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Advertising With Real Estate Agents

In summary, the former real estate agent thinks it's a great idea to offer agents the ability to purchase "closing gifts" from you.

I just need some quick advice.

I am sending out flyers to real estate agents in my area to advertise them hosting shows and using the host benefits to help with their business with client gifts when they buy a house from them.

So im offered different packages, some to showcase February stoneware that they can get for their clients for cheap and write off the expense.

Anyways, Im going to be mailing them out to specific real estate agents so that they get to look at it immediately rather than one flyer to an office.

Should I try to target the women brokers and salepersons as they might be more likely to have a Pampered Chef party or should I send them to the men as well?

Thanks so much.
I'd say definately send it to everyone, men can be big shoppers as well :)

But, I think you might also have luck convincing them that you will take orders at the end of each month depending on their sales maybe? Say they sold 5 houses, they need 5 housewarming gifts. If there are 12 people in the office and you order things for each one of them, that could be big. I'd approach with a decent priced product, yet make it popular - maybe a pizza pan or the food chopper? Then see if they'd like to have you present it wrapped up and ready to go so all they have to do is drop it off. Maybe that's a good idea, perhaps not, just my thoughts on it. Good luck, let us know how it goes :)
I think the men are actually more inclined to purchase something that is already put together for them and that they think women especially will appreciate. A lot of guys, even guys that have been married for years and have gotten housewarming gifts, have no idea. It's just not their priority and that's okay. So they would love to have someone do it for them.
I, for one, would LOVE to see your flyers.
I would like to see your flyer too! Especially the flyers you came up with. I was trying to think of package ideas too.
I would love to see your flyer too. I am working on one and will put it out once I finish.

I am a former Realtor and I am not sure about the area you live in but here in Ohio we, meaning Realtors and Lendors tend to spend $50-100 on 1 gift per house.

I am trying to put together a few items that would make up a nice gift back within those price ranges and then it will be easy enough for them to just choice one.

Hope to see your flyer and I will post mine when I am done.

I am very interested in these flyers as well. I have been thinking about how to market my business and what I can provide to them also as I have a pile of realator business cards I have collected for this very purpose!

I would love some help with this.
So while we wait for some flyers to get the juices flowing, maybe we can start brainstorming package ideas?Classic Batter Bowl - $15.50
Small Mix-n-Scraper - $12.50
Mini-Measure All Cup (1-cup) - $6.00 (or 2-cup is $10)
Square Baking Pan - $13.00
Season's Best - $1.00
Value = $47
Wrap it all up- with a box of brownies ($2). Put the scraper, cup, and SB inside the bowl. Set the bowl inside the baking pan - and jazz it up with packaging (tissue paper or that shredded paper stuff- put in a bag and nice ribbons to close it up (with a Twix-it Clip too!)The Gift Sets of course make perfect options too:
BBQ Pizza gift set - $49
Stone Pizza gift set - $59.50
Deep Covered Baker Set - DCB, a Rub, either the Weekday Dinner done collections, or the DCB Cookbook - approx value of $100.

- MFP, Recipe collection, and mini-scraper - $65.00
How can I get a copy of this flyer. I would love to approach the local realtors as well
  • #10
Do you have a copy of the letter that you sent to the realitors? If so could you send me a copy? I think this is an AWESOME idea! Thanks!

[email protected]
  • #11
Has anyone posted a flyer yet?
  • #12
I used to be a real estate agent, and I think it's a great idea to offer agents the ability of purchase what agents call, "closing gifts" from you. Some agents- usually the ones that have been doing it a long time and make a serious income with it are ones that offer this treat to home buyers. I didn't make enough money in RE to spend extra money on gifts for my buyers, but I think Its a great idea!
If you know anyone in the business in your area, have them search the MLS database for area agents and have them print out the information for you.. warning it might be a million pages, so you may want to be specif about which offices to target
  • #13
I would love a copy of your flyer as well :)
  • #14
Emmah said:
I would love a copy of your flyer as well :)

LOL....I don't think it exists yet. :D
  • #15
I would love a copy of the flyer as well!
  • #16
Did anyone evry make a copy of the flyer? I am VERY willing to maek a really nice flyer but I guess I am not very familliar with what you are all proposing.

Are you guys saying that you sent out a flyer to them and offered like a party per month meaning they bought a present for each house that they sold?

If someone can explain this idea a little bit more I would be more then happy to work very hard on the flyer.
If there is a flyer can someone email it to me at [email protected]
  • #17
esavvymom said:
So while we wait for some flyers to get the juices flowing, maybe we can start brainstorming package ideas?

