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What worries me about Obama's policies?

In summary, Cathy does not like the idea of national healthcare because she does not think it is a good thing for the people or the country. She also does not think that unions, social programs, etc. have been successful in adjusting to the new needs. She also thinks that the lack of leadership experience is a problem.
  • #101
BethCooks4U said:
I know no one more biased than Rush Limbaugh. Well, except Sean Hannity.

Then you've never listened to Mark "Thank Me Very Much!" Levin.

And if you can ever figure out Dr. Michael Savage, let me know which side he's on.
  • #102
Pretty much everything I know about Obama scares me.
  • #103
  • #104
Kitchen Guy - I am LOVING these cartoons you are posting. They are right-on!
  • #105
ChefBeckyD said:
I find it amusing that Obama is coming down so hard on Palin and her lack of experience. He must find her very threatening.

And - has anyone else read the article about how MSNBC has finally had to remove Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman as Political Anchors because their bias has gotten too obvious?

I think you have that backwards...did you not hear Palin's speech during the RNC? It was nothing short of disrespectful.

Either way, it matters little because (as many people seem to have forgotten) Palin's record is irrelevant compared to McCain. HE'S the one running for president. Don't hear much about him these days, though.
  • #106
Hathery said:
I think you have that backwards...did you not hear Palin's speech during the RNC? It was nothing short of disrespectful.

Either way, it matters little because (as many people seem to have forgotten) Palin's record is irrelevant compared to McCain. HE'S the one running for president. Don't hear much about him these days, though.

LOL - exactly my point. HE'S the one running - so why is Obama focusing so much on McCain's VP?
I most definitely haven't forgotten who is running for president, but someone needs to remind Barry who is running against him. ;)
  • #107
ChefBeckyD said:
LOL - exactly my point. HE'S the one running - so why is Obama focusing so much on McCain's VP?
I most definitely haven't forgotten who is running for president, but someone needs to remind Barry who is running against him. ;)

If he ignores her he's called weak if he responds to her he's called weak. All through this campaign he is attacked no matter what he does or doesn't say. It's called dirty politics and the republicans are good at it. I am not saying that the democrats are squeaky clean either.

In my opinion the fact that his handlers picked Palin (McCain wanted Leiberman) makes him look weak. People want to see and hear her. He stands next to her looking all smug and old. Sad. Too bad they didn't find her before they nominated him.

Oh, and one more thought on the bridge to nowhere thing - I am hearing that it was dead before she "killed" it and she kept the money so the point is the porkbarrel money still got to Alaska and was used for projects even if they didn't include a bridge. If she truely thought they could build their own bridge if they wanted it she should have returned the money.
  • #108
Beth, I totally agree! That's the point I was trying to make. I personally haven't heard Obama say word one about Palin. It's his campaign that made a few disparaging comments. Obama is trying not to make this personal, but the Republicans keep dragging it kicking and screaming in that direction.
  • Thread starter
  • #109
Hathery said:
Beth, I totally agree! That's the point I was trying to make. I personally haven't heard Obama say word one about Palin. It's his campaign that made a few disparaging comments. Obama is trying not to make this personal, but the Republicans keep dragging it kicking and screaming in that direction.

Um...you haven't been following all his speeches then. ...and what about the ads that say, "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."

You can't blame that on his campaign, he is responsible.
  • #110
Hathery said:
Beth, I totally agree! That's the point I was trying to make. I personally haven't heard Obama say word one about Palin. It's his campaign that made a few disparaging comments. Obama is trying not to make this personal, but the Republicans keep dragging it kicking and screaming in that direction.

Not sure if this link will work but it's been on AOL all day.

Obama Turns Up the Heat on Palin

I also haven't "personally heard" Obama say anything about Palin but I sure have READ alot of what he's said.
  • Thread starter
  • #111
Ok, this is what scares me about Obama...IN HIS OWN WORDS...YouTube - Re: Obama Admits Muslim FaithOops...a little slip...he tried to cover by the words, "My Muslim Faith" were all too natural...Not that I'm "against" other religions, the point is stand up for what you believe don't lie about it. We have many people on here that aren't "Christians" or "Christ-based" religions. They don't lie and say they are something else. They say what they believe.
  • #112
janetupnorth said:
Um...you haven't been following all his speeches then. ...and what about the ads that say, "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."

You can't blame that on his campaign, he is responsible.

