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Will Prayers Help Our Little Man Walk?

In summary, Asa is almost 18 months old, and still isn't walking. He's been getting Occupational Therapy at the house once a week, and while we have seen some marked improvement, he's still not standing or walking on his own. His left leg is about 1/2 an inch longer than the right, which on his little body is a lot. We're waiting for referrals to a pediatric ortho doc to see what's going on. Thanks for your prayers!
Gold Member
Our little guy, Asa, is almost 18 months (on Sept. 9) and still isn't walking.

He getting Occupational Therapy at the house once a week (through the school system) and while we have seen some marked improvement, he's still not standing or walking on his own. He has, however, started "cruising" around the furniture, and moving from one piece of furniture to the other.

My mom noticed when she was visiting in June that it looked like one leg is longer than the other...have been working on that issue, and we have confirmation that his left leg is about 1/2 an inch longer than the right, which on his little body is a lot! It seems to be his thigh bones that are different. So, now we're waiting for referrals to a pediatric ortho doc to see what's going on.

So, long story long, we would appreciate your prayers for: Healilng and an evening out of his legs; and wisdom for the docs.

Hey Nicole,

I will certainly pray for Asa, the Docs and you and Tony too, as I'm sure you must be pretty concerned. I had to respond, because my littlest DD will be 18 months on Sept 9, so I assume Asa's birthday is March 9th too? It is such a fun age, seeing their BIG personalities emerging!

I hope he will get help and get better quickly, it is so hard to watch them and not be in control of how things will turn out! But the good news is that God IS in control! So keep praying and trusting in Him :)
My nephew was 20 months before he started walking.....and DH and DS were both over 18 months. They are all fine now! Not to lessen your concern, but sometimes, they are just on their own schedule!
Evan was a late walker...and an even LATER talker (he still has very few correctly pronounced words, even after more than a year of speech therapy)

I pray that the doctors and you and DH are given wisdom for the next step to take to help him out!

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  • #5
AnnieBee said:
Hey Nicole,

...because my littlest DD will be 18 months on Sept 9, so I assume Asa's birthday is March 9th too? It is such a fun age, seeing their BIG personalities emerging!...

Thanks, and yep, his birthday is March 9. What a great day to have a baby, huh? (of course, to be fair, so is Sept. 27, Dec. 20, and Nov. 12)!

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement...

Nicole ;)
... And Nov 28 and Feb 14 :)
Sending prayers your way.
praying for you and your family.. go with you intuition.. Moms are ALWAYS right. .. hoping for the best for you and your little man.
Prayers coming your way...
  • #10
Poor little guy....prayers going your way for Asa and your entire family.
  • #11
more prayers for you & Asa and the team that is working with him. My twin DSs were abuot 18 mos when they stared walking. They've been through physio, OT & speech therapy. It can be tough, but with perseverance & faith you'll see him make great strides.
  • #12
You're all in my prayers.
  • #13
Sending prayer's your way.
  • #14
With the walking, I'm sure he will do it in his own time. (they are little MEN after all!). The leg length issue I do know a little more about. My little sister (much younger) has a leg length descrepency (sp). They found it when she was probably a year, maybe year and a half. They discovered that in her case she is actually missing part of a bone in her leg. The knee and ankle are also slightly affected. She wore a brace to bed when she was a baby to make sure that her hips formed correctly, and a lift on her shoe for many years. Here is the light at the end of the tunnel.... They were able to chart her growth until she was about 13 then do a minor surgery and stop the growth in her long leg and let the short one catch up. She is 23 now and has no noticable diffence in length at all. She has always gone to a pediatric orthopedic specialist (out of LA) and still sees him once a year.

I'm sure it will all work out for your little man too! I'm sure it's hard just wondering and worring though. Keep us posted.
  • #15
i know what means because my little guy is not walking by him self yet and he is 20m old now. will walk around things and stand by himself but when we try to get him to walk he gets fussy and sites back down. he did take a few steps the other day. so i say it will come when they are ready and i will throw prayers up for you guys.
  • #16
sending prayers your way.
  • #17
Prayers going up! As others have said, he may be on his own timeline...but drs can tell you a lot!
  • #18
I'm praying for you too! Please keep us posted.
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  • #19
Thank you for your prayers and kind words of encouragement.

