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Fun Prize Ideas for Your Next Party!

What a terrific idea!!!! That is a creative way to book parties without feeling pushy about it. Thanks for the idea!! I'll have to try it at my next show!
Hi Everyone,
I thought since all of you have given me some great ideas I would give one back. I had a candle party for someone right before I started PC, and I got the idea from her. By the way, because I had a show for her, she is having a show for me. She had a balloon for every guest, in the balloon was a piece of paper with a prize written on it. Very simple, if you wanted to book a party you popped the balloon and you got the prize. If two people popped their balloon and booked a party, the host received a gift. 1. The people will want a prize. and 2. The host will want a prize so she will try to get people to pop their balloons. I think this is great too if you are someone whos a little shy and do not like to come right out and ask for bookings. It worked well at my candle party. I'm going to try it at my next PC party and I will let everyone know how it works out.

Good Luck everyone ,
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Love it!!!!Debbie,
Thanks for the tip~ it sounds like fun and seems like it will really work.. Totally going to try it at my show on Sat!
What a great idea. What kind of prizes are you giving out? Do you wait until they actually hold their show before giving it to them?


DebbieSM said:
Hi Everyone,
I thought since all of you have given me some great ideas I would give one back. I had a candle party for someone right before I started PC, and I got the idea from her. By the way, because I had a show for her, she is having a show for me. She had a balloon for every guest, in the balloon was a piece of paper with a prize written on it. Very simple, if you wanted to book a party you popped the balloon and you got the prize. If two people popped their balloon and booked a party, the host received a gift. 1. The people will want a prize. and 2. The host will want a prize so she will try to get people to pop their balloons. I think this is great too if you are someone whos a little shy and do not like to come right out and ask for bookings. It worked well at my candle party. I'm going to try it at my next PC party and I will let everyone know how it works out.

Good Luck everyone ,
  • Thread starter
  • #4
PrizesHi Nancy,
I just give small prizes for the bookings and I do give them out at the show. I did do this at my last show and got 2 bookings. For the Host, I would give something a little bigger. The bookings got a paring knife, Seasons Best CB, Cake Tester, or Free Ingredients for their show. The Host I gave the Host Special for free. The host special was an easy freebie this month because it was only 5 or 6 $'s. I know I won't be using it next month, with the $40 BBQ Set. I think I might do a small spatula or something small like that similar in price. If you use it, it does get your Host involved in asking for the bookings, because they want to get a prize. And keep in mind, they do not know what the prize is until they agree to the booking.
How creative!!What a terrific idea!!!! That is a creative way to book parties without feeling pushy about it. Thanks for the idea!! I'll have to try it at my next show!

~Erica :)
I was just concerned that if you gave them a gift at the original show, they wouldn't keep their show that they booked...but I can afford to give out the kind of gifts you are talking about. Thanks. BTW, has anyone backed out on the shows after you did give them the gift?


DebbieSM said:
Hi Nancy,
I just give small prizes for the bookings and I do give them out at the show. I did do this at my last show and got 2 bookings. For the Host, I would give something a little bigger. The bookings got a paring knife, Seasons Best CB, Cake Tester, or Free Ingredients for their show. The Host I gave the Host Special for free. The host special was an easy freebie this month because it was only 5 or 6 $'s. I know I won't be using it next month, with the $40 BBQ Set. I think I might do a small spatula or something small like that similar in price. If you use it, it does get your Host involved in asking for the bookings, because they want to get a prize. And keep in mind, they do not know what the prize is until they agree to the booking.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
I haven't had anyone back out as of yet, but this is only my first month. They're only small prizes so I'm not too concerned about losing one or two.

Good Luck,
If you are giving any sort of gift for booking a show, you should NEVER give them the gift UNTIL the night of the SHOW! NEVER NEVER NEVER give anything free until they hold their show. If you are giving a free product and you don't have it on hand, you order it with their discount from the show.
Gifts for Booking showsAs Ginger said above..Never give out a gift before they have thier show...
But, here is a TWIST on that...I never give out a PC gift until their show, but I do give them a small gift for booking a show that night at the show.. Normally, it's either a nice bag (normally plastic with a nice ribbon) with a Thank You note, my business magnet card, and some hershey kisses...sometimes (as I am an avid Stampin' UP! customer) I make my own "blank" recipe cards and throw those in there too.
So there is an idea for you, without having to waste money on any PC extras...
  • Thread starter
  • #10
ThanksThanks Angela and Ginger,
As I said I am only in my first month so I'm learning as I go. So would you give out something different as a prize if they were waiting until their show to receive it. I was giving out something like paring knife, SB cookbook, etc. Would you give something different?

