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Anyone Going to Paris in April???

In summary, the person is going to Paris in April and they want to stay one extra night. They found tripadvisor.com helpful and want to know if anyone is making their own lodging arrangements elsewhere. They are excited about the trip and are looking forward to seeing Paris.
I was wondering if anyone was going to Paris in April and extending their stay? I really want to stay one extra night, but the cost of the hotel is a little over our price range. I was wondering if anyone was making their own lodging arrangements elsewhere? I am so excited about this trip, it is my first time out of the country and I know Hubby wont do well with the idea of just finding somewhere to stay on the last night once we get there. So the only chance I have of staying longer is to plan it now. Thanks for the help.
Yes -- I'm going to Paris!!! So excited I can't hardly stand it. We are extending our stay in London for 5 days. I did look on tripadvisor.com for hotels, etc. because my mom is going with us....most hotels are fairly expensive, but maybe try a bed and breakfast? I know we were looking into the B&B's in London and seem fairly well priced. I found tripadvisor.com to be very helpful. See you in Paris!
Yep, I'm going!!! I can't wait. We are staying 2 extra nights and we just decided to stay at the same hotel. I figured I didn't want to hassle with switching hotels and having to deal with checking out, then waiting for check-in time at a new hotel. It's not cheap, but I didn't know if it would be much better elsewhere.
gaddischef said:
Yes -- I'm going to Paris!!! So excited I can't hardly stand it. We are extending our stay in London for 5 days. I did look on tripadvisor.com for hotels, etc. because my mom is going with us....most hotels are fairly expensive, but maybe try a bed and breakfast? I know we were looking into the B&B's in London and seem fairly well priced. I found tripadvisor.com to be very helpful. See you in Paris!

I love looking at tripadvisor.com but don't be too scared about the negative reviews. There are a lot of them but I find everywhere seems to get lots of negative reviews. I figure the ones that are unhappy are MUCH more likely to go on and od a review than those who had good experiences.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks for the answers!! We are going to stay one extra night, but stay at a different hotel. It might turn into an adventure but that is how you have stories to tell later right? My sister spent a semester in Europe and she has a friend in Paris so they are going to help us out and my brother in law went last summer and I am sure he didn't stay anywhere quite as nice as Pampered Chef will put us. So I have some options. Thanks for the idea of a bed and breakfast. I will look into that.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Oh and see you in Paris!!!!!!
You may want to ask what the breakfast consists of. The standard breakfast fare for many small hotels there is french bread, jam, butter, and coffee.
That's not quite an American breakfast.
:cry:eek:nly in my dreams will I be in Paris:cry:

Have a WONDERFUL time and I can not wait to hear about your travels!!
  • #10
I'm going and we are going early to Rome first for 3 days and then fly to Paris.... it's so cool that we can be so flexible with our trips! I can't wait to hear where we are going after Disney!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
kcont said:
I'm going and we are going early to Rome first for 3 days and then fly to Paris.... it's so cool that we can be so flexible with our trips! I can't wait to hear where we are going after Disney!

My DREAM trip is to go to Rome, I hope PC does that some day. I would move mountains to qualify for that. That is great that you are going there first. We did decide to stay the extra day but even that will push the budget a bit so you will have to take lots if pictures in Rome!! It is really cool that they are so flexible, one of the many reasons I love PC!
  • #12
What activities are you all doing while in Paris?
  • #13
I haven't figured it out yet. I looked at the various tours and need to probably get signed up. I'd love some type of wine/champagne tour but I forget if one was offered.
  • #14
We who aren't going will be anxious for your trip reports. Paris is awesome!
I was there 8 years ago right after 9/11. If anyone wants to contact me for ideas- please do.
  • #15
Would you pm me some great ideas/tips for Paris at [email protected]KS!! I'm getting alittle overwhelmed thinking about all of the things I want to do and see.
  • #16
I was in Paris in 2004. It was so awesome! You will have such a great time. I highly recommend a day trip to see a castle or two. There was one we visited that had the most awesome kitchen!
  • #17
Paris -- one month to go!!!! Where are you flying out of?? We fly out of Kansas City, then to Minneapolis, then to Paris. Hope the weather is decent!
  • #18
I can't wait! I'm flying out of Chicago O'Hare and directly to Paris. I'm trying to figure out the tours to do. I have to look at that list again. I'm so excited! I NEED a vacation!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
We are flying out of Cincinnati and straight to Paris. I am getting excited I need a break from my kids. We still haven't decided what tours either.
  • #20
We are flying out of Cincinnati and straight to Paris....

