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Earn Your Mouse Ears: Tips for Earning the 2010 Incentive Trip with PC

In summary, if you have never earned an incentive trip with PC, this thread is for you! Let's keep updated on our plans, ideas, and progress toward earning the 2010 Incentive Trip!
Gold Member
If you have never earned an incentive trip with PC, this thread is for you! Let's keep updated on our plans, ideas, and progress toward earning the 2010 Incentive Trip!

If you have earned an incentive trip with PC, please check in from time to time to respond to questions and share advice.

I'll get started...

Nov 13 is my 1-year anniversary with PC. I will probably end the year with over 30k points, but no recruits. I had one and she went inactive a month ago. :yuck:

My goals for 2009 are to promote to Director and earn the trip.

My recruiting goal is 6 by the end of the year - 4 for the trip, 1 for Director, and 1 for cushion going in to 2010. :chef:

My monthly show and sales goal is an average of 7 shows and/or $4,000. I have had a couple of 4k months, so I know I can do it.

How about you?
I haven't done the math on what I have to do to make it, but I know I want to. Markus will be just over two in June of 2010, so I think that'd be a great time to take him.

But I do have a question, spurred by what you said about your recruit. When recruiting, one gets points once the recruit is qualified. Do we lose those points if the recruit goes inactive before the end of the year?
My goals:

By end of 2008
#1: Earn the right to go to Leadership in January (good stuff to learn AND 3000 points!!!)
#2: Have 3 team members; my first one isn't doing anything, and won't really try until January (she's already informed me). That will be after her 90 days are over. I have one more strong potential (which proves the 'ask everyone and keep asking,' since originally she didn't even want to host a show!). The 3rd, like Susan said, will be 'cushion' going into 2009.

By end of 2009
1) Promoted to Director, with at least 6 team members
2) Holding 6 - 8 shows a month
3) Earning at least Level 3 of trip incentive

What do I have to do?
Plan 15-20 minutes each evening, at least M-F, to get on the phone!
Get on those training calls - and take notes! - plus do the online training, even repeating them.
Listen to training CD's during my horrendous commute.
Remember that, no matter what incentive I'm trying for, it really is about them, NOT me - so concentrate on how I can help others.
Make it all about glorifying God.
NooraK said:
I haven't done the math on what I have to do to make it, but I know I want to. Markus will be just over two in June of 2010, so I think that'd be a great time to take him.

But I do have a question, spurred by what you said about your recruit. When recruiting, one gets points once the recruit is qualified. Do we lose those points if the recruit goes inactive before the end of the year?
No, if you've already earned the points for them, then the points can't be taken away. There is an update to the points program for 2009 related to qualifying recruits. This year (and past), you didn't get points if a recruit went inactive before qualifying. But starting next year, if they go inactive, you'll still get recruiting points if they reactivate and then hit $1250 career sales (submitting $1250 career sales after reactivating, before deactivating again).
  • Thread starter
  • #5
along those lines, anne, if you recruited and lost all your recruits, do you also lose your fd status and commission override?
Yes. FD status is different from points for the trip.
How do you find out what you need to do to earn the trip?
I'll be working towards Level 4 with recruits. I also want the TPC Disney Dollars.


In January sales goal $10k, I will be doing this by having at least 15 shows (goal 20).
Hold 10 shows monthly with sales of $3k at least
Recruit & Qualify 12 new consultants Jan-May for TPC
Promote 2 new Directors 1 before conference and 1 after (or both before...I don't care when)
Promote to Advanced Director

Of course I can only control my actions so I will participate in the necessary training to help me reach my recruiting/promoting goals. It will be a toughy!
koima said:
How do you find out what you need to do to earn the trip?

It was part of the materials for national meeting day. You director should have gotten them. They'll be posted on CC within a week or so.
  • #10
I haven't done much with my business until now. I have been in the process of trying to get things going. This trip is my motivation! We took James to Disney in May of this year and I promised I'd take him back in 2 years - great opportunity to do it for free! (or close to it). I am aiming for the top. I'll settle for Level 2, but I want Level 4 and I'm willing to work for it. Therefore, you will probably be seeing me around more often for ideas, suggestions, and support.

