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Closing a Show: How Soon is Too Soon?

And then they wanted time to tell their friends, and THEN they wanted time to order. So I usually tell them that I close within a week, but that it's always best to get orders in advance.
What is recommended for the suggested date to close a show. I did my first show on Saturday. Host wanted to wait 2 weeks, I encouraged less. Any suggestions?
For my weekend shows, I always close the following Wednesday. No later than a week. I find more time does not equal more orders and it is not fair to those who attended the show and placed orders. They are kept waiting for nothing!
I personally close my shows the night of & submit them the next day after I cash the checks. I used to wait around a week, but I got tired of tracking down the host & then having her want to wait another day b/c so & so wanted to order. I think they have plenty of time before the show to get orders, so I don't see why they would need more than a week. Keeps the guests happy b/c they get their stuff sooner.

On a side note, I did let this rule of mine slide with one of my friends. I wasn't able to submit her show for three weeks. I didn't know that she was going to get orders from coworkers. I thought it was just going to be orders from show guests. Anyway, I ended up getting a call from one of the girls who was at the show wondering if the products had come in yet. I explained that we didn't close right away & she was fine with it, but it was kind of embarrassing that she had to wait so long.
I totally agree with Debbie!! More time just frustrates those that attending the show. Ask her why she needs so much time. If it is for a legitimate reason then call the attendees just to let them know or tell them at the party that this will be the case (if you haven't already done the show).
I usually close it a week later, just depends on if the host is waiting on more orders or not.
I tell my hosts that my rule of thumb is no more than a week. Since I often have to travel a ways for my weekend shows, it often makes sense to close a Saturday show the next Saturday. It is a very rare occasion that I allow a host to take longer.
So far, I try to close within 5 days. I know that everyone wants their stuff, so I tell the hostess or plan to tell the hostess that the quicker we close, the quicker the stuff comes in. Thus far my experience is that my shows are mailed from the warehouse within 2 days of my submitting- getting the items there in about 5 days from submission, therefore 10 days after the show. I know some people have had it take longer when PC was busy, but that's my experience so far. So honestly, I push for quicker and tell them to try to get orders before the show or within a few days afterwards. I would just do a cut-off- say you're submitting it by this day so that guests don't have to wait. It should get your hostess on the ball.
I've been pushing people to close within two days--I would rather coach them to get the orders up front from people who can't make it than have to hunt them down later. I plan on adding in an incentive to my host packet cover letter to push them to collect orders before the show. My biggest issue with this has been with catalog shows--since they are not even people I have met in person (usually) and they are scattered around the country, it can be hard to keep a handle on those.
I always close in less than a week -- usually 4 or 5 days later. I do make sure that we are closed before the end of the month though. So if it was this weekend, we'd close on or before the 30th.
  • #10
Got to put in my two cents...I found that if I close a show too soon, I may be cutting off my nose despite my face. I can not tell you how many times I closed a show within a day or two and then get blasted by the host who just found out she had another $90 to add in order that would have gotten her more free stuff and another half priced item. So... To be Precise, I have lost 7 really good hosts becasue of this. No kidding! They went with someone else because they said that they knew where the were the day of the show in totals, so they wanted time to get to the next level. So... I was to impatient.
I always go a week. Saturday Show, close the following Saturday. Unless it effects my paycheck, what's the harm.
  • #11
I usually close in 4 days. A thursday shows closes Mon. I have never had trouble with this yet.
  • #12
pampered1224 said:
I found that if I close a show too soon, I may be cutting off my nose despite my face. I can not tell you how many times I closed a show within a day or two and then get blasted by the host who just found out she had another $90 to add in order that would have gotten her more free stuff and another half priced item. So... To be Precise, I have lost 7 really good hosts becasue of this. No kidding! They went with someone else because they said that they knew where the were the day of the show in totals, so they wanted time to get to the next level. So... I was to impatient.
I always go a week. Saturday Show, close the following Saturday. Unless it effects my paycheck, what's the harm.

