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aNewbie and Already Frustrated and Discouraged

In summary, MrsNetNut is a new consultant that is having difficulty finding leads and friends to help her with her pamper business. She is struggling with her lack of financial resources and her recruiter's unwillingness to help her. She has decided to look for leads outside of her friends and family, looking for craft bazaars and community events.
Hi Everyone,

I am a brand new consultant that signed up on Friday. At first I was SO excited and inspired, but that has quickly worn off and been replaced with frustration and discouragement. You see, I have a very small group of friends and all of my family are 2,000 miles away on the other side of the country. Before I signed up my friends seemed very supportive but now that I have signed up and am asking people to do shows, everyone is conveniently too busy. And my in-laws...Don't EVEN get me started!:mad: Talk about LAME excuses! I was so hopeful that I could reach my $1250 in 30 days, but now its looking like it may take a much longer than I had hoped.

However, whether this is a good thing or not, I am not sure, but this is making me more and more determined to be successful at this with or without their STUPID help! UGH!!! GRRR!:mad:

Well, it looks like I am being forced out of my comfort zone at the beginning in order to have any success at this. I would love to do pamper a business, but right now money is REALLY tight and I can't afford to put out any more money into this unless its a sure thing. So, I could really use some suggestions on where I could find leads. My recruiter suggested I do my own open house/grand opening, but no one is available for that either. It also doesn't help that one of the friends in my small circle of friends is having a party this coming friday with my recruiter and I am sure all of our friends will be there. One small consolation is that my step mother is doing or at least TRYING to do a catalogue show for me. But that's just how my family is, we are very supportive of each other. Not very wealthy but supportive and we try to help when we can. Just wish others got that concept.

Anyway, as I was saying, I could really use some suggestions as to where I could drum up some leads, even if they are cold. I don't mind asking strangers. BTW, I don't have any kids. Just me & hubby happily married for 8 1/2 years.

Did your recruiter offer you the show with your friends?
I was also wondering why your recruiter didn't offer you your friend's show to get you started. Your friends can book at your friend's show and you do their show so your friend will be able to purchase the host special at each of their shows. You have to ask everyone you see and get out of your comfort zone. See if you can get any fairs before Christmas. This is a great way to make contacts. And check with your out-of-town family to see if they will do catalogs shows for you or FB shows to get you started.Tell everyone how excited you are about your business and you would really appreciate their help. You really have to get outside of your family and friends anyway for your business to take off.....at least that's my opinion. I've done this for 8 1/2 years and my business wasn't as good 6 years ago as it is now. You have to be excited about it (and it sounds like you are) and tell everyone (bank, church, friends, family, grocery store, etc.).Wishing you the best of this.....you CAN do it!
Find a craft bazaar for this weekend and next weekend. it's not too late for those and they are what helped me build my business. Look in the paper for community events, go on Craigslist and look for anything anywhere remotely near you, call churches & fire halls to see if they have had their event yet. You can bake a batch of cookies, put a couple cookies, a mini catalog and a hand made coupon for a free show in it and take it to the bank, doctor's offices, etc. and hand them out to the tellers and nurses. Be pro-active, and yes, use this stumbling block to energize you! Whatever works, just do it.

And, by all means, ask your recruiter why she didn't let you do the party for your friend! Maybe she could let you come, watch, and train, then give you some or all the bookings. That would be beneficial for both of you.
I'm also surprised your recruiter didn't give you that booking. The booking follows the host, not the consultant necessarily. She should have a desire to help you succeed and if all your potential people are bailing on you, this show could've really made a difference for you. Unless your friend is close to your recruiter or something and that's why she stuck with her?Pampering a business doesn't have to cost a lot. You just bake something inexpensive and then leave 2 catalogs with it. Do you have ingredients in your cupboards to make brownies? Do you own the brownie pan or just have the mini muffin pan? If you have the brownie pan, you can bake the brownies and then decorate them to look like presents. There's a picture on Consultant's Connection (CC) of it. If you have the MMP, you could bake the brownies and then stick a Reese's miniature PB cup in it, or a Rolo, or place a pecan on it, or put a strawberry on it to make it like a Santa's hat with whipped cream or frosting (again, I think there's a picture on CC and also there are pictures on Pinterest of it.) Let me know if you need help with finding those recipe ideas and I can post them here.Thank them for all they do and let them know about the host & guest specials. Print off the gift ideas off of CC or leave them some Holiday Minis. Then let them know you'll come back in a few days to pick up your platter (or whatever) and can pick up any orders then. Revisit your list of 100 and try to brainstorm a little bit. Also, long distance friends and families can do catalog shows for you. Tell them now is a great time to do it because of all the Christmas shopping. Things can be direct shipped, too, so if any of your long distance friends doesn't want to host but wants to order something, create your own catalog show and gather the orders.You can do it! Hang in there!
We are military and move every three years to a location where I don't know anyone - only one time have I already had a friend in the area. I always restart my business with a craft fair/vendor event. The cost is fairly minimal and even if all I get the entire day is one show booked, it kicks off my business again in that new location. I am getting ready to move again next spring, from Colorado to Massachusetts, and I am already looking for events I can take part in when I get there.

