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Will my baby flip in time for a natural birth? Prayer request and update

In summary, the conversation is about a woman named Nikki who is currently pregnant and due to give birth on March 14. She has been closely monitored due to health concerns and recently discovered that her baby has flipped and is now in the breech position. Despite this, Nikki is hoping for the baby to flip back and is looking for a doctor who will support a vaginal delivery. Others in the conversation offer prayers and suggestions for the baby to flip and for a successful delivery.
Gold Member
Well, we are in the "final countdown"...FINALLY. Physically and psychologically, it seems like I've been pregnant for a year, because of the miscarriage and quick "re-pregnancy". We were originally due on Jan. 5, and now have a due date of March 14.

Because of some health concerns for me, I have been followed by ultrasound VERY closely. It's been fun seeing him every month! But, at what was to be my last US this past Wednesday, we discovered....


The week before at our last "regular" appointment he was where he was supposed to be, and sometime in the last week he did a 180!

With only 5 weeks to go, and him looking like another big one (our last two were 8'15" and 8'14"), it's a tight squeeze for another flip, but we are praying and believing he will. In the meantime, I'm looking for a doctor who doesn't immediately say "c-section", and will look at all the options and factors first.

After delivering 4 kids completely naturally, and the last two (almost) 9 pounders practically falling out of me once I hit 10 cm., I know I could delivery vaginally if given the chance. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure my regular doctor won't go for that. We've butted heads a lot about too much medical intervention.

Sorry so long, but I've lost my voice so am not talking much...you all get the long version because of that!

Thanks for your prayers...first, for a re-flipping, second for a doctor who will be open to a vaginal delivery if necessary.
Nikki - My thoughts & prayers are with you. Babies can do amazing things! Hang in there!!
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and if the little man flipped within the last month, he can definitely flip in the next month!! Prayers are with you :)
I will say my prayers for you. Let me tell you that this one could still "flip". I also delivered four completely natural and then came along "the baby"--she flipped one week before I was scheduled for the C-Section. We didn't even know she had flipped until they took the last ultra sound minutes before surgery. So.....this can/will happen to you.

I will be thinking of you!!!
Will be thinking of you and praying for the best, Nikke!
Can you find a midwife? I hope the baby flips. Search Google for "Spinning Babies" - there's lots of great info on what you can do to help the baby turn.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I had both my kids vaginally and all natural (no medication, epidural). Both were 8'8 and 23 in. long. 7 years between the two. Miracles happen!
PS I was a doula in a past life. ;)
My thoughts will be with you. My son was backwards and the doctor was able to turn him by pressing on my stomach to manuever him back into place. It was not the most pleasant experience, but it worked. He delivered about two weeks later and just fell out because I had a bad cough. I was in the hospital when it happened.

  • #10
Go to www.spinningbabies.com and it had more on what Amber is talking about. Were you offered an exterior version(sp?) where they try to flip him by pushing on your stomach? I hear it hurts like H#LL but better than a c-section...
  • #11

Someone already suggested spinning babies, so check it out!

I believe the current ACOG (American College of Gynecology and Obstetrics) guidelines are breech = c-section, so I hope you are able to find someone who will work with you. Do everything you can in the meantime to get that baby to flip!!!!

I delivered my son at home (with no drugs, of course) and am a firm believer in the power of a woman to birth her babies without intervention, so you have my good thoughts.
  • #12
That happened to me my son flip too and the doctor said they will try to flip him by pushing on your stomach. They couldn’t do that because my Blood pressure was really high so they had to do a c-section... It wasn’t that bad, I had an epidural and was awake for the delivery.

Good Luck!:)
  • #13
Praying for you Nikki - that the baby will flip! My daughter just went thru a c-section and got along fine, but I know you'd rather avoid that!
  • #14
I am totally sorry to hear that your son is breach. I did not find out my son was breach until I was already in labor for 15 hours and some one had the hind site to check me and say that some thing was wrong. They tried to do the Manual Version (which I do not recomend w/o any pain meds) and he would not turn b/c I had already been in labor so long. I ended up having an emergency c-section after 25 hours of labor and extreme bed rest. (My Husband still owes me big on this one :)) You still have a ways to go but I will keep you and the baby in my prayers and hope for a safe delivery. Just remember that God has a plan and purpose for everything in our lives and we just need to follow with what goes with his plan and put it all in his hands!
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  • #15
Well, baby is still upside down...36 weeks, 2 days today...tomorrow, I go see a chiropractor. Keep on praying, folks!

