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Overcoming Booking Struggles: Tips and Encouragement for Independent Performers

In summary, Danielle became inactive and is starting up again. She has booked two catalog shows and is looking for more. She offers a $10.00 credit for each show booked, and has a plan to follow up on all invitations.
I have been unable to book any shows other than my family and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've posted flyers on mailboxes, doorsteps, public notice boards. I'm offering additional free and discounted merchandise from my own pocket. I've got a window decal, website, and business cards. I'm starting to wonder if I can really do this. Can anyone offer me any advice and maybe a little encouragement?
I know how you feel !I acually became inactive , i was having the exact same problem. A friend ir family would book and it would be the same people at my shows again and again. So i became inactive and i have just started it back up again. I love PC and i really want this , iam going to make it work. I have booked 2 catalog shows today. I went around my town this weekend i put up a Margaritaville theme flyer saying iam currently booking summer partys. Left catalogs at the laundry mat with my cards attatched to it. I went into my local little market store asking if i could put a flyer up , she said sure for what i showed her she asked for a catalog i told her to ask her regulars to place a order if she collected a couple orders she could get the hostess credit. Bam she said she will try it ! I told her i will check back in a couple of days ! So maybe a 3 rd catalog show. Iam also going way out of my comfort zone and having a Mystery host show at my house ! I invited people i kinda know, and iam acually getting a great response! I will be doing a few things to try and get some shows booked ! I offer a $10.00 credit for each show booked, so the hostess will work hard to get me a couple of bookings. Even if she gets 3 it would cost me $30.00 , but i add it on to her order i will get at least 20% off of that. We all know 3 shows is well worth $30.00 ! I hope i was a little help to you ! Danielle :)
Don't give up. Even one show can get you started with some bookings that lead to more bookings and so on. I think having your own show at your home and making it a theme show or mystery hostess show is a great idea. Send out a ton of invites and follow up on all of them. Look over you list of 100 again and see if there is anyone who you can ask to be a hostess. Here's some documents with even more ideas you could try. Keep us posted on how things are going.


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Time of YearI think it is more the time of year. I had a show booked the end of July and one booked the beginning of August. Both have had to reschedule due to vacations. I think it is relatively a little more difficult to get people to book shows in the Summer. Keep doing what you are doing, and do not get discouraged.

Debbie :)
maybe try giving out the book but say "its not free w/out a phone number" :p Then tell them they are under no pressure to host a show rather you take their number down and tell them when your going to order you'll give them a courtesy call to see if there is anything they thought they might want to order. You simply call them and at a specific time and just "check in with them" I'm going to keep in mind that if people feel pressured to have a show and make a decision right there on the spot, they won't. so maybe if you can get a few people to order FIRST, they will get a chance to test the products, love the products, then eventually want to book a show to get them free! You could even tell them if they don't want to host a show in their home, they could pass around a book and still get hostess rewards! But maybe just not approach them right on the SPOT about it. This worked like a charm w/another direct marketing company I was with. You wouldnt believe the amount of people who you give the courtesy call back to who say "oh yes, I DID see something I wanted from that book!!" who never would have called you back to order the products if you hadn't called first!! :D
It can be hard to get out of the friends and family rut. Really encourage your family and friends to invite everyone they know, expecially if you don't know them! Once you get through this it's a lot easier to get more bookings. Start mentioning your business to aquaintances. You will probably be able to get a booking this way and it won't be all your "regulars." Also really encourage Kitchen Shows, it's a lot easier to get bookings this way!

Good luck to you!

Brooke :p
I know how you feel...My recuiter encouraged me to put July down for my super-starter month when I called her in June. I ordered my kit and waited patiently for it to arrive, writing letters and making phone calls in the meantime. I've posted fliers in the local grocery stores with business cards for people to take. I've mailed catalogs to all of our local realtors, also with business cards. I've mailed all of my family and family friends... and followed up with everyone. I even hosted one show at my house last week with friends; out of 20 invites I got 10 positive responses and only 4 people showed... total sales were $85. Tonight I'm hosting an open house for my neighborhood... I sent out 40 invites and get 2 responses!