Classic Batter Bowl - $15.50
Small Mix-n-Scraper - $12.50
Mini-Measure All Cup (1-cup) - $6.00 (or 2-cup is $10)
Square Baking Pan - $13.00
Season's Best - $1.00
Value = $47
Wrap it all up- with a box of brownies ($2). Put the scraper, cup, and SB inside the bowl. Set the bowl inside the baking pan - and jazz it up with packaging (tissue paper or that shredded paper stuff- put in a bag and nice ribbons to close it up (with a Twix-it Clip too!)

The Gift Sets of course make perfect options too:
BBQ Pizza gift set - $49
Stone Pizza gift set - $59.50

Deep Covered Baker Set - DCB, a Rub, either the Weekday Dinner done collections, or the DCB Cookbook - approx value of $100.

- MFP, Recipe collection, and mini-scraper - $65.00

I think that offering up a flyer that had different packages in it would be a great idea. In fact like this top package that you thought of. If we could get all of those packaged up very nicely and then take a pic of it. Put it on the flyer. Because if they see that it is going to be all wrapped up for them and nicely presented it will be more appealing. I don't have the square pan but my friend does . I might want to borrow it to take pics.
  • #18
Okay, I think I came up with a good flyer. If you have publisher I can send you the editable version. I also uploaded the pictures in .jpg format.


  • Realtor Package 03-01-2012.pdf
    608.6 KB · Views: 1,402
  • Barbecue Set copy.jpg
    Barbecue Set copy.jpg
    37.2 KB · Views: 1,260
  • Batter Bowl Package copy.jpg
    Batter Bowl Package copy.jpg
    31.9 KB · Views: 1,242
  • Deep Covered Baker Package copy.jpg
    Deep Covered Baker Package copy.jpg
    29.7 KB · Views: 1,378
  • #20
Question - can this count as a cooking show? Or should I switch it to catalog benefits?
  • #21
EmilyStraw said:
Okay, I think I came up with a good flyer. If you have publisher I can send you the editable version. I also uploaded the pictures in .jpg format.

Can I get the editable version of this please? This is a GREAT flier!! Thanks for posting this!

  • #22
This is beautiful! And a great idea! Can you send me the publisher file for editing?

Thanks very much!
  • #23
Here is the editable version. You have to have Microsoft Publisher to use it.


  • Realtor Package 03-01-2012.pub
    1.3 MB · Views: 840
  • #24
EmilyStraw said:
Here is the editable version. You have to have Microsoft Publisher to use it.

Woo! Thanks so very much!
  • #25
EmilyStraw said:
Okay, I think I came up with a good flyer. If you have publisher I can send you the editable version. I also uploaded the pictures in .jpg format.

What is publisher? I would like the copy I can edit. If Publisher is free I will get it right away. Thank you. YOU REALLY DID AWESOME!!!
Please send it to
[email protected]
  • #26
Publisher is the program I used to create it. It comes with Microsoft Office.
  • #27
Here is one more for you with an order form on the back. If you have any suggestions for the logistics of how it would work, let me know!


  • Realtor Package 03-01-2012.pdf
    723.4 KB · Views: 980
  • #28
What a great flyer! I love it! Thanks for sharing! Love this idea!
  • #29
EmilyStraw said:
Publisher is the program I used to create it. It comes with Microsoft Office.

Yes I have publisher. Please send me a copy that I can edit my info into. Thank you so much. [email protected]
  • #30
Your flyer is gorgeous, unfortunately, I am in the non-publisher crowd. But not sure if I can edit the PDF version or not. But if anyone has the ability to make the PDF version "generic" with no specific consultant listed,that would be great. I could stamp it or something.
  • #31
EmilyStraw said:
Here is one more for you with an order form on the back. If you have any suggestions for the logistics of how it would work, let me know!

I thank you so much!!! You are awesome at this. Can I ask one more favor. Can I have the editable version of the one with the order form on the back? Thank you, Heidi
  • #32
EmilyStraw said:
Question - can this count as a cooking show? Or should I switch it to catalog benefits?

If someone buys groceries and a cooking demo is done, it's a cooking show. Otherwise, it's a catalog show.
  • #33
Okay, here is the blank one with both sides of the page.


