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How to Order Next Month's Host Special?

In summary, the September Guest Special for cookbooks is $10 using the special price plus your discount, and you can order it using the Guest Special # after August 1st.
AZPampered Chef
Silver Member
OK, I got this from another board:

Refer to the policies posted on Consultant's Corner! All Consultants can purchase the GUEST SPECIAL (not HOST special) one month early using the special price plus your discount! You will need to manually adjust the dates in Pampered Partner and P3 but you can get them early and discounted!

So for September you can get any cookbook for $10... place it on a personal order using the Guest Special # for the cookbook you want, and PP will automatically calculate your discount. So if your commission rate is 20%, you get a 20% personal discount so each cookbook will cost you $8!!!

Be sure to review the policies before you order. And as a side note, this only works for Guest Specials that are discounted or at a special price... doesn't work with the free item with purchase.

So I was trying do this to get some of the cookbooks at the September Guest Special rate of $10, but when I put the numbers into P3, it did not fill in the order. (I used Personal Order, a date in August, GM39 and GM41 which are the special numbers)

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? You don't know how much I want these recipe books!!!
I don't know, but I would like to know how to do it!!
Not positive, but I think you can only order the special one month ahead. (So, to get the cookbooks, order after August 1st)
  • Thread starter
  • #4
SusanBP0129 said:
Not positive, but I think you can only order the special one month ahead. (So, to get the cookbooks, order after August 1st)

I was thinking that it might be this, so I will try again in a few days. I'll let ya know if it works!
We can only order one month early, so you will have to wait until August 1.
The part where AZPamperedChef is quoting in blue and it says "you will have to adjust the date" --adjust it to what to make it work?
  • Thread starter
  • #7

When you click on "add a new noncommission order" the window pops and asks "Order Date". I'm assuming you just put in Aug. 1 or whatever you need.
Thanks. I hope it will work. I love the 29 minute cookbook.
On my august personal order using P3 I see the knives as the guest special so I'm assuming after the august first update we'll see the cookbooks?
  • #10
tlennhoff said:
On my august personal order using P3 I see the knives as the guest special so I'm assuming after the august first update we'll see the cookbooks?
I am sure you are correct!!
  • #11
...can we order the host or guest special in advance with our discount on top of the specials' discount??
  • #12
jenniferknapp said:
...can we order the host or guest special in advance with our discount on top of the specials' discount??
Yes - but GUEST SPECIAL ONLY! For instance: The Santuko knife is $56 for guests in August and as a consultant you would get 20% off that (-$11.20) plus shipping and tax.

As a director I would get 30% off (-$16.80) so my final total would be $46.12.

Host specials can only be gotten by hosting a show in the month that the special is held.
  • #13
Okay thanks! That is what I thought, but the title of this thread made me a little confused :)
  • #14
sweet! I may just have to get the 29 minute cookbook that way!
  • #15
Maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. I am trying to order knives at the guest special rate for next month. But my 20% discount is not coming off. I am only getting 20% from the guest special. What do I need to do? Thanks
  • #16
Do you have it on a non-commission personal order?
  • #17
brittanymcginnis said:
Maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. I am trying to order knives at the guest special rate for next month. But my 20% discount is not coming off. I am only getting 20% from the guest special. What do I need to do? Thanks
Hmmmm... when you set up your user profile the defalt is "consultant" and so you couldn't have forgotten that and that's how the program knows what your discount it. Unless someone else has an answer I'd call tech support.
  • #18
chefann said:
Do you have it on a non-commission personal order?
Ah! Yes. It needs to be put in under non-commission orders/personal order. That probably is her problem!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
jenniferknapp said:
Okay thanks! That is what I thought, but the title of this thread made me a little confused :)

Oh crud, I can't believe I put HOST instead of GUEST special. :rolleyes: Sorry about that!
  • #20
Can we do this for more than one of the guest special? Can I order 5 cookbooks for only $8 each?
  • #21
Yes, you can.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Well, I still haven't had any luck doing this. I've tried the personal order, supply order, and sample order. Has anybody done this recently?

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm sure it's something simple.

  • #23
Do an update and try again
  • #24
AZPampered Chef said:
Well, I still haven't had any luck doing this. I've tried the personal order, supply order, and sample order. Has anybody done this recently?

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm sure it's something simple.

