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Fundraiser Breakfast: Understanding the Contribution Value and Confusion

In summary, the conversation revolved around the Breakfast of Caring fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Participants discussed how to track contributions and achieve the goal of $150 for the fundraiser. They also mentioned various ways to earn donations, such as through sales of special products and hosting fundraisers. The deadline for the fundraiser was revealed to be June 12th and it was noted that participants must track their own donations and will receive a special invitation if they qualify for the Breakfast of Caring. The "Be a Hero" HWC order form was also mentioned as a way to earn donations.
I can't find what my hubby did with the book about conference, can someone help me?
I was wanting to know what the deal was with the breakfast does a fundraiser count towards the $100 or just the dollars from the products?
Jen :confused:
All donations to the American Cancer Society count: Sales of the guest specials, host only pitchers, the pins we bought to give out to customers, and any money raised on HWC fund-raisers.
Round Up Tracker?I have 2 questions - first is there a way to track what has been contributed between HWC and round up for the breakfast of caring? Second, when is the cutoff date for achieving the goal of $150 for the breakfast of caring?
  • Thread starter
  • #4
To check donations in PP, go to the reports (it looks like a piece of paper and has PP on it and a magnifying glass) and then go down to donations. You should also look up the part # for the Molds.

The deadline for the Breakfast is June 12.

What exactly is the breakfast of caring. I've heard it here and there, but I didn't know what it was or whatnot.
WonderfulThe Breakfast of Caring is wonderful! Instead of being herded like cattle into buffet lines you get a sit down breakfast that is always great. You also get appreciation from ACS and Pampered Chef (used to be Julie Christopher...now I don't know who will be there)!!

It is great to know that you have helped so many people by doing so little! :D
So is it a combination of round up or just HWC... and our personal orders for pins count, too? How will we know we qualify for this?
Both...You can earn the Breakfast of Caring in HWC and RUFTH. You get a pin for each when you earn them. You have to have $150 for RUFTH or HWC...or you can combine them.

For RUFTH you can go into PP and go to reports then scroll down to donations report. You will want to set your date range from Sept 1- May 31. You need at least $150 in donations.

For HWC you can go into PP , REPORTS, Total items sold (select HWC product #s-don't forget the host special). I am not sure if buying pins goes towards the Breakfast of Caring! Call HO on that one.:D
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Yes, the pins and all the samples you could order counted $1 for the HWC and Breakfast of Caring. Also all donations for HWC fundraisers and donations from Round up and the dollar from buying the heart mold.

Right now one of my children's teachers is having a HWC fundraiser and I am putting any outside orders I get on it and she even has it posted outside her room on the wall if anyone wants to order so I am sure I will make it again this year, I already raised $42 in donations by making a chart with squares for people to purchase for a dollar donation for a chance at a $20 gc from me to use on the fundraiser show.
  • #10
Thanks, Marlene...

I'm close! I would have kicked myself if I hadn't checked it and missed it by "this" much!
  • #11
Actually the deadline for the Breakfast of Caring is June 12th. Just so everyone knows. It's printed in the june 2006 section on the May calendar in the May KCN.
  • #12
Thanks, Donna! Do we find out ahead of time if we qualified for TBOC? Or is it something we just track? This is my first conference so I'm pretty excited!
  • #13
My first conference as well, but I'm calling my director tomorrow to find out. Right now, I only have 19.80 in RUFTH donations in the last 10 months! I know it's pitiful, but I'm hoping that the "Be A Hero" HWC order form will help me get there.
  • #14
You have to track the donations on your own. If you've qualified then you will get a special invitation (a little card) inside of your registration packet at National Conference.
  • #15
Be a heroOk, I am curious - what is the "be a hero" HWC order form? This is my first SS month and my goal is to be at the breakfast of caring.
  • #16
Here you go Wendy! It's just like a Girl Scout order form.


  • HWC Be A Hero Order Form.doc
    158.5 KB · Views: 492
  • #17
Thanks for the info! I am tracking this!

dzmOM: Thanks for that form! I sent all of my friends an email asking if they would take orders for these. Those who emailed me back, I sent them the form! I've gotten lots of yes's so we'll see how much I can raise.
  • #18
You better start asking!!:D
DZmom said:
My first conference as well, but I'm calling my director tomorrow to find out. Right now, I only have 19.80 in RUFTH donations in the last 10 months! I know it's pitiful, but I'm hoping that the "Be A Hero" HWC order form will help me get there.

WOW! :eek: All you have to do for RUFTH is ask. I find that if I take the time to ask, about 75% of people round their order up! Just tonight I had one lady round up $4.89! :D So those really add up!

You can still earn the breakfast in HWC and you still have time in RUFTH!!:p

I just checked my donations, and I am over $200 (not including the molds or mold holder!)