What all the disparaging ads that McCain has out telling flat-out lies about Obama and his stance on issues? Do those not count? :yuck:

And to the person who just posted....Obama is not a Muslim. That is trashy propaganda people are using as a scare tactic.
  • #114
Believing that MoveOn's tactics represent the average Obama supporter is like implying that Rush Limbaugh represents the average McCain supporter. You can't give it much weight.
  • Thread starter
  • #115
Hathery said:
What all the disparaging ads that McCain has out telling flat-out lies about Obama and his stance on issues? Do those not count? :yuck:

And to the person who just posted....Obama is not a Muslim. That is trashy propaganda people are using as a scare tactic.

1. I did not say the Republicans had ads I found equally repulsive. I just get tired of the "Republicans are two-faced and Democrats are just defending themselves" attitude. I'm point out that the Democrats "aren't just defending themselves." Politics goes both ways...that's why I'm NOT in politics.

2. On your Muslim point, I agree to disagree. It is NOT a "trashy propaganda scare tactic." When Obama himself says it...hmm...and I know...you're just going to say he slipped...yes, it is good on his feet and covering his slip, but he has done it before. How do you know he isn't a Muslim...about as much as anyone would know he is? We don't know that except for his words. I would agree if you said we cannot judge his heart. Either way, he hasn't chosen good spiritual leadership.
  • Thread starter
  • #116
Hathery said:
Believing that MoveOn's tactics represent the average Obama supporter is like implying that Rush Limbaugh represents the average McCain supporter. You can't give it much weight.

I was referring to the top portion of the article in relation to Hilary, not giving it any weight or credence. That is up to you to decide...your mileage may vary.
  • Thread starter
  • #117
Anyway, my break is over...off for awhile...have fun guys!
  • #118
If you're going to assume that the man is lying about his faith because he misspoke, then I don't think anyone can really help you on the matter. You're clearly very frightened of what you don't understand. Not to be harsh, but I live in WI too and there is a lot of that going around.
  • #119
BethCooks4U said:
In my opinion the fact that his handlers picked Palin (McCain wanted Leiberman) makes him look weak.

Much was made in the other thread about people presenting things as fact without evidence to support it. I have read more about the candidates during this election than any other. I think it's stretching it to say that McCain's handlers picked her. Do you really think he had absolutely NO say in the matter? Were you there? Did McCain personally tell you he prefered Leiberman? I've gotten to the point that unless I've heard their words or read it somewhere reputable...I take it with a grain of salt. I've read nothing to that effect.

BOTH candidates have advisors to research and give their opinion. It'd be nice if we lived in a world where candidates could just be themselves but it's no longer that way. Advisors even give their opinion on what to wear...tie, no tie, shirt sleeves, jacket....I did think the matching ties Obama and Biden wore in their TV interview were a nice touch ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #120
Hathery said:
If you're going to assume that the man is lying about his faith because he misspoke, then I don't think anyone can really help you on the matter. You're clearly very frightened of what you don't understand. Not to be harsh, but I live in WI too and there is a lot of that going around.

Ok, enough - I was off, but now I'm done for the day. I refuse to have a healthy political discussion with someone who assumes things they do not know.

I clearly said we do not know his heart.

"You're clearly very frightened of what you don't understand."
No, I am not...you do not know me except for what pictures you just viewed on my profile. If you paid attention, that picture you were just viewing was of Beth and I. Beth CLEARLY is on the opposite political side as me and if you have been reading we agree on most other things and respect each other despite our differences. Sorry you just jumped on recently and jumped in and made judgements.

"Not to be harsh, but I live in WI too and there is a lot of that going around."
Um, really...that has NOTHING to do with living in WI...you just turned a healthy discussion of points into non-sense because you do not know how to respond.

No wonder people turn away from here lately...
  • #121
BethCooks4U said:
If he ignores her he's called weak if he responds to her he's called weak. All through this campaign he is attacked no matter what he does or doesn't say. It's called dirty politics and the republicans are good at it. I am not saying that the democrats are squeaky clean either.

In my opinion the fact that his handlers picked Palin (McCain wanted Leiberman) makes him look weak. People want to see and hear her. He stands next to her looking all smug and old. Sad. Too bad they didn't find her before they nominated him.

Oh, and one more thought on the bridge to nowhere thing - I am hearing that it was dead before she "killed" it and she kept the money so the point is the porkbarrel money still got to Alaska and was used for projects even if they didn't include a bridge. If she truely thought they could build their own bridge if they wanted it she should have returned the money.

Smug and OLD? Wow.
  • Thread starter
  • #122
chefsteph07 said:
Smug and OLD? Wow.

Hey, she can call him old - it's all relative...

Biden is old too. :)
  • #123
I started the paragraph that you guys are jumping on with "in my opinion". That's what it is: MY opinion. You are welcome to your own.
  • #124
janetupnorth said:
Ok, enough - I was off, but now I'm done for the day. I refuse to have a healthy political discussion with someone who assumes things they do not know.

