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Overcoming Challenges: How to Get Bookings in Super Star Month 3

In summary, your recruiter put your first show under her name which caused you to lose it. You are in super start month 3 and have had one show close. You have another one that is supposed to close this friday. Your recruiter didn't submit the show for two months so now the guests are iffy about hosting shows because of that. You stink at this and
I am in super start month 3 and have had one show close. I have another one that is supposed to close this friday. My recruiter put my first show in under her name, so I lost that one. Then, she didn't submit the show for two months, so now the guests are iffy about hosting shows because of that. I stink at this and I think my Director thinks so too. How can I get bookings. I need to get and close two shows by the end of the month.
pamperedchefnewbie said:
I am in super start month 3 and have had one show close. I have another one that is supposed to close this friday. My recruiter put my first show in under her name, so I lost that one. Then, she didn't submit the show for two months, so now the guests are iffy about hosting shows because of that. I stink at this and I think my Director thinks so too. How can I get bookings. I need to get and close two shows by the end of the month.
Excuse me?? Your recruiter put your first show under her name? Did she do the demo and did you get the host benefits? If so that is how it's supposed to be but if you did the demo that was just not right!

Tell your guests that you didn't have control over that first show but that YOU will be very prompt at getting their orders in. Why do you need to close two more shows by the end of the month? If you are closing a show on Friday and it's at least $200 that is all that PC requires (a total of $200 in sales in the current and last month combined). You can do the rest of your shows as you can. Just do one every month if you need to.

Give yourself a break! You CAN do this. Sit down and make a list of everyone you know and start calling! Once you start having successes you will have more faith. If, after you give it an honest try, you still don't feel it's for you then that's okay too!

It's hard for us to believe but this isn't for EVERYONE! :confused:
Will your Mom/Sister/Sister-In-Law, etc. host an online show for you, to get you started? Or how about one of your friends? I had my best friend from AZ do an online show for me, we will be closing this week. She is at $250 and that is fine with me, it's better than nothing and she is awsome for doing it for me (she is very shy)(I am in my SS1 month).

I have also had my Mom do a show in CA...she got $800 in sales, everyone got there products yesterday and are asking her when she is doing another one!

I asked my MIL (NY), she has done one at $200 and is doing another next month...my SIL (CT) is doing one next month also...she is a teacher...

There are more options than we think sometimes, and even if you get small shows (cooking, online, catalog, etc...) it is something...don't give up! Eventually something will pan out.

Good luck!
Ahhh....I forgot to say, that was a little odd of your recruiter...what's the deal with her?

I personally would call ALL of your guests from that show and explain to them (without saying ANYTHING bad about your recruiter, which will bite you in the butt later) that because you were just starting out and you were not familiar with how the whole process worked, you let someone else take care of things to try to show you~BUT, since then, you have researched and learned the RIGHT way to do things and you would LOVE to show all of your guests that. Ask that they give YOU a chance to make it right and offer them FREE shows, or an incentive, then, customer service them to death! I have found that some people are stubborn and wont care, but for the most part you should get a good reception to it.

Keep on working at it, don't give up....!!!
I can empathizeI too have "thought" about giving up, but I'm still toughing it out. I am also in my 3rd ss month and I have not earned one thing yet. During the first week of my ss month (1), Hurricane Wilma hit and it hit my area hard. There was absolutely no way I was going to ask my neighbors, friends and family to host for me, especially because so many had serious damage done to their homes. I tried calling the home office (for a week I had no power, no phone lines, no internet) a week later and asked about an extension. At first they said my area was not affected (I don't think other parts of the US saw the footage of what it did down here in FL). However, when I explained to them the reality of my everyday living (even after power was restored to homes, traffic lights were down, the grocery stores were cleaned out - the food had spoiled and I was unable to try out the recipes that I had seen in the SB catalog). So, I finally got a 2 week extension of my ss1. I think I could've complained more, but I was afraid to take it even further because I was new. So, I had one show in my ss1 and that closed a little under $600.00.