I have personally never had any luck with the pamper a business option but that is just me. Many people find it very successful. And it can cost as little as $4-5. You are picking the recipe, so do what is within your means.
Can you have your family that is 2,000 miles away do catalog shows for you to start? that way you could get some income in to start some of the other things like Pampering a Business. Do you work outside the home? (take catalogs to work). Get your haircut? (Ask your hairdresser to put a catalog at her station to take orders). Can you host an "new to the neighborhood" open house and let everyone know you sell Pampered Chef? I have also had good luck with putting flyers up or on doors in the neighborhood saying "there's a Pampered Chef consultant in your neighborhood"--can your director give you or lend you some mini catalogs to pass out? Leave a catalog at the Dr.'s office, dentist, etc.
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  • #8
Thank you so much to everyone with all of your WONDERFUL ideas. I went to my first Pampered Chef meeting tonight and got some more ideas and encouragement from my fellow team members and recruiter. I really feel inspired to start where I am and not let unreasonable expectations get in the way. One thing one of the ladies said tonight was that she learned this year to love her business where it is, instead of wishing it were somewhere else. I think that is where I am right now. I need to embrace my business where it is instead of getting discouraged because it isn't where I think that it *should* be. This is a great personal growth opportunity and I choose to embrace it.

Thanks again,

Related to aNewbie and Already Frustrated and Discouraged

1. How can I stay motivated as a newbie at Pampered Chef?

As a newbie at Pampered Chef, it can be overwhelming and discouraging to see other consultants succeeding while you may be struggling. The key is to set realistic goals for yourself and celebrate small victories. Surround yourself with a supportive team and lean on them for guidance and motivation. Remember why you joined Pampered Chef and keep that as your driving force.

2. What are some tips for managing my time effectively as a newbie?

Time management is crucial in any job, but especially as a newbie at Pampered Chef. It's important to prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones first. Set a schedule for yourself and stick to it. It's also helpful to delegate tasks to others when possible and take breaks when needed to avoid burnout.

3. How can I improve my sales as a newbie at Pampered Chef?

Sales can be a challenging aspect for newbies at Pampered Chef, but there are some strategies you can use to improve. Start by building relationships with your customers and getting to know their needs and preferences. Offer personalized recommendations and follow up with them after purchases. Utilize social media and other marketing techniques to reach a wider audience. And most importantly, believe in the products you are selling and let your passion shine through.

4. What should I do if I am struggling to make a profit as a newbie at Pampered Chef?

It's common for new consultants at Pampered Chef to struggle with making a profit in the beginning. If this is the case for you, don't get discouraged. Take a look at your expenses and see if there are any areas where you can cut back. Network with other consultants and ask for advice on how they turned a profit. Attend training sessions and utilize the resources provided to you by Pampered Chef. And most importantly, be patient and persistent.

5. How can I balance my personal life with my Pampered Chef business as a newbie?

Balancing personal life with work can be a challenge for anyone, especially as a newbie at Pampered Chef. It's important to set boundaries and schedule dedicated time for your business, while also making time for yourself and loved ones. Communicate openly with your family and friends about your schedule and find ways to involve them in your business, such as hosting parties or cooking events together. Remember to also prioritize self-care and make time for activities that recharge you.

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