Good Luck to everyone and see you in Disney!
  • #11
I earned SF my first year - my advice is to kick it in gear from day one (Jan 1) - double book shows if you have to - host coach better then you ever have - and set a goal to meet every consultant monthly incentive! Recruiting is very important (especially with the new guidlines) so share your love of the business with EVERYONE - never prejudge and never not offer the opportuntity because you don't think they can do it - Consistancy is a key and put your goals in front of your computer so you can see them every day - Keep track of where you are and how close - always aim high and you can do it! Stay positive!
  • #12
Does anyone know if we will still get points for promoting to director or for promoting a director?

Also, I talked to one of my Nov. hosts tonight about her show. I offered the opportunity, and she said she'd consider it but she doesn't drive (no car and no license, by choice though, not taken away) so it's not likely. I continued to give her some info on it though because I could sense a "maybe one day" feeling from her. Now, I usually stop at "probably not" like I initially got from her, but I am so hyped up with everything right now I can't shut up about it. So, I kept talking. After I told her a little more I apologized for rambling after she said no, but that I can't help it because I'm so excited about the announcement that next year's incentive trip is to Disney World. There was a gasp on the other line! She goes, "I know you don't realize this, but I'm sitting here talking to you in a Mickey Mouse shirt. I LOVE DISNEY!" And proceeded to keep talking to me about it! I'm sending her more info tomorrow and I'll be continuing to talk all the while. This is someone I would not have guessed to be as excited about Disney because I tend to stereotype, and she's single, lives with her parents and has no kids. Just goes to show you have to a) ask EVERYONE (about PC that is:)), especially your hosts and b) make sure you mention this incentive to everyone too. It could be the deal breaker!
  • #13
Personally I am disappointed in the incentive. :grumpy: Living in NY with two HS kids, if I even earn the trip, I would have to go w/o my family. The date is right smack in the middle of NYS regents which my kids can NOT miss. Plus my DH will hopefully be teaching HS by then and therefore would not be able to take a vacation. SO, personally I wish PC had planned a family trip for July.
I did not join p chef for the trips but it is an added bonus that I would have liked to enjoy with my family. Oh well.
Yes, I will still work hard to achieve this goal but if I do, I may just have to take the cash - bummer.:(
  • Thread starter
  • #14
I was disappointed at first too, doughmama. I am not a Disney person and get vertigo on rides. Then I started to look at the trip incentive as an organizer for my goals. If I achieve everything I need to earn the trip, I will be within spitting distance of directorship, I will earn lots and lots of commission, and probably ace every consultant incentive. So, I pretty much talked myself into being excited enough to start this thread. Hope that helps!
  • #15
yes, Susan - while the incentive does not thrill me - I guess I was hoping for something more exotic - it will not stop me from achieving my goals. I just look at it as an added bonus. Won't complain too much - love working with p chef and everyone involved with it has been fantastic!!
  • #16
I am taking my family to Disney. We went in 2005 with PC and I don't want to miss this trip. I think I am going to get me a new Disney shirt that I can wear for my shows that will also help me to talk about my goals.
  • #17
Good idea about the Disney shirt!
  • #18
susanr613 said:
If you have never earned an incentive trip with PC, this thread is for you! Let's keep updated on our plans, ideas, and progress toward earning the 2010 Incentive Trip!

If you have earned an incentive trip with PC, please check in from time to time to respond to questions and share advice.

I'll get started...

Nov 13 is my 1-year anniversary with PC. I will probably end the year with over 30k points, but no recruits. I had one and she went inactive a month ago. :yuck:

My goals for 2009 are to promote to Director and earn the trip.