My second show was in my ss2 and that was better . . . $760.00 or so. I had 2 shows in January, so I thought for sure I would get close to my rewards. One show cancelled and the other barely cleared $200.00. I had some individual orders, so I am qualified, but still no rewards. I'm hoping that this month is a little better. I had a show cancel the first weekend and I have a show for this weekend that is on for sure. Also, some outside orders and a couple catalog shows.

I'm not giving up yet though. I figure I'll take it one step at a time. My personality is not one that can just go up to anyone and ask for a show. I just can't do that. I bought the car magnets because I thought, well at least I am trying. They have paid off, but since I am new at this, I made some mistakes. I had 4 people in a matter of 5 days approach me about buying products and hosting shows. I wasn't prepared for that. I didn't have a notebook or the door prize slips to have them fill out. So, who knows what happened to those people :-(. I learned to always be prepared!

I am a stay-at-home mom who used to be a teacher and although I loved my profession before, I desperately want to be home for my kids (my 2nd one is almost 2 and my oldest is almost 5) when they go to school. I want to be the room mom and go on field trips, etc. I was eager to try this out because I have gone to shows before and I LOVE the products and because it is so flexible. So, because I believe in what I sell, maybe someone else will see that and get excited, too.

I am giving myself one year of PC to see the return. There are times when I get a little grumpy about it (all the work I had to do to make all my stuff look professional and the amount of money I have spent at the grocery store . . .my husband moans and groans when he sees the bills - yes I know I can write them off, but it still costs money!). I just want to stay postive, keep my name out there and be honest to myself and those I meet about why I love PC.

The best thing is that I can go at my own pace. I know some who really hustle to get their shows and then there's me . . . I guess I am the turtle and they're the hare. Like I said, I am trying to stay positive and keep a bright outlook on my future with PC.

I don't really have advice for you because I am new, but I can just say that I feel like I am in a similar situation and I can empathize with you a bit. I wish you good luck and keep looking on this forum. I think it is a great place to visit online. I feel like I can stay connected to the PC family here. Again, good luck!
I know how you feelI know how you feel. I started with PC in October of 2005. Never could get my sales up in any of SS months so missed out those great products. I keep trying to do the best I can. I have a full time job besides the PC so do it as part-time. It takes time to build a home based business. I plan to give this at least 5 years to see how it progresses. Going to the area cluster meetings can help give you ideas on how to do your shows and talk to those in your area for ideas.

There are all types of personalities in PC..some are able to say a lot during their shows and then there are those like me with quieter personalities. The products tend to sell themselves as they are quality products and have a great warranty behind them. The last show I had was a $900+ show and believe me I had a hard time getting much out of my mouth. I forgot to mention about the host benefits at the show but rec'd 2 bookings. ;)

Don't give up....we're all in this together! :)

Susan A.
Moore, OK
I have been there!I hope my story encourages you. You sound like you are keeping a positive attitude. I started PC in June of 2004. I did not even qualify until November. I was the true turtle. My director saw potential though. She always encouraged me to keep going. To make a long a long story short it took getting bookings out of my circle of friends. This seemed to snowball after one particular party last April. Not only have my bookings improved, I became A director Dec 1st. My point is just because you start off kinda slow does not mean that you will not be successful. I did not get one super starter bonus. Keep up your great attitude. Keep posting if you feel frustrated we would be glad to support you. We all have had ups and downs, it is your attitude that makes all the difference. HAve a great day.
Online shows?I'm just starting out and read somewhere in my materials that during our Super Starter months online orders don't count for our SS months??? Is this different from an online show?? How are online shows done??

Thanks in Advance.


kitchencop said:
Will your Mom/Sister/Sister-In-Law, etc. host an online show for you, to get you started? Or how about one of your friends? I had my best friend from AZ do an online show for me, we will be closing this week. She is at $250 and that is fine with me, it's better than nothing and she is awsome for doing it for me (she is very shy)(I am in my SS1 month).

