Remember how there were many of us (including me!) who didn't know to put future bookings in PP before submitting a show? Before they did the PP update so now it's impossible to forget? We got an email stating that if we had forgotten to put any bookings in before such and such a date, it would be okay, we would still be able to honor the booking benefit for those future hosts, but not after such and such a date? (I hope that made sense.) Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone remembers what that date was. I just looked through all the old Weekly Bites and I can't find it there. Was it May 15th or something? I have someone who went to a show ON May 15th, didn't want to book a show then, but now she is having one on Saturday because she wants those bowls. I'm trying to figure out if I can offer the past host the bowls at the 60% discount or not.