I get so frustrated sometimes. While none of our children are classified as "special needs", each one of them has had something that makes them "special". I actually had a friend (who is very outspoken and tends to speak without thinking) inform me that we should not have any more children because of the issues they have. Now, keep in mind, that we are probably "done" with babies anyways (unless God says otherwise), but those words definitely stung!

All four have had to have speech therapy (for different reasons), two are in OT, one is not Autistic but has Autistic traits and tendencies an is in a special pre-school, and the baby now has the not walking and this leg issue. And let's not forget Mary and all her drama last year!

So, I get discouraged sometimes. I know that God is in control, that my children are beautiful and wonderful in their "specialness", that God wouldn't give me more than I can handle, and that many families out there struggle with WAY more than I do.

I guess sometimes I just get overwhelmed, and then those little comments definitely don't help.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is "thank you" for your prayers and words of love and encouragement, and for letting me air it out a little bit. I feel a little better...and I'm off to the first ladies' Bible study for the year on the base, which I'm definitely excited about!

Love, Me:)
  • #20
Sorry to hear that someone made such a flippant comment about your kids...or having more kids. It's really none of her business! God chooses what kids we get, and you are right...he will not give us more than we can bear. (I know we need to remind ourselves of that when we are dealing with situations with our kids!!)

Glad you can come here to vent and get support and prayer....

Hope you have an amazing REFRESHING time at your bible study, and that God uses this time to remind you how much He loves you and is in control!
  • #21
Just back after being gone for a while. I'll keep your little guy in my prayers, along with the rest of the family--especially Mommy. ;)And, milkangel, we got our little guy to let go of things and walk on his own by having Daddy walk down the hall backwards holding chocolate. Yep, he's my boy. LOL!
  • #22
nikked said:
Our little guy, Asa, is almost 18 months (on Sept. 9) and still isn't walking.

He getting Occupational Therapy at the house once a week (through the school system) and while we have seen some marked improvement, he's still not standing or walking on his own. He has, however, started "cruising" around the furniture, and moving from one piece of furniture to the other.

My mom noticed when she was visiting in June that it looked like one leg is longer than the other...have been working on that issue, and we have confirmation that his left leg is about 1/2 an inch longer than the right, which on his little body is a lot! It seems to be his thigh bones that are different. So, now we're waiting for referrals to a pediatric ortho doc to see what's going on.

So, long story long, we would appreciate your prayers for: Healilng and an evening out of his legs; and wisdom for the docs.

Prayers for your future little marathon runner! :) (since we're praying for healing we might as well pray for something big, right!?) :)
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  • #23
God is GREAT!I was taking a rest after a cleaning spurt, and had a "random" thought about calling to check on Asa's referral. Usually, those take 7-10 days, and it was put in on Monday, so I wasn't holding my breath. But, knowing that the place I was going takes awhile to get into, I though, "Eh, why not?"

So, called, and lo and behold, the authorization was in! So, called the office, and someone had just called to cancel an appointment...so, he's getting seen TOMORROW by the Pediatric Ortho! If I had called 10 minutes later, that appointment would have been gone, and the next appointment was several weeks away.

I hadn't even been praying for a quick appointment...I love to see God's providence at work!!!

The doctor's name is Elizabeth Szalay (pronounced "zay-lay"). The appointment is at 2:50 MST.

Please be praying for:
  • wisdom for the doctor
  • kind, understanding staff
  • wisdom for me
  • being able to get his x-rays in time (I have been swamped this week, and haven't been able to do that yet)

And, of course, any where else He leads you in prayer as well!

Thanks for your words yesterday...I had a wonderful time at the study, and met some nice new people!!!

Nicole :)
  • #24
glad to hear there is progress... the worst is not knowing.. praying for you and answers.. and understanding.. be strong (but I'm sure you will ) :) hugs and prayers coming to you.
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  • #25
[frustrated] updateSo, I'm extremely frustrated, and don't know what to do. So, I'm just going to sit on things until Tuesday, keep it all in prayer, and see what happens.

I felt like we were the last appointment of the day, and everyone just wanted to get out of there for the long weekend. The doctor (and her staff) never actually measured his legs, just kind of eyeballed things, and not very closely at that.