My recruiting goal is 6 by the end of the year - 4 for the trip, 1 for Director, and 1 for cushion going in to 2010. :chef:

My monthly show and sales goal is an average of 7 shows and/or $4,000. I have had a couple of 4k months, so I know I can do it.

How about you?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Susan, I think if she reactivates & submits 1250 in 2009, she'll count for your recruiting requirement & earn points towards your trip. :D
  • #19
I would love to earn Disney! I have a 20 month old now, who would be close to 3 1/2 by the time we went on the trip. I would love to take her!! However, considering I am giving birth to our second daughter sometime in early to mid December, it's going to be hard to do. Not impossible, but hard. My theory is that if I shoot for level 2, and do as much as I can to get there, even if I don't make it, I'm still doing great. Increased commission, increased number of shows, more contacts, better business. So, Disney would be "icing", if you kwim!

My goals for 2009 are:
1. 3-2-1...sounds simple, but life gets in the way sometimes, as well as my phone phobia. I got a very good lesson on how effective 3-2-1 can be when I called people that I sent out my mystery host email invites to, plus others I didn't have their email addys. Every one of the live contacts I made either signed right on to the mystery host show, booked a show in Nov, or booked in January. Granted, I only made about 10 live contacts in 3 days, but still, I'm happy. Shows me that calling my 3 contacts a day is absolutely worth it!!! However, I'm tweaking it so that I only do my 3 calls 5 days a week, instead of all 7, so that 2 days are for family/life...or my contacts will be live contacts at shows those 2 off days.

2. 6-8 shows/month. If I have that many cooking shows, then I am exposed to more people, with more potential bookings and recruits. Besides, with that many shows, my commission goes up as well.

3. Posting my goals where I can see them, complete with photos. My goals are to be able to provide extra income, stay home with my girls, pay my car payment, meet new people, and I'd love to earn the trip...but as I said earlier, that would just be "icing", if I meet all my other goals.

4. Organization!!!

5. Leave my comfort zone and try new things. Talk to new people about PC. Pamper a business. Booths. Etc...you get the idea.

6. Recruit...this business offers so much potential to me, I need to offer it to others. It's their choice if they're interested and if they want to take advantage, but my responsibility to share.

7. Have fun!!! :D
  • #20
I booked my first show for January last night!
  • #21
I didn't mention that when I told DH about the Disney trip, he said, I don't know why you're so excited about it...it's not like you're going to earn it. He's never been really supportive of my PC business. :( He likes the extra money, but doesn't think it can be successful. I guess b/c it's not a real "job", he doesn't see it as a viable option. He loves me staying home and all the "perks" that go with it, but doesn't like being the sole breadwinner and the pressure that entails, plus the loss of my teaching salary. So...he isn't real excited about Disney...and doesn't think I can earn it.

Granted, I did take some time off (not too long after starting), 1/2 of spring, all of summer, and some of fall, b/c my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and then my grandmother was diagnosed with a multi-system organ failure, so I spent every weekend, and some weeks, travelling to be with them. My grandmother passed in August and we just found out last week that my grandfather's cancer spread to his bones. So...there has been a lot going on... :(

However, I am determined to ramp my business up and get my schedule full! It will be hard with a newborn at home, and DH being busy every Friday and Saturday night in Jan/Feb (he officiates HS wrestling), but I want my business to take off and be successful! I'd love to earn Disney, just to prove I can, but if I do all I can to earn it, I'll be proving to DH that my business can be successful, b/c my commission will increase, my show schedule will increase, my contacts will increase...and he can't argue with that!!
  • #22
if you want disney background on your pc here is a cool site I found...

  • #23
I just had a tearful talk with DH about the level 3 trip. I explained to him that I really want to earn this trip for us, as a family. When I was at NMD, I had tears when they announced Disney. I want to take my family on this trip so bad.

I talked with my DH about this so that I knew I had his full support on trying. I'm going to Denver and I will WORK to EARN this trip!!!