Are you using the guest special numbers instead of the regular ones? And the order dated August?
  • Thread starter
  • #25
whiteyteresa said:
Do an update and try again

Thanks, Teresa! I did the update and IT WORKS!!! Just order it as a personal order.

Thanks everyone for working on this with me.
  • #26
AZPampered Chef said:
Thanks, Teresa! I did the update and IT WORKS!!! Just order it as a personal order.

Thanks everyone for working on this with me.

You mean just order it as a Non Commission personal order??? I never knew we could do this, great to know!!!! So can we still order the knives that are on guest special this month, even though it is already august???
  • #27
I'm starting to love P3. I'm able to find things easier and I love the drop down category box that lets me find stuff like the host & guest specials.

Now if they would have september's new products working for shows for september I'd be really happy. The host & guest specials are there but not the new products. Wahhh, I'm setting up the show I'm doing for september and I wanted to put everything in so I'd remember and now I have to make it a note on the summary page.
  • #28
So what cookbooks would you recommend? I am definitely getting the 29 minutes one, but I would like to get a couple more.
  • #29
All the Best!!!

Stoneware Inspirations

Others if you have hosts who seem to request a lot of those types of recipes. Remember, too, that the older the book, the more likely it is to have tools/pantry items in the recipes that are no longer in the product line. Of the current (fall 2007) cookbooks, they were introduced:
TPC Delightful Desserts Cookbook S01
TPC Casual Cooking Cookbook S02
TPC All the Best Cookbook S03
TPC It's Good For You Cookbook S04
TPC Let's Eat Cookbook S05
TPC Stoneware Inspirations Cookbook F05
TPC Cooking for Two & More Cookbook F06
TPC 29 Minutes to Dinner cookbook F07
  • #30
I just did it. What I found to be the easest way was to date a Personal Non Commission order Sept 1 and then pull up the guest specials and add what I wanted to my order.

They will show as $10 each, but up at the top of the screen you will see your additional discount of 20% off (or whatever your level is), so that when you look at your product total for one cookbook it's $8.

After I'd entered all of the September guest specials that I wanted, I went back and changed the date to August 1 and entered anything else that I wanted (in my case another copy of the Main Dishes Cookbook that is going away since my copy seems to have walked off at a show).

Then I entered my payment and submitted the order and it worked perfectly.
  • #31
I have All the Best, delightful desserts, and stoneware inspirations.

I take my cookbooks to every show now, I started about 4 shows ago. Since taking them I sell at least 2 cookbooks a show. I'm curious how many I will sell in September.

I am getting the 29 min or less with the SAT 1. Besides these 4 is there 1 that I REALLY need?
  • #32
I am completely confused.
I CANNOT get the cookbooks to update.
I ran an update & the 29 min cookbook isn't coming up.
What am I doing wrong?
  • #33
Chozengirl said:
I am completely confused.
I CANNOT get the cookbooks to update.
I ran an update & the 29 min cookbook isn't coming up.
What am I doing wrong?

You have set up a non-commisionable order for August? Are you using PP or P3? They showed up this afternoon in my P3.
  • #34
tlennhoff said:
You have set up a non-commisionable order for August? Are you using PP or P3? They showed up this afternoon in my P3.
I did step 1, I am using P3.
I did an update before I tried putting it in, and it isn't showing up.
  • #35
Weird, call HO. Earlier today it did not show up and then this afternoon it did. I just wnet and checked. I have an august non-commissionable personal order set up, clicked the magnifying glass, and then scrolled all the way to the end.
  • #36
Do you have to order the same amount of product as a guest would have to? Or can you just get how many cookbooks you want? Is there a limit to how many you can get?? So many questions... TIA!
  • #37
The cookbooks don't have a separate purchase requirement. They're just on sale. So you should be able to add them. Call HO if you're still having problems.
  • #38
tlennhoff said:
Weird, call HO. Earlier today it did not show up and then this afternoon it did. I just wnet and checked. I have an august non-commissionable personal order set up, clicked the magnifying glass, and then scrolled all the way to the end.
Came up that way! THX
  • #39
AAARRRGGHHH! I'm putting in a Supply order for F/W stuff but I can't order the Sept. guest special on it. I have to do it as a separate Personal Order. Which means the extra 20% consultant discount is getting sucked up by the extra shipping charge. And, I can't get a Sample F/W product order on either one! WTH?!!!
  • #40
Even with the discount, when you add shipping it comes to $13. Don't forget the 29 minute cookbook is part of two of the F/W sample packs (1/2 price). The smaller one is only $28 and includes small cranberry accent squares, cookbook, bamboo tongs, finger guard, & something else (brain is fuzzy!)

