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Can I Host a Sneak Preview Show in August for Fall Products?

In summary, the June Sell-a-thon will be getting the $350 in fall products. There is the possibility of a sneak preview show in August, and taking pre-orders for September or having a show purely to get interest in Fall bookings - but encouraging people to book a show. Is that allowed?
I will be getting the $350 in fall products from the June Sell-a-thon. I am wondering if it's okay to have a "Sneak Preview" show in August and take pre-orders for September or have a show purely to get interest in Fall bookings -- for example, invite past hosts and preferred customers to come take a look but not buy anything -- but encourage them to book a show. Is that allowed?!

Maybe I could make a flyer telling them to leave their wallets at home but bring your calendar to be the first to book a Fall show with the new products. What do ya think?!

Beth in PA
I have a "sneak preview" show every August - I encourage ordering the items being discontinued......and make a big deal of unveiling the new products - but not selling them yet! Last year I got 8 bookings from this show!
Great idea ladies! I was thinking about doing a Host-guest appreciation show for the new fall season. Maybe I can tie this into it!
ChefBeckyD said:
I have a "sneak preview" show every August - I encourage ordering the items being discontinued......and make a big deal of unveiling the new products - but not selling them yet! Last year I got 8 bookings from this show!

Thanks Becky, I REALLY like that idea.

Don't forget to tell people about those items that will be discontinued. There is money to be made (and customers to statisfy) with this information.
chefjeanine said:
Thanks Becky, I REALLY like that idea.

Don't forget to tell people about those items that will be discontinued. There is money to be made (and customers to statisfy) with this information.

Yep! That's what I do - I have a big poster that says "Going, Going, Gone...."
and I make a list of discontinued items - and let them know this will be their last chance to get them! I then just keep building excitement about the new season - I have the new products hidden under a cloth on a table with signs saying "no peeking", and I talk around the table until it's killing them to not know!
I also make several new recipes before the show, and have everyone vote for which one they would most like to have at their show......they are helping me out, and also it gets them thinking about booking;)
When do you unveil the new products? At the end of your show? I usually do a open house and always have folks that place orders for the new products and then have to wait until September to submit the show.
chefhelen said:
When do you unveil the new products? At the end of your show? I usually do a open house and always have folks that place orders for the new products and then have to wait until September to submit the show.

Well, I don't actually "do" a show. It's more of an open house, where when they arrive they can look around at items on display, help themselves to food, chat, and ask me questions. About 1/2 hour after the start time, I give a little presentation about the new season and all the benefits of booking, and get the results from my taste testing for new recipes.....and just keep building the excitement for all the new products until the unveiling - after the unveiling, I give them an opportunity to check out the new products and place their orders(but no - not for new products) and book their shows!
when will we know what items are being discontinued?
After wave 3 is finished ;)
  • #11
I am planning my own show on August 18. I will take orders for an August show, then have a table covered like Becky does and take BOOKINGS for September and beyond once I uncover the table!
  • #12
jessica_momof6 said:
when will we know what items are being discontinued?

The discontinued list will be in your special addition KCN that you'll get in the mail if you don't go to conference!
  • #13
I like Becky's idea of showing the new products, but not selling them yet. When someone ask's when they can buy them say "At your show! Do you want early September or late?" I am getting SO excited to show off all the new products!!
  • #14
I really like the idea of a fall sneak preview! I had an open house last November trying to get Dec. bookings, but it fizzled. But I had a GREAT fall season last year & this may be a great jumpstart! Thanks for the ideas! I love using the new recipes for a taste-testing & the unveiling. Who do you invite-how recent of hosts/guests would you invite?

Also, this is my first conference (wave 3) & will we get the special edition of KCN there, or will ours come in the mail too?
  • #15
I haven't been to conference, but I think that you get the CN at conference and in the mail only if you didn't attend conference.
  • #16
pamperedgirl3 said:
I really like the idea of a fall sneak preview! I had an open house last November trying to get Dec. bookings, but it fizzled. But I had a GREAT fall season last year & this may be a great jumpstart! Thanks for the ideas! I love using the new recipes for a taste-testing & the unveiling. Who do you invite-how recent of hosts/guests would you invite?

When I first started doing this, I was fairly new in the business - so invited anyone who had ever ordered from me......than the last couple yrs. I have invited past hosts, and preferred customers (those who order or come to shows on a regular basis). This yr, I am only inviting past hosts (almost 100)and inviting them to bring a friend.

I think this is the most excited I have ever been about a new selling season, I don't even leave for conference until Monday morning!! (We drive down).
  • #17
Thanks, Gillian!
  • #18
no problem!

Related to Can I Host a Sneak Preview Show in August for Fall Products?

What are the new fall products for this year?

The new fall products for this year include a variety of kitchen gadgets and tools, as well as seasonal items such as pumpkin-shaped baking dishes and autumn-inspired serving platters.

Can I get a sneak preview of the fall products before they are released?

Yes, as a consultant for Pampered Chef, you will have access to a sneak preview of the fall products before they are released to the public. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the products and start planning for your fall parties and events.

Will the fall products be available for purchase online?

Yes, the fall products will be available for purchase both online and at Pampered Chef parties. You can also place an order through a consultant or host your own party to earn free and discounted products.

Are there any special promotions or discounts for the fall products?

Yes, there will be special promotions and discounts for the fall products. These may include bundle deals, limited-time offers, or free gifts with purchase. Stay tuned for updates and announcements from Pampered Chef.

Can I see the fall products in person before making a purchase?

Absolutely! You can attend a Pampered Chef party or visit a consultant's booth at a local event to see the fall products in person. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions and try out the products before making a purchase.

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