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Frustrated Hosts: Dealing with Two Difficult Parties

In summary, the speaker is frustrated with two of their hosts who have not closed their parties and provided payment on time. The first host had been unresponsive and the second host wants to delay payment until they get paid. The speaker is annoyed and worried about potential issues with delayed payments and submitting the parties at the end of the month. They vent about their frustrations and mention a coworker causing additional stress. They eventually were able to close the first party, but discovered a declined credit card for the second party. The speaker is concerned about not having a phone number for the host's daughter and the potential impact on their earnings for the month.
Gold Member
GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! :grumpy: What is wrong with my hosts this month?!?!?!?!?! I have two this month that are giving me gray hairs!! I always set up the day to close the party before I leave their house with full instructions on how things work after their party.

The first one, who's party was TWO WEEKS ago, still hasn't closed her party. Last week I tried to call her a few times only to finally get an email on Friday that said that they had been sick and she hadn't had a lot of time to work on it. I emailed her back asking her to email me her orders and we would take care of the payment over the phone. Never heard back from her after more phone calls and emails until Wednesday of this week! Another email just saying that she had been busy and hasn't given it a lot of thought. I finally put my foot down and reminded her that one of her bookings is this Saturday - she would not get any booking benefits or past host discounts unless we closed by today (Friday). Last night she finally sent her last orders and her orders to which I replied that I would call tonight for payment. I leave her a message when I get off work to which she finally replies that I am to call later tonight to get her payment. Here's hoping she answers her phone when I call in 30 minutes! That and one of her guests (the past host) emailed me to ask why I hadn't charged her card she. She had purchased other items and no longer had the money to buy all the items she ordered. We worked out a deal but I'm still not happy about it. I'm also hoping that we don't have any declined credit cards since it's now been open for two weeks!

My second host's party was this Monday, we had plans to close tonight (Friday) since she would have money tonight. Well the first thing she says to me is "Can we hold this open until NEXT THURSDAY when I get paid?". UGH!!! I tried to remind her that holding her show open longer can cause some issues and closing on the last day of the month might cause other issues. Nope, she wants to wait until she gets paid. I finally get her to give me the orders she has right now and she suggests meeting this weekend to get a check from her that I can hold until Thursday. I try to remind her that we talked about using a debit/credit card and that I'm super busy this weekend and wouldn't be able to meet her anyway. Then she asks if I can meet her at the host's house - NO, I don't live close to the host's house!!! This is why I want a card not a check!! Of course I had a smile on my face and politely explained my policy to her again. I finally agreed to meet her at the past host's house which is closer to me on Tuesday.

Okay I'm done venting - just super annoyed right now. Already dealing with a stupid coworker and now this. I don't want to hold either of these shows open any longer and I don't want to submit any of these shows at the end of the month. I hate waiting until the last day - things always go wrong when that happens. I'm on track to earn the $3000 level this month which would be my highest month in a long time. Thanks for listening - only you guys would truly understand my frustrations!!
Not fun! Hope everything works out.
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I was almost a little bit more peeved - Host 1 did not answer her phone when I called but she did call me right back - her show is finally closed. I probably seemed like the crazy PC lady but seriously - it isn't that hard to take care of this!!
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Should have known - declined credit card! This is what happens when you leave your show open for two weeks. People don't always keep track of their purchases and don't think that you will charge their card two weeks later. Crappy thing is it's the host's daughter and she didn't leave me a phone number! :(
wadesgirl said:
Should have known - declined credit card! This is what happens when you leave your show open for two weeks. People don't always keep track of their purchases and don't think that you will charge their card two weeks later. Crappy thing is it's the host's daughter and she didn't leave me a phone number! :(

Call the host then. Maybe next time she will not take so long (wishful thinking....and it wouldnt be a next time with me!). And if she said anything, just say that this is usually what happens when shows are left open beyond a few days. Least it was a card, and not a check that bounces and costs YOU money.
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esavvymom said:
Call the host then. Maybe next time she will not take so long (wishful thinking....and it wouldnt be a next time with me!). And if she said anything, just say that this is usually what happens when shows are left open beyond a few days. Least it was a card, and not a check that bounces and costs YOU money.

This is what I tried to warn the 2nd host about especially since it's closing at the end of the month. I will actually see the first host tomorrow and see what she says.
Overall, I wish I had more hair to turn gray. :(

Related to Frustrated Hosts: Dealing with Two Difficult Parties

1. How do I handle a situation where one party guest is constantly interrupting and talking over other guests?

It's important to maintain control of the party and keep the focus on the demonstration. Politely remind the interrupting guest that everyone should have a chance to speak and ask for their patience while the demonstration continues. If the behavior continues, try privately speaking with the guest during a break and politely addressing the issue.

2. What should I do if a party guest is consistently negative and making rude comments?

It's important to remain professional and not take the comments personally. Acknowledge the guest's concerns and address them calmly and respectfully. If the behavior continues, try redirecting the conversation back to the products and the positive aspects of the party.

3. How do I handle a situation where a guest is constantly on their phone and not paying attention?

Remind guests at the beginning of the party to please silence their phones and give their full attention to the demonstration. If the behavior continues, try privately speaking with the guest and politely asking them to put their phone away or step outside to take a call.

4. What should I do if a guest is constantly asking for discounts or free products?

Politely remind the guest that the prices and promotions are set by the company and that you are unable to offer additional discounts or free products. If the guest continues to push for discounts, try redirecting the conversation back to the products and the value they offer.

5. How do I handle a situation where two guests are having a disagreement or argument during the party?

First, try to diffuse the situation by acknowledging both guests' perspectives and finding common ground. If the disagreement is becoming disruptive, politely remind both guests that this is a fun and positive environment and ask them to keep the conversation respectful. If necessary, take a break or change the topic to redirect the energy of the party.

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