They basically said that even though he was a little delayed, there was nothing to worry about. They didn't "see" a discrepency (even though they never really looked). The doc kind of played with his legs a little bit, and when I questioned her later about the leg length, she told me she had looked while she was playing with him...which I DO NOT see how that was possible. She moved his legs like a bicycle, and made sure his hips were okay (which we already knew they were), and that was it.

They saw him crawling, but never took the time to see how he holds his legs when he's cruising around furniture, or holding on to my hands. He is OBVIOUSLY having difficulty!

I'm not looking for a problem where there is none. But, it would have been much easier to accept:

1. There is a discrepency, but he is making progress on his walking without orthotic intervention. Let's wait and see. Or

2. We measured his legs (either by x-ray or visually), and the discrepency isn't anything to worry about. He's just a little slow to walk, that's all.

So, I guess, for me, please be praying for peace. If this is God saying everything is okay, let it be, then I need to have peace about the situation. Also, wisdom on what (if anything) to do next week. I'm good at pushing the proverbial button, but try to save those times for the really important stuff. If I'm supposed to let it be, I need to know.

Thanks to all of you, again. I appreciate knowing that I have a "family" that is praying for this bizarre situation!!!

Nicole ;)
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  • #26

We haved started Asa in PT as of this week. We have (finally) confirmation that there is a difference. It's not a huge difference by grown up standards, but on his little body it has definitely affected things.

We're going to wait to dig deeper until our move to Virginia in January. With the amount of time it takes to get appointments around here, it's really not worth it.

He is making great progress, and is primarily walking now, which is a HUGE answer to prayers.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of encouragement!
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  • #27
That is awesome news! I hope your new doctors are a bit more on the ball... I hope the PT goes well.

So glad to hear Asa is walking, before you know it you'll have my problem, which is an 18month old little monkey who climbs on everything and the launches herself off at you (even when you're not ready or expecting it...)! :)
  • #28
nikked said:

We haved started Asa in PT as of this week. We have (finally) confirmation that there is a difference. It's not a huge difference by grown up standards, but on his little body it has definitely affected things.

We're going to wait to dig deeper until our move to Virginia in January. With the amound of time it takes to get appointments around here, it's really not worth it.

He is making great progress, and is primarily walking now, which is a HUGE answer to prayers.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of encouragement!

This IS HUGE! DOING THE HAPPY DANCE FOR ALL OF YOU! Yeah for Asa, Mommy, Daddy and the rest of the family. I will continue t pray for the lille man!
  • #29
so glad that you received the confirmation you were seeking. It's frustrating as a parent when doctors just don't "get it". Hopefully PT will be a great thing for him. How great it was to read that he's walking :0) I'll keep praying for you guys.
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  • #30
Thanks everyone!!!

AnnieBee said:
...So glad to hear Asa is walking, before you know it you'll have my problem, which is an 18month old little monkey who climbs on everything and the launches herself off at you (even when you're not ready or expecting it...)! :)

We already have one of those...our (almost) 4 year old daughter...I'll pass on another one, thank you very much!!!

Did make me smile, though...:p
  • #31
So glad he is walking and doing better. I will continue to pray for him and quick appointments when you move to Virginia.
  • #32
Glad to hear he is doing better! God is so good!

Related to Will Prayers Help Our Little Man Walk?

1. What is the status of Asa's walking development?

Asa is almost 18 months old and still not walking on his own. He is receiving Occupational Therapy once a week, which has shown some improvement, but he is not yet able to stand or walk independently.

2. Is there a possible medical issue causing the delay in walking?

During a visit in June, it was noticed that one of Asa's legs may be longer than the other. After further investigation, it has been confirmed that his left leg is approximately half an inch longer than his right leg. This could be affecting his ability to walk and move around.

3. What steps are being taken to address the discrepancy in leg length?

Asa is currently awaiting referrals to a pediatric orthopedic doctor to further examine and address the discrepancy in his leg length. This will help determine the best course of action for correcting the issue and potentially improving his walking ability.

4. How can we support Asa and his family during this time?

Prayers for healing and for the doctors to have wisdom in treating Asa's condition are greatly appreciated by his family. They are also grateful for any positive thoughts and well wishes during this challenging time.

5. Is there any other information we should know about Asa's condition?

Asa has recently started "cruising" around furniture and is able to move from one piece of furniture to another. This is a positive sign of progress and with continued therapy and medical intervention, Asa's family is hopeful for his ability to walk in the future.

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