  • #16
Good luck with the remainer of the pregnancy. If he flipped once, he can do it again. Either way, my thoughts will be with you.
  • #17
I had 3 C-Sections (1st one after 28 hours of labor and having pushed for 4 hours, numbers 2 and 3 scheduled) and the second two were not bad at all. If you have to have a C-Section and it's scheduled, the recovery is not as bad as you may think. However, I can understand wanting to do it naturally if at all possible.
  • #18
This is really OLD SCHOOL but my son flipped during the last week... I laid head down on our ironing board for 20 minutes at a time about 6 - 8 times a day to encourage him to flip. He was breech for 2 months but God saw fit to show him how to flip that last week... we're all praying this happens for you!
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  • #19
quiverfull7 said:
This is really OLD SCHOOL but my son flipped during the last week... I laid head down on our ironing board for 20 minutes at a time about 6 - 8 times a day to encourage him to flip. He was breech for 2 months but God saw fit to show him how to flip that last week... we're all praying this happens for you!

Trying that one currently as well, now that I'm over my cold. I would have drowned in my own snot (pardon the visual) if I had tried that a week ago!

  • #20

Just sent some prayers your way!
  • #21
Hope you are feeling better Nicole and everything works out great with baby to be!
  • #22
Oh my goodness, Nicole....4 babies with one on the way? I'm in awe...DH and I would like several kids and we just had our first in August. I don't know how you moms do it with all of those kids! I hope I can do it too.

Good luck with the delivery. Can't wait to hear how it goes! I'll be praying for you as well.
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  • #23
rebeccastt said:
Oh my goodness, Nicole....4 babies with one on the way? I'm in awe...DH and I would like several kids and we just had our first in August. I don't know how you moms do it with all of those kids! I hope I can do it too.

Good luck with the delivery. Can't wait to hear how it goes! I'll be praying for you as well.

Well, we have 3 living. My first one passed away when she was three months due to non-natural causes. Life is definitely very crazy, and I can't seem to multi-task this pregnancy. I can only focus on one thing at a time, which means my business is suffering, and my AD, who is planning my baby shower for March 4, still doesn't have a guest list!

Maybe I should stop checking the threads here and get some stuff done?!!?:eek:

Chiropractor today at 2...keep on praying!
  • #24
nikked said:

Well, we have 3 living. My first one passed away when she was three months due to non-natural causes. Life is definitely very crazy, and I can't seem to multi-task this pregnancy. I can only focus on one thing at a time, which means my business is suffering, and my AD, who is planning my baby shower for March 4, still doesn't have a guest list!

Maybe I should stop checking the threads here and get some stuff done?!!?:eek:

Chiropractor today at 2...keep on praying!

Nikki - sorry to hear of your loss with the first one. I can't imagine losing one of my two kids! ...praying that the chiropractor appt. goes well. Usually getting everything in line correctly will help things happen the way they should - hope it helps!
  • #25
Hey Nikki -

I am really sorry to hear about the loss of your first baby. I can't imagine going through that. I really hope that the chiropractor worked some magic. Like Gillian said, I heard that the exterior way of "trying" to flip the baby is very painful, so hopefully he will do it on his own... And with our prayers of course. ;) Good luck!
  • #26
It's been a while for me since I've had a baby (12 yrs.), but my first child wasn't in the correct position until a week before she was born (She'll be 17 in March). My Dr. was going to try to move her for me. Luckily we didn't have to do that. She was 8 lbs. 9 oz. So there is still hope, especially since this isn't your first.

I had all of my 3 kids naturally, but my neighbor had 2 natural and 1 c-section. She said she would prefer a c-section any day. She said she recovered much quicker from it. I was really surprised. So all may not be lost if you have to have one:).

