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What Strategies Can Help Improve My Booking Blitz Success Rate?

In summary, the conversation is about a person named Ashley who is trying to get more bookings for her Pampered Chef business. She asks for advice on how to get good results and for any templates or wording for other things, like premade packets to give out to rental agencies or realtors. Love Carpenter shares a script that she has used, encouraging Ashley to step out of her comfort zone and offer themed shows like Flip Flops and Fajitas or 6 O'Clock Salads. She also mentions that July is a great month for hosting a party as hosts can receive more free items than any other month of the year. Love encourages Ashley to pick a theme, choose a date, and reach out to her past customers and preferred hosts
Hi everyone, I have had so many problems getting shows that I had almost given up. I became inactive, but I decided to give it another try. I am going to do a booking blitz this evening when I get home to try to get my calendar booked for the next two months. Is there any special wording or tricks that any of you have used and get good results from? I really want to be successful and start doing this full time rather than as a hobby so any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Also any templates or wording for other things, like premade packets to give out to rental agencies or realators would also be very helpful.

Thanks in advance,
Here is a script that Love Carpenter has used:Script: (Step out of your comfort zone like I did and pick a theme show or 2 to offer and start bookings shows!)
Hi, This is Love, with the Pampered Chef…Have I caught you at a bad time or do you have just a minute?
I was calling today to ……(to follow up with my past customers, preferred hosts, etc.)
Have you heard that Pampered Chef is now offering Theme Shows?!?
2 of the theme parties that I am most excited about:
Is our new Flip Flops, Fajitas and Margaritas and our 6 O’clock Salad Shows!
At our Flip Flops and Fajitas Party everyone wears their favorite/cutest flip flops and I teach you and your friends how to make a quick Fajita Bar for dinner. We can make poor man margaritas in our Quick Stir pitcher if you choose.
(Pick 2 theme shows to offer) 1. Flip Flops and Fajitas
2. 6 O’clock Salad Shows
3. Cold Stone Creamery Show
4. Skinny Dippin’ Show
5. 29 minute to dinner with…. share your recipe idea
6. It’s a wrap show
7. Gilled Pizza Shows
8. Etc…..Right now I am scheduling these 2 shows for July and August.
And for July our July hosts can receive MORE Free than ANY other month of the year.
Would you be interested in having a get together with your friends to learn our Southwestern Chicken Salad, which is a restaurant style salad I teach you and your friends how to prepare at home! And it is so good! (Just give a brief explanation of the recipe you will be sharing.)
Can I save a date for you and your friends? (Ask for the date!!)Be sure to change the themes, months, etc. to fit your needs.
Hi Ashley,I'm sorry to hear that you have had difficulties getting shows in the past. It can definitely be frustrating and discouraging, but don't give up! Here are a few tips that have worked for me in the past:1. Personalize your approach: When reaching out to potential hosts, make sure to personalize your message. Mention something specific about them or their situation (if you know them personally) and explain why you think hosting a show would be beneficial for them.2. Offer incentives: Consider offering a special hostess gift or extra discount for booking a show during your booking blitz. This can create a sense of urgency and encourage people to book right away.3. Use social media: Use your social media platforms to spread the word about your booking blitz. Create a Facebook event or post on Instagram with a special offer for anyone who books a show during the blitz.4. Follow up: Don't be afraid to follow up with people who haven't responded to your initial message. Sometimes people just need a gentle reminder or a little extra encouragement to commit to booking a show.As for templates or wording for rental agencies and realtors, I would suggest keeping it short and to the point. Here is a sample message you could use:"Hi pampered chef consultant,I am a [brand] consultant and I wanted to reach out to see if you would be interested in receiving some information about our products and services. We offer high-quality kitchen tools and gadgets for everyday use, as well as host cooking shows and events.I would be happy to provide you with some brochures and samples to share with your clients. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in and I can drop off the materials at your office at your convenience.Thank you for your time and consideration.Best, "I hope these tips and suggestions help you with your booking blitz and reaching out to rental agencies and realtors. Good luck and don't give up on your dream of doing this full time!

Related to What Strategies Can Help Improve My Booking Blitz Success Rate?

1. How should I word my invitations for a Booking Blitz?

When wording your invitations for a Booking Blitz, be sure to keep it short, simple, and to the point. Include the date, time, and location of the event, as well as a brief description of what a Booking Blitz is and the benefits of attending.

2. Can I customize the wording for a Booking Blitz to fit my personal style?

Absolutely! While there are general guidelines for wording a Booking Blitz, you can definitely add your own personal touch to make it more unique and reflect your personal style. Just make sure to include all the necessary information and keep it professional.

3. Should I include a call to action in the wording for a Booking Blitz?

Yes, it is important to include a call to action in the wording for a Booking Blitz. This can be in the form of a RSVP request, a reminder to bring a friend, or a prompt to contact the host for more information. This will encourage guests to take action and attend the event.

4. How far in advance should I send out the wording for a Booking Blitz?

Ideally, you should send out the wording for a Booking Blitz at least 2-3 weeks in advance. This will give your guests enough time to plan and make arrangements to attend. However, if it is a last-minute event, sending out the wording at least a week in advance is still recommended.

5. Can I use social media to share the wording for a Booking Blitz?

Yes, social media can be a great tool to share the wording for a Booking Blitz with a wider audience. You can create an event page on Facebook, share the wording on your Instagram or Twitter, or even create a Facebook event invite. Just make sure to also send out personal invitations to ensure maximum attendance.

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