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How can I ensure a successful kitchen show?

In summary, the flyer is great and the person who created it is very knowledgeable about the mystery host process.
I'm trying do up a flyer for a Kitchen Show, but I'm not sure if it's quite "right." I've never done this before, so I'm a little lost as to what to do/write. I was wondering if I could get some feedback and advice/tips on it from anyone? Thanks!


  • Open House Flyer.doc
    433.5 KB · Views: 1,153
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  • #2
when opening the attachmentI just realized that when you open the attachment, it doesn't show the whole first page--you have to go to "Print Preview" to see the entire first page of the flyer. Not sure why it does that...:confused:
Looks Good to MeEmily,

Great discontinued items flyer! Much better than the very basic list I have been using!
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  • #4
flyerThanks, Shari!

I actually got the picture page from someone in my cluster group, so I can't take credit for it even though I would like to!
Mystery Host ShowThe flyer is great. Thanks for sharing.

I have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Have you ever done a Mystery Host show where you didn't actually get together? I have several preferred customers and some really great hosts that I would love to give the opportunity to win the benefits for a mystery show; but they live a couple hours away and it would be very difficult to try and find a time when everyone can get together.

I'm in my SS2 month and can use all the help and suggestions I can get.

Thanks for listening. :)
Yes, I am super busy, so in order to do my mystery hostess shows I do them via e-mail and my website! There is a fantastic flyer on this website called 1500 show...search the files and you shall find it...its great to copy and paste into an e-mail and send out (and of course adjust it to your needs).
Just an idea for you!
Thanks so muchAngela,

Thanks so much. The email is a great idea. I will do the search for the flyer.
Slow SeptemberMy September is very slow so far, so when I found the $1500 show flyer last weekend, I revised (actually recreated it in word) and emailed it to all of my past hosts & guests. Not much interest yet, but I plan on making some calls this weekend). I will use the mystery host process to come up with a host. I am hoping this will work well.
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  • #9
flyerHey everyone! Sorry about not getting back to you sooner--had my first Kitchen Show last night and now I'm getting ready for the Mystery Host Show on Saturday. I ran a bunch of copies of the flyer I made and went door to door handing them out. I'm really hoping that I get a good response from people. I'll be so bummed out if this doesn't generate much interest--all the work and no one shows is my worst nightmare!

Speaking of no one showing--my Kitchen Show did not go as well as I had hoped. There were only two people there--the host and one guest. It was really weird trying to do a show with only two people--and then they are both friends of mine, so I really didn't get a whole lot of practice. They both said that I did fine, but I feel like I didn't do anything at all except be the "cook". I did everything I could with Host coaching, but I should have known from past shows before I was a consultant that she was not going to have a lot of people there. Oh well! She said that she was going to try and get some orders from the one other girl that was supposed to be there and also from her neighbors. I'm really hoping we at least make the $150 mark so that I can count it as a show for her. I would hate to think that my first show was a huge FLOP! :(
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  • #10
wrong date!!!I just realized that I put the wrong date on ALL of my flyers!!! I have the RSVP as SEPTEMBER 18th instead of AUGUST 19!!!!! AAAACKK! What am I going to do??? I already printed and put up about a 100 of the flyers....I hope everyone who reads it realizes that I meant August and not September....oh nooooo!:eek:
  • #11
So sorry to hear about your show. It is definitely more difficult to do a show with 2 people. It is so much easier when there are a lot of guests. You do not have to do as much and with all the participation, the focus is not on the consultant 100% of the time. With only 2 or 3 I always feel like I am in a fish bowl!

About the flyer - hopefully people will call you with the conflicting RSVP date and show date. Other than that, I do not know what to tell you to do!
  • #12
Wrong date solutionEmily,

This may be an oportunity for you now you can have one in Aug & Sept. I would try to call anyone that I could so that you can make your August one successful and let the rest fly as Sept.

I hope this helps.

How exactly are you doing your Mystery Host party? I really want to have one in October but I am afraid that asking them to bring $100 in orders to the show will turn them off. I am thinking of having it that anyone who brings an outside order will qualify for the grand prize of being the host.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

  • #13

I would be afraid that if you don't ask them to bring outside orders that they may just show up then the host benefits would be lower in number. My feeling is that if you tempt them with the idea that they only have to get $100-150 in orders, they will have a chance to win the host benefits for the show.

Again that is just my idea and I have never done one of these shows so I also could use any suggestions or ideas.
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  • #14
mystery hostessChristol,

I also put on my flyers (couldn't figure out how to do with in Word) that if people brought a friend=1 ticket; RSVP'd they would get 2 tickets; book a kitchen show=5 tickets; place an order $25 or more=3 tickets; hold their kitchen within the next 3 months=7 tickets; and if they purchase the guest special=10 tickets. I'm going to have a prize drawing at the end of the show from the tickets for a small gift basket consisting of the discontinued items (towels, 1 trivet, and 1 scraper) and then throughout the show here and there for bamboo tongs, quikut paring knives, and citrus peelers.