Here are my plans:

1) Attend Leadership
2) Make 321 a habit
3) Have a consistent show schedule
4) Make recruiting a consistent effort, not something that I just think about once in a while.
5) Make office hours and stick with them so that I'm not playing office all day.
6) Turn off the TV (and computer!)
7) Work to earn the trip, but not let PC consume my life!!
8) Have fun!
  • #24
janezapchef said:
Does anyone know if we will still get points for promoting to director or for promoting a director?

Also, I talked to one of my Nov. hosts tonight about her show. I offered the opportunity, and she said she'd consider it but she doesn't drive (no car and no license, by choice though, not taken away) so it's not likely. I continued to give her some info on it though because I could sense a "maybe one day" feeling from her. Now, I usually stop at "probably not" like I initially got from her, but I am so hyped up with everything right now I can't shut up about it. So, I kept talking. After I told her a little more I apologized for rambling after she said no, but that I can't help it because I'm so excited about the announcement that next year's incentive trip is to Disney World. There was a gasp on the other line! She goes, "I know you don't realize this, but I'm sitting here talking to you in a Mickey Mouse shirt. I LOVE DISNEY!" And proceeded to keep talking to me about it! I'm sending her more info tomorrow and I'll be continuing to talk all the while. This is someone I would not have guessed to be as excited about Disney because I tend to stereotype, and she's single, lives with her parents and has no kids. Just goes to show you have to a) ask EVERYONE (about PC that is:)), especially your hosts and b) make sure you mention this incentive to everyone too. It could be the deal breaker!

I SO had to address this. I know a girl that is now a Director. She has earned TPC 2 times, is in Nancy Jo Ryan's top 10, Taught at Conference twice, earned level 3 London and has already earned level 4 paris. She did not drive until 6-8 month's ago. She has no kids. Her husband drove her to all her shows. Please do not prejudge. imagine what a gift we all would not have recieved if her Director had prejudged.
Go get her, and my big wish for you is that she turns out just as amazing as this girl is.:D
  • #25
ChefJoyJ said:
I didn't mention that when I told DH about the Disney trip, he said, I don't know why you're so excited about it...it's not like you're going to earn it. He's never been really supportive of my PC business. :( He likes the extra money, but doesn't think it can be successful. I guess b/c it's not a real "job", he doesn't see it as a viable option. He loves me staying home and all the "perks" that go with it, but doesn't like being the sole breadwinner and the pressure that entails, plus the loss of my teaching salary. So...he isn't real excited about Disney...and doesn't think I can earn it.

Granted, I did take some time off (not too long after starting), 1/2 of spring, all of summer, and some of fall, b/c my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and then my grandmother was diagnosed with a multi-system organ failure, so I spent every weekend, and some weeks, travelling to be with them. My grandmother passed in August and we just found out last week that my grandfather's cancer spread to his bones. So...there has been a lot going on... :(

However, I am determined to ramp my business up and get my schedule full! It will be hard with a newborn at home, and DH being busy every Friday and Saturday night in Jan/Feb (he officiates HS wrestling), but I want my business to take off and be successful! I'd love to earn Disney, just to prove I can, but if I do all I can to earn it, I'll be proving to DH that my business can be successful, b/c my commission will increase, my show schedule will increase, my contacts will increase...and he can't argue with that!!

I"m sorry that your husband does not seem to think that you can earn this...although, he has not really seen you at "your best" w/ the biz either...with you taking all that time off, it is easy to see how or why he would think that you wouldn't be able to do it. I say, GET GOING GIRL! LOL
You CAN do it!

I just sent out an email to my entire customer base (over 350 people) and told them of the trip and would they want to do a show in Jan to get the great host bonus and I got 3 people already who said they would!
Sooo...just do it! Make up your mind and get out and get er done!
Then your husband will see how committed you are and maybe then he'll be on board w/ you and this goal! Good luck!
  • #26
ChefJoyJ said:
I didn't mention that when I told DH about the Disney trip, he said, I don't know why you're so excited about it...it's not like you're going to earn it. He's never been really supportive of my PC business. :( He likes the extra money, but doesn't think it can be successful. I guess b/c it's not a real "job", he doesn't see it as a viable option. He loves me staying home and all the "perks" that go with it, but doesn't like being the sole breadwinner and the pressure that entails, plus the loss of my teaching salary. So...he isn't real excited about Disney...and doesn't think I can earn it.

