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Ideas for How to Get Catalog Shows

I changed it to "Host a Catalog Show in July, August and Sept. and get 20% off any piece of stoneware" Maybe that can help. I plan to offer catalog shows at my next 2 shows and downplay the kitchen shows. I would say that was VERY SUCCESSFUL! You got bookings AND a recruit lead!!! That is AWESOME! What happened at the fundraiser that was not successful?Well, I got there and set everything up! I also supplied the potatoes and garlic to demonstrate the tools! (I spent @$5) Anyways, she introduced the school's monthly meeting and then said "this is Kristi and she is
Hoping yall can give me some ideas. My "problem" is i am on ssmonth1 and i need more shows for this month and June. My bigger problem is that i also need lots of catalog shows for July as my director has forbidden me to have any kitchen shows that month as I am due then. I need ideas how to find people to do shows for me that far in advance when i am needing shows now as well. Did that make sense? thanks for any help you can give me :confused:
Do you have family out of state?May I suggest thinking of some out-of towners? They are the first candidates for catalog shows since there is no way to do a kitchen show for them. I am also due in July and I used the Spring flyer from this site to pitch catalog shows...I changed it to "Host a Catalog Show in July, August and Sept. and get 20% off any piece of stoneware" Maybe that can help. I plan to offer catalog shows at my next 2 shows and downplay the kitchen shows.

Maybe friends you know that have outside jobs can be good catalog show hosts as well.
I am my SS2 and am hoping I reach my quota for this month. I downplayed the month of may b/c I had thyroid surgery the last week in April and didn't know how long I would be down in the May. So I set myself with a fundraiser (which was last night, and it didn't turn out very well, oh well. I also think I got a couple bookings from it and a possible recruit) and I have a kitchen show on the 21st of this month. I have to be creative now so I asked my sister in Vegas if she would pass out catalogs to her friends. She was very hesitant b/c she works with mostly males but I told her that they have to cook/eat too! I just sent it to her so i'll see how she does! Also, I found a file (posted here,I believe) to hang at a grocery store! I would try that! In fact, I haven't done that so now I will work on that flyer to get it up today! Good luck and keep us posted!
Kristi :)
PampMomof3 said:
So I set myself with a fundraiser (which was last night, and it didn't turn out very well, oh well. I also think I got a couple bookings from it and a possible recruit) and I have a kitchen show on the 21st of this month.

I would say that was VERY SUCCESSFUL! You got bookings AND a recruit lead!!! That is AWESOME!

What happened at the fundraiser that was not successful?
Well, I got there and set everything up! I also supplied the potatoes and garlic to demonstrate the tools! (I spent @$5) Anyways, she introduced the school's monthly meeting and then said "this is Kristi and she is here to do a fundraiser for the 6th-8th graders." Well, the parents that actually came, showed up to be at a meeting rather than a fundraiser. Only one person claimed to have $ on her and the others said that they would place an order through the website. It is almost 24 hours later and I still have only $42 in sales from it! I'm still thinking positive about it b/c it did get my name out there. I just have to get these people to commit about doing a show!

Were you there to pitch the idea or to have a fundraiser for the 6-8th graders? If you were there to HAVE a fundraiser then have one. What I mean is you need to get enough catalogs and outside order forms and pass them out to EVERY child in those grades. Set a date to close the fundraiser. Tell the class that sells the most that they will earn a FREE HUGE COOKIE (you can make it on your stone). Make it a fundraiser. Send a letter home letting parents know that they can help by having their own show. If they book a show within the next month, you will give the school $10 once the show is held. That is in addition to the $3 PC will give them.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
ladybug said:
May I suggest thinking of some out-of towners? They are the first candidates for catalog shows since there is no way to do a kitchen show for them. I am also due in July and I used the Spring flyer from this site to pitch catalog shows...I changed it to "Host a Catalog Show in July, August and Sept. and get 20% off any piece of stoneware" Maybe that can help. I plan to offer catalog shows at my next 2 shows and downplay the kitchen shows.

Maybe friends you know that have outside jobs can be good catalog show hosts as well.
I like your ideas; unfortuneately i have to look for strangers as i have exhausteed my friends and family; i had about 15 names on my list of one hundred! (can you tell i dont get out much :( ) But i will keep looking! Thanks
$1000 catalog show ideaThis idea was sent to me through my director, (I think!) I just had my second child in Feb and had planned on doing this for March but waited too long and didn't get it out in time.