I have also had my Mom do a show in CA...she got $800 in sales, everyone got there products yesterday and are asking her when she is doing another one!

I asked my MIL (NY), she has done one at $200 and is doing another next month...my SIL (CT) is doing one next month also...she is a teacher...

There are more options than we think sometimes, and even if you get small shows (cooking, online, catalog, etc...) it is something...don't give up! Eventually something will pan out.

Good luck!
I have never read or heard that, but that does not mean anything...Good thing we had enough regular shows to qualify!!! :)
  • #10
Soothenrelax said:
I'm just starting out and read somewhere in my materials that during our Super Starter months online orders don't count for our SS months??? Is this different from an online show?? How are online shows done??

Thanks in Advance.


I just checked the "Welcome to The Pampered Chef ~ Success Starts Here" and "Recipe for Success" and it states that to qualify you need $1,250.00 in commisionable sales. These can be individual orders, catalog shows or Cooking Shows. As long as you make the $1250 in commission.
  • #11
re:I'm getting ready for my reg job, but when I get home, I'll look for it. I think it only means when someone orderes from your website that it won't count towards your 1250.00 qualifying :(

kitchencop said:
I just checked the "Welcome to The Pampered Chef ~ Success Starts Here" and "Recipe for Success" and it states that to qualify you need $1,250.00 in commisionable sales. These can be individual orders, catalog shows or Cooking Shows. As long as you make the $1250 in commission.
  • #12
Online shows and ordersJust so you know....
Online ORDERS are individuals that go and place an order on your website (NOT under a host), you cannot do anything with the order bc it is submitted immediately.

Online SHOWS are set up as a regular show and customers enter the host's name and do it under the show. You will get an email telling you that there is an order and you have to go and get the info and manually enter it into PP. Online show orders DO NOT submit on their own. So an online show is really no different than a regular kitchen or catalog show, it just helps for those that are far away or like to do things online.

So online shows would still count towards your 1250, although I am not sure about individual online orders. I don't know why they wouldn't count, as they are still commissionable sales. The only thing I know that is restricted is our incentive program, I think it's something like 50% of your points must be from actual shows and not just from recruiting and online individual ordering. Hope this helps!!!
  • #13
online shows...I've really got to get ready for work :( I've been out the last couple of days, 1 day PTO and 1 day sick :(


I'm very interested in doing an online show, my Step Mom lives in OH and I live in S. TX. This would work GREAT.

Please let me know all about it or where I could find the info so I could come home and set it up and be already to go.

Thanks so much!

[email protected]

KennethandTiffany said:
Just so you know....
Online ORDERS are individuals that go and place an order on your website (NOT under a host), you cannot do anything with the order bc it is submitted immediately.

Online SHOWS are set up as a regular show and customers enter the host's name and do it under the show. You will get an email telling you that there is an order and you have to go and get the info and manually enter it into PP. Online show orders DO NOT submit on their own. So an online show is really no different than a regular kitchen or catalog show, it just helps for those that are far away or like to do things online.

So online shows would still count towards your 1250, although I am not sure about individual online orders. I don't know why they wouldn't count, as they are still commissionable sales. The only thing I know that is restricted is our incentive program, I think it's something like 50% of your points must be from actual shows and not just from recruiting and online individual ordering. Hope this helps!!!
  • #14
Online ShowsDo you have a website already? If so, go and play around with it, set up a show, send yourself emails, etc. It doesn't hurt anything, you can delete the show when you are done, and you can delete any contacts you create. That's the best way to learn, that's what we did! If not, what you do is go in and set up a catalog show and enter in your host's info and show start and end dates. Then you will send your host an email, it's already set up with all the info they need. They will get their password and be able to access the website and set up their show. They can do an online wish list (it will tally and tell them how much they need in sales) and a guest list for e-vites. The evites let guests directly link to your website and look at the catalog and order. It also asks them if they would like more info about shows and the opportunity. When they order, you and the host both get an email letting you know there is an order. Then you have to go and get it offline and enter it in PP. If someone wants to order but doesn't have an email address, they can still order online, they just need to go to your site and enter the host's name. If they don't enter the host's name and just put in an individual order, it will submit immediately and it cannot count towards the show. I have had people who don't pay attention and just order without entering host/organization info. HO won't change anything with that, it has already been submitted. If you need any other info, let me know!!
  • #15
Online orders....do not count for qualification! It is one of the new policies that we will get in our updated recipe for success.

