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Host Coaching Timing: Tips and Tricks for Successful Calls and Emails

a really good question! I haven't given away many cookware sets, but I love the incentives, so I'm definitely considering it!Thanks for the feedback!
Okay you guys I'm new and I was wondering how everyone else does the timing on their host coach calls. How long before the show each one is? Do some of you do e-mail rather than the phone? Any other advice you feel like giving.
Thanks for the info
I reset mine in P3 to reflect what I do. 1st call is usually 21 - 28 days before the show, 2nd call is usually 10 days before the show, and 3rd call is usually 2 days before the show. If I am trying to call and don't get a response, I try email, but usually I only send specials and recipes through email and follow up personally on the phone. That's always the best way to host coach, so you don't forget to talk about anything and you know they understand. I also use the Host Information Forms that are on the "Downloads" section on CC - they make it easy to remember to talk about everything during each call, and then I have one sheet that has everything regarding the show (recipe, notes about host, family, products, etc.). HTH!
I deliver or mail the host packet a month before the show if I didn't already give it to them (if they booked from a show). Then I call a few days after that to go over it. I used to call a week before the show for recipes, but now I am using the downloadable invitations through CC, so I will be calling them for the recipe (or at least the theme) before I mail out the invites (about 2 weeks before show). Then I call 1-3 days before the show for directions, guest count, etc.

Now I will probably also be sending a follow up email to my first call with the recipe choices for each theme. That way they can either let me know via email (saving me a second phone call), or it will make for a shorter 2nd call b/c I won't have to describe each choice.
I use the reminders on PP to personally call host. I changed call two to 7 days out from show. If I haven't given them the packet at the show, I mail 30 days before show and follow up with a phone call within 3 days of mailing the packet. I have a check list I downloaded from PC that I use to make sure I mention everything that I want to cover. I mail invitations for host, so on the first call, I ask hosts which them show appeals to them (not individual recipes yet) This helps when ordering invitations. Second call will be my recipe choices. Since I have used personal calling over emailing, I have had more successful shows.
I call a couple of days after they get the kit to ask if they have any questions and make a few suggestions (invite everyone, start your wish list, etc.).Two weeks before the party, I send a "Beat This" postcard. I offer a Small Batter Bowl if their guest sales are over $500, an Executive Saute Pan if sales are over $1,000, and a set of Executive Cookware if sales are over $1,500.Ten days before, I call to make sure everything's on track and to discuss the menu.One week before, I send a postcard with suggestions to make reminder calls, ask everyone if they want to order or schedule a show, etc.Two days before, I call and make final arrangements--number of guests expected, details for finding house, etc.
Rae, have you ever had to give a host a cookware set? how do you set that up in PP3? would it still go towards the commissionable sales/guest sales? do you get a discount on it when you buy ti for them? i love those incentives, maybe i'll hav eto do that
raebates said:
I call a couple of days after they get the kit to ask if they have any questions and make a few suggestions (invite everyone, start your wish list, etc.).

Two weeks before the party, I send a "Beat This" postcard. I offer a Small Batter Bowl if their guest sales are over $500, an Executive Saute Pan if sales are over $1,000, and a set of Executive Cookware if sales are over $1,500.

Ten days before, I call to make sure everything's on track and to discuss the menu.

One week before, I send a postcard with suggestions to make reminder calls, ask everyone if they want to order or schedule a show, etc.

Two days before, I call and make final arrangements--number of guests expected, details for finding house, etc.