Everyone keeps telling me that I'm doing all the right things, I should just sit back and be patient... but I feel like I'm failing miserably! I've only gotten one show booked after calling about 20 people!

I do believe in these products, and I really want to be a part of this business. I'm just not sure what else I can do!
Quiet SummerIt's the same in the UK. I joined back in November and had a great month, then December was quiet as people were busy close to Christmas. January, February March and April were OK, but May tailed off a little and I have had loads of cancellations for June and July. I have a more positive August lined up even though I am away for two weeks of that. Unfortunately, if you don't have shows it's difficult to get bookings. I have found that people are more likely to book if they have seen your shows - you are selling yourself as well as PC! My advice is to go back over your list of 100 again and see who you have missed. Don't rule anyone out. People don't get upset by you asking them but may do if you overlook them. Remember the key to this is perseverance. Don't give up. I am "lucky" in that I work full-time and am not relying on this for my income, but it still feels great when I get my commission cheque to spend on what I want - that keeps me going, plus I love the products.
It may seem weird or uncomfortable, but even chat it up about PC to strangers! The waitress who serves you the next time you're at a restaurant. Leave a business card with your tip and jot a note down on the back. Even something like she was a fun and helpful waitress and she'd be good at something like this. It's kind of out there, but it's a way to even attract others to the business. Chat with the checkout girl at the grocery store. I don't know if you have kids, but find moms at parks and strike up conversations. It WILL get easier. Your director/recruiter is RIGHT...you are doing the right things. It'll start working!

What do you say when you talk to friends and family? I know for me it helped to specifically ask them to host a show. It felt weird and uncomfortable and was totally out of my comfort zone, but I was surprised with how supportive everyone was. I said something like "I've decided to start up my own business by becoming a PC consultant because _________. I'm in the process of building my business and could really use a huge favor. Could you do me a favor of hosting a Kitchen Show for me? You get some wonderful host benefits, including......" Tell them how you need to schedule 4 show in the next _________ in order to qualify and "give me the best chance at having my business flourish." I don't know how specifically you asked them to host, but I needed to be blunt and to the point. You also can tell them you're their "event planner." You make it SO easy on them to do it. Even throw in some extras...you'll fill out and mail their invitations, you'll purchase the ingredients, you'll make the reminder calls to the guests. If they're concerned with not having many people show up, let them know it's ok because you really want it for the practice. Then when you host coach them, chances are you WILL get them to invite a lot of people.

Well, I hope things start looking up. PC makes it SOOOO easy for us to promote a great company and great products. Wait til you see all of the upcoming host specials, guest specials, 39 new products (!!!), Doris Christopher's new book (have them read that and it should get them really excited about the company!), and all kinds of other business tools. Maybe having the new selling season will jump start people's interest. REally talk up the new products and the specials. Your excitement will be contagious. Good luck!!
  • #10
friends of friendsWhat has helped me get started with moving outside my original group, was having my friends who gave shows for me gently nag THEIR friends into booking a show. For some reason, people will do a show as a "favor" before they will simply do it for themselves (which I have no idea why, when you can get such great stuff and it's easy). See if any of your friends would promote your business by talking one of thier other friends (who isn't a buddy of yours) whom they think wouldn't mind hosting--with a little push! Or maybe they could even offer to co-host with someone who is reluctant to do one on their own because they aren't sure they know enough people.
  • #11
Confidence, Faith and PerserverenceI came on today to get ideas about what people are doing to get bookings. The one thing I see that people aren't doing is talking. Its great to put up flyers, email and drop catalogs with neighbors but I found the best way to get bookings is to constantly find a way to bring it up in conversation. :) The more excited you are about your business the more interested people become. I love so many products that I glow when I talk about TPC.