HWC is already at $58...already a 1/3 of the way there!:) :)
  • #19
Wow! You're doing great! I had a show last night and I really made sure I had a huge spiel about RUFTH and HWC and I only sold 2 HWC clips and the past host took advantage of the cups and squares. I did check my RUFTH donations and I have $147.65! I'm so excited that I''ve been able to raise that much! WIth my show last night, I received over $12 in donations on 12 orders! I had one lady donate $3.36. It's really all in what you say. If you don't talk about it, you won't sell it. ;)
  • #20
I use my laptop for shows and PP has a function to automatically round up. I've been thinking about doing that and just telling them the price with the round up.
  • #21
My advance director automatically rounds up for all her shows, and says she has had no complaints!
  • #22
Here's how I do it--I talk about the RUFTH program at every single show--I talk about it when I explain checking out and payment options--and tell my guests how much money PC has raised by collecting spare change--$10 million in 15 years. Just $1 buys 12 lbs of food or 4 meals in a soup kitchen. I let them know that I will round them up to the next dollar automatically and if they would like to round up to the next $5 or $10 increment, I would be glad to do that for them.

My donations since Sept 1st are $160.23 with the largest amount being $4.87. This does not count stoneware molds or racks either. I've sold 23 HWC items so far as well. I took preorders and make sure to ask every single guest at checkout if they'd like to purchase the pink items. (I keep a copy of the May guest special page next to me at check out so they can take a look).

All you have to do is ask and you will get there!
  • #23
I was just reading and the Breakfast of Caring is so do-able! I didn't realize that it's only $150 in a combination of pink products, fundraiser monies, pins and RUFTH contributions. I am already at $75 and I am having a fundraiser this month for HWC and I am sure it will be more than the other $75 I need...woohoo!
  • #24
I'm going to try the advice of just rounding up their orders automatically. Maybe saying something along the lines of "Jane thank you so much for your order! Your total is $31.00 and that includes a Round up donation of .28 cents to the local food pantry!"

I hope that it will help! Most of my customers don't round up even when I ask. So maybe if I don't give them the choice than I will make it there! Who's going to say no in front of all the other guests!
  • #25
Okay, I'm confused! When I go to the Donations report in PP, the HWC stuff doesn't show, only the RUFTH donations. Do I need to figure out what the value would be from the HWC stuff on my own? Also, the pins do count right?
  • #26
DZmom said:
I'm going to try the advice of just rounding up their orders automatically. Maybe saying something along the lines of "Jane thank you so much for your order! Your total is $31.00 and that includes a Round up donation of .28 cents to the local food pantry!"

I hope that it will help! Most of my customers don't round up even when I ask. So maybe if I don't give them the choice than I will make it there! Who's going to say no in front of all the other guests!

When I am at my shows and I am giving my order form tour, I let everyone know that I will automatically round up their order to the next dollar unless they tell me not to. I then tell them that the donations will stay right here in our town and go to the schools for reduced or free lunches. I do it this way so that I don't have to tell the story 15 times and take up precious time at the end of the show.
  • #27
CarlyK said:
Okay, I'm confused! When I go to the Donations report in PP, the HWC stuff doesn't show, only the RUFTH donations. Do I need to figure out what the value would be from the HWC stuff on my own? Also, the pins do count right?

I figure the HWC stuff on my own, don't know that there is a way to do it otherwise. The pins do count, but I think it's a $1 from every bag of pins purchased and not $1 per pin.
  • #28
soonerchef said:
I figure the HWC stuff on my own, don't know that there is a way to do it otherwise. The pins do count, but I think it's a $1 from every bag of pins purchased and not $1 per pin.

Thanks for that Andrea! Woo hoo! I don't have that much, but something is something! I have been doing my own PC fundraiser of for the ACS, and I just tell my family that their orders are coming out even because I round up, and they just love it! LOL. Wooo hooo for that!
  • #29
I find that guests love that their payments come out to a whole dollar amount too...it's seems that in their eyes that it is easier, especially with those that are paying cash!
  • #30
I agree with you, Andrea... I'm just going to do it at my next show, make a mention that I'll automatically round unless they don't want me to. The whole dollar amounts would be easier, too.

I do have to ask an past conference attendee: I got my confirmation letter from HO for conference and the first line says "Round up from the Heart, and the date July 13th". Is that the breakfast?
  • #31
AJPratt said:
I agree with you, Andrea... I'm just going to do it at my next show, make a mention that I'll automatically round unless they don't want me to. The whole dollar amounts would be easier, too.

I do have to ask an past conference attendee: I got my confirmation letter from HO for conference and the first line says "Round up from the Heart, and the date July 13th". Is that the breakfast?

I just looked at mine and it has the same thing, the 13th is the day we register and pick up all of our stuff...I am assuming that it says the 13th because that is when we will get our RUFTH goodie! The Breakfast of Caring is on the 14th for wave 2.
  • #32
Duh the first day is the 13th! Hopefully it means we qualified.
  • #33
The Round Up From the Heart item on your registration means you have agreed to participate in this program. In past years, they needed this information because they gave out hearts at registration.

The good news is. . .they have something in mind for this fall.

You won't know (other than tracking on your own) if you are invited to the breakfast until you get your materials at conference.
  • #34
Thanks, Jeanine!
  • #35
Does anyone have a way they track this that works best? Something in PP maybe, aside from the report already mentioned.
  • Thread starter
  • #36
AJPratt said:
I agree with you, Andrea... I'm just going to do it at my next show, make a mention that I'll automatically round unless they don't want me to. The whole dollar amounts would be easier, too.