I clearly said we do not know his heart.

"You're clearly very frightened of what you don't understand."
No, I am not...you do not know me except for what pictures you just viewed on my profile. If you paid attention, that picture you were just viewing was of Beth and I. Beth CLEARLY is on the opposite political side as me and if you have been reading we agree on most other things and respect each other despite our differences. Sorry you just jumped on recently and jumped in and made judgements.

"Not to be harsh, but I live in WI too and there is a lot of that going around."
Um, really...that has NOTHING to do with living in WI...you just turned a healthy discussion of points into non-sense because you do not know how to respond.

No wonder people turn away from here lately...

Yes, I did look at your profile so I could get to know you better. I don't know you at all and want to get to know you so I understand where you're coming from. I hope that's okay...? :confused:

And yes, the WI thing does have a lot to do with it...not referring to you (b/c I don't know you) when I say that a lot of people in WI are a bit sheltered when it comes to other religions and ethnicities. It scares them. I grew up in the ruralest of rural WI, so I've seen what lack of exposure to a wide array of people can do to a mindset. Again, I'm not referring to you...I have no clue what your life experiences are.
  • Thread starter
  • #125
Hathery said:
Yes, I did look at your profile so I could get to know you better. I don't know you at all and want to get to know you so I understand where you're coming from. I hope that's okay...? :confused:And yes, the WI thing does have a lot to do with it...not referring to you (b/c I don't know you) when I say that a lot of people in WI are a bit sheltered when it comes to other religions and ethnicities. It scares them. I grew up in the ruralest of rural WI, so I've seen what lack of exposure to a wide array of people can do to a mindset. Again, I'm not referring to you...I have no clue what your life experiences are.
Not a problem (I keep my pictures public), but ask before you judge and make comments...saying I'm very frightened, need help and don't understand is pretty harsh.I grew up in the city, I'm not rural. Milwaukee--Chicago I have numerous college degrees and have worked at a few major companies in SE Wisconsin. I have also traveled outside of the US for work, so I am not ignorant of cultures. Where I live now is NOT as diverse and I know that and we choose to be here.If that was an apology, I accept and forgive.
  • Thread starter
  • #126
BethCooks4U said:
I started the paragraph that you guys are jumping on with "in my opinion". That's what it is: MY opinion. You are welcome to your own.

Hey, I agree you can call him old...I'll even give you smug too. :D
  • #127
janetupnorth said:
Not a problem (I keep my pictures public), but ask before you judge and make comments...saying I'm very frightened, need help and don't understand is pretty harsh.

I grew up in the city, I'm not rural. Milwaukee--Chicago I have numerous college degrees and have worked at a few major companies in SE Wisconsin. I have also traveled outside of the US for work, so I am not ignorant of cultures. Where I live now is NOT as diverse and I know that and we choose to be here.

If that was an apology, I accept and forgive.

It's not so much an apology as I still agree that your initial reasoning for ascertaining that Obama is "a Muslim" are sketchy, but I do regret having presented myself the way I did.

Sounds like we kind of grew up the opposite way--I grew up rural and moved to more urban, you grew up more urban and went rural. I think I'm a bit more quick to jump on what seems like a "rural" mindset to me, just because I was exposed to it for so long and feel cheated in some ways by not realizing there was more to the world until I was older (does that make sense?) I still have a lot of very ignorant people (and I say that not because they're stupid, but honestly just ignorant---they don't know any better!) in my family because of where I was raised and it's frustrating to argue with people who simply don't understand. When I hear people saying they're scared of Obama because of his race or religion, it reminds me of those people. Hope that clears up a little where I'm coming from! :)
  • #128
Hathery said:
Yes, I did look at your profile so I could get to know you better. I don't know you at all and want to get to know you so I understand where you're coming from. I hope that's okay...? :confused:

And yes, the WI thing does have a lot to do with it...not referring to you (b/c I don't know you) when I say that a lot of people in WI are a bit sheltered when it comes to other religions and ethnicities. It scares them. I grew up in the ruralest of rural WI, so I've seen what lack of exposure to a wide array of people can do to a mindset. Again, I'm not referring to you...I have no clue what your life experiences are.

I just have one suggestion - you are obviously new to this site, and most of your posts have been political in nature. Maybe first, before jumping in on conversations, and assuming things, it might be good to read this thread and get to know the site, the rules, and some of the people on here. Really, we all like each other - and have alot in common other than politics, but it's a little hard when someone who hasn't even introduced her/himself starts blasting away. There is a ton of good info, and good advice to be had here, and the political thing is very minor - check out first all the good things that are offered.

