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Cleaning Smoky Stoneware After a House Fire

In summary, many people in today's society figure nothing is their fault, and that everything should just be handed to them. Janet said that if it fits in her microwave - tell her to scrub it with a lemon and cook it - should absorb some of the smoke smell and clean her micro as well.
I have a customer asking what to do about her stoneware. She had a house fire and says that now her stones smell like smoke. Does anyone know anything that might get the smell out? She also asked if pampered chef would replace them. I told her that I wasn't sure.
Well I'm not sure PC would consider that a standard guarantee issue since the stones weren't designed to stand up to a fire:)! I would have her try using a baking soda paste. Put it on thick and let them sit for at least 10 minutes. Then scrub them with the kitchen brush.

Maybe she could try cooking something on them like cheap biscuits to see if that takes it out as well.

Good luck.
If she has insurance, her insurance company should cover replacement with purchasing new ones.
What Janet said AND if it fits in her microwave - tell her to scrub it with a lemon and cook it - should absorb some of the smoke smell and clean her micro as well..
I have a very loyal host who had all her PC items damaged in a fire. She asked for a price list and she submitted them all to her insurance...Waiting on a check right now. Her most prized possessions were her chillzanne products and cookware. She just called me and said her $$ should be arriving soon from insurance and wants to do a book show in August here to benefit even more...whooohooooo
Sooooo, have her check with insurance and re-order.
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  • #6
Thank you! I will pass this along to her.
She could also do a show as a fundraiser to help cover incidental expenses associated with the fire.
One of my clustermates had a customer, very well-to-do lawyer or doctor's wife or something and their house burnt down. She called my clustermate and ripped her a new you know what about how Pampered Chef needed to replace EVERYTHING of hers, cookware, stones etc b/c her house burnt down. She was so upset (this woman) when my clustermate told her that PC wont cover fire damage, that it has to be covered under the fire insurance policy that she made my clustermate cry!!
I get that the woman was frustrated, but the fire was not PC's fault and therefore why should they be held responsible to replace the products?
I hope that your customer is GREAT and understanding!!
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She is a great person. When I told her that I didn't think pc would replace them she said she didn't figure they would but that it was worth a shot.
  • #10
For those that argue ask them if they had their car start on fire, do they think they could take it to the Ford dealership and drive off with a brand new replacement?Most logical people understand that is what insurance is for. It isn't the manufacturers'/sellers' fault there was a fire. To think it would be replaced is very illogical.
  • #11
janetupnorth said:
For those that argue ask them if they had their car start on fire, do they think they could take it to the Ford dealership and drive off with a brand new replacement?

Most logical people understand that is what insurance is for. It isn't the manufacturers'/sellers' fault there was a fire. To think it would be replaced is very illogical.

Many many people in today's society figure nothing is their fault, and that everything should just be handed to them.....it's all about entitlement, and has nothing to do with logic!

My MIL tripped and fell while in a car lot looking at a car - ended up with broken ribs and ruptured spleen....and I don't know how many people have asked her (and us) if the the car dealership is paying her and her medical expenses......gheesh! She tripped because she wasn't watching where she was going...the salesman didn't stick his leg out and trip her!

This is a topic that makes my blood heat up!
  • #12
ChefBeckyD said:
Many many people in today's society figure nothing is their fault, and that everything should just be handed to them.....it's all about entitlement, and has nothing to do with logic!

My MIL tripped and fell while in a car lot looking at a car - ended up with broken ribs and ruptured spleen....and I don't know how many people have asked her (and us) if the the car dealership is paying her and her medical expenses......gheesh! She tripped because she wasn't watching where she was going...the salesman didn't stick his leg out and trip her!

This is a topic that makes my blood heat up!

Uh, me too! :grumpy: ;)

Related to Cleaning Smoky Stoneware After a House Fire

1. How do I clean smoky stoneware after a house fire?

The first step is to let the stoneware cool completely before attempting to clean it. Then, use a mild dish soap and warm water to gently wash the stoneware. If the smoke residue is stubborn, you can also use a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar. Scrub the stoneware with a non-abrasive sponge and rinse thoroughly.

2. Can I use bleach to clean smoky stoneware?

No, do not use bleach to clean smoky stoneware. Bleach can damage the stoneware and leave behind a strong odor. Stick to using mild dish soap and warm water or a vinegar solution for safe and effective cleaning.

3. How do I get rid of the smoky smell on my stoneware?

To eliminate the smoky smell from your stoneware, try soaking it in a mixture of warm water and baking soda. You can also place a bowl of white vinegar near the stoneware to absorb any lingering odors. If the smell persists, you may need to replace the stoneware.

4. Is it safe to use smoky stoneware after a house fire?

It is safe to use smoky stoneware after a house fire as long as it has been thoroughly cleaned. However, if the stoneware is cracked or damaged from the fire, it should not be used as it may not be safe for cooking or baking.

5. Can I still use my stoneware if it has black marks from the fire?

If your stoneware has black marks from the fire, it is best to discard it and replace it with a new one. The black marks can be difficult to remove and may affect the integrity of the stoneware. It is better to err on the side of caution and replace the stoneware for safe use.

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