I do have to ask an past conference attendee: I got my confirmation letter from HO for conference and the first line says "Round up from the Heart, and the date July 13th". Is that the breakfast?

That is the box you checked that says you are dedicated to talking about RUFTH at your shows and last year you got the free heart mold for it to show off, this year I can't wait to see what they are going to come up with to replace the heart mold. And you get this when you register first thing with your new bag and all of your materials.

As far as counting how many donations for HWC I individually go through my May shows to track them instead of through the looking it up by number. And looking up donations for RUFTH it is easiest to look up the number for the heart mold or the donations report in PP.
Last edited:
  • #37
No that just says that indicated you are dedicated to presenting the Round up campaign at your shows next year.

If you have earned a seat in the Breakfast of Caring you will receive your invitation in your registration packet at conference.
  • #38
I told everyone at my show tonight that when I tell them their total that I would be automatically rounding up their order to the next dollar. So they would be helping out their community and also giving a little back. They LOVED it! Everyone asked if I included their round up when I gave them their total. Who knew it would be that easy. By taking the decision out of their hands it was so much easier than asking them. I say go for it if you are having people just say no thanks all the time.
  • #39
I checked with my director abou the breakfast for caring and she said it is $150 in either HWC or RUFTH, not a combination of both.....

Katie Roberts
Independent Sales Director
Ocean Springs, MS
  • #40
They changed it this year. Now it is a combination of them both. Last year it is one or the other.
  • #41
In the HWC flyer thing for the consultants it is says...

The Breakfast of Caring celebrates the special efforts
of Consultants who participate in our giving campaigns.
There are two ways you can receive your invitation to
this event on day two of National Conference.
1. Submit a total of $150 or more in contributions to
our Help Whip Cancer® and/or Round-Up from the
Heart® giving campaigns.
Help Whip Cancer®
Total contributions must be comprised of $1 contributions
from the sale of Help Whip Cancer® products, the whisk
pin, fund-raiser contributions or a combination of all
three. Shows must be held and closed between May 1-31
and submitted by midnight CT on June 12. You’ll also
receive a special American Cancer Society Celebrate
Life 2006 pin* when you attend National Conference.
Round-Up from the Heart®
Total donations must be comprised of $1 or $2
contributions from the sales of:
• Stoneware Patriotic Heart Mold
(between Sept. 1, 2005-May 31, 2006)
• Stoneware Mold Holder (between Sept. 1, 2005-
Feb. 28, 2006)
• Rounded up contributions
• A combination of all three of the above.
Shows must be held and closed between Sept. 1, 2005 and
May 31, 2006, and submitted by midnight CT on June 12.
2. Be a 2005-2006 Food Bank Coordinator.
  • #42
DZmom said:
I told everyone at my show tonight that when I tell them their total that I would be automatically rounding up their order to the next dollar. So they would be helping out their community and also giving a little back. They LOVED it! Everyone asked if I included their round up when I gave them their total. Who knew it would be that easy. By taking the decision out of their hands it was so much easier than asking them. I say go for it if you are having people just say no thanks all the time.

I am so glad that it worked for you! Yipee!!!
  • #43
just talked to the solution centerHi all,
I just got off the phone with the solution center to confirm and this is what they told me:
The $150 is from either RUFTH or HWC not a combination of both.

Independent Sales Director
Ocean Springs, MS
  • #44
I think your contact at solution center goofed!
soonerchef said:
In the HWC flyer thing for the consultants it is says...

The Breakfast of Caring celebrates the special efforts
of Consultants who participate in our giving campaigns.
There are two ways you can receive your invitation to
this event on day two of National Conference.
1. Submit a total of $150 or more in contributions to
our Help Whip Cancer® and/or Round-Up from the
Heart® giving campaigns.

This is what we have in print. . .that's what I'm going with.
  • #45
I just called and spoke with Meeting and Incentives. They checked with the department who is in charge of the Breakfast of Caring. You can earn the Breakfast of Caring with a combination of HWC and Round Up. For example, if you raised $100 in HWC and $55 in Round Up, you get to go.
  • #46
ThanksThanks, Lisa,
Good call on specifically asking for someone in that department. I appreciate the clarification.

  • #47
I wish some of the people at Soluntions Ctr would get their act together! They have no idea the problems they cause!

I did the automatic round up last night and no one even thought twice of it!

JDavis: You mentioned: That is the box you checked that says you are dedicated to talking about RUFTH at your shows and last year you got the free heart mold for it to show off, this year I can't wait to see what they are going to come up with to replace the heart mold. And you get this when you register first thing with your new bag and all of your materials.

Is that something we get at conference? I joined last July, just after the conference and didn't get the free heart mold last year.
  • #48
Anne- last year (and I think previous years too) we received the Heart Mold when we picked up our registration packets on the first day. This fall they are changing the program and will no longer have the Heart Molds, there will be something in it's place and by checking the box we are saying that we are committed to helping the cause and we will more than likely get whatever the new product is when we pick up our packets.
  • #49
That is so cool!!!

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