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Not Doing so Well!! Getting Discouraged!

In summary, the speaker shares their experience with their first show, feeling nervous and stumbling on their words. They also mention a cancelled show and feeling discouraged due to lack of support from family and difficulties in finding potential customers. The speaker offers advice to follow up with potential customers personally and step out of their comfort zone to find success in their business.
Hello Everyone!

I had my 1st show last Monday and I was sweating bullets (litterally) and stumbling on my words. It didn't feel as easy as it looked when my recruiter did my show! And then, my 3rd out of the total of 4 shows I booked just cancelled. I thought I at least I had my contract # of bookings done and now I am short.
I am not from here and I know there are at least 6 others selling in this area of N.C. My my family is in Chicago - I don't have family here and very few friends. My one resource was my local church, but another member has been selling longer then me- The Church is already Pampered out! I thought of doing at least a catalog show back home, but my family is only putting it down and not being very supportive. I also took advice from other threads and posted flyers at all the local grocery stores not to mention passing out over 200 in my neighborhood with no response! I was so gun-ho about the biz and now I have become discouraged! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :eek:
Sorry to hear that show fell through! Don't worry...there will be others. Everyone goes through frustrating spells. That's also too bad that your family isn't supportive. Have they ever been to PC shows before? Are they familiar with the products? Do they know all of the benefits they receive from hosting? Wow, since they are from Chicago, I wonder if they have heard of PC and how the company got its start. Maybe encourage them to read Doris Christopher's new book. If you haven't read it yourself, it would be a great idea! It's a great read of how someone with a glimmer of a dream kept building on that to grow a great company. Does your family understand what you want to get out of it?j

As for your comfort level during the show...it WILL get easier! That's what so many of our first shows are like. And second, third, even 20th. It gets easier the more you do it. That's the beauty of this business, even if we mess up or aren't as smooth as we'd like to be, you still get a paycheck and (hopefully!) you still have fun! You mentioned putting out flyers in your neighborhood. Now what you need to do is follow up with as many people as you can. Personally talk to them. That makes ALL the difference. It's kind of like catching butterflies in a net...some will just fly in (and out of the blue call you to place an order or book a show), but some you need to go after a little bit. That personal contact is what's best. I did the same thing in my neighborhood. I had an open house when I moved in a year ago. I distribute flyers when the new products come out. But, unless I"m personally talking to them, they are pretty unlikely just to call. Especially at first, but once they place an order, THEN your name is in front of them more. The other day some families had garage sales. I walked around to each of them and chatted. One person booked a show right there and got all excited about the new products because I was talking to her about them! Another woman wants a catalog and to place an order! If you don't have a PC shirt, get at least one and wear it around. I got the one from VIP (www.visualimpactproducts) with the new book on the shirt and that's what did it.

I'm just trying to brainstorm! I know how frustrating it was when I was trying to get started and things just weren't moving along as quickly as I wanted them to. I found that stepping out of my comfort zone is what got me results. I had to be straightforward and ask friends and family (sometimes just acquaintances) if they'd do me a favor and host a show so I could get my business off the ground. Tell them that THEY benefit too. It's a great way for them to get to know the company better-especially the products!! Which they'll get for FREE and half price! Good luck. Hang in there. It's SO easy to hang up the apron, but you'll get much more out of it if you stick with it. Just keep PC in your mind ALL the time and talk with everyone about it. Even strangers standing in line at the store. You never know what may come of it.
Great AdviceBecky those are really good tips. Also, if you have children sent a little note to all of the parents once school starts. You'll first have to ask the teacher if it's okay, but she shouldn't have a problem with it. I'll attach a copy of a letter I sent out at the end of the year, but it can be easily adapted.