  • Thread starter
  • #129
Great advice Becky...we normally refer all there...I guess what bugged me is that my listing information out there was "close-minded and assuming", yet someone assumed my mindset, my political background and my analytical skills by looking at where I lived and didn't ask. It was doing to another what we are told not to do to a candidate. But, it was a simple misjudgment and misunderstanding so back to our regularly scheduled discussions. :)
  • #130
ChefBeckyD said:
I just have one suggestion - you are obviously new to this site, and most of your posts have been political in nature. Maybe first, before jumping in on conversations, and assuming things, it might be good to read this thread and get to know the site, the rules, and some of the people on here. Really, we all like each other - and have alot in common other than politics, but it's a little hard when someone who hasn't even introduced her/himself starts blasting away. There is a ton of good info, and good advice to be had here, and the political thing is very minor - check out first all the good things that are offered.


I kind of noticed the same thing...thanks for bringing it up Becky.
  • #131
Hathery, I want to welcome you to the site. We are all friends here for the most part and as you can tell, we do have some spirited discussions. Some of the responses to you sound a bit harsh to me but we have had experience with new peoople coming on here to just cause trouble and while I don't see that from your posts, I can understand how some might since these are your first posts. Give us a chance - you'll love it here!

...oh, and I'm from WI too! I lived in the Milwaukee area (South Milwaukee, LaCrosse and Waukesha) until just 11 years ago when we moved to North Carolina. I am not a rural person but I have to say that I grew up in a very "sheltered" community. There were no minorities in my neighborhoods until I was an adult. I have to say though, that I was raised with an open mind and knowledge that ALL people were the same in our hearts (except the bad ones:eek:).
  • #132
ChefBeckyD said:
I just have one suggestion - you are obviously new to this site, and most of your posts have been political in nature. Maybe first, before jumping in on conversations, and assuming things, it might be good to read this thread and get to know the site, the rules, and some of the people on here. Really, we all like each other - and have alot in common other than politics, but it's a little hard when someone who hasn't even introduced her/himself starts blasting away. There is a ton of good info, and good advice to be had here, and the political thing is very minor - check out first all the good things that are offered.


I've been lurking...politics just gets me a lot more jazzed up and vocal! Probably not the greatest way to say hello. :rolleyes:
  • #133
janetupnorth said:
Hey, she can call him old - it's all relative...

Biden is old too. :)

I don't think he's so much "smug" as maybe a little proud...and I think that finally after being and feeling like the underdog he has gained some ground, and I DON'T think it has ALL to do w/ Palin. I thought his speech at the convention was very compelling and heartfelt.

And as far as the "old" comment, I guess after all these months I am just REALLY tired of hearing the press and late night comedians always referring to him as old...that's all they have to say about him....yes, he's a little older...but I don't think it should be as relevent as people/press make it out to be.
  • #134
chefsteph07 said:
I don't think he's so much "smug" as maybe a little proud...and I think that finally after being and feeling like the underdog he has gained some ground, and I DON'T think it has ALL to do w/ Palin. I thought his speech at the convention was very compelling and heartfelt.

And as far as the "old" comment, I guess after all these months I am just REALLY tired of hearing the press and late night comedians always referring to him as old...that's all they have to say about him....yes, he's a little older...but I don't think it should be as relevent as people/press make it out to be.

His age is the reason the VP pick is so important though. That and the fact that he's had cancer more than once. He doesn't SAY what is positions on many things are so what else can they talk about. Giving his resume over and over and calling himself a maverick and voting with Bush over 90% of the time doesn't SAY what he'll do to fix the mess the country is in.
  • #135
BethCooks4U said:
Hathery, I want to welcome you to the site. We are all friends here for the most part and as you can tell, we do have some spirited discussions. Some of the responses to you sound a bit harsh to me but we have had experience with new peoople coming on here to just cause trouble and while I don't see that from your posts, I can understand how some might since these are your first posts. Give us a chance - you'll love it here!

...oh, and I'm from WI too! I lived in the Milwaukee area (South Milwaukee, LaCrosse and Waukesha) until just 11 years ago when we moved to North Carolina. I am not a rural person but I have to say that I grew up in a very "sheltered" community. There were no minorities in my neighborhoods until I was an adult. I have to say though, that I was raised with an open mind and knowledge that ALL people were the same in our hearts (except the bad ones:eek:).