As for the Mystery Hostess, I plan on drawing only from those who actually placed an order and then depending on big the sales are, I may pick two and split the show into two, so that each Hostess will get the entire benefit of being a hostess. But that is only if the show reaches $600 or more so that each will get at least one half price item at the $300 level.

I'm going to do the new potsticker appetizers in advance; black bean, hominy, and corn salsa (finishing touches as a demo); microwave cake in the rice cooker as the main demo--with one already made prior to the show; and some other snacks and beverages.
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  • #15

The tickets are a great idea. I have thought about the outside orders and I am wondering how you are handling this.

I agree with dcorman that outside orders would garuntee a good out come in sales and the selected hostess would have a great show. However, should I set a $$ limit and how are they going to recieve the catalogs? I want to invite as many as possible to ensure attendance.

Your show is this weekend correct? I hope it goes really well for you and please keep me posted.

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  • #16
outside ordersHmmm....I hadn't really thought about outside orders, to be honest...I've been so busy trying to get things ready for the show on Sat. and the one I just did on Tues. I guess for next time I might do something like that, but I don't know how it would be received since most of the people I do shows for are/would be military and we are on such tight budgets. :(

If your guests have online access, they can go to the main Pampered Chef website and see the catalog there, or if you subscribed to the PC Consultant's web service, then you could send out emails letting people know they can view the catalog on your website.
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  • #17
drcorman said:
The flyer is great. Thanks for sharing.

I have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Have you ever done a Mystery Host show where you didn't actually get together? I have several preferred customers and some really great hosts that I would love to give the opportunity to win the benefits for a mystery show; but they live a couple hours away and it would be very difficult to try and find a time when everyone can get together.

I'm in my SS2 month and can use all the help and suggestions I can get.

Thanks for listening. :)

I've never done a show or been to a Mystery Hostess show that was online...sounds like it could be fun though! Let us know how you end up doing it...:)
  • #18
Catalogs for Mystery Host
christol7 said:

The tickets are a great idea. I have thought about the outside orders and I am wondering how you are handling this.

I agree with dcorman that outside orders would garuntee a good out come in sales and the selected hostess would have a great show. However, should I set a $$ limit and how are they going to recieve the catalogs? I want to invite as many as possible to ensure attendance.

Your show is this weekend correct? I hope it goes really well for you and please keep me posted.



I'm planning on contact my potental mystery host by phone or email. And if they are interested in being involved I will mail them some catalogs and order forms.
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  • #19
no one showed!Well, I suppose the title says it all--not a single person came! I had all of the food and drinks ready and not a single person...the only person who did show up was another consultant that I know and is a friend of mine. She stopped by to let me borrow some of the things from her kit that I did not have. But, she was on her way to dinner with out of town guests so she couldn't stay.

On a good note though, the only person who called me about the show placed an order with me because she and her hubby were going to be gone this weekend and she really wanted some things that are going to be discontinued this month. So, I guess it's not a complete and total loss--in a sense...

<sigh>My Dh is going to ask people at his work tomorrow to see if anyone wanted to place an order before I put this order through--plus, he forgot the order form from the other girl at work (her Dh works at the same place as mine).

I'll keep you posted on how things go.
  • #20
Been there and survived. Last December I had a Holiday Open house with 2 friends as co-hosts. They sent out over 150 invitations and I also invited. It turned out that a very aggressive consultant with another company scheduled her holiday crop the same day AFTER she heard when the PC party was. Other events were happening around town and the weather was very bad. We had one person come and she didn't order. The hosts did get together enough outside orders to call it a show but we had all three done a ton to prepare and made a ton of food. Both had considered the opportunity but since then won't even talk about a show again. They are still my friends but are "gun shy" now.

I have also had open houses at my home that have had pitiful attendance even after a ton of reminders and flyers and emails and phone calls (not ALL to the same people ;) ) - so I do feel your pain.

The good thing is that it does get your name out and when someone who was invited needs something they will remember you and call! The trick is patience. It could be months later...

Related to How can I ensure a successful kitchen show?

1. What is a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show?

A Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show is a fun and unique way to host a Pampered Chef party. Instead of having a designated host, all guests have the opportunity to win the hostess rewards and benefits.

2. How does a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show work?

During a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show, guests will be given a number upon arrival. Throughout the party, we will draw a number and that guest will become the "mystery hostess" for the party. All orders placed under that number will count towards the hostess rewards and benefits.

3. Can I still earn hostess rewards as a guest?

Yes! As a guest at a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show, you still have the opportunity to win the hostess rewards and benefits. Simply place an order under the designated mystery hostess number and you will be eligible for the rewards.

4. What are the benefits of hosting a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show?

The benefits of hosting a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show include the chance to win hostess rewards, a fun and unique party experience, and the opportunity to try out new Pampered Chef products.

5. How do I book a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show?

To book a Mystery Hostess Kitchen Show, simply contact your Pampered Chef consultant or visit our website to find a consultant near you. They will be able to assist you in scheduling and planning your party.

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