These are individual online orders. So, you can still set up online shows where individuals order through a show!
  • #16
online showThanks so much for explaining this, I'm going to try it soon :)

thanks for everything,

ps I"m just getting home from 'real/day job' so I need to relax and eat, etc.

thanks again;


KennethandTiffany said:
Do you have a website already? If so, go and play around with it, set up a show, send yourself emails, etc. It doesn't hurt anything, you can delete the show when you are done, and you can delete any contacts you create. That's the best way to learn, that's what we did! If not, what you do is go in and set up a catalog show and enter in your host's info and show start and end dates. Then you will send your host an email, it's already set up with all the info they need. They will get their password and be able to access the website and set up their show. They can do an online wish list (it will tally and tell them how much they need in sales) and a guest list for e-vites. The evites let guests directly link to your website and look at the catalog and order. It also asks them if they would like more info about shows and the opportunity. When they order, you and the host both get an email letting you know there is an order. Then you have to go and get it offline and enter it in PP. If someone wants to order but doesn't have an email address, they can still order online, they just need to go to your site and enter the host's name. If they don't enter the host's name and just put in an individual order, it will submit immediately and it cannot count towards the show. I have had people who don't pay attention and just order without entering host/organization info. HO won't change anything with that, it has already been submitted. If you need any other info, let me know!!
  • #17
Online Show :(I'm pretty good with the computer and just tried to set up an online show, but can't find where to do so :(

I'll keep trying, maybe I'll have to go read more of my consultant stuff to, so much to do so little time :(

Soothenrelax said:
Thanks so much for explaining this, I'm going to try it soon :)

thanks for everything,

ps I"m just getting home from 'real/day job' so I need to relax and eat, etc.

thanks again;

  • #18
"real job"I am very sorry, but I take offense to the comment of a "real job". There are several of us who use Pampered Chef a source of income to allow us to stay at home with our families. My family and I do this together and consider it a job. Everything about Pampered Chef is real, especially the income. Yes there are those Consultants who do this on the side as another part time work to earn a new kitchen or maybe a trip with the family. But it is still work and a real job. I hope you are success in your "real" job, because so far you are only proving that maybe Pampered Chef is not an appropriate field you should be in. Sorry if I offended anyone by this, but I have seen, Consultants quit there "real" jobs and make this their living because it can be a good one.
  • #19
Didn't mean to offend anyone!!!I WOULD LOVE IT IF I COULD AFFORD TO BE A PC AS MY TOTAL SOURCE OF INCOME. I"m so sorry, I didn't mean for it to come across that way :(

:( :( :(

kitchencop said:
I am very sorry, but I take offense to the comment of a "real job". There are several of us who use Pampered Chef a source of income to allow us to stay at home with our families. My family and I do this together and consider it a job. Everything about Pampered Chef is real, especially the income. Yes there are those Consultants who do this on the side as another part time work to earn a new kitchen or maybe a trip with the family. But it is still work and a real job. I hope you are success in your "real" job, because so far you are only proving that maybe Pampered Chef is not an appropriate field you should be in. Sorry if I offended anyone by this, but I have seen, Consultants quit there "real" jobs and make this their living because it can be a good one.
  • #20
Creating Shows on WebsiteFrom Consultants Corner, go to the "Personal Website Assistant" (usually in the shortcuts). From there, you will see four choices. Choose "work with your shows". Then, just follow the instructions. You can call me (email for number) if you would like me to walk you through it.

