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Boost Your Business with Car Decals: A Story of Success and Tips for Advertising

In summary, Becky's decals have been very successful and she recommends getting contact info when giving out the recipe card, catalog, etc.
I've only had my car decals on my windows a few weeks....but I've already made LOADS of business off of them. By far the best investment I've made for advertising, yet! :sing:

In the last few days, alone, I've made several new customers.

I was in the McDonald's drive-thru the other day and the cashier asked if I had a card. I 1-upped the business card and gave her a recipe card with my info on it. She called me about her broken can opener and ordered a new one.

Today, I was in the drive-thru at the bank and the teller asked if I had a catalog. I told her I did, but they were in my trunk. I gave her several of the recipe cards that I had in my purse and told her that my website (listed on the card) had our entire catalog (and more!) online. She said, "Great! Thanks! I'll give the extra copies of the recipe card to my co-workers!" I'll probably stop in there later this week and drop off some catalogs for a "Pamper your business" show. (-:

I highly recommend putting decals on your car! And always keep catalogs, business cards, recipe cards, or something else with your contact information on you at all times!
And maybe don't have catalogs in your trunk? lol
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I'd prefer to hand out a recipe card that cost me about $.01 than to hand out a catalog any day! I actually never give catalogs out to customers when they ask for one out of the blue unless I:1) KNOW that they are going to place a rather large order.
2) know that they don't use the internet at all.
or 3) have a hunch that I could get a catalog show out of them. (-:
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  • #4
Oh, and if I hadn't had my very cranky, very tired, 3-year-old son with me, I probably would have parked and gone inside to offer them to do a catalog show right then and there. Kids are so inconvenient at times. Although, I do believe the reason she saw my decal was because she had to look through the back window to see how many children I had in the back (because they give suckers to the kids at my bank). So I guess I should thank my son, too. (-;
This is one product I have always thought of purchasing and have always put it off. Maybe it is time to purchase. Thank you for sharing your success stories.
I love my decals. I had a lady who saw my car called and asked for a catalog. She ordered almost the whole bamboo line from me.
I'm afraid to put a decal on my car that has my name and number because I am such a bad driver. LOL
It makes you a better driver. =)
I've had mine on for over a month now and not a nibble. I was going to keep them on for 6 months. Now I feel I need to keep them on until I make enough commission off the leads from them to pay for them.

Be sure to get their contact info when you're giving out the recipe card, catalog, etc. so you can follow-up.
  • #10
I haven't put the decals on because of possible insurance liability. You might double check with your insurance company.... just a thought. GREAT news that they work for you!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Insurance? What could possibly be wrong with a decal on your car?
  • #12
deanna_g said:
Insurance? What could possibly be wrong with a decal on your car?

Well, here in Michigan, if you have any type of advertising on your car (a decal or sticker, etc...) with your contact information on it, then your car is considered being used for business, and your insurance rate is higher. Since we already have some some of the most expensive insurance rates in the country here (thanks No-fault insurance. :grumpy:), I really can't afford to pay that extra.

I've heard people say they just won't let their insurance know that they have the info on their car...and that's fine, unless you get in an accident, and your insurance won't cover you because you're using your car for business. :eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Very interesting. I'll have to check that out. Thanks!
  • #14
Good reminder, Becky. Make sure that it makes sense for you before purchasing them. Talk to your insurance company to make sure. That said, mine have paid for themselves many times over.
  • #15
where do you ladies get the decals does anyone have template ideas for me?
  • #16
Becca_in_MD said:
I've had mine on for over a month now and not a nibble. I was going to keep them on for 6 months. Now I feel I need to keep them on until I make enough commission off the leads from them to pay for them.

Be sure to get their contact info when you're giving out the recipe card, catalog, etc. so you can follow-up.

613flavah said:
where do you ladies get the decals does anyone have template ideas for me?

In order to get the official PC logo, you must order that part from Merrill. Merrill offers a decal with just the logo, and one you can personalize with your information. I ordered just the logo, because when I did, the personalization was not available, but even now I would do the same as I did before, because I feel some of the text in the personalized one is too small, and some of it I don't care to have on my car.

What I did is best described in this thread:


The window decal is $10.55 plus shipping from Merrill (The personalized one is $34.95 for two). Vinyl lettering is $7.65 for a square foot at jerisigns.com, plus $5 shipping (or at least mine was). So for a total of about $25, I have a very visible logo on the back window of my car.

I can't say I get tons of constant business out of it, but it led me to one of my best repeat hostesses, so it's paid for itself multiple times over. It just takes that one contact... :D
  • #17
Thank you for the info I'm def going to look into that! Such a good idea to advertize on your car!!!
  • #18
Merrill has decals and they're actually an OK price (considering it's Merrill).