Now THAT is a carrot for a host to chase!! I'm curious how many cookware sets you've given away too?!?!?
That's actually an idea I got from someone at NC who has a show average of over $800. She said that the only change she'd made was to offer a set of cookware to anyone who had sales over $1,500. She said she'd given away a few. I just started offering the set in August, so I haven't given any away yet. I'd be happy to do it, though. I regularly give away small batter bowls (my show average is about $575.) I've given away a few of the Executive Saute Pans in the past year, since I started offering it.
Would you happen to have the design for your postcard that you could post here? I think this sounds like a GREAT idea!Also, will you be changing that to include SS cookware as well, now?
  • #10
Ya Rae! Do you have the post card??? That's a great idea. I just recently started doing the Tic-tac-toe host challenge thing so I'll see how that works and maybe try the postcard thing sometime. So far, I've had one host really get into it.
  • #11
Also, what set do you give away? The entire set (that you would get at 1/2 using one of her 4 1/2 off items?) or is it the 5pc. ?? This sounds very interesting to me to. I gave away a cookware set to light a fire under my team when I need to re-promote. It woke some of the up...
  • #12
Addie4TLC said:
Also, what set do you give away? The entire set (that you would get at 1/2 using one of her 4 1/2 off items?) or is it the 5pc. ?? This sounds very interesting to me to. I gave away a cookware set to light a fire under my team when I need to re-promote. It woke some of the up...

I was wondering that same thing... what restrictions do you have on it? If your commission on the show is $375 (that's at the $1250 level with your raise, 25%), and 1/2 price on the 5-piece set is $112.50, I guess that still leaves a pretty huge commission... or do you do it under her 30% discount = $157.50 then you make your commission on that ($39.38), which brings the price to $118.12? Just wondering...
  • #13
GourmetGirl said:
I was wondering that same thing... what restrictions do you have on it? If your commission on the show is $375 (that's at the $1250 level with your raise, 25%), and 1/2 price on the 5-piece set is $112.50, I guess that still leaves a pretty huge commission... or do you do it under her 30% discount = $157.50 then you make your commission on that ($39.38), which brings the price to $118.12? Just wondering...

That last scenario sounds like the way to go, win, win especially with the Pan-o-rama! She would also be covered as far as the guarantee. Wait... I just re-read your post.... and both seem like good options with the first being a little cheaper. And this month we have that 60% option to use!!!
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  • #14
Now, after calculating out the costs, I may have to try this... With 5 September shows to go, this would be a great incentive to throw out there!
  • #15
GourmetGirl said:
Now, after calculating out the costs, I may have to try this... With 5 September shows to go, this would be a great incentive to throw out there!

It is worth it considering you'll be getting pan-o-rama and choice is yours points for Higher shows!! PLUS higher comissions. WIN, WIN!
  • #16
Here's the postcard I use. I usually print it on very bright card stock.

As for your questions, every once in a while I have host who doesn't use all of her half-price items. In that case, I'll add it at half-price. Otherwise, I simply add it to the host order, taking advantage of the discount. As I said, I haven't been able to give away a set . . . yet. :p


  • Beat This Incentive.pdf
    43.3 KB · Views: 365

Related to Host Coaching Timing: Tips and Tricks for Successful Calls and Emails

1. Why is timing important in host coaching?

Timing is crucial in host coaching because it can greatly impact the success of your party. The earlier you start coaching your host, the more time they have to invite guests, plan their menu, and get excited about the event. It also allows you to provide support and answer any questions they may have along the way.

2. When should I start host coaching?

Ideally, you should start host coaching as soon as your host agrees to host a party. This will give you plenty of time to work together and plan a successful event. However, if your schedule is tight, aim to start host coaching at least 2-3 weeks before the party date.

3. How often should I communicate with my host during the host coaching process?

Communication is key in host coaching. It is important to touch base with your host at least once a week leading up to the party. This can be through phone calls, texts, emails, or even in-person meetings. It's also a good idea to check in with them after sending invitations to ensure they are following up with their guests.

4. What should I include in my host coaching messages?

Your host coaching messages should be informative, but also fun and engaging. Some things to include are tips for hosting a successful party, ways to invite guests, information about the products and specials, and reminders about the date and time of the party. You can also include personal touches, such as sharing your favorite recipe or product recommendation.

5. Is it okay to continue host coaching after the party?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to continue host coaching even after the party is over. This is a great opportunity to thank your host for their hard work, remind them of any specials or promotions, and offer support for any follow-up orders. It's also a good idea to check in with your host after the party to see if they are interested in hosting again in the future.

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