for me (pushups). If I can push through that circuit (no pun intended), I can for the most part, make it through the rest. I only had to stop a couple of times because of strength/pain. I paused it twice to pop some bread in the oven and stir the soup for dinner. HA.But one day- 29 to go! Legs are feeling it right now!Edit: STAIRS SUCK Right now!!!!
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  • #43
I just did my first workout of the 30-day shred, too. :)

I was hesitant to start since I knew I could not commit to 30-days straight right now (scheduling). But, now that I have done the first workout, I figure adding this in 3-4x a week will be a benefit.

It was not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I did the modified version;). I had trouble getting through the first cardio (jacks/rope), but other than that I stuck with it. I think I am going to feel the workout for a few days!

This reminded me of a Body Pump class I did last year which seemed to add cardio and weights and abs.

I liked that it was short and had a warmup and cooldown with it.

Can't wait to see some results.

Edit: Oh, Bobbi you are right! Very wobbly on the stairs!! So I must have done something right! haha!
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  • #44
esavvymom said:
I did my first workout. OWW. The first circuit is the hardest for me (pushups). If I can push through that circuit (no pun intended), I can for the most part, make it through the rest. I only had to stop a couple of times because of strength/pain. I paused it twice to pop some bread in the oven and stir the soup for dinner. HA.But one day- 29 to go! Legs are feeling it right now!
The first circuit is also difficult for me. Pushups are my weak point, so are the jump ropes.
And yes, stairs SUCK! We have an unfinished basement, the only down there is our washer/dryer. So it might be TMI but while my muscles are still warmed up after my workout I SLOWLY walk down and strip and wash my clothes so they'll be clean for the next day. It helps with my cooldown to get that extra leg stretching in.
kam said:
I just did my first workout of the 30-day shred, too. :)I was hesitant to start since I knew I could not commit to 30-days straight right now (scheduling). But, now that I have done the first workout, I figure adding this in 3-4x a week will be a benefit.It was not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I did the modified version;). I had trouble getting through the first cardio (jacks/rope), but other than that I stuck with it. I think I am going to feel the workout for a few days!This reminded me of a Body Pump class I did last year which seemed to add cardio and weights and abs.I liked that it was short and had a warmup and cooldown with it. Can't wait to see some results.Edit: Oh, Bobbi you are right! Very wobbly on the stairs!! So I must have done something right! haha!
Yes, it's GOOD when you're wobbly on those stairs. If your legs feel weak, it means they're getting stronger!! funny how that works!!I do a combo of the modified versions. For my weak points I did the easy version the first few days and worked up to doing it regular.EDIT TO ADD: And a big congratulations to you both for having the motivation to get started and go! You CAN do it!!
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  • #45
:D If you're up to it and you have Netflix. Watch an episode of The Biggest Loser before your next workout. And if you're not sure yet if you like Jillian Michaels, this is a good opportunity for you to see how COMMITTED she is to YOUR health. She proves it in the very first episode of the show.
  • #46
ShelbyMichalek said:
:D If you're up to it and you have Netflix. Watch an episode of The Biggest Loser before your next workout. And if you're not sure yet if you like Jillian Michaels, this is a good opportunity for you to see how COMMITTED she is to YOUR health. She proves it in the very first episode of the show.

Except she doesnt yell at you oN the DVD or act anything like she does on BL. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #47
esavvymom said:
Except she doesnt yell at you oN the DVD or act anything like she does on BL. ;)

No, but her words are VERY encouraging.
  • #48
Ok....I was off several days because of being sick, and then going to Spring Launch.But I got back on the bandwagon today- February 1, I am counting it as my Day 1. I put a star on my desk-calendar.
  • Thread starter
  • #49
Alright y'all.
I injured my knee. Make SURE you're doing the form correctly, especially with lunges and side lunges. I hurt my lateral collateral ligament. It's basically what helps you keep balance.
Anyway, Dr's orders that I cannot work out for at least ten days and I have to do rehab stretches on my knee in the meantime.
I was on Day 8. When I start again I'll count it as Day 5. I hate to be set back especially since it was going so well. How's everyone else progressing?
  • #50
So sorry ShelbyMichalek!! My daughter is doing this with me and I keep reminding her to be careful with her knees!! Years ago they never told us out could injure your knees if you didn't lunge/squat correctly! Today is day 7 for me and I'm started to see baby changes! Yay and thanks firer starting this!
<h2>1. What is "Let's Get Fit Together: Join the 30-day Shred Challenge!"?</h2><p>"Let's Get Fit Together: Join the 30-day Shred Challenge!" is a fitness program created by Jillian Michaels that consists of a 30-day workout plan and healthy recipes to help individuals reach their fitness goals.</p><h2>2. Is it weird to ask others to join the challenge with me?</h2><p>No, it is not weird at all! In fact, having a workout buddy or accountability partner can be a great motivator and make the challenge more enjoyable.</p><h2>3. How can I participate in the challenge?</h2><p>To participate in the challenge, you will need to purchase the 30-day Shred DVD, which is available at various retailers such as Target, Walmart, and Amazon. You can also stream it on Amazon Instant Video or rent it from Netflix. Once you have the DVD, you can follow along with the workouts and share your progress with others.</p><h2>4. Can I do a different workout program instead of the 30-day Shred?</h2><p>Yes, you can definitely join in and share your progress even if you are following a different workout program. The main goal of this challenge is to have a support system and hold each other accountable, regardless of the specific workout being done.</p><h2>5. Do I need any equipment for the 30-day Shred workouts?</h2><p>Yes, some of the workouts do require light hand weights and a mat. However, modifications can be made if you do not have these items. Alternatively, you can also use household items as weights, such as water bottles or cans of food.</p>

Related to Let's Get Fit Together: Join the 30-day Shred Challenge!

1. What is "Let's Get Fit Together: Join the 30-day Shred Challenge!"?

"Let's Get Fit Together: Join the 30-day Shred Challenge!" is a fitness program created by Jillian Michaels that consists of a 30-day workout plan and healthy recipes to help individuals reach their fitness goals.

2. Is it weird to ask others to join the challenge with me?

No, it is not weird at all! In fact, having a workout buddy or accountability partner can be a great motivator and make the challenge more enjoyable.

3. How can I participate in the challenge?

To participate in the challenge, you will need to purchase the 30-day Shred DVD, which is available at various retailers such as Target, Walmart, and Amazon. You can also stream it on Amazon Instant Video or rent it from Netflix. Once you have the DVD, you can follow along with the workouts and share your progress with others.

4. Can I do a different workout program instead of the 30-day Shred?

Yes, you can definitely join in and share your progress even if you are following a different workout program. The main goal of this challenge is to have a support system and hold each other accountable, regardless of the specific workout being done.

5. Do I need any equipment for the 30-day Shred workouts?

Yes, some of the workouts do require light hand weights and a mat. However, modifications can be made if you do not have these items. Alternatively, you can also use household items as weights, such as water bottles or cans of food.

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