I'm confused. I know that sometimes the host can qualify to get the Free Guest Special items.I just submitted a show that was at $501 in sales. The host spentroduct total: $136
- FPV: $135
Subtotal: $1
-discount 25%: 0.25
Subtotal: 0.75
+Half-price items: $36.50
+Monthly Host Sp: $23.20
Subtotal: $60.45So my question- I always thought it was the PRODUCT Subtotal, and didn't include the Half-price and Host Special items. I'm guessing that it is ALL of the products then, before shipping/tax. Is that correct? Just trying to make sure I understand so I don't have to make that phone call again "I'm sorry- I just realized you earned this free product? Which did you want?". It's a good call to make, but still, I SHOULD know this. Thanks
- FPV: $135
Subtotal: $1
-discount 25%: 0.25
Subtotal: 0.75
+Half-price items: $36.50
+Monthly Host Sp: $23.20
Subtotal: $60.45So my question- I always thought it was the PRODUCT Subtotal, and didn't include the Half-price and Host Special items. I'm guessing that it is ALL of the products then, before shipping/tax. Is that correct? Just trying to make sure I understand so I don't have to make that phone call again "I'm sorry- I just realized you earned this free product? Which did you want?". It's a good call to make, but still, I SHOULD know this. Thanks