Really? You can fly from Cincinnati to Paris? Geez last year when we flew into Cincinnati it was a pain--I can't believe you can catch a flight to PARIS from Cincinnati, LOL. Have tons of fun! If Paris is half as good as Mexico was you will be so blessed!
  • #21
We are going on the D-Day tour, the Versailles tour, and the Lourve tour. Has anyone checked into getting the Paris Pass, where you buy the pass and get into many different attractions?
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Anyone else want to list what tours they are doing, I looked at them tonight and they are a little pricey so I am thinking we might only be able to do one. Do you think you get a lot more out of going with a tour group?
  • Thread starter
  • #23
gaddischef said:
We are going on the D-Day tour, the Versailles tour, and the Lourve tour. Has anyone checked into getting the Paris Pass, where you buy the pass and get into many different attractions?

I looked at the pass, and am still deciding. Are you going to get one? or does anyone else have any tips or suggestions?
  • #24
I didn't know about the pass! I'd love to do the Loire Valley one but that is SO expensive. We're already spending a lot more by staying two extra nights, so I don't think DH will go for that. I'm wondering what other tours might be available outside of this particular tour company or whatever. I may try to check it out on the Trip Advisor forums because I'd assume there's a Paris one. I'd love to do some type of wine or Champagne one!
  • #25
I think we'll at least do the Louvre and Versailles. Those are pretty reasonable, although I don't know the Euro to Dollar conversion rate right now.
  • #26
Ya'll be very careful with your personal belongings in Paris. I got pick-pocketed when we were there 8 years ago. I used a small back-pack and had my wallet stolen from it (I really liked that wallet too :cry:), thankfully there wasn't much cash money and only 1 CC that I had to call back to the states to cancel, it was still a PIA! Keep your ID in your front pocket, or wear a money belt or one of those packets that you keep around your neck and tuck inside your shirt. When I thought about it, I know when it happened. We were at the Orsey Museum in the gift shop, it was VERY crowded and I remember that this guy kept bumping in to me - I'm sure he was the one who pick-pocketed me. Be careful on the trains too, they are VERY crowded as well.
  • #27
Great advice, Linda! I've heard that about Paris, but hadn't yet planned what I'd be using to carry stuff around. Maybe I'll even use one of the nicer name tag holders they've given us at conference in the past. I'll have to tell DH he can't keep his wallet in his back pocket either. Front pockets only! Thanks for the tips!
  • #28
Maybe tell DH to take his money out of his wallet and keep that in another pocket or money belt.
  • #29
I had absolutely no problem when I was in Paris. It's like any place. Be cautious but not neurotic. France is no more dangerous than the US. I remember a year or two ago that two people at that conference that I ran into had been pick-pocketed in Chicago. One on a train and one on the streets.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
pamperedbecky said:
I think we'll at least do the Louvre and Versailles. Those are pretty reasonable, although I don't know the Euro to Dollar conversion rate right now.

I am going to try to talk to DH about doing at least one of these. They both sound like fun!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
pamperedbecky said:
I didn't know about the pass! I'd love to do the Loire Valley one but that is SO expensive. We're already spending a lot more by staying two extra nights, so I don't think DH will go for that. I'm wondering what other tours might be available outside of this particular tour company or whatever. I may try to check it out on the Trip Advisor forums because I'd assume there's a Paris one. I'd love to do some type of wine or Champagne one!

Please let me know if you find one:)I would love to do this, but I seem to get lost when trying to find things to do myself.
  • #32
Very cool tidbit I foundOK, I just found the coolest excursion/activity that I REALLY want to do!! I was reading various reviews and forums about Paris on Trip Advisro and came across some reviews for "Cook'n with Class" which is a semi-private (6 ppl max) cooking class with French chefs!! I want to do it!! Here's the link of the reviews I've been reading: http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g187147-d648464-r26829534-Cook_n_With_Class-Paris_Ile_de_France.html#TOPC

Here's a link to the place's website: http://www.cooknwithclass.com.

It's not cheap but everything I've read said it's worth every penny.