Just remember God may not always answer prayer the way we want it. Maybe if your child moved the wrong way the cord would get tangled or wrapped. Just pray that he does what is best for your child.

We will all be thinking of you and praying for you.

Keep us posted.
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  • #27
Well, went to the chiropractor. Now I have a new reason to make money...he was wonderful, a Christian, and very supportive of what I was trying to do. He even explained how the adjustments could help...it "opens" the pelvic area, allowing more room for movement.

Lots of movement, and he has definitely shifted, but no flip yet. We're doing the upside down thing, and trying to motivate him with ice (make him uncomfortable where he's at so he'll move away from it).

Keep on praying! Thanks...
  • #28
nikked said:
Well, went to the chiropractor. Now I have a new reason to make money...he was wonderful, a Christian, and very supportive of what I was trying to do. He even explained how the adjustments could help...it "opens" the pelvic area, allowing more room for movement.

Lots of movement, and he has definitely shifted, but no flip yet. We're doing the upside down thing, and trying to motivate him with ice (make him uncomfortable where he's at so he'll move away from it).

Keep on praying! Thanks...

I don't think I would have had my son naturally without my chiropractor constantly adjusting my pelvis! I noticed the difference each adjustment. He was 9 lbs. 6 oz. and I'm 5'3" about 115 lbs. (except when I was about to have him I was 169!!!) He had the cord wrapped so delivery was mainly on my side, but he is 3 and no worse for the wear. Keep up the Chiropractor visits, no matter what they can help you. Also, as soon as you feel comfortable take your new one in when born for a treatment. I did that for my son, not for my daughter (who is older) and wish I had for her too. I take them in about every 3 months just for a check.

...praying that you and baby stay safe and all goes well! Keep us posted!
  • #29

I'm so happy that you saw a chiropractor!!! When I was 37 weeks, my second child (boy) decided that he would flip and I was mortified. My doc decided that he wanted to do an inversion on Saturday and that day was THURSDAY!! He had me all set up to go to the hospital at 9 am to get this painful procedure done. I told him that I work for a chiropractor and I wanted my chiro to see if he could flip my son. I went to work on friday and told my dr about it and he felt rushed since I was going the next day. Well, he did this technique 3 times that day, one at breakfast, lunch time and dinner time. Well, I did everything normal and went to the hospital the next day fearing that I would have to get this done. Well, I told my replacement OB/GYN that my chiro tried flipping the baby (He does NOT believe in chiropractors) and he said okay, lets get the ultrasound machine. Well, low and behold, my son flipped. You should have seen the look on his face!!! :eek: SO, I got dressed and went home!!! It was great!!!

Good luck and I pray that your baby flips tonight for you just like mine did!!!!:)
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  • #30
We achieved "flip"!Maybe that should be his name..."Flip"? lol

I thought maybe all the goofy (and good) stuff we were trying had worked, but wasn't sure until yesterday. He is head down, and locked and loaded (so to speak).

Thank you so much for all your prayers! I'm predicting a baby by Saturday. I'm contracting like mad right now, but not in a labor pattern yet. But, these contractions are whoppers. I have to stop whatever I'm doing...

Of course, I've been proven wrong before, so we'll see!

Thanks again!!!!
  • #31
nikked said:
Maybe that should be his name..."Flip"? lol

I thought maybe all the goofy (and good) stuff we were trying had worked, but wasn't sure until yesterday. He is head down, and locked and loaded (so to speak).

Thank you so much for all your prayers! I'm predicting a baby by Saturday. I'm contracting like mad right now, but not in a labor pattern yet. But, these contractions are whoppers. I have to stop whatever I'm doing...

Of course, I've been proven wrong before, so we'll see!

Thanks again!!!!

Woo Hoo!!!! Thank goodness he flipped!!!! We'll be thinking about you and hoping for a delivery soon :D
  • #32
Good news. You'll continue to be in my prayers.
  • #33
Great news - good luck! I have a friend with the nickname "flipper" ..now I wonder where he got that name from, haha!
  • #34
That's awesome Nikki! Do you think it was the chiropractor who helped?:confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Yes, I do...
PampMomof3 said:
That's awesome Nikki! Do you think it was the chiropractor who helped?:confused:

I did lots of different things, but I really do believe the chiropractor was the driving force behind it (and of course, God!)...