PC CPR - go to CC >Managing Business>Product Samples. You can order samples directly from CC, you just have to remember to enter them as an expense in PP or P3
  • #41
PC_CPR said:
AAARRRGGHHH! I'm putting in a Supply order for F/W stuff but I can't order the Sept. guest special on it. I have to do it as a separate Personal Order. Which means the extra 20% consultant discount is getting sucked up by the extra shipping charge. And, I can't get a Sample F/W product order on either one! WTH?!!!
That's because supply, personal and sample orders are all separate order types. They all have to be submitted separately.
  • #42
Can I order the November guest specials on a non-commission order now, or is it too late? I would love to get some more cranberry accent SA at 20% off the guest special price.Thanks! :)
  • #43

You can try it... what I would do (and did this month on the 1st) was order the products on a show I was putting in (ordered in my mom's name)... I still got the 20% off price, I'll earn my discount back in my commission, I get the points for SAT, it counts towards sales for the next raise (toward the %750 level, etc.), and incentive trip points. :)
  • #44
Well, normally I would think of that, but I think that I may close my only show (fundraiser) in December, which I am donating all of my commission....so I am just looking to get some christmas presents at a discount!Maybe I will switch my thoughts and submit the fundraiser as November, and then buy the december guest special as a non-commission order now for 20% off the guest special price. Does anyone know if we can buy multiple guest specials one month in advance?
  • #45
jenniferknapp said:
Well, normally I would think of that, but I think that I may close my only show (fundraiser) in December, which I am donating all of my commission....so I am just looking to get some christmas presents at a discount!

Maybe I will switch my thoughts and submit the fundraiser as November, and then buy the december guest special as a non-commission order now for 20% off the guest special price. Does anyone know if we can buy multiple guest specials one month in advance?

No... we can only order 1 of each guest special item as a personal order.

Here's what the policies say:

Early Purchase of Guest Specials
In order to have a sample to demonstrate, Consultants
can purchase most Guest Specials (but not Host
Specials) the month prior to the promotion (as well as
the month of the promotion) on a personal order. See
the monthly promotions flyer for specific details. Guest
Specials are assigned a unique order number for the
month of the promotion.

To order a Guest Special on a personal order:

• Fill out a sales receipt, checking the box for a personal order. Write in the Guest Special in the designated area; you must use the assigned Guest Special product number.

• In the month prior to the promotion, only one early Guest Special can be purchased.

• If the Guest Special has specific purchase requirements, the Consultant must meet the requirements after the discount has been taken to take advantage of the special.

• Example: Spend $60 and receive the Ice Cream Dipper free! If the Consultant wants a free Ice Cream Dipper, she or he must spend $60 (after the personal discount) to receive the item free.

• NOTE: In the example above, if the Consultant simply wants a sample of the Ice Cream Dipper, we recommend that she or he order it using the regular product number and purchase it at the normal personal discount.

Related to How to Order Next Month's Host Special?

1. How can I order next month's host special?

To order next month's host special, you can refer to the policies posted on Consultant's Corner. All Consultants can purchase the GUEST SPECIAL (not HOST special) one month early using the special price plus your discount. You will need to manually adjust the dates in Pampered Partner and P3, but you can get them early and discounted.

2. Can I order the guest special at a discounted price?

Yes, you can order the guest special at a discounted price by manually adjusting the dates in Pampered Partner and P3. This only works for guest specials that are discounted or at a special price, not for free items with purchase.

3. How do I place a personal order using the guest special number?

To place a personal order using the guest special number, you can use the special price for the item and your personal discount. For example, if your commission rate is 20%, you will get a 20% personal discount, making each item cost only $8.

4. Where can I find the policies for ordering next month's host special?

The policies for ordering next month's host special can be found on Consultant's Corner. It is important to review these policies before placing your order.

5. What do I do if I am having trouble with my order for next month's host special?

If you are having trouble with your order for next month's host special, double check that you have followed the correct steps and have entered all the necessary information correctly. If you are still having issues, you can reach out to your consultant for assistance.

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