As for handing out catalogs, I always keep old catalogs on me (from previous seasons) they have a sticker on them indicating they are not the latest catalog, but if someone is serious, they will either call me or place an order online. I get to recycle my old catalogs instead of throwing them away. Since our core products don't change much from one season to the next it's a good idea.
  • #19
What's this merill site? i can't seem to find it through google?
  • #20
You get to it through consultant connection, under the tab promoting and building your business, the very last option licensed merchandise vendors, then scroll all the way down and merrill is the last thing on the page.
  • #21
ooooooh! thank you I found it :D
  • #22
Noora, can you show us what the final decal you made looks like?
  • #23
I don't have a picture of my car, but it essentially looks like the one in the thread I linked. The font is a bit thicker, but the placement is the same (I have a Ford Escape).
  • #24
well, jerisigns is all fine and dandy when she did my logos for my car I had 2 years ago. Well, have contacted her several times over the last 3 months to get some made for my new car and she will not get back with me! She finally did last week and sent me a proof, I had some changes and never heard from her again. I think she has had some business or health or some kind of personal problems going is what I seem to remember her saying. Just disappointed as I wanted them again and having such a hard time with her now. If anyone tries her let me know if you hear from her.
  • #25
I wish my husband would let me put these on our car!
  • #26
I just have the logo window decals from Merrill - with no personal info on them and after 2 years, they have more than paid for themselves. The most contact comes from being in parking lots - at the grocery store or even at work - at the Vet's - in the drivethru too. My husband didnt want them on my car but they are fine on the side windows ( have an SUV) and have withstood the harsh Ohio winters, car washes and summer heat.:balloon:
Just having that in view - allows for more "talk-time" when someone comments on them. I was leary of putting my phone number - even my name out there. Maybe I watch too much TV......:yuck:
  • #27
I was recently at a gas station and there was a car with little information magnets ALL OVER the car. It was for a pet grooming business and the magnets were in the shape of dog bones and was very cute. It was definitely an attention getter and I liked that people could grab one of the magnets and not have to scratch around for a pen and paper or anything. Does anyone on here do something like that? And if so, what are/were the results?
  • #28
Some of you made yours via vistaprint which I'll do to put my URL and phone number but how do I know what size to make the image before uploading it??
  • #29
vanscootin said:
I'm afraid to put a decal on my car that has my name and number because I am such a bad driver. LOL

Just use your side windows :)
  • #30
I just ordered mine....I am laughing at the shipping charges for it but oh well!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
I also have the name and number/email of a guy who did my decals for me. If anyone would like his info, let me know. He does an AWESOME job on them and his prices are extremely reasonable.
  • #32
are any of them able to come on and off? besides the magnets of course
  • #33
The vinyl lettering I have will come off with heat. So I could take a hair dryer to it to loosen it.
  • #34
My window decal arrived today (super fast shipping) but with absolutely NO instructions, which I will call about. I know they're on the Merrill site, but I'm not dragging a computer out to my car to put this thing on...should have a print out with it
  • #35
I just put mine on today, so hopefully i get some bites!!
  • #36
I already got the Merrill one but I ordered one through vistaprint with my contact info. I really hope it's a good size and arrives soon so I can put it up!
  • #37
Love my decals too, however don't let your husband scrape the ice off your side windows...you know the rest...I now have decals thththtat sttttutter!

...and I ALWAYS as if they have a consultant first, then if they would like to host their own cooking show...before I give the recipe card or mini catalog!
  • #38
sharpechef said:
Love my decals too, however don't let your husband scrape the ice off your side windows...you know the rest...I now have decals thththtat sttttutter!

...and I ALWAYS as if they have a consultant first, then if they would like to host their own cooking show...before I give the recipe card or mini catalog!

That's just TOO darn funny! :D
  • #39
Super excited to read this post. I just ordered my decals last week!!
  • #40
Love mine too. I have them on my van & on hubby's van. Then went to Amazon & ordered business card holders for the back window too! So people can flip the hinged top, grab a card & it shuts again on it's own. Protects the cards from getting wet!

