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Do I need a Wi-Fi card for P3 to work on my laptop?

In summary, Sandi and I love the new P3 program and find it much easier to use than the old way of doing things. Our old laptop was great for entering orders and keeping track of total, but it was hard to communicate with the host without being face-to-face. The new laptop makes the interaction much easier and faster, and we love the convenience of having it at the show.
My husband is most likely going to be getting a new laptop soon and that makes me happy because I can then take his old one to my shows. :D

I am SO SLOW at calculating up the orders that having the P3 right there for me to input the orders would make the checkout process go SO much faster!! ;)

I am curious though...do I need a wi-fi card or whatever they are called on the laptop in order for the P3 to work? I know you need to be connected to the internet to finalize the show, but can you input the info and orders on there w/o being connected to the internet??

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No -- since the program can work w/o the internet, you don't need it until you send it. I love taking my laptop. Not only are the totals right, but it is easy to tell the host exactly where she is and how much she needs to move up a level -- or 2 -- or 3!Sandi
You can enter everything you need to without the internet, PP3 is it's own program that you would have downloaded to your computer-however when you get home, to finalize and send to HQ you would need the internet. I believe I am telling you correctly.
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  • #4
sandilou said:
No -- since the program can work w/o the internet, you don't need it until you send it. I love taking my laptop. Not only are the totals right, but it is easy to tell the host exactly where she is and how much she needs to move up a level -- or 2 -- or 3!


EXACTLY!! :thumbup: Thanks ladies!! :D
I just wanted to chime in here and tell you that we have been doing this as well. I LOVE haivng P3 right there. So much easier and less work once you get home... PLUS, it does all the math for you ;-) :thumbup:
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  • #6
I am wondering though..because I have P3 already installed on my desktop and it has info on there...can I still install it on my laptop and maybe transfer the info from my desktop to the laptop??
I have P3 installed on m home laptop and my netbook. The only problem is that the information doesn't transfer unless you transfer it. So I keep one as a backup and the other is my primary means of tracking and inputting. I absolutely love having my netbook with me at shows because for some reason I can't use a calculator correctly I don't know if it's nerves or that I'm trying to multitask but I also miss a number or mess it up. With the program at my fingertips no more errors. Plus you can review it one more time when you get home before submitting.
I was wondering about taking my laptop to shows but wondered what was the best way to use it. I feel the face-to-face interaction with guests is so important. When you introduce the laptop and now have face-to-laptop, don't you lose the connection???? Using it to finalize for the host seems like a great idea, but I wonder about the rest of the checkout interaction?
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Rosebud said:
I have P3 installed on m home laptop and my netbook. The only problem is that the information doesn't transfer unless you transfer it. So I keep one as a backup and the other is my primary means of tracking and inputting. I absolutely love having my netbook with me at shows because for some reason I can't use a calculator correctly I don't know if it's nerves or that I'm trying to multitask but I also miss a number or mess it up. With the program at my fingertips no more errors. Plus you can review it one more time when you get home before submitting.

So...how do you transfer it?
  • #10
donnathepamperedchef said:
I was wondering about taking my laptop to shows but wondered what was the best way to use it. I feel the face-to-face interaction with guests is so important. When you introduce the laptop and now have face-to-laptop, don't you lose the connection???? Using it to finalize for the host seems like a great idea, but I wonder about the rest of the checkout interaction?

Donna, you are only face to face with the laptop while you are putting things in. I like it b/c frequently customers put the wrong item number down, and often the price. I am new and don't know all of the parices and wouldn't catch the mistake if I was doing it by hand.
As soon as I get it all put in, I turn to the guest, ask them the one on one questions and then give them their total and reciept back. I love taking it with me, although I don't know any different since this is what my recruiter does too, so I have seen her do it at many shows.
  • #11
The only problem you might have is if you have to look up sales tax for an address that is more than 100 miles from your home base. In that case, you'd need access to be able to log in to HO's sales tax database.
  • #12
donnathepamperedchef said:
I was wondering about taking my laptop to shows but wondered what was the best way to use it. I feel the face-to-face interaction with guests is so important. When you introduce the laptop and now have face-to-laptop, don't you lose the connection???? Using it to finalize for the host seems like a great idea, but I wonder about the rest of the checkout interaction?