At the post office, grocery store, doctors office. Everywhere I go everyone knows me as the Pampered Chef lady. So when I go back they say oh good you're here I need this.... :D

It takes 90 days of hard work to see the rewards. Don't get down just keep busy talking up your business, listening to tele-classes and practicing recipes with fellow consultants. If this doens't work bug your director, if she's not responsive go to a different director and ask them for help. Directors don't take offense by helping other peoples downline and if they do, shame on them. :mad: If so call me and I'll help you.
  • #12
MaryNYC said:
I came on today to get ideas about what people are doing to get bookings. The one thing I see that people aren't doing is talking. Its great to put up flyers, email and drop catalogs with neighbors but I found the best way to get bookings is to constantly find a way to bring it up in conversation. :) The more excited you are about your business the more interested people become. I love so many products that I glow when I talk about TPC.

At the post office, grocery store, doctors office. Everywhere I go everyone knows me as the Pampered Chef lady. So when I go back they say oh good you're here I need this.... :D

It takes 90 days of hard work to see the rewards. Don't get down just keep busy talking up your business, listening to tele-classes and practicing recipes with fellow consultants. If this doens't work bug your director, if she's not responsive go to a different director and ask them for help. Directors don't take offense by helping other peoples downline and if they do, shame on them. :mad: If so call me and I'll help you.

That is great advice!! The best way to build your business is to be genuinely excited about what you are offering. AND you are totally right that it takes time to see results! I had a guest book a show and then cancel. 2 years later she called to do a fund reaiser and we got 2 bookings from that. Always keep the door open and a smile on your face!
  • #13
ok here we gook here i go to my show tonight. It is at my best friends house and she has said that 8 people have said they will be there definately. This will be my largest crowd to date if they all show up. Pitiful huh? But I am really excited and motivated. I just wanted to thank everyone for all the great advice and tips I have read for other people. Will let you know how it goes. Boy I feel like this is my first show all over again!!! I still have 2 hours before i am supposed to be there!! anyways wish me luck!!

Monica Sweet :p
Kitchen Consultant
Houston, Mississippi
[email protected]
  • #14
Good luck!!! I can remember my first show very clearly. I hope it's a good one! Just have fun with it. Let us all know how it goes!
  • #15
pamperedbecky said:
Good luck!!! I can remember my first show very clearly. I hope it's a good one! Just have fun with it. Let us all know how it goes!

Well we had 6 people show up and we had a blast. I felt really comftorable up there for a change. This was my 3rd show. So far she only has 191.00 in orders but she still has a couple outside orders coming in. The sales wasnt as high as either thought it would be but i dont care because of one reason. I told my husband that i would consider show a complete success if i got 1 booking from it and i did!! its not until sept. 13th but that is ok because I got 1!! I am really excited. On my way to the show i stopped off at the store to get somthing to snack on and the lady saw my bracelet and i told her i sold TPC and she was like well i went to a show a few years ago. I didnt say much because i didnt want to scare her off just chatted about it. Then she said her daughter likes to have parties and stuf like that so i asked her if i could give her my card and either her or her daughter could call me. So in one night I had a good show, got a booking, and a posible booking. Boy I love my job!!! I think this weekend i will go put out my flyers and set up a table somewhere.

I have a quick question though....how would you do a catalog show out of state? I'm gonna try and get my mom to do a show even though she lives in a different state.
  • #16
To do a catalog show just send your mom a few catalogs and some outside order forms. (those can be printed off of our conultants corner). Then she can either mail them back or give the orders to you over the phone. I personally like to look at the orders in my hands. People sometimes make mistakes and it is better for you to be able to read to catch. That's all you do! Such and easy way to make $$$. Also, she can tell the computer savy ones that they can go to the pc website to check out the products as well.
Good luck
  • #17
Sometimes it's all in how you askWhen you had those first few shows, were you sure to ask every guest to bring a friend, someone completely out of your circle of acquaintances? Does absolutely everyone - and I mean everyone - know that you sell PC - your bank tellers, post office personnel, hair salon staff, every family member from Great Aunt Tilly to your Cousin Ann?