  • Blank.pdf
    718.9 KB · Views: 717
  • #34
Ok- I hate to ask, and I did try to do this myself, but on the bottom of the first page, the "Blank" has your website. Please, pretty please??:balloon:Otherwise- THANK YOU!
By the way- I just noticed- on page one, you say all gifts will include gift-wrapping. Great idea! But then on the order form page, it states "Your order will be shipped directly to your office in 7-10 days" (for the orders over $200. If it goes to their office, you can't gift wrap. Not sure if you saw that.
  • #35
Sorry messed this one up don't use this download link


  • Blank.pdf
    717.3 KB · Views: 532
Last edited:
  • #36
So sorry for the confusion everyone! When I do flyers I get excited and then realize the mistakes since I continually change the design and contents. This one should be right for blanks, no gift wrapping or websites :)


  • Blank.pdf
    716.8 KB · Views: 669
Last edited:
  • #37
EmilyStraw said:
Okay, I think I came up with a good flyer. If you have publisher I can send you the editable version. I also uploaded the pictures in .jpg format.

Hi Emily, I love your flyer. :love: I haven't priced out your packages to see if they are exact amouts or a little more. If they are exact amounts I would have it as catalog show host rewards (unless say it's over $500 worth of products then they can get the extra bonus) at least you would be able to recoop at little bit if the cost of wrapping.

Can anyone change this to a word doc or make it an adobe fillible? I really want to be able to make changes.
  • #38
I wish I knew how to make it Adobe fillable :( Each package is ~$2 underpriced, a tiny discount but makes it easy to price out. It needed to be underpriced instead of over-priced and rounding up or the benefits wouldn't work right.
  • #39
Wandering if you have a cover letter for this flyer. You did an amazing job, I'm just courious how you present it to them?
  • #40
Im sorry to be a pain, but is this available in a word doc. I do not have Publisher and can't add my info in the Adobe. Is there somthing I 'm not doing right??
  • #42
Hi Emily,
If you don't mind, could you send me the pdf that I can edit? Thank you so much! Sue
[email protected]
  • #43
Just so everyone is updated: You download the files from this thread. I will repost them. There is one that you can edit in Publisher, and one that is blank info that is a .pdf. I don't have the software to make an editable .pdf, sorry.


  • Blank.pdf
    716.8 KB · Views: 689
  • Realtor Package 03-01-2012.pub
    1.4 MB · Views: 826
  • #44
Hi EmilyStraw!I somehow missed your sharing it in Publisher! I love this flyer! I am a new consultant. My first party was just cancelled--for good reasons. I was trying to think of how I was going to move forward. This is awesome! I am not sure of the answer to your great question. I look forward to seeing the answer!Emma
Last edited:
  • #45
Thank you again for these.

For those looking for editable version.....she made the blank one, so you can use your stamp or whatever. Someone may have the ability to add a fillable field later, but I for one am thankful for what I have. :D
  • #46
Hello, would you mind sending me the editable version? Not sure why, but when I try to open your attachment, it's not readable on my end. I've run into this before when trying to open up pdf files, so not sure what is causing this but I'd appreciate it. Thank you, Diane [email protected]
  • #47
You did a really nice job on the flyer, thank you!
  • #48
LOVE this! It's crazy that I've never done this seeing as how my mom is the assistant to the top realtor in Anchorage...now to change around the s&h info for Alaska - no worries, Emily, I can take care of that.
For other folks if you can't figure out Publisher, it may be because you have a Mac - Publisher is not available for Macs (unless you run a virtual Windows platform of course).

Thanks again for doing all the work for us, Emily! :)
  • #49
Hey guys!
I love the idea of hitting up realtors in town w/this flyer!
I don't have publisher or a way to edit pdf files, so I put it into Word!
Wanted to share it with all of you that have been asking for it!


  • Realtor client packages.doc
    909 KB · Views: 1,021
  • #50
abigailhutch said:
Hey guys!
I love the idea of hitting up realtors in town w/this flyer!
I don't have publisher or a way to edit pdf files, so I put it into Word!
Wanted to share it with all of you that have been asking for it!

THANK YOU for doing this. I'm so bad in Word :)
<h2>What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Advertising With Real Estate Agents Hey"</h2><p>The five most frequently asked questions about "Advertising With Real Estate Agents Hey" are:</p><ol><li>What packages do you offer for advertising with real estate agents?</li><li>How does advertising with real estate agents benefit my business?</li><li>Do you offer any special promotions or deals for real estate agents?</li><li>Can I target specific real estate agents with my advertising materials?</li><li>What are the potential results from advertising with real estate agents?</li></ol>

Related to Advertising With Real Estate Agents

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Advertising With Real Estate Agents Hey"

The five most frequently asked questions about "Advertising With Real Estate Agents Hey" are:

  1. What packages do you offer for advertising with real estate agents?
  2. How does advertising with real estate agents benefit my business?
  3. Do you offer any special promotions or deals for real estate agents?
  4. Can I target specific real estate agents with my advertising materials?
  5. What are the potential results from advertising with real estate agents?

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