That's interesting you've had that happen--since I've been closing the night of, my sales have been higher & hosts have been happier. I tell my hosts when I go over the host packet that we'll close that day & why. I am flexible though--if a host is close or someone was supposed to get back with them & didn't then I'll give them a few more days. I tell my hosts to tell everyone that they need to turn in orders & money by the day of the show & many of my hosts have $200-300 in outside orders when I get there, when before I may not have gotten any. Many of my hosts have been thrilled to be done with the show that night & not have me try to track them down afterwards. I guess it just depends on the host. Personally I like closing that night because then I am done--and when I have many shows in a month, I don't feel like I'm constantly on the phone finishing up shows.

I will mention too, that since I've been closing the night of--I'm not worrying when I'm close to the end of a consultant incentive if a host is going to close or not. I know I can have a show on the last day of the month & it will be submitted by the 5th of the next no problem.
  • #13
pampered1224 said:
I found that if I close a show too soon, I may be cutting off my nose despite my face. I can not tell you how many times I closed a show within a day or two and then get blasted by the host who just found out she had another $90 to add in order that would have gotten her more free stuff and another half priced item. So... To be Precise, I have lost 7 really good hosts becasue of this. No kidding! They went with someone else because they said that they knew where the were the day of the show in totals, so they wanted time to get to the next level. So... I was to impatient.
I always go a week. Saturday Show, close the following Saturday. Unless it effects my paycheck, what's the harm.

But if you set the expectation and agree on a closing date in your first host coaching call, this won't happen.
  • #14
No more than a week for me. I usually close in @ 4 days and the hosts knows ahead of time when we will close the show. I haven't had anyone get upset with me yet.
  • #15
I work with the host and her plans....some know that they will be getting more orders at work that following week, etc. Although, I closed both shows the weekend before last, at the close of the show....and it was so nice to go home and enter the show and submit it right away!! It was done and over, and the guests got their products this past weekend! It is also a great rule to go by for incentive months!Also, I gave my hosts a bunch of my receipt paper from the supply order, and then whe nI got home I emailed them a pdf of their outside order and hosts receipts...and they printed it all up on the paper! That way, I didn't even have to pay postage to send them, or plan to see them within the week.
  • #16
I tried the host coaching that way...The problem only occurs with working hosts.
Payday is the problem. Most people with full time jobs get paid every other week. It's when I have a host whose show is in the middle of the pay period.
She gets back to work Monday after her party when her co-workers have looked over the weekend at the up coming Friday budget and decided they can buy something. So...
For me this works. For others it works that night, for some it is 4 days out.
You just gotta do what is right for you. So...
Close when it is comfortable for your hosts. Their the ones you don't want ot make mad!
  • #17
I had a host who announced to her guests that she was going to close her show in 2 weeks!!! WE EVEN DISCUSSED THIS and not one person placed an order at the show and I even had to place a large order myself just to get the show to qualify!

Related to Closing a Show: How Soon is Too Soon?

1. How soon after a show can I close it?

There is no set time frame for closing a show. It ultimately depends on the host and their preferences. Some hosts may want to close the show immediately after the event, while others may prefer to keep it open for a few days to allow for more orders.

2. Is it better to close a show quickly or let it stay open for longer?

Again, this depends on the host and their preferences. Some hosts may want to close the show quickly to receive their host rewards and benefits sooner, while others may want to keep it open longer to allow for more orders and potentially increase their rewards.

3. Can I close a show before the designated end date?

Yes, you can close a show before the end date as long as the host agrees to it. It is important to communicate with the host and make sure they are comfortable with closing the show earlier than planned.

4. What happens if I close a show too soon?

If you close a show too soon, it may cause frustration for the host and potential customers who were planning on placing orders. It is important to follow the agreed upon timeline and communicate with the host before making any changes.

5. Can I extend the show if I close it too soon?

Yes, if you have closed a show too soon, you can always reach out to the host and ask if they would like to extend the show. However, it is best to avoid closing a show prematurely and stick to the planned timeline to avoid any inconvenience for the host and customers.

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