Granted, I did take some time off (not too long after starting), 1/2 of spring, all of summer, and some of fall, b/c my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and then my grandmother was diagnosed with a multi-system organ failure, so I spent every weekend, and some weeks, travelling to be with them. My grandmother passed in August and we just found out last week that my grandfather's cancer spread to his bones. So...there has been a lot going on... :(

However, I am determined to ramp my business up and get my schedule full! It will be hard with a newborn at home, and DH being busy every Friday and Saturday night in Jan/Feb (he officiates HS wrestling), but I want my business to take off and be successful! I'd love to earn Disney, just to prove I can, but if I do all I can to earn it, I'll be proving to DH that my business can be successful, b/c my commission will increase, my show schedule will increase, my contacts will increase...and he can't argue with that!!

That is SO disappointing to not get the support that you so deserve from your DH. BUT, work your butt off and earn this trip. Take him on it. Once he goes on a Pampered Chef trip (no matter where it is!!) he will see how incredible these trips are. My husband is TOTALLY on board (although he was supportive before I started earning trips) after having gone on our first PC trip three years ago. They just don't get the big picture until they can be a guest on one of these trips themselves.

  • #27
crystalscookingnow said:
I just had a tearful talk with DH about the level 3 trip. I explained to him that I really want to earn this trip for us, as a family. When I was at NMD, I had tears when they announced Disney. I want to take my family on this trip so bad.

I talked with my DH about this so that I knew I had his full support on trying. I'm going to Denver and I will WORK to EARN this trip!!!

Here are my plans:

1) Attend Leadership
2) Make 321 a habit
3) Have a consistent show schedule
4) Make recruiting a consistent effort, not something that I just think about once in a while.
5) Make office hours and stick with them so that I'm not playing office all day.
6) Turn off the TV (and computer!)
7) Work to earn the trip, but not let PC consume my life!!
8) Have fun!

AWESOME plan! You can do this.:D:D
  • #28
pamperedbecky said:
That is SO disappointing to not get the support that you so deserve from your DH. BUT, work your butt off and earn this trip. Take him on it. Once he goes on a Pampered Chef trip (no matter where it is!!) he will see how incredible these trips are. My husband is TOTALLY on board (although he was supportive before I started earning trips) after having gone on our first PC trip three years ago. They just don't get the big picture until they can be a guest on one of these trips themselves.


Thank you! I want to do it!!! Not only to get an amazing trip, but to show him I can do it. But even if I don't make it this year, I will work my business hard. If I could pay my car payment each month (around $750), then he would be quite happy at that...b/c that's what he wants from my business. But if I'm making that kind of money, I'll be close to earning the trip. So, wish me luck!
  • #29
ChefJoyJ said:
Thank you! I want to do it!!! Not only to get an amazing trip, but to show him I can do it. But even if I don't make it this year, I will work my business hard. If I could pay my car payment each month (around $750), then he would be quite happy at that...b/c that's what he wants from my business. But if I'm making that kind of money, I'll be close to earning the trip. So, wish me luck!

Even if you don't earn the trip (but I know you CAN), you will see the results of building your business even bigger. You'll have a bigger commission check, likely hit all of the various monthly incentives they throw our way, build up more and more customers, and know that you worked your business. Shoot for two shows a week and you can do it!

Good luck to you! Some spouses eventually come around and I hope yours does!
  • #30
pamperedbecky said:
Even if you don't earn the trip (but I know you CAN), you will see the results of building your business even bigger. You'll have a bigger commission check, likely hit all of the various monthly incentives they throw our way, build up more and more customers, and know that you worked your business. Shoot for two shows a week and you can do it!