When he originally flipped the wrong way, it HURT really bad! But, I didn't "feel" the flip back. Just suspected he had flipped again because of differences in movement, pressure, etc. From the chiro told me, the adjustments "opened" my pelvic up, making more room for him to be able to move. Which would explain why I didn't feel it when he flipped back to the correct position.

I also laid upside on an ironing board several times, used an ice pack to "chase" him into the right position, and sat on my excercise ball a lot (going back to that whole "opening" the pelvic theory). Never quite got to shining a flashlight up "bleep" to encourage him to "come to the light", but we were seriously considering it!

Thanks again for all your prayers!
  • #36
Oh, wow, disturbing mental picture. :D
  • #37

This is great news!!!

*~*~*~*~fast and easy labor vibes~*~*~*~*
  • #38
nikked said:
Maybe that should be his name..."Flip"? lol

I thought maybe all the goofy (and good) stuff we were trying had worked, but wasn't sure until yesterday. He is head down, and locked and loaded (so to speak).

Thank you so much for all your prayers! I'm predicting a baby by Saturday. I'm contracting like mad right now, but not in a labor pattern yet. But, these contractions are whoppers. I have to stop whatever I'm doing...

Of course, I've been proven wrong before, so we'll see!

Thanks again!!!!

Take care - get as much rest as you can and if you have him let us know as soon as you can! Praying all goes well!

(Flip can be a nickname - no need to torture him legally...)
  • #39
I had 4 kids. The first.....was in labor for 31 hours and he finally got out on Christmas Eve...Had an epidural because the pain was overwhelming. THe second.....10 hours and natural. (He was 8 1/2 pounds) The third, she was stubborn. Was fine until two weeks before delivery. She was breech so they tried to turn her form the outside and that didn't work. So scheduled a c-section and did an ultrasound that morning that the c-section was scheduled (to check to see if she had turned) she hadn't so I had the c-section. The fourth, she was breech but had turned the day of the scheduled delivery and I ended up having her vaginally. So they DO amazing things inside of us! And she's my little tumbler. She's 4 now! I wish we could have had more......good luck with everything ande God Bless.
  • #40
That's awesome Nikki! I know exactly what you're talking about with not feeling the baby flip back. I didn't feel my son flip back either and my dr told me that I would and he wanted to go ahead with the inversion. Well, with my chiro dr opening my pelvis up, (i know disturbing picture but its nothing like it seems!:) ) it did allow more room for him to move. I highly recommend it to everyone!!!
  • #41
Yea! I am sending good thoughts your way!!!
  • #42
Thank God for this flip! Now, we will be praying for a quick, safe, and painfree delivery! (Well, as pain free as possible!! :D )
  • #43
Good luck- I am so glad that you got him in the right position just in time!!

Related to Will my baby flip in time for a natural birth? Prayer request and update

1. Will my baby flip in time for a natural birth?

It is difficult to predict whether or not a baby will flip in time for a natural birth. However, there are certain exercises and positions that can encourage the baby to turn. It is important to discuss this with your doctor and explore all options before considering a c-section.

2. What is the update on your pregnancy?

As of the last ultrasound, the baby has flipped and is now in the proper position for delivery. However, there are still 5 weeks left until the due date and the baby's size may make it difficult for another flip. We are praying for the best possible outcome and exploring all options with our doctor.

3. How long have you been pregnant?

Due to a previous miscarriage and quick "re-pregnancy", it feels like I have been pregnant for a year. Our original due date was January 5th, but it has been pushed back to March 14th.

4. Have you had any complications during your pregnancy?

Yes, I have had some health concerns that have required close monitoring through ultrasound. However, everything seems to be progressing well and we are hopeful for a safe delivery.

5. How many children have you delivered naturally?

I have delivered four children completely naturally, and the last two were almost 9 pounds. I am confident in my ability to deliver vaginally if given the chance, but I am currently looking for a doctor who will consider all options before suggesting a c-section.

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