Hope this helps!
  • #21
DSA's are my destressor's :)As stated in earlier message, I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. I really wish I could afford to leave my OTHER J O B. For lack of better words that's how I put it. I COULDN'T WAIT TO COME HOME AND WORK ON MY PC site, etc.

please forgive me :) I'll try harder to say things in a better way, I really was worried about it while I typed it :(

kitchencop said:
I am very sorry, but I take offense to the comment of a "real job". There are several of us who use Pampered Chef a source of income to allow us to stay at home with our families. My family and I do this together and consider it a job. Everything about Pampered Chef is real, especially the income. Yes there are those Consultants who do this on the side as another part time work to earn a new kitchen or maybe a trip with the family. But it is still work and a real job. I hope you are success in your "real" job, because so far you are only proving that maybe Pampered Chef is not an appropriate field you should be in. Sorry if I offended anyone by this, but I have seen, Consultants quit there "real" jobs and make this their living because it can be a good one.
  • #22
Soothenrelax said:
As stated in earlier message, I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. I really wish I could afford to leave my OTHER J O B. For lack of better words that's how I put it. I COULDN'T WAIT TO COME HOME AND WORK ON MY PC site, etc.

please forgive me :) I'll try harder to say things in a better way, I really was worried about it while I typed it :(

I wouldn't sweat it. I always consider anyone's "full time" job as their "real" or "regular" job and if PC is part time for you then it makes sense. It's just the lingo.
I refer to my day job as my regular job too and PC is my side gig.
I accidentally said that to a bartender once, asked him what his real job was- I meant no offense, but of course it was taken the wrong way. I just wanted to know what he did during the day.
I think it's all about perspective.

To some people, PC is their real job, it's their main focus. That's not a bad thing and it doesn't mean that PC is any less "real" if you have other jobs too.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Thanks to everyone for the support. I have good cluster meetings, but we always hear about the high sales. I understnad why, but I have no idea what everyone else is doing, or how the high sales people do it. I haven't gotten a website yet because of the money. I need to actually make some money and have already put so much out.
  • #24
Just finished SS3.I have to share this with everyone. When I first started my shows were low! $300- $400. Then I had an Aha moment. I realized I was trying too hard. I was "trying" to make sales and "trying" to do everything just right. When I stopped doing that and was completely myself, my sales went way up. I use the tools everyday at my home now and I'm able to talk from experience. I tell them what I like about each thing and how I use them. That really seems to help. I have a full time day job too. I am a teacher and PC is my part- time work/hobby. THat is what is so great about PC "The apron comes in 5 sizes" and it can extra income or complete income. Everyone joined PC for different reasons and it isn't fair to judge anyone for their choices.

  • #25
Michelle Metheny said:
I have to share this with everyone. When I first started my shows were low! $300- $400. Then I had an Aha moment. I realized I was trying too hard. I was "trying" to make sales and "trying" to do everything just right. When I stopped doing that and was completely myself, my sales went way up. I use the tools everyday at my home now and I'm able to talk from experience. I tell them what I like about each thing and how I use them. That really seems to help. I have a full time day job too. I am a teacher and PC is my part- time work/hobby. THat is what is so great about PC "The apron comes in 5 sizes" and it can extra income or complete income. Everyone joined PC for different reasons and it isn't fair to judge anyone for their choices.


Michelle, your reply kind of made the lightbulb go on for me. My first 2 shows that I did were over $1000 shows, and I have gone down hill since then. I think that I went the opposite and tried way to hard after that to keep those high totals going. I have not been able to get bookings, and I think now it is because I am trying too hard and not having the fun that I had at my first show.