Don't give up! What I would suggest you try is this:
Host an open house at your home. Invite everyone, even if they've recently been to a show. What you can say is "I'm working on getting my PC business off the ground and I appreciate the help you've given me (by hosting, attending). I'm hosting an open house on Thursday August 4th at 7 P.M. I don't expect you to buy a thing, but I would like you to bring a friend - someone I don't know. I'll be raffling off the host benefits to one of the guests in attendance. Can you make it?"

Ask everyone you invite to bring a friend or guest. Do this as a mystery host show. Offer one raffle ticket into the drawing for attending, two for bringing a guest, one for arriving on time - you can make up the categories. Then at the end of the show draw a name and that person gets the host benefits from the show.

Anyone who cannot attend should be asked, directly, if she or he wants to place a catalog order. Keep those together and that can go in as a separate catalog show. Remember, it's one thing to inform, another to invite. You need to specifically say, "I'm sorry you won't be able to make it. I can either send you the link to my website where you can browse the catalog or I can drop one by (mail one). I'll check back with you by Friday to see if there's anything you would like to order. What time would be good for me to call?"

You absolutely need to be talking to your director/recruiter for help on this issue. We are coming up onto our hottest selling season. You need some guidance (more than I can type here) and you'll get going.

I started my PC business 4 1/2 years ago and have never regretted it. I love that my work hours are flexible (not optional!). It was work in the beginning to get my name out there, get my bookings and begin seeing the kind of results I wanted. Again, you must go back to your director and ask for help.

Phyllis Rampulla
Independent Sales Director
The Pampered Chef Ltd.
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  • #18
Early holiday spirit!That's a tough post to follow!! Great booster talk!! :)

I also wanted to suggest maybe having a Sneak Preview Party. Invite EVERYONE you know!! And put on the invitation "Bring a friend, get a gift" (you can also buy sticker that say that at www.nancy's-artworks.com ) Get everyone excited about the new fall products available Sept.1st and tell them they are exclusively invited to get a sneakpeek!! At the show, have all your fall products displayed nicely and ofcourse choose to have a nice appitizer ready. Have the host and guest specials for September - Novemvber displayed where everyone can't miss it. Really emphasize the host benefits to everyone and get them excited to entertain and cook this fall - because fall is the season everyone is entertaining and in the mood for some good food! Also have if you have any of the products that are going to be discontinued set out and tell them that it is their last chance to order the discontinued products! Then have a raffle for the host benefits to give away as a gift!!

I am planning one for August 21st. I am sending and passing out my invitations for it today as a matter of fact! In the meantime, take a teleclass or two on booking or effective selling! I am glad I took them because they do help!

Best of luck!!!!
  • #19
Have a party from another companyHi,

I've been having trouble getting bookings outside of my network of friends and family too. I'm finally starting to get out of it and it's been almost a year. I didn't want to move real quickl anyway so I'm happy with my pace. I have a day job.

Anway, to get to my point. I worked a fair booth back in June and a Cookie Lee rep. was working a booth also. I had already been introduced to Cookie Lee last fall when I worked a booth. My daughter (who is 15) really wanted to have a party to get some free stuff. I agreed to let her have one and invite all her high school friends--and their Mom's. I won't actually be having a PC show; however, I will be setting up snacks using PC recipes and items (and have my upcoming specials and order forms ready). I'm hoping this will get the Mother's interested in PC. I know sounds sneaky doesn't it! Actully my daughter had the idea of combining it into both shows at once. She is going to make a great consultant when she grows up. She already helps me with my shows!

I actually kept the first Cookie Lee catalog I received last October and contacted that rep. I figured she was the first one to tell us about it. So there is hope for all of us to eventually get calls from people we give our catalogs to. The Cookie Lee rep. is also interested in my products. She didn't know what a stone was when I told her about the great sale in September. I'm excited she isn't familier with our stuff. Now I can tell her all about it.

Anway, just keep working it. It does build, it just takes some time. When I'm not busy, I read books, listen to tapes and try to attend other reps. parties. I am constantly learning.

I wish you success soon.