  • letter to classmates 2004 school year.doc
    30 KB · Views: 583
Have you thought about fundraisers? Talk or send info out to schools, churches, clubs, daycare centers. Just go thru the yellow pages, some ideas will come to you. I Just qualified for SS1. I don't have alot of info to give, these are just a few things that I have done. Have got one fundraiser coming up, and waiting on a few other replies. I will be checking back with them in a couple weeks. Around my area, people are sick of candy/candle fundraisers so hopefully this PC fundraiser idea will come thru for me. Good Luck!!
Oh, and by the way, I was at the grocery store, and mentioned PC to a lady. She had never heard of PC. SHe took a book, and ended up ordering the GEN. pan set. WOW, I was shocked. It really does help to just ask people, or just mention to them that you are a consultant. SOrry for such a long reply.
ScriptI'm pretty new to the business too, have only done 4 kitchen shows and a couple of catalog shows... My last show was the best. I think it was so good because I sat down and wrote out every single word I wanted to say. Of course, silly me left it in the car and didn't realize that until it was time to start and every one was looking at me. But I had planned it out and didn't forget as much and was able to relax and just have fun. It took me a couple of weeks working a little bit here and a little bit there to finish it, but the work was worth it.
I think one of the biggest things to remember to help you not be nervous is that everyone makes mistakes. When I first started out I told everyone up front that I was new and that I still had to look up prices (still do!) and information for them. I have dropped utensils while doing my demos, forgotten to put a major ingredient in, the list goes on. But 99% of the time I have been surrounded by woman who are just like me, Mothers, wives,friends, sisters. They all just want to have a good time and if you make light of your mistakes they will too. Just don't stress over it. Like my husband always says " Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!"
Relax and enjoy that commission check when it comes in.
luvs2sellit said:
" Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!"
I LOVE that!! And you're right! If you brush off and laugh at your mistakes (and we all make them) your guests will be comfortable with you and might even think "Hey, if she can do this so can I!". If you get all upset they will be uncomfortable and be turned off.

After a mistake you can always say something like "How many jobs can you think of where you can make a mistake and not get in trouble with the boss? - oh, wait... I'm my boss!"

If the mistake involves damaging the host's property be very apologetic and tell them that you are insured (they deduct $2 every month from our checks to cover such things) and that Pampered Chef will take care of things. Be careful what you promise though - Pampered Chef makes the final determination on what and how they cover. I know people who have used the insurance and have been very impressed with Pampered Chef's resolutions!
When I drop something, or leave out an ingredient, or leave off the top of the Baked Alaska cake (!), I just say, "You know, I STILL get paid twice a month!" Everyone laughs and we just go on... :)
I am still in my first few shows and tend to get "stage fright" I have only done four shows, one was terrible, one was ok, one was good and one was great. I have found that telling them right at the beginning that you are new at this and would appreciate any feedback both good and bad, they tend to listen more and be a little easier on you. In order to keep myself from getting lost I have made up a one page outline that I place on my demo table. (It is basically an abridged version of the one in recipe for success) I am keeping it short and sweet so far. I go over hosting and the guest packet at the beginning, and then go right into the demonstration. I am sure that I don't sprinkle hints and tips as much as I am suppossed to, but the more I have to worry about the greater my chances are of getting lost or confused. Just keep it simple. It doesn't matter if you end a little earlier than you planned, you can always answer any questions they may have for a few minutes at the end to take up time. You will be able to add more extras to your shows as you get more and more comfortable with yourself presenting. Staying positive is the key for me in the beginning. Good luck, I know that you can do it!
  • #10
The employees that worked for my dad (before he retired) had a BRIGHT yellow shirt made that had in mid-size letter "Don't Sweat the Petty Things", then in smaller letters underneat, "Just Pet the Sweaty Things". I was a teen and so embarrased to be seen with him. He just thought it was so funny.

It is certainly my motto now. Along with the infamous "I'm a Pampered Chef, not a Perfect Chef", and "Hey, I told you this job is sooo easy, they'll let anyone try it! Talk to me after the show and we'll get you set up to try it too!"