I sit the laptop on the table and have the guest next to me at checkout and am inputting their order while talking to them. I don't see how you would lose face-to-face interaction. My guests love that I put the stuff in the computer right there and they love even more that their CC info is encoded right away.
  • #13
PLUS you can print out really nifty sales receipts which are a great deal more legible than handwritten ones from the 3-part NCR form.
  • #14
RMDave said:
PLUS you can print out really nifty sales receipts which are a great deal more legible than handwritten ones from the 3-part NCR form.

Well, you can do that even if you don't use your laptop AT the show.
  • #15
So Dave are you taking a printer as well???
  • #16
No, I take the laptop home and give people 24 hours to add extra items to their order. I then close the show and once its accepted, I print out the sales receipts (on the forms available) and include them with my "Thank You" letter to the Host. I then have everything mailed off within 48 hours.
  • #17
oh, okay, glad I don't have to carry a printer too. Arms and back are starting to get a real workout, but that's a good thing:)
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  • #18
RMDave said:
The only problem you might have is if you have to look up sales tax for an address that is more than 100 miles from your home base. In that case, you'd need access to be able to log in to HO's sales tax database.

True. That is why I check what the sales tax is and write it down in my book BEFORE heading to the show! ;)

RMDave said:
PLUS you can print out really nifty sales receipts which are a great deal more legible than handwritten ones from the 3-part NCR form.

I agree!! :thumbup:
  • #19
RMDave said:
No, I take the laptop home and give people 24 hours to add extra items to their order. I then close the show and once its accepted, I print out the sales receipts (on the forms available) and include them with my "Thank You" letter to the Host. I then have everything mailed off within 48 hours.

I LOVE the professional look this gives my business! Plus all the warranty information is on there also. I been doing this for years now...even before my laptop!
  • #20
emiscookin said:
True. That is why I check what the sales tax is and write it down in my book BEFORE heading to the show! ;)

My experience has been that somebody always wants to buy a present for Little Diana's wedding (to that nice boy Keith) and Diana lives 1200 miles away in another city, county and state. I think that I need to look up sales tax at at least 30% of my shows.

And we won't talk about Grandma Ann who wants a Mix 'n Chop sent to each of her grandchild in 14 states. Sheesh
  • #21
Emily, you ROCK! You always ask the questions I am just beginning to wonder about!
leftymac said:
I sit the laptop on the table and have the guest next to me at checkout and am inputting their order while talking to them. I don't see how you would lose face-to-face interaction. My guests love that I put the stuff in the computer right there and they love even more that their CC info is encoded right away.
It occurs to me that not only does this look more professional, but less intimidating for people considering the business. They can see the support HO gives!I may have something to add--are the files stored in regular folders? I used to use a jump or flash drive,, but now when I share and synchronize info between my computers,I use DropBox.com. So much easier, and happens automatically once you take 5 min to set it up.
It's free software, and secure. You need to be online to back up the info, but if you log on with your laptop for a minute or two before you leave home, it will update the files to match what's on your Desk computer. They explain it much better:https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTYwMjI0NTk5The other beauty of this is that if, heaven forbid, anything happens to your computer, anything in your "dropbox" is already backed up.Marghi
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  • #22
emiscookin said:
So...how do you transfer it?

You use a jump or flash drive, whatever you want to call it. I have it on two laptops and one desktop and whenever I use PP (we don't have P3 here in Canada yet) on any of them I back up to my jump drive when I'm done. Then when I open it on whichever computer next I FIRST plug the drive in and click utilities (in P3 it may be different but the idea is the same), restore from backup. Make sure you do this EVERY TIME or you'll have messed up records.

So save when done, restore from backup when opening...on whichever computer. This way they'll always match :)
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  • #23
RMDave said:
emiscookin said:
True. That is why I check what the sales tax is and write it down in my book BEFORE heading to the show! ;)

My experience has been that somebody always wants to buy a present for Little Diana's wedding (to that nice boy Keith) and Diana lives 1200 miles away in another city, county and state. I think that I need to look up sales tax at at least 30% of my shows.

And we won't talk about Grandma Ann who wants a Mix 'n Chop sent to each of her grandchild in 14 states. Sheesh

Wow! Guess...I never...thought...about that happening.

BlueMoon said:
Emily, you ROCK! You always ask the questions I am just beginning to wonder about!