Thanks for your input,
  • #11
PrizeHi Debbie,
I normally just do the the SB, but I add a cool little poem I print from the computer and double stick tape it to the inside of SB and I read it at the beginning of all my shows as the hostess/hosts stands beside me. Then, I tell everyone, I'm going to pass this around the room, so you can leave your own little msg to "hostess's name", but don't worry, it doesn't have to be as long as mine..(which normally gets a lot of laughs).
Poem: Say hostess/hosts name before you begin...
I know you've worked hard
This party to plan.
You've begged for orders
From your friends and clan!

You've vacuumed and cleaned
And made snacks for the guests.
And when they all leave,
You'll clean up their mess!

So, I'm leaving this gift
For the nice things you've done,
As my way to say "Thanks"
For making Pampered Chef so much fun!

From the bottom of my heart,
I want you to know…
I appreciate your kindness
Now enjoy the show!

Hope this helps!!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thanks Angela it is very cute. I think I might use it.

Thanks Again,
  • #13
I'm not sure I can picture what you are talking about. Where do the guests write their messages? Do you include additional pieces of paper for them to write on?
  • #14
Love the poem!!!
  • #15
Answer for Stephanie's ??HI Stephanie,
The guests write their messages in the SB, normally on the inside of the covers, front and back.
Guests normally write really small msgs like "thanks for having me, love shelly"
"I'm having tons of fun-Anne" or some just sign their name..its whatever they'd like to write, but has to fit on the SB.
Hope this helps!
  • #16
You could also ask guests to sign a page with a recipe that they want Suzy Host to make when she has them over to dinner next!!! ;)
  • #17
I love that poem...mind if I use it?


acherry said:
Hi Debbie,
I normally just do the the SB, but I add a cool little poem I print from the computer and double stick tape it to the inside of SB and I read it at the beginning of all my shows as the hostess/hosts stands beside me. Then, I tell everyone, I'm going to pass this around the room, so you can leave your own little msg to "hostess's name", but don't worry, it doesn't have to be as long as mine..(which normally gets a lot of laughs).
Poem: Say hostess/hosts name before you begin...
I know you've worked hard
This party to plan.
You've begged for orders
From your friends and clan!

You've vacuumed and cleaned
And made snacks for the guests.
And when they all leave,
You'll clean up their mess!

So, I'm leaving this gift
For the nice things you've done,
As my way to say "Thanks"
For making Pampered Chef so much fun!

From the bottom of my heart,
I want you to know…
I appreciate your kindness
Now enjoy the show!

Hope this helps!!
  • #18
I Debbie, I would NOT give them something different then what you are giving now. I think that just by winning that gift, they don't need to know how much it cost you, they just get exited about the fact that they WON something, once in a wall I would make a special draw for hostess like, for everyone that host a show from________to________ will enter to win a stone or something that is you big seller.
DebbieSM said:
Thanks Angela and Ginger,
As I said I am only in my first month so I'm learning as I go. So would you give out something different as a prize if they were waiting until their show to receive it. I was giving out something like paring knife, SB cookbook, etc. Would you give something different?

Thanks for your input,
  • Thread starter
  • #19
ThanksThanks Sweet,
I think I will stick to the same prizes. It seems to be working, why change.

Thanks Again,
  • #20
What a fantastic idea. I have a couple of new recruits who are struggling to get bookings from shows. I will definitely pass on this idea to them. I particularly like the gift bag with a few choccies and business card etc. I will def. use that one myself. Incidentally, one of the consultants in my team recently said that she always has one of the Simple Additions bowls with her filled with choccies, and she offers guests the chance to "Chop for a Chocolate" if she has guests who are reluctant to participate and try out the products. Remember us Brits are a little shy, and PC is still very new in our area so guests tend to sit and want to be entertained rather than join in!

Related to Fun Prize Ideas for Your Next Party!

What are some fun prize ideas for a party?

There are so many fun prize ideas for a party! Some popular options include kitchen gadgets or tools from Pampered Chef, gift cards to local restaurants or shops, spa or beauty products, and personalized items such as monogrammed towels or tumblers.

Should I offer a mix of small and large prizes?

It's always a good idea to offer a mix of small and large prizes. This allows for more guests to have a chance at winning something and keeps the excitement going throughout the party. You can also offer a grand prize for a fun and memorable finale!

Can I incorporate the prizes into party games?

Absolutely! Incorporating the prizes into party games is a great way to add an extra element of fun and competition. You can have guests play games to win smaller prizes throughout the party, and then have a larger game for the grand prize at the end.

Are there any budget-friendly prize ideas?

Yes, there are plenty of budget-friendly prize ideas that are still fun and useful. For example, you can create a gift basket with inexpensive but useful kitchen tools or offer a homemade treat as a prize. You can also find great deals on small gifts at discount or dollar stores.

Can I offer non-tangible prizes?

Absolutely! Non-tangible prizes can be just as fun and exciting as physical prizes. You can offer experiences such as a cooking lesson or a spa day, or even a gift certificate for a service like house cleaning. These types of prizes can be memorable and appreciated by guests.

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