What you do is send a letter to, say 10, of your customers and/or past hosts. Ask if they'd like to host a $1000 show. The cool part is that it's a contest: to participate all they have to do is submit $100 in orders by a date set by you. (If each person participates you'll have your $1000.) Once everyone has given you their orders, put their names in a hat and draw out your winner to receive the host benefits. My plan was for every $100 they submit they get their name entered once, that way they are motivated to get even more orders, uping their chance, host benefits, and your sales! The skys the limit with this one. Send it to 20 people if you can and it'll be an even bigger event. Go ahead to get it your letter ready NOW and all your stuff together, I didn't and thought I'd have time once on maternity leave from my full time job and it just didn't happen! Let me know what you think and how it turns out!
$1000 show ideaI love this idea! I too will be taking a month off for my baby in the fall and think this would be a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing.
  • #10
Copy of the letterDo you have a copy of the letter that you could send out to do this?
  • #11
Ginger~ I went there to do a fundraiser. I set everything up, talked about each product and I supplied a bag of potatoes for them to demo the tools on. Unfortunately, the school will end on March 23rd so the school didn't want to pass out catalogs to each of the students. I actually had told the coordinator that I would like to do that but she stated there simply wasn't enough time. :( Man, my sales would have been great! Right now, I am looking at $135 worth of orders but I'm going to pick up the rest today and close the show out so they can get their very small check. :eek: I am still happy about it b/c it did get my name out there and practice makes perfect. (that was my 3rd kitchen show).

  • #12
Let them know that you would like to do a FULL FUNDRAISER for the beginning of next year. Have them go ahead and put it on the schedule for now. Schools go ahead and schedule fundraiser for the next year at the end of the school year. (did that make sense??)
  • #13
WowWhat a fabulous idea!!

I plan on using it.

  • #14

Yes, I do understand! Thank you! She said that she would like to do a fundraiser next year through the pampered chef! Yeah! That's exactly what i wanted. To get contacts! Thanks again
  • Thread starter
  • #15
PCnVA said:
What you do is send a letter to, say 10, of your customers and/or past hosts. Ask if they'd like to host a $1000 show. The cool part is that it's a contest: to participate all they have to do is submit $100 in orders by a date set by you. (If each person participates you'll have your $1000.) Once everyone has given you their orders, put their names in a hat and draw out your winner to receive the host benefits. My plan was for every $100 they submit they get their name entered once, that way they are motivated to get even more orders, uping their chance, host benefits, and your sales! The skys the limit with this one. Send it to 20 people if you can and it'll be an even bigger event. Go ahead to get it your letter ready NOW and all your stuff together, I didn't and thought I'd have time once on maternity leave from my full time job and it just didn't happen! Let me know what you think and how it turns out!
I love this idea!! It is so simple; i think i shuold be able to do that! I love this site; even if i dont have much to say :)
  • #16
$1000 show letterI have a copy saved on my other computer, will send it over, hopefully by the weekend! Check back by Monday (May 30th)!

  • #17
That's a great idea. My only question...do you have the show shipped to your house since you have multiple people sending in orders?


PCnVA said:
This idea was sent to me through my director, (I think!) I just had my second child in Feb and had planned on doing this for March but waited too long and didn't get it out in time.

What you do is send a letter to, say 10, of your customers and/or past hosts. Ask if they'd like to host a $1000 show. The cool part is that it's a contest: to participate all they have to do is submit $100 in orders by a date set by you. (If each person participates you'll have your $1000.) Once everyone has given you their orders, put their names in a hat and draw out your winner to receive the host benefits. My plan was for every $100 they submit they get their name entered once, that way they are motivated to get even more orders, uping their chance, host benefits, and your sales! The skys the limit with this one. Send it to 20 people if you can and it'll be an even bigger event. Go ahead to get it your letter ready NOW and all your stuff together, I didn't and thought I'd have time once on maternity leave from my full time job and it just didn't happen! Let me know what you think and how it turns out!
  • #18
FABULOUS! I love that idea! I work with Ohio and Kentucky regularly now (just moved from Ohio, so still have a TON on contacts there, and also make monthly trips up for shows) so I could offer it to 10 in Ohio, 10 in Ky....the possibilities are endless!!
As far as shipping, I would think that YOU (consultant) would go in as host and get everything shipped to you, and then Mrs. Jane Winner would be Co-host and still reap the benefits. Yes?
AWESOME! I will try this for July, that's my vacation month ON TOP OF CONFERENCE!!
I would LOVE to see that flyer and get started on this!!
  • #19
Consultants can not have a co-host
PamperYourKitchen said:
FABULOUS! I love that idea! I work with Ohio and Kentucky regularly now (just moved from Ohio, so still have a TON on contacts there, and also make monthly trips up for shows) so I could offer it to 10 in Ohio, 10 in Ky....the possibilities are endless!!
As far as shipping, I would think that YOU (consultant) would go in as host and get everything shipped to you, and then Mrs. Jane Winner would be Co-host and still reap the benefits. Yes?
AWESOME! I will try this for July, that's my vacation month ON TOP OF CONFERENCE!!
I would LOVE to see that flyer and get started on this!!

We can not have a co-host if the consultant is host but what you do to get the order sent to you is enter the host's name and then in the first line of the address put "c/o Mary Consultant" (your name) and then YOUR address. I put my phone # in so that UPS can call ME if there's a delivery problem.