EVERY review I read is glowing. I HAVE to do this! Anyone want to join us? I need to look at the itinerary again and see where there is a day with nothing left to do. I saw many comments that said if you do the morning market/cooking session, you eat so much food, you really don't even need dinner that night. FUN!!!! I'm psyched.
  • #33
pamperedbecky said:
OK, I just found the coolest excursion/activity that I REALLY want to do!! I was reading various reviews and forums about Paris on Trip Advisro and came across some reviews for "Cook'n with Class" which is a semi-private (6 ppl max) cooking class with French chefs!! I want to do it!! Here's the link of the reviews I've been reading: http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g187147-d648464-r26829534-Cook_n_With_Class-Paris_Ile_de_France.html#TOPC

Here's a link to the place's website: http://www.cooknwithclass.com.

It's not cheap but everything I've read said it's worth every penny.

EVERY review I read is glowing. I HAVE to do this! Anyone want to join us? I need to look at the itinerary again and see where there is a day with nothing left to do. I saw many comments that said if you do the morning market/cooking session, you eat so much food, you really don't even need dinner that night. FUN!!!! I'm psyched.

This sounds fabulous Becky. Please post what you think of it when you get back. I took a week-long course in southern france a couple years ago and still consider it one of the best experiences I ever had.
  • #34
I definitely will, Kris. I already heard back from Chef Eric and the date I was hoping for (Wednesday the 22nd) is already booked. I'm waiting to hear back about two other possible dates for us. I really hope it works! The date he did have open is Thursday, but that's the night of the big gala dinner and I've heard that you're SO full from this that you're not even hungry for dinner.

Oh, and Kris, I also saw a company that does the Champagne tour. That also isn't cheap (109 Euros each) but you can take the TGV which I'd love to experience. That sounds so cool! Let's hope DH goes for that too!
  • #35
I'm not sure I'd recommend spending that much for the Champagne tour...although the TGV is cool, you'll get to see the gorgeous french countryside (and small villages), and the champagne is, well, champagne. :)

Hopefully the tour includes a sightseeing stop in Riems (most champagne tours include both Epernay, home of Moet et Chandon, and Reims). The Reims Cathedral dates from the 13th century and is one of the most famous in France (for centuries it was where French Kings were crowned.) It also figures prominantly in the history of Joan of Arc. The architecture is amazing.

Whatever your plans, have an absolute blast!!!!

(100 Euros each is a lot, but then on our honeymoon cruise to Alaska we spent over $100 each on a shore excursion to go hiking in the Yukon. It was way over-priced, but the memory for us really is priceless.)
  • #36
I think it includes a couple stops at two different places where we'll taste champagne and have tours. It doesn't include lunch which is on our own and I don't think it includes the TGV tickets. I'm not sure how much those will be. Thanks for your input, Kris, because I have no idea what is reasonable. Things are adding up that's for sure!!
  • #37
If it doesn't include lunch, then it probably does include Reims (champagne tours usually release folks to have lunch on their own there...lots and lots of cafes to choose from).

It is a chunk of change, but I guess it all comes down to how you will feel if you don't do it:
'well, it would have been fun, but we really enjoyed our time in Paris" vs "I really wish we had done it."

Again, I'm so excited for you!!!!!!
  • #38
I looked up the foreign exchange rate and it is 1 euro = 1.32, so not as bad as it was....you can find the foreign exchange calculator by googling it....
The way I look at price is I may only have the opportunity to be there once in my life, so why not do what I really feel like doing. May get me in trouble when I get home though....LOL.....
  • #39
I can't tell you how many hours I've spent on tripadvisor.com today on their Paris forum reading awesome reviews, tips, restaurant suggestions and just learning about everything Paris. It's such a great resource, so I highly recommend looking at it! Go to www.tripadvisor.com and type in Paris forum in the search box. I've found some great suggestions on restaurants and have found some I want to try. I'm still not sure what tours to do through the ones PC listed for us.:confused:

BUT I did reserve our spots to do the cookn with class class for April 25th. Now I'M really glad we're staying a couple extra nights! The only other openings they seemed to have were the days of our PC dinners and I don't think we'll be very hungry.

So, if any of you check out trip advisor, share what you find!!
  • #40
Just fyi: the latest issue of Budget Travel features an article on several inexpensive cafes in Paris that are local favorites.
  • #41
legacypc46 said:
Just fyi: the latest issue of Budget Travel features an article on several inexpensive cafes in Paris that are local favorites.

Ooh cool-is that a magazine?? Or a travel guide?
  • #42
Becky, I can't wait to hear about this cooking class.
  • #43
DebbieJ said:
Becky, I can't wait to hear about this cooking class.

