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$15,000 in Career Sales - Bittersweet!

In summary, Diane's director called her yesterday to tell her that she is $91.35 away from $15K. She has a show to submit and needs to submit $200 by the end of December in order to keep active.
Gold Member
So, as everyone knows, I am hanging up my apron to pursue my master's degree (well, I need to pass the huge GMAT test first, and then get accepted in to the MBA program)....anyway, my director called me yesterday to say that I am $91.35 away from $15K! ......and I just happen to have 1 more catty show to submit (mostly pans, but some other product)..............totaling $93.76 in comm. sales!So, here's my question....will I get a 2% raise for the entire mid-month commission check, or only for the $2.41 over my 15K?...of course I'm hoping its retroactive to all of the commissionable sales for that paycheck!
I don't think that the pay raise goes into effect until the month after you hit your $15K. Please someone, correct me if I'm wrong on this one.
You are correct Diane!

Sorry Jen!:( :cry:

Sure wish there was some way you could hang in there with a catalog show every other month or something.......
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Oh well, wishful thinking!! Thanks so much for your quick replies!I will see how I do with my test, but I would have to basically start from scratch all over again, I gave all of my bookings from my last shows to my director. Unless my family decides to purchase enough to keep me chugging!If I submit this last catty show tomorrow, Oct 6...when do I need to submit $200 by to keep active?
jenniferknapp said:
Oh well, wishful thinking!! Thanks so much for your quick replies!

I will see how I do with my test, but I would have to basically start from scratch all over again, I gave all of my bookings from my last shows to my director. Unless my family decides to purchase enough to keep me chugging!

If I submit this last catty show tomorrow, Oct 6...when do I need to submit $200 by to keep active?

By the end of December. Christmas sales should do it!:thumbup:
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  • #7
You just never know! My SIL is a pain to shop for, but I've finally found the one thing that that she loves every product from.... PC!

Congratulations on going back for your Masters and 15k in sales!!!

if you decide to do the shows you gave up could you ask your director for them back? That you would love to do pc while in school and only do one show every other month? Or has she done host coaching already?
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  • #9
Thanks!! I work for a college, so they would pay for me to take 3 classes a year (at $1000 a pop!) at any NY state college....so I am stupid to not take advantage of it!I would never ask for the booking leads back. If anything I would want to do catty shows only....but I've already d/c my PWS, and I really don't want to have to worry about inventory of catalogs, etc.... Just not sure what I'm gonna do!
  • #10
Personally...I think you should keep active! Congrats on your plans & making 15K, but 200.00 here & there just to keep active seems like little or no work at all....;) ;) ;) Good Luck in whatever you decide!:)
  • #11

You can also ask for a leave of absence. It will give you a few months to get school started and settle into a routine then do whatever you can show-wise that fits your new life.

Who knows who you will meet in your classes that is looking for a way to pay for their schooling!! :)
  • #12
It would be terrible if you decide to come back in a few months and have to start over on your $15k!! I would at least try to stay active and I think the leave of absence is a great idea. Wait until you absolutely need it so you get the most out of it. Submit a show in Dec and apply in Jan for the leave. That's what I would do anyway. Good Luck!!
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  • #13
Lisa, I am hoping to be admitted in to an online program, so I won't be meeting other students. But that is a a great idea.Cindy
I may do that, I will see how things are going in December! Thanks again everyone :)Now, since it is my thread, can I hijack it to vent about my FT job a bit? I am 23, and I supervise one person (just the 2 of us in a small office) ...she is 32 I think, and doesn't see me as the authority figure. She has a lot of mental issues, and her performance has been lacking a lot lately.....including not coming to work, or coming in late! It has been such a management nightmare since I have to deal with Unions, etc....I have a meeting with our HR office today, wish me luck....thanks! (PS: it is almost 11am, and she isn't here (yet?) ....without a phone call or anything....UGH!)
  • #14
Jennifer,Good luck with your masters degree. I agree with Lisa, you should ask for a leave of absence to get yourself going into school. It should be easy to have just one catalog show every two months to keep you active. Your time working on your degree you will find will fly by. Welcome to the club.Julie
MS Reading/Special Education
  • #15
Wow, where did I miss that you were hanging up your apron? Good luck with whatever you decide!:)

Related to $15,000 in Career Sales - Bittersweet!

What are the benefits of reaching $15,000 in career sales?

Reaching $15,000 in career sales is a significant milestone in your Pampered Chef journey. Along with earning a 5% commission on your sales, you will also receive a 5% bonus on all future sales. This means that you will earn more for every sale you make, increasing your income potential.

How long does it typically take to reach $15,000 in career sales?

The time it takes to reach $15,000 in career sales varies for each consultant. Some may achieve this milestone within a few months, while others may take longer. It ultimately depends on your dedication, hard work, and marketing strategies.

Do party sales count towards the $15,000 in career sales?

Yes, party sales are included in the $15,000 in career sales requirement. This includes both in-person and virtual parties. You can also earn additional sales credit through online orders placed using your personal website link.

What happens after I reach $15,000 in career sales?

After you reach $15,000 in career sales, you will be eligible for the 5% bonus on all future sales. This bonus will continue for as long as you remain an active Pampered Chef consultant. Additionally, you will also receive recognition and rewards from the company for achieving this milestone.

Can I use my commission towards my $15,000 in career sales goal?

No, your commission cannot be applied towards your $15,000 in career sales goal. However, every sale you make adds to your overall sales total, helping you reach this milestone. It is important to continue promoting and selling Pampered Chef products to reach this goal.

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