Thank you very much for your insight and making the bulb start flashing. :D

  • #26
argh.. is it worth it?
pamperedchefnewbie said:
Thanks to everyone for the support. I have good cluster meetings, but we always hear about the high sales. I understnad why, but I have no idea what everyone else is doing, or how the high sales people do it. I haven't gotten a website yet because of the money. I need to actually make some money and have already put so much out.

I'm right there with you. I have put a good bit of money into my PC business.. maybe not as much as some, but it's a lot on our budget! I know I have to spend money to make it, but we just don't have the money to spend. So, I am kind of stuck right now in that aspect. I'm trying to have a positive attitude, but I just can't seem to get any bookings/sales. I have one booking in March (3rd catalog show from a host of mine) and she's interested in doing a cookware layaway, so that's really great! I'd really love for PC to be a bigger thing for me and my family, but I've worked my butt off the past four months, and all I've gotten in return was stress and worry. It's kind of disappointing because I envision myself being able to handle catalog shows and home shows, and working my way to Director, with the cluster meetings and everything; I envision myself making at least SOME money doing it.. so far, I've sunk money into it for almost a year and got barely anything to show for it. For all the time I've spent worrying and toiling on my business, only to get nothing from it, I could have worked the night shift back at the local nursing home and made really good money. It's just that I am so desperate to sell PC. I'm not sure why. I just love the products, and when I'm not worrying or stressing over it, it's an awesome release for me (I am a stay at home mom, and I went to culinary school for my passion--cooking--before I got married and had my son) so I don't want to quit. I guess I'm just thinking maybe this is something that I'm meant to do as a hobby and not as a full-time job.
Sorry I'm rambling, but my husband, as supportive as he is, is having a hard time understanding why I want to continue when it hasn't returned anything for what its been given. I guess I just need some support.. someone to offer me suggestions, advice. I've done follow-up, and talked to friends/family/co-workers.. I've done a TON to get bookings/sales, and I can't afford to do any fairs or vendor shows right now (that was how I got a lot of contacts this past fall). I've tried the "list of NOs" and, nothing. Well, a lot of no's.. lol. I'm taking my husband to the doctor's office today, and I'm going to ask the office girls there if they'd like to see the new spring catalog. (or maybe that's not the way to ask them?? any suggestions?) I think I'm going to concentrate for the last bit of February on getting bookings more for March if I can (while allowing whoever wants to book this month if they'd like)..

thanks for listening to me grumble and vent. I appreciate it.. :D Everyone here is so awesome!
  • #27
spending money?What are you spending money on? Sometimes we need to evaluate our spending. If you ask yourself the question " is this a profit making purchase" it may help. for instance...a new file cabinet for the office. Is this a want or a need. Can you work out of a cardboard box? Most of the time the expenses we have in PC are "convenience" purchases rather than "necessary" purchases. Most businesses do not make a lot of money in their first year. Some are lucky to break even. Try evaluating your spenditures for a few months and see how many are necessary as opposed to convenience purchases. Good luck and stick with it!

pchefinski said:
I'm right there with you. I have put a good bit of money into my PC business.. maybe not as much as some, but it's a lot on our budget! I know I have to spend money to make it, but we just don't have the money to spend. So, I am kind of stuck right now in that aspect. I'm trying to have a positive attitude, but I just can't seem to get any bookings/sales. I have one booking in March (3rd catalog show from a host of mine) and she's interested in doing a cookware layaway, so that's really great! I'd really love for PC to be a bigger thing for me and my family, but I've worked my butt off the past four months, and all I've gotten in return was stress and worry. It's kind of disappointing because I envision myself being able to handle catalog shows and home shows, and working my way to Director, with the cluster meetings and everything; I envision myself making at least SOME money doing it.. so far, I've sunk money into it for almost a year and got barely anything to show for it. For all the time I've spent worrying and toiling on my business, only to get nothing from it, I could have worked the night shift back at the local nursing home and made really good money. It's just that I am so desperate to sell PC. I'm not sure why. I just love the products, and when I'm not worrying or stressing over it, it's an awesome release for me (I am a stay at home mom, and I went to culinary school for my passion--cooking--before I got married and had my son) so I don't want to quit. I guess I'm just thinking maybe this is something that I'm meant to do as a hobby and not as a full-time job.
Sorry I'm rambling, but my husband, as supportive as he is, is having a hard time understanding why I want to continue when it hasn't returned anything for what its been given. I guess I just need some support.. someone to offer me suggestions, advice. I've done follow-up, and talked to friends/family/co-workers.. I've done a TON to get bookings/sales, and I can't afford to do any fairs or vendor shows right now (that was how I got a lot of contacts this past fall). I've tried the "list of NOs" and, nothing. Well, a lot of no's.. lol. I'm taking my husband to the doctor's office today, and I'm going to ask the office girls there if they'd like to see the new spring catalog. (or maybe that's not the way to ask them?? any suggestions?) I think I'm going to concentrate for the last bit of February on getting bookings more for March if I can (while allowing whoever wants to book this month if they'd like)..