Aww Thanks :blushing:

kcjodih said:
You use a jump or flash drive, whatever you want to call it. I have it on two laptops and one desktop and whenever I use PP (we don't have P3 here in Canada yet) on any of them I back up to my jump drive when I'm done. Then when I open it on whichever computer next I FIRST plug the drive in and click utilities (in P3 it may be different but the idea is the same), restore from backup. Make sure you do this EVERY TIME or you'll have messed up records.

So save when done, restore from backup when opening...on whichever computer. This way they'll always match :)

Thanks so much!!! :)
  • #24
The only thing I would add to the discussion is to make sure you've updated your product files before you take your laptop to a show, especially at the beginning of the month, to make sure that the new monthly specials with their codes are in your program. I just ran into that mistake last month, and had to do some quick calculations with the May guest specials.
  • #25
Another plus for me is that it is easy to remember to ask them if they want to host (or however you word it) as you are filling in their info.

  • #26
If you have a horrible memory like me, I recommend that you just keep your data on ONE computer. Pick the desktop or the laptop. That way you don't have to worry about remembering to do a backup every time you finish -and- doing a restore from backup every time you are ready to do something new.If you get 2 shows on the desktop & forget to backup, then put a different one on the laptop, now you can't "restore from backup" without loosing something! :eek:I do carry my laptop to shows, but it's really because a LOT of my customers are repeat customers & will ask if they've already purchased a certain item. I can look it up & answer the question right then vs. having to get back with them later. It also helps to have it there so I can look up the show number before I start doing the checkout. It seems like I never know it & always have to look to write it on the receipts.I do use it when closing a show for a host so that the host can see how the calculations are done. ;)
  • #27
I also take my laptop with me to shows. I love it!!! I simply input just their name while I am at the show, I do not worry about inputting their other demographic information until I get home. This allows me to put the order in and still have contact with the guest. I also do not feel it looses face - to - face contact as I am talking with them the whole time. This allows for fewer math errors and less phone calls because of them. I am able to give them a total right there and if they are curious of what their total would be if we added this or took this off, I am able to do it in a snap vs the old "cave man" way. LOL

For me this is less time consuming. My laptop has wireless installed in the computer so if they have a network that I can pick up on, I have internet. If they do not, it is not a big deal because as most of you have said, you do not need the internet to put in orders, only to submit when final.

When I come home, I go through and input everything in the computer such as addresses and emails, phone numbers, etc. I verify all information, input their payment and wait for my host to finalize if she has not already done so. I agree also this allows me to tell the host throughout the evening where she is at in sales.

Because we have wireless at my home, I simply submit my orders through my laptop with no problem. Before I had this capability, I would "back up" my p3 on my flash drive and take to my desktop and "restore" so all information could be transfered. I rarely use my desktop anymore; but I still do the back-up and restore just because my computer has crashed twice before and I lost everything.

I personally love the capabilty of taking my laptop to shows with me. WE are very fourtunate to have a program such as P3.
  • #28
My hosts helped to purchase my laptop so it's a great recruiting tool to use! I had gift cards to purchase my Mac book but needed another $1000. I told myself the next month I brought home $1000 commission I would get my laptop! It was a great goal to try for and I was so happy when I finally reached it.

I love to be able to look up past guests, keep track of wish lists, have the correct totals, and more! I've hardly ran into an issue with tax issues. If you do you can always tell the person to give you a credit card number and you will call them with their total when you get home.

I have also had some recruit leads interested in seeing the program we use and how it's user friendly!
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  • #29
Sheila said:
If you have a horrible memory like me, I recommend that you just keep your data on ONE computer. Pick the desktop or the laptop. That way you don't have to worry about remembering to do a backup every time you finish -and- doing a restore from backup every time you are ready to do something new.