I think that's going to be a HUGE highlight! I can't wait. It's going to be on our last full day there, so what a way to end the trip!! Crap, it's expensive, but oh well. I'll be taking LOTS of pictures. :)
  • #44
pamperedbecky said:
I think that's going to be a HUGE highlight! I can't wait. It's going to be on our last full day there, so what a way to end the trip!! Crap, it's expensive, but oh well. I'll be taking LOTS of pictures. :)

Please do!! I can't wait for you to go and share your tips to your "friends!!!"
  • #45
pamperedbecky said:
Ooh cool-is that a magazine?? Or a travel guide?

It's a travel magazine.
  • #46
legacypc46 said:
It's a travel magazine.

Cool-I'm going to go look for it today or tomorrow. I LOVE doing research and finding things to do. I think I'd like being a travel agent, but not in this economy!
  • #47
Finally...Yes...Becky I finally looked on here like you told me to! LOL!! I just find when I get on here I am on here for hours checking everything out again! And yes, we were thinking of doing something like this, but we keep changing our minds! Guess it is getting a little late now to be changing our minds! But whatever we do will be fabulous I have no doubt!!:D
  • #48
11 days now until Paris!! Wow -- time has flown by....I feel like I should be doing something more to get ready/prepared, but I'm so blown away/overwhelmed that I haven't done anything! What do I need to do -- help! Does anyone know the weight limits on suitcases etc.??? See you in Paris in less than 2 weeks!
  • #49
Weight limits are the same I believe than any travel. Over 50 lbs you have to pay an extra charge. Check with whatever airline you're flying.

THe best way to prepare and see what's fun to do and all the ins and outs is to look at www.tripadvisor.com and their Paris forums. Just type in "paris forums" in the search line at that website. I've spent countless hours just reading the posts and getting a feel for what to expect. This is where I found some great ideas for tours, etc. That's what I"d suggest.

Did you sign up for any tours through the group PC is working with? I did go buy that travel magazine Kris mentioned, as well as another small-ish tour book that has the top 10 things to do in Paris in various categories. I don't know when I'll read that book though!:blushing:

I'm excited too!! I have so much I need to do, not to mention the two shows I have the two days before I leave. That's why I want to spend the next week getting so many other things all ready. Have fun researching!!
  • #50
8 days to Paris!! I'm getting excited, nervous, stressed, everything! Hopefully going shopping tomorrow to find a few new things to wear!
<h2>1. Can I extend my stay in Paris for one extra night?</h2><p>Yes, you can extend your stay in Paris for one extra night. However, you may need to make your own lodging arrangements as the cost of the hotel may be over your price range.</p><h2>2. Is anyone else going to Paris in April and extending their stay?</h2><p>We cannot confirm the travel plans of other individuals, but it is possible that some people may be extending their stay in Paris in April.</p><h2>3. Are there any recommendations for affordable lodging options in Paris?</h2><p>We suggest researching online for budget-friendly accommodations in Paris. You can also consider staying in a hostel or renting an apartment for a more cost-effective option.</p><h2>4. Is it possible to find lodging on the last night of our trip once we arrive in Paris?</h2><p>While it is possible to find lodging on the last night of your trip, it may be risky and may not guarantee availability. It is recommended to plan and book your lodging in advance to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip.</p><h2>5. Can I change my lodging arrangements after booking?</h2><p>This will depend on the terms and conditions of your booking. We recommend checking with your lodging provider for their policies on changes or cancellations.</p>

Related to Anyone Going to Paris in April???

1. Can I extend my stay in Paris for one extra night?

Yes, you can extend your stay in Paris for one extra night. However, you may need to make your own lodging arrangements as the cost of the hotel may be over your price range.

2. Is anyone else going to Paris in April and extending their stay?

We cannot confirm the travel plans of other individuals, but it is possible that some people may be extending their stay in Paris in April.

3. Are there any recommendations for affordable lodging options in Paris?

We suggest researching online for budget-friendly accommodations in Paris. You can also consider staying in a hostel or renting an apartment for a more cost-effective option.

4. Is it possible to find lodging on the last night of our trip once we arrive in Paris?

While it is possible to find lodging on the last night of your trip, it may be risky and may not guarantee availability. It is recommended to plan and book your lodging in advance to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip.

5. Can I change my lodging arrangements after booking?

This will depend on the terms and conditions of your booking. We recommend checking with your lodging provider for their policies on changes or cancellations.

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