Also, don't let unsupportive family members get you down. Mine were the same way AT FIRST. It takes a few months, but then when they see all the products your getting for free, vacations they want to go on, and the extra money...they come around!
  • #11
I know how you feel, I was soooo nervous at my first show, still get nervous too. My family too was also not so supportive, my husband complained about my being gone, for meetings, dropping off packets etc. I tried to explain to him and it worked too, That if I go get a part time job, I would be gone 3-4 nights a week and not get home til about 10:30 at night, at least with this I am home most nights. I also reheased my speech to my recruiter, she and her sons sat there and and where the guest from hell. Asking a bunch of questions, but it helped me prepare. If your family will not help you in this, ask your recruiter, he or she has a great stake in your success
  • #12
I too used to be new and I would always make sure that people knew what show number I was on and that seemed to help because they were more forgiving and less critical of me. The first show I did outside of family was for a Mary Kay consultant and she had her recruiter there. After the show, her recruiter not only told me that I had done well, she BOOKED a show from me for the next month. From her show I met my best customer yet and that customer is on her way to holding her 3rd show in 8 months with me! The only way I met the Mary Kay lady was by getting out of my comfort zone and talking to people. I set up a booth at our local market night and my director helped me get started there. Since then when ever I am at market night I get at least one booking and usually three. I know how discouraging it can be to have a show cancel, especially when you need it to qualify. My first SS month was last Sept. I had made up a catalog show of items that I knew I would be needing for the fall show demos and split it into three orders so it wasn't an individual order.
  • #13
Don't get discouraged! We all have our stories! I remember my first shows (okay, and still sometimes now!) I start talking and I feel shaky and stumble through my words. I literally run out of breath trying to tell them everything! We've got some great sayings for times like this, or when an ingredient is left out, or when a lemon flies across the room.... :) Along with ones that were mentioned, I also add in "Can you believe I get paid for this?" or "Thank goodness there wasn't an interview process for this job!"

I also understand how you feel about the small town, and having consultants all around you. My recruiter has lived here for years, and knows everyone (or so it seems!) I was a transplant to the area, and had no family or friends around! Two of my first 6 shows were in different states! But from the few that I had locally, I met new people, and it spiderwebbed from there. I've done the flyers and the open house, with very little feedback. I realized its more about talking to people than just putting up posters. I can go door to door and put catalogs on everyone's door, but it won't be worth my time unless I go back in the next few days and follow up with those people.

Just look outside your comfort zone...it's the best advice. Maybe people are looking for a new consultant, with new ideas and tips. Just keep talking about how gung-ho you are...you're excitement will be contagious!

As for the family, I've been in this business for two years, and my family is JUST NOW saying "wow, you're really doing well with The Pampered Chef. It sounds like business is doing great." They needed to see how happy I was, and how great the results can be from this company. Hopefully, you'll have the chance to show them. Just keep looking forward...

Related to Not Doing so Well!! Getting Discouraged!

1. Why am I not doing well with Pampered Chef?

There could be several reasons why you may not be doing well with Pampered Chef. It could be due to lack of experience, not having a strong customer base, or not effectively promoting your business. It is important to evaluate your current strategies and make necessary changes to improve your success.

2. How can I stay motivated when I am feeling discouraged?

It is normal to experience discouragement at times, but it is important to stay motivated and focused on your goals. One way to do this is by setting achievable goals and celebrating small successes. Additionally, surround yourself with positive and supportive people who can encourage you during difficult times.

3. What can I do to improve my sales?

To improve your sales, you can try reaching out to potential customers through social media, hosting in-home parties, or participating in local events. You can also offer promotions or discounts to attract new customers. It is also important to consistently follow up with your current customers and provide excellent customer service.

4. How can I stand out from other Pampered Chef consultants?

To stand out from other consultants, you can focus on your unique strengths and talents. You can also offer personalized services or host themed events to differentiate yourself from others. Additionally, staying updated on new products and techniques can help you provide a better experience for your customers.

5. What resources are available to help me when I am not doing well?

Pampered Chef offers various resources to support and assist consultants who may be struggling. These include training materials, online resources, and a supportive consultant community. You can also reach out to your team leader or fellow consultants for advice and guidance. Remember, it is important to ask for help when needed.

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