Yeah, I'm with you on that! ;)

Thanks for the advice everyone. It's just that at the last few shows I have done, I've calculated things wrong and I have miscalculated how much in sales my Hosts made for rewards so I would tell them how much they made and they would tell me what they wanted and when I inputted everything on the P3, they didn't quite reach the level I thought they did and TOLD them they did, so I would buy something to bring it up and...yeeeah it's just been a mess!!! That happened TWICE! :confused:

I know having the P3 on a laptop would be SO much easier for me! I HATE making mistakes in front of my customers and hosts! AND I can't keep buying things to bring them up to the next level because I'm too afraid to tell them I screwed up in the calculations!!!
  • #30
Aw, Em, it's okay to tell people when you've messed up. You're new, so you have an excuse and something to blame the mistake on. :) I made those same mistakes my first few shows. And I'm still not perfect after 2 years. We are human, after all. People are generally understanding about that. I don't have a laptop yet, but am really wanting to get a MacBook Pro. For now, when I do a party, I don't add up totals for my host that night. I usually am too busy cleaning up and packing up. I tell them that I'll go home and input the orders and call them or e-mail them the next day with their total. Then I let them know how far they are from the next level. Sometimes I've had time to add up the amounts, but I always tell them a "ball park" estimate, just to cover my behind. :)
  • #31
babywings76 said:
Aw, Em, it's okay to tell people when you've messed up. You're new, so you have an excuse and something to blame the mistake on. :) I made those same mistakes my first few shows. And I'm still not perfect after 2 years. We are human, after all. People are generally understanding about that.

I don't have a laptop yet, but am really wanting to get a MacBook Pro. For now, when I do a party, I don't add up totals for my host that night. I usually am too busy cleaning up and packing up. I tell them that I'll go home and input the orders and call them or e-mail them the next day with their total. Then I let them know how far they are from the next level. Sometimes I've had time to add up the amounts, but I always tell them a "ball park" estimate, just to cover my behind. :)

This is what I used to do before I brought my laptop. Your host will understand!
  • #32
Just to add onto this discussion - I keep my P3 on an external hard drive. It is small/slim and super portable (a little bigger than an ipod touch). I simply plug it into my laptop at shows, and enter all the info there. Then when I get home, I plug it into my desktop and finish and submit it all there. Either way, all the info is always the same since it is running from the external hard drive. This works really well for me, I don't have to worry about transferring anything.
  • #33
Thats a great idea... and I already have one of those
  • #34
Another idea for the laptop users...if I'm at a fair and have access to electricity, I'll put in one of the dvd's showcasing products and let it run. In the past, I've also done a slideshow of conference pictures. This way your laptop can work the entire time!I've also found it great for ordering replacement parts. It is common at my shows for someone to mention that they need new wires for the Egg Slicer Plus, or the guard on the Food Chopper, or another prep bowl lid, etc. I explain that it won't count as part of the show so I need to enter their CC info separately, but it will ship right to them and the price includes shipping. It's been great for customer service.
  • #35
I too take my laptop to all my parties. It also has a great guest benefit as I can tell all my gusts they never have to figure out anything beyond the Product or Pantry totals. I tell them that if they want the free products, I can tell them very quickly where there order is and if they need to add to it. So they do not have too. They love not having to do the math too! And yes, I hate calculators! Those fat fingers of mine and the bad math skills of my guests cost me a lot of money in the beginning!
  • #36
To move the Data between computers you just do a back up and restore. Be very careful and don't enter data in one computer and restore over it from the other. I sent in a duplicate show number (and lost the history on a show) once because I accidentally restored from my laptop after I had entered a show on my desktop.
Also be sure you have updated P3 before you go to a show. If you get to a show in a new month and haven't updated you might not have the current guest/host special and wouldn't be able to enter them at the show!

Related to Do I need a Wi-Fi card for P3 to work on my laptop?

1. Do I need a wi-fi card on my laptop for the P3 to work?

Yes, a wi-fi card or similar device is required for the P3 to work on your laptop. This is because the P3 connects to the internet to finalize orders and input information.

2. Can I use the P3 without an internet connection?

No, an internet connection is required for the P3 to function properly. However, you can input orders and information on the P3 and save them for later when you have an internet connection.

3. Will the P3 work on any laptop?

The P3 is compatible with most laptops, but it is best to check the specifications to ensure compatibility. It is also recommended to have a strong and stable internet connection for optimal performance.

4. Can I use my husband's old laptop for P3 at my shows?

Yes, you can use your husband's old laptop for P3 at your shows as long as it meets the necessary requirements and has a wi-fi card or similar device for internet connectivity.

5. Will the P3 help speed up the checkout process at my shows?

Yes, having the P3 at your shows can greatly speed up the checkout process as you can input orders and information directly into the device, eliminating the need for manual calculations.

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