Good luck to you! Some spouses eventually come around and I hope yours does!

I'm hoping he will too! Esp. if I can make enough to pay my car payment... :p

2 shows a week is my goal, but at the beginning, I know it will be difficult, with an active almost 2 year old and a nursing newborn (well, 1 month old). I'm hoping I'm not too sleep deprived to do January... LOL! But, I'm waiting until she's 4 weeks old, and we intro a bottle, to start having shows. But then...it's on! Here's to 8 shows/month! :thumbup:

Thanks for the encouragement! I know I can do it too!!!
  • #31
Koolotus said:
I SO had to address this. I know a girl that is now a Director. She has earned TPC 2 times, is in Nancy Jo Ryan's top 10, Taught at Conference twice, earned level 3 London and has already earned level 4 paris. She did not drive until 6-8 month's ago. She has no kids. Her husband drove her to all her shows. Please do not prejudge. imagine what a gift we all would not have recieved if her Director had prejudged.
Go get her, and my big wish for you is that she turns out just as amazing as this girl is.:D

Thanks for letting me know that! Just to clear things up here... I was asking her about the opportunity no matter what. I do ask all of my hosts at least, even if I "think" they'll say no (which I know is a stupid thing to think). What I prejudged about what the importance in Disney being a deciding factor to get her to do this! My point was just that mentioning the trip is going to spark some interest where there my be very little. I am excited to let this girl know about all the people who don't drive that are successful in this though! Thanks much!
  • #32
I pulled my list of shows from last Jan. host and Feb. and I'm calling this week to re-book them. I have already figured out my numbers. I'm very excited. I went to Disney World 16 years ago for my honeymoon. I'm going back!

I need 8 shows a month
2 catalog shows a month

6 recruits

10,000 points for January

This will give me level 3.

Looking at my goals for 2008- I strongly believe in setting goals. I'm still working on Director by Leadership (I'm close) I've been consistent with shows and earned a level 1 almost. All while working fulltime as a teacher.

I can do it!
  • #33
I am going to earn level 2 I have always earned level 1 no problem so I am going to step my business up and I liked the idea of wearing a disney shirt well I have pink minnie mouse ears and I am going to start wearing them to all my shows and when people aske me about them I am going to tell them my goal. But here are my goals for 2009

1) Attend Leadership
2) Make 321 a habit
3) Have a consistent show schedule of 8 to 9 shows a month
4) Make recruiting a consistent effort
5) Work to earn the trip
6) Have fun!

Related to Earn Your Mouse Ears: Tips for Earning the 2010 Incentive Trip with PC

1. How do I earn the 2010 Incentive Trip with Pampered Chef?

To earn the 2010 Incentive Trip with Pampered Chef, you must accumulate a certain number of points by reaching specific goals in sales, recruiting, and sponsoring. These goals vary from year to year, so be sure to check with your Pampered Chef consultant or the company's website for the most up-to-date information.

2. What are the requirements for earning the trip?

The requirements for earning the trip include achieving a certain level of sales, sponsoring a certain number of new consultants, and promoting to a specific leadership level. These goals may change from year to year, so it's important to stay updated on the current requirements.

3. Can I earn the trip if I am new to Pampered Chef?

Yes, it is possible to earn the trip as a new consultant with Pampered Chef. However, it may require more effort and dedication to reach the necessary goals. Don't be discouraged, as many new consultants have successfully earned the trip in their first year with the company!

4. What is the deadline for earning the trip?

The deadline for earning the trip is typically in the fall of the incentive year. This gives consultants a full year to work towards their goals and earn the trip. Be sure to check with your consultant or the company's website for the specific deadline each year.

5. What tips do you have for earning the trip?

Some tips for earning the trip include setting specific and achievable goals, staying consistent with your sales and recruiting efforts, and utilizing the support and resources provided by Pampered Chef. It can also be helpful to connect with other consultants who have successfully earned the trip for advice and motivation.

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