Rhonda B.
Independent Kitchen Consultant - Indiana
  • #20
I have my first show on sunday so wish me luck!! I also have signed up to do a few shifts at a local fair here in august!! So Im pretty excited about that!! Has anybody ever worked a fair? Do you get any good leads?? :p
  • #21
Good Luck!Good Luck at your first show Mackailey! You'll do great from your fairs! I did two of them so far (my recruiter had the booth and I went one day out of the weekend on both) and got some outside orders and a couple bookings. A Lot of people were like "Oh my gosh, I didn't know you guys were going to be here, I love Pampered Chef!" I loved that reaction. I also was recruited from a fair I went to last October. I told the consultant (my recruiter!) I was interested in booking a show and tried to do one around Christmas. It just didn't happen. Then she called me in January and told me about the promotion and I committed to doing a kitchen show. She asked me if I considered doing PC and I told her No and then when I went to my aunts show(my only booking from my show) they all convinced me to sign up so I did! I'm very happy and fortunate to have my family's support while I get out a few times a month. So you never know what the fairs will bring! Good Luck and let us know how you do! :) :)
  • #22
I do fairs every summer and it's such a good experience. Even to get used to talking about PC with people, especially as a new consultant. The one piece of advice is you just NEVER know if something is a good lead or not. Some don't really come through for a year or more! I met someone at a fair the first summer I did PC. The following summer she and I reconnected and she had an $800 catalog show one month and a $500 one the next!! Don't ever feel that a fair booth/shift didn't go well because it could turn into something down the road. Some seem to really suck, but you just never know! And you can never predict if it'll be a good one. Just smile and talk. :) Even step outside of your comfort zone and come right out and ask for bookings or ask if people have ever been curious about the PC opportunity. Even if they say no, it's good experience to put those questions out there to get used to it. And to get used to hearing "no" because it's nothing personal!!
  • #23
thanks for the adviceThe advice was great and exactly what I needed to hear. I have thought about doing the open house but we live so far out in the country that i am afraid nobody will show up. (we live 3 miles down a gravel road 10 miles outside of town..lol) But i was reading about everyone doing the fairs and i had a quick thought. Next weekend we are having our monthly flea market in Tupelo. Its not a regular flea market either. This is more for businesses and stuff. The only thing about it I am worried that the people that do stop will be dissappointed because i am not selling the stuff there actually but trying to get bookings. I guess I could do a catalog show and get both huh? anyway what do you think? This is usually a big thing every month...it last for 3 days and doesnt cost much to set up a table.

Monica Sweet
Kitchen Consultantl
Houston, Mississippi
[email protected]
  • #24
It wouldn't hurt to try!! I would definitely give it a try. Since you won't have products there to sell, consider yourself selling the shows and host benefits to people!! Really display those and emphasize how much PC appreciates our hosts! Those who are interested, get them excited about the new fall products available September 1st!! And share the opportunity!! :) Good Luck and let us know how it goes if you decide to do the fair!
  • #25
monica_sweetconsultant said:
The only thing about it I am worried that the people that do stop will be dissappointed because i am not selling the stuff there actually but trying to get bookings. I guess I could do a catalog show and get both huh? anyway what do you think?

People do not come to fairs thinking they can buy the products that are on the table and walk away with it. (at least not if it is a company). I've never had anyone disappointed.

You will want to display the items you have, especially the items in the Super Starter kit. I'd group those together so they can see what comes in the kit. You can collect orders, but I'd ask them to fill out a prize drawing slip for a chance to win ___(free kitchen show, extra product, etc.)___. You might have some dip with pretzel sticks to sample (if it's not too hot) in the chillzanne mini-bowl.

I'd definitely have the stainless steel bowls out and the prep bowls along with the flier that says they can get them at 60% off. Then I'd have the cookbooks set up with the flier showing their guests (and the host) can get a cookbook for FREE with a $50 order.
  • #26
PamperedGinger said:
People do not come to fairs thinking they can buy the products that are on the table and walk away with it. (at least not if it is a company). I've never had anyone disappointed.