Thank you for the welcome! So far I am really learning a lot from this site; I think it's going to help me a ton :)

You're lucky to have been raised w/ an open mind. I cannot say that was common where I'm from! It's okay though...we must learn from the mistakes of others, and make ourselves more knowledgable as a result. That's a big part of why I'd LOVE to see Obama in office; just to show some of the people back home that believing something all your life doesn't always make it right. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #136
chefsteph07 said:
I don't think he's so much "smug" as maybe a little proud...and I think that finally after being and feeling like the underdog he has gained some ground, and I DON'T think it has ALL to do w/ Palin. I thought his speech at the convention was very compelling and heartfelt.

And as far as the "old" comment, I guess after all these months I am just REALLY tired of hearing the press and late night comedians always referring to him as old...that's all they have to say about him....yes, he's a little older...but I don't think it should be as relevent as people/press make it out to be.

I think he looks smug visually but that is his facial expression, not how he really is. I know people who are very sweet and funny, but NEVER SMILE! People judge them before knowing them.

I don't worry about the "old" thing because it is all relative...if my dad was alive, he'd be a few months old than McCain, that isn't old to me and no reflection on health/ability. My dad died almost 3 years ago of a rare blood disorder that hits one in a million. Before that he was the picture perfect image of health - never had any heart trouble or anything. My mom is 69, has survived breast cancer twice, skin cancer once, but can run circles around me! The healthiest person may die tomorrow, the weakest may last another decade.

I just brush it off and let it be...better things to fire up about than that. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #137
BethCooks4U said:
His age is the reason the VP pick is so important though. That and the fact that he's had cancer more than once. He doesn't SAY what is positions on many things are so what else can they talk about. Giving his resume over and over and calling himself a maverick and voting with Bush over 90% of the time doesn't SAY what he'll do to fix the mess the country is in.

See my personal/medical experience above...

I also just know of a guy that was healthy and died of a bee sting - no prior allergy...a big, healthy man died from a little critter...
  • #138
Right! Agreed!
You can drop dead at any age, doesn't matter if you are 18 or 72...

I don't think Obama really SAYS his positions on alot of things ether...and I dont' think that's particularly true of McCain...I thought he stated ALOT of positions last week.
  • #139
I don't think McCain is really smug either. I just don't think he's very comfortable with public speaking, so he comes off as a little "stiff" or "cold." I think he really had to step out of his comfort zone to give the RNC speech, and he did a pretty good job IMO. Much better than Giuliani's speech, anyway! :)
  • #140
janetupnorth said:
See my personal/medical experience above...

I also just know of a guy that was healthy and died of a bee sting - no prior allergy...a big, healthy man died from a little critter...

You are so right. I have an aunt who hasn't been to the doctor since she was 40 and is still as active as ever and she's in her mid 90's.

...but people still think of that when someone is in their 70's. And we all know from photo comparisons how that job ages even the younger presidents.
  • Thread starter
  • #141
BethCooks4U said:
You are so right. I have an aunt who hasn't been to the doctor since she was 40 and is still as active as ever and she's in her mid 90's.

...but people still think of that when someone is in their 70's. And we all know from photo comparisons how that job ages even the younger presidents.

That or getting caught in things... :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: That is a bi-partisan comment! :p
  • #144
BethCooks4U said:
Those were comments that Biden made in the heat of the primaries when HE was running for president.

Oh I agree, I knew that but I just found it interesting that is all and how comments come back and bite us sometimes. Especially since he also said that he felt McCain was ready to be the leader.
  • #145
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Then you've never listened to Mark "Thank Me Very Much!" Levin.

And if you can ever figure out Dr. Michael Savage, let me know which side he's on.

MArk Levin is a riot to listen too! He's sort of a cranky ol' guy at times, but he's very entertaining...
  • #146
Someone must have removed the post about leaving the Lounge..it's not there anymore that I can see. Prob a good thing...
  • #147
chefsteph07 said:
Someone must have removed the post about leaving the Lounge..it's not there anymore that I can see. Prob a good thing...

I noticed that, too!

Hi Steph! :)
  • #148
SCANDAL! McCain and Plain HUG ON STAGE!!!What a scandal - how disgusting that McCain and Palin would hug on stage. Democrats would never do anything so shameful on stage!


  • #149
I'm lovin' it
  • #150
It must be the angle or the lighting, but that looks icky... (the bottom picture, not the top)
<h2>1. National Health Care</h2><p>Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.</p><h2>2. Foreign Policy</h2><p>Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.</p><h2>3. Lack of Specifics</h2><p>Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.</p><h2>4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class</h2><p>There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.</p>

Related to What worries me about Obama's policies?

1. National Health Care

Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.

2. Foreign Policy

Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.

3. Lack of Specifics

Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.

4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class

There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.


Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.

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