You make this change in the "host order" field.
  • #20
Makes sense! Thanks for the correction!!
  • #21
i would like the letter as well
  • #22
Great IdeaI too am interested in this letter because I am in need of catalog sales in July since I will be gone for half the month and it's my SS month 3.
  • #23
Love this idea. I would like a couple of the letter too. It sounds so easy. :D
  • #24
I just love the idea. I would love to have a copy of that letter too.
  • #25
A letter I came up with..how is this?This is one I made up because I think this is an AWESOME idea!!! Especially for me since we are on vacation and I won't be able to do to many shows but still want to earn the fall products. Let me know what you guys think...I want to send it out today...

Mystery Host Show

How would you like to be my Mystery Host?

I am holding a contest between now and June 14th. For each $100 in orders that you send to me, your name will be entered in a drawing. The winner will receive the host benefits for this show!

Imagine if 10 people submitted $100 in orders…..That would be $215 in free products, 4 ½ priced items and a 30% discount…..not to mention you would receive 10% off any additional orders for the next year.

You can’t beat this offer! It is summer and you may be to busy to host your own show but I am giving you the opportunity to earn the host benefits without doing a full show! Ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers…the list of possibilities goes on!!!!

Orders can be submitted to me via email, online or call me.
Online orders can be entered at www.pamperedchef.biz/michellespc . Click on Products, How to order and enter my name as the host.

If you would like me to send you an order form or catalog please call or email me and I will send it out to you right away!

With our mid season products coming out June 1st don’t miss the opportunity to win


Couple of Rules (of course  )
- Orders and payment information must be to me by June 14th
- The $100 total is before the $3.50 shipping and 5% sales tax

Start collecting your orders today!!!
  • #26
Love it!! I think I'm going to try this in July. I'd try putting if 15 people did it...upping the free/half price...looks a lot better, and it's only 5 more people! ...and it would make a $1500 show for YOU!
  • #27
Payments?On mystery host catalog shows, how does everyone handle getting the payments? Do you run around and collect them from all the people? Just take credit cards? Make them come to you?


Paula in TN
  • #28
pelamm said:
On mystery host catalog shows, how does everyone handle getting the payments? Do you run around and collect them from all the people? Just take credit cards? Make them come to you?


Paula in TN

On a show like this, all of the 'mini-hosts' :) would bring the payments to you (cash, check, credit, just like a normal catalog show). The more $100's they sell, the more times they're entered for the REAL host drawing!

I think that I'm going to do a GRAND PRIZE, then first and second runner up according to how much people turn in for a little more of an incentive... what do you think?
  • #29
pelamm said:
On mystery host catalog shows, how does everyone handle getting the payments? Do you run around and collect them from all the people? Just take credit cards? Make them come to you?


Paula in TN

I have email shows pay with credit card. A lot easier that way.
  • #30
Mystery Host letter (finally!)Sorry it took me so long to get back! Please feel free to use this anyway you wish. Let me know how you all do with the idea!



  • Mystery Host letter.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 680
  • #31
BookingsWhat about an express show for your doctors office? insurance agent? real estate agent? Drop of Catalogs at your bank and next time you go in see if the teller saw anything she liked. -Becky

Sannemomof4 said:
I like your ideas; unfortuneately i have to look for strangers as i have exhausteed my friends and family; i had about 15 names on my list of one hundred! (can you tell i dont get out much :( ) But i will keep looking! Thanks
  • #32
PCnVA said:
What you do is send a letter to, say 10, of your customers and/or past hosts. Ask if they'd like to host a $1000 show. The cool part is that it's a contest: to participate all they have to do is submit $100 in orders by a date set by you. (If each person participates you'll have your $1000.) Once everyone has given you their orders, put their names in a hat and draw out your winner to receive the host benefits.

Here's what I just sent out for the end of June. Hope it is successful!!


  • 1500 show.pdf
    98.5 KB · Views: 1,025
  • 1500 show.pub
    72.5 KB · Views: 726
  • #33
That flyer looks great!! I have to get the full version of Adobe!
  • #34
great idea
PCnVA said:
This idea was sent to me through my director, (I think!) I just had my second child in Feb and had planned on doing this for March but waited too long and didn't get it out in time.

What you do is send a letter to, say 10, of your customers and/or past hosts. Ask if they'd like to host a $1000 show. The cool part is that it's a contest: to participate all they have to do is submit $100 in orders by a date set by you. (If each person participates you'll have your $1000.) Once everyone has given you their orders, put their names in a hat and draw out your winner to receive the host benefits. My plan was for every $100 they submit they get their name entered once, that way they are motivated to get even more orders, uping their chance, host benefits, and your sales! The skys the limit with this one. Send it to 20 people if you can and it'll be an even bigger event. Go ahead to get it your letter ready NOW and all your stuff together, I didn't and thought I'd have time once on maternity leave from my full time job and it just didn't happen! Let me know what you think and how it turns out!
I just wanted to say that this a great idea, whoever hasn't tried it should.

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