You will want to display the items you have, especially the items in the Super Starter kit. I'd group those together so they can see what comes in the kit. You can collect orders, but I'd ask them to fill out a prize drawing slip for a chance to win ___(free kitchen show, extra product, etc.)___. You might have some dip with pretzel sticks to sample (if it's not too hot) in the chillzanne mini-bowl.

I'd definitely have the stainless steel bowls out and the prep bowls along with the flier that says they can get them at 60% off. Then I'd have the cookbooks set up with the flier showing their guests (and the host) can get a cookbook for FREE with a $50 order.

thats a good idea to have some dips or something available. I only have one thing outside of my super starter kit and that is the large chillzanne bowl. I was thinking of ordering the stainless steel bowls just to have next month for my shows to show what the hostess would be getting. The flea market is inside in the air condition so that wouldnt be a problem.
  • #27
i am so excited!!!I just got my new fall stuff and boy i didnt expect to get samples of some of the things!!! It just made my day since I was having an off day anyways!! boy this is enough to get anybody pumped up for the new season. has anyone else got theres yet?
  • #28
monica_sweetconsultant said:
thats a good idea to have some dips or something available. I only have one thing outside of my super starter kit and that is the large chillzanne bowl. I was thinking of ordering the stainless steel bowls just to have next month for my shows to show what the hostess would be getting. The flea market is inside in the air condition so that wouldnt be a problem.

Maybe you can borrow the bowls from your director. That way you have them for the fair.
  • #29
1250 in salesi have another question. sorry to keep posting so many but my director is hard to get hold of. I was tracking my progress under consultants corner. I am about to start SS3 in aug. I havent earned any of the free stuff yet. If I get the 1250 in sales with a combination of the three months together will I get my last months free stuff? or do i have to get 1250 period for the month of aug? i am really confused on this. any response is appreciated!!!

Monica Sweet
kitchen consultant
Houston, Ms. 38851
[email protected]
  • #30
Fall Stuff
monica_sweetconsultant said:
I just got my new fall stuff and boy i didnt expect to get samples of some of the things!!! It just made my day since I was having an off day anyways!! boy this is enough to get anybody pumped up for the new season. has anyone else got theres yet?

My fall things just came in and I am so excited and confused. I received another PP CD. Do I install this one also? Or is this just an update?

I appologize for the questions but I am still new I am only in my SS2. Thank you for any help you can lend.

  • #31
monica_sweetconsultant said:
i have another question. sorry to keep posting so many but my director is hard to get hold of. I was tracking my progress under consultants corner. I am about to start SS3 in aug. I havent earned any of the free stuff yet. If I get the 1250 in sales with a combination of the three months together will I get my last months free stuff? or do i have to get 1250 period for the month of aug? i am really confused on this. any response is appreciated!!!

Post your questions here...that is why we are here. In order to get your Super Starter bonuses, you must get $1250 in sales for the month...not in total.

Related to Overcoming Booking Struggles: Tips and Encouragement for Independent Performers

1. What are some common struggles independent performers face when trying to book shows?

Some common struggles include lack of connections in the industry, limited budget for promotion and marketing, and competition from other performers.

2. How can I improve my chances of booking shows as an independent performer?

Networking and building relationships with other performers and industry professionals can help increase your chances of booking shows. Additionally, having a strong online presence and promoting your shows through social media and other online platforms can also be effective.

3. How can I make my promotional efforts more effective?

Instead of relying solely on physical flyers and posters, try using digital methods such as email marketing and targeted social media ads. This can help reach a larger audience and save money on printing costs.

4. Is it necessary to offer free or discounted merchandise to book shows?

While offering incentives can be helpful in attracting an audience, it is not always necessary. Focus on providing a high-quality performance and building a strong brand and reputation, which can ultimately lead to more bookings.

5. How can I stay motivated when facing rejection and struggling to book shows?

Remember that rejection is a normal part of the industry and that every successful performer has faced it at some point. Stay focused on your goals, continue to improve your craft, and don't be afraid to seek advice and support from other performers and industry professionals.

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