I bought the larger holder that will hold our mini-catalogs at the same time, but didn't put them on that same day. We had just moved to the new military base & the Amazon box got lost among the other boxes in the house. I still can't find what hubby did with it. It's probably in the storage unit somewhere. But someday, I WILL have mini catalogs available on the exterior of my vehicle too! LOL
  • #41
Noora- I passed you just the other day on Hwy 92. I saw the logo and your name on the back of your vehicle and told my hubby "that's Noora. I know her, but not really"!!
  • #42
Sheila, how do you keep the business card holder on? What if it rains? What about the car wash? Do you have it on a window or the car itself? I WANT ONE! :)
  • #43
Has anyone who has their personal info on their car ever had a bad experience with someone not wanting to host, etc. I'm paranoid about being stalked or harassed....
  • #44
mom4angela said:
Sheila, how do you keep the business card holder on? What if it rains? What about the car wash? Do you have it on a window or the car itself? I WANT ONE! :)

Sorry, just saw this. In Japan, I have the double sided sticky tape that comes with it. It's permanently affixed to the back window of the van (bottom left corner so it doesn't interfere with the back wiper). They've been on there for over a year with no issues. Here in TX, I bought the one with the attachment to go over the window. But I can't leave it there when I'm driving. So I'm looking for more double sided sticky tape to remove the window hanger part & permanently put it on the back glass of the van.

The ones I bought have spring loaded lids that close when a card/mini catalog is removed. I haven't had any issues with the interior contents getting wet. These are designed with outdoor use and are made to not let water in.

maldvs said:
Has anyone who has their personal info on their car ever had a bad experience with someone not wanting to host, etc. I'm paranoid about being stalked or harassed....

I didn't put my phone number on there. Just web address & e-mail address. The only solicitation call I've received was in Japan ~ someone wanting me to come set up a booth out in town at a vendor event. I had a really hard time explaining to him that we didn't pay import taxes & were prohibited from selling to the Japanese locals. Then when he started quizzing me about our rotation date (when our next military move was scheduled), I hung up on him. So far, no other weirdos have contacted me through my car advertising.

We were not allowed to use cell phones while driving in Japan, so I didn't see the sense in putting my # on the car. Here in TX, I figured I don't want/need other motorists calling me when my hubby's visiting & drives aggressively, so I stuck with the e-mail & web address only. LOL
  • #45
Sheila, where did you buy the holder???
  • #46
On Amazon. Just search for outdoor business card holders.
  • #47
Just wondering did you put the decals on the side windows or the back? I have been debating it. Not sure which would be better.
  • #48
Thanks Sheila!
  • #49
jennywardpc said:
Just wondering did you put the decals on the side windows or the back? I have been debating it. Not sure which would be better.

I have mine on the sides, but honestly, I wish I had put them on the back. People are behind you more than reading beside you.
<h2>1. How long have you had the car decals on your windows?</h2><p>I've only had my car decals on my windows for a few weeks.</p><h2>2. Have you seen an increase in business since using the car decals?</h2><p>Yes, I have seen a significant increase in business since using the car decals. In the last few days alone, I have gained several new customers.</p><h2>3. Can you share an example of how the car decals have directly led to a new customer?</h2><p>Yes, I have had multiple instances where people have noticed my car decals and inquired about my business. For example, when I was in the McDonald's drive-thru, the cashier asked for my card. I gave her a recipe card with my information and she ended up ordering a new product from me.</p><h2>4. Do you have any tips for using car decals as an effective form of advertising?</h2><p>Yes, I recommend always keeping some form of marketing material with your contact information on hand, whether it's business cards, recipe cards, or catalogs. This way, when people inquire about your business, you can easily provide them with information and potentially gain new customers. Also, consider placing decals on your car in high-traffic areas to increase visibility.</p><h2>5. Would you recommend using car decals for advertising?</h2><p>Absolutely! I have found car decals to be one of the most effective forms of advertising for my business. It's a one-time investment that continues to bring in new customers and promote my business wherever I go. I highly recommend it to other business owners looking to boost their advertising efforts.</p>

Related to Boost Your Business with Car Decals: A Story of Success and Tips for Advertising

1. How long have you had the car decals on your windows?

I've only had my car decals on my windows for a few weeks.

2. Have you seen an increase in business since using the car decals?

Yes, I have seen a significant increase in business since using the car decals. In the last few days alone, I have gained several new customers.

3. Can you share an example of how the car decals have directly led to a new customer?

Yes, I have had multiple instances where people have noticed my car decals and inquired about my business. For example, when I was in the McDonald's drive-thru, the cashier asked for my card. I gave her a recipe card with my information and she ended up ordering a new product from me.

4. Do you have any tips for using car decals as an effective form of advertising?

Yes, I recommend always keeping some form of marketing material with your contact information on hand, whether it's business cards, recipe cards, or catalogs. This way, when people inquire about your business, you can easily provide them with information and potentially gain new customers. Also, consider placing decals on your car in high-traffic areas to increase visibility.

5. Would you recommend using car decals for advertising?

Absolutely! I have found car decals to be one of the most effective forms of advertising for my business. It's a one-time investment that continues to bring in new customers and promote my business wherever I go. I highly recommend it to other business owners looking to boost their advertising efforts.

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