thanks for listening to me grumble and vent. I appreciate it.. :D Everyone here is so awesome!
  • Thread starter
  • #28
I've spent money on sign-up, product packages and paperwork supplies. I already had a filing cabinet. I haven't done anything extra since I don't have enought business yet to justify it.
  • #29
I'm not going on a shopping spree! Between catalogs, paperwork and postage alone, it already is stretching our budget. I know that PC is great and makes what we have to buy cheap according to the standards out there, but on our budget, it is a stretch just doing that. As for a filing system, I am using the file storage tub that I bought when we first married 3 years ago.. I just use half the folders for PC and half for our personal stuff. So, everything I've bought is necessity, not just careless splurging.
  • #30
I hear ya! I started this to make extra money and it seems like I have spent the money I was trying to earn on a little office stuff and PC stuff (catalogs, order forms, INK and more INK, food - and boy, the prices have gone up so much on certain items - my grocery bills are jaw-dropping at times). Tonight my husband and I were trying to figure out when it would be best for me to order my spring paperwork and the sample kits. I have a show on Sunday and I have a good feeling about it, but I don't want to spend my money before I make it. In fact, to be honest, I haven't even had the pleasure of spending any of the money I've earned. It's directly deposited into my account and that goes right to mortgage, utilities and things that make our family household run. Gosh! I would love to go out and buy some stuff all for me . . . I guess that will come in time! lol. Anyway, I hear ya about the money thing . . . we're in the same boat, too.
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  • #31
I'm in the same boat, too. I am doing this because I need to work, and I can't put anymore $ into my business until the commission checks start coming in.
  • #32
I know I don't like to spend alot of money on business stuff so I don't get alot of the little "extra's" that people get. I would love to get a couple of shirts with the PC logo on them but just haven't yet. One thing I do to cut down on paperwork expenses is to break up 10-15 catalogues and put them in page protecters then in folders at the beginning of Spring and fall. This saves me alot of money on catalogues and I know I always have 10-15 of them on hand for the whole season. I know alot of people like to give them away and I would love to but I just don't want to spend alot of money on the catalogues. I also don't buy postcards and stickers and send them out normally you know like the ones at Nancy's artwork. I make ALOT of phone calls instead. I don't offer alot of extra gifts for hosts or to get people to book a show either. Our host program is awesome so I try to get them to have high sales instead so they can get lots free. I also don't buy alot of extra products for myself. I try to earn them or get them at a discount like on the paperwork supply. I do buy one sample package at the beginning of the season and its usually the smallest one just so I'll have some new products to show people. I have actually been having pretty good paychecks the past few months but I still don't like to spend alot on extras. I guess I'm just finicky like that. So there are alot of things you can do to keep costs down. You really can have a successful business without spending too much extra. Another thought is maybe if some of you know you are getting good income tax checks back you can use a little of that to buy some things you would like to have for your business. Just remember to do what works best for you and your budget and your business will grow regardless.

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