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We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages! to Qualify for This

In summary, Cindy from Baltimore shares her successful methods for recognizing top performers in her team, including giving cash prizes, gift bags, and raffle tickets. These small gestures have motivated her team members and helped them improve their sales. She encourages others to try these methods as they are cost-effective and can make a big impact on team morale.
Staff member
We celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages! To qualify for this recognition, you must have 2 kitchen shows and one catalog show. Top average gets $15 in cash, #2 gets $10, and #3 get's $5 in cash...They love this. NO more stocking cards, stickers, baskets and less for me to remember and packup. Also, I recognize top seller w/a small gift for their business. I have a team that is spread out, so mailing these has made it easier for me. Super Starters earn the charms and a "new" charm (SA, etc) can be earned for attending 3 out of 4 meetings. We also do a "meal" for those that have $1,250 show (we raised the bar this year, b/c PC has raised their host bonus level) or higher and we follow the TPC calendar year, that has made it very easy to celebrate versus trying to fit something in in December. Also, my group prefers less time being spent on recognition....they would rather spend more time learning and networking...
Cindy in Baltimore
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RecognitionI have been trying out a few different ways to recognize people at my meetings
and just thought I'd post how these have been going for me.

In addition to what I normally do, I thought I'd give a gift bag to the top
FD/Director in sales, the top SS Consultant in sales and the top Consultant in
sales, thereby recognizing different levels instead of the #1 person in sales.
I only give the gift bag if they are at the meeting. I've been doing this for
quite a few months now and after the meeting when a few hung around with me,
the gal that got the bag as being the top Consultant confided that her #1 goal
every month is to get that gift bag. I only put a few things in it--a candy
bar or candy, invites, stickers, a box of brownie mix, cake mix or cornbread
mix and maybe a pen or highlighter. Nothing expensive. I was so happy this
gal said that---she's been trying so hard to get her business going better and
as long as she has a goal, I'm thrilled she's reaching it. It may be a small
one, but it has gotten her from doing $500/mo in sales to $1500/mo or more in

Another thing I tried just at the last meeting was to give all those who got
their name read as being one of the tops in certain categories a raffle
ticket. At the end of the meeting I drew a ticket and that person got candy
and 5 catalogs. Again, nothing big, but something new I tried. ONe of the
other gals who stayed after the meeting told me she realized she didn't get
any tickets & was thinking everyone was noticing. She said it embarrased her
and made her realize she had to do something right away to get her business
back on track so that at the next meeting, she got some tickets. Of course,
no one noticed like she thought but it was still bothering her enough that she
is getting on her phone to line up shows before the next meeting.

I was surprised how even this little recognition has a way of making others
feel. I thought some of you might want to try these...It was a fun way to try
something a little different and didn't cost a lot of money.
Mary Jo Oyer-Dir.
As a fellow consultant, I completely agree with your approach to celebrating top show averages! It's great to see that you have found a way to simplify the process and make it more manageable for both you and your team. I also love the idea of recognizing top sellers with a small gift for their business - it's a great way to show appreciation and motivate others to work towards that goal. And the Super Starters earning charms and a "new" charm for attending meetings is a fantastic way to keep them engaged and motivated. It's clear that you have put a lot of thought into your recognition program and I'm sure your team appreciates it. Keep up the great work, Cindy!

Related to We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages! to Qualify for This

What does "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!" mean?

"We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!" is a recognition program at Pampered Chef that celebrates the top three performing consultants based on their show averages. A show average is the average sales amount from each Pampered Chef party or show a consultant hosts.

How do I qualify for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!"?

To qualify for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!", you must be a Pampered Chef consultant who has hosted at least three shows in the qualification period. Your show average will be calculated based on the sales from these three shows.

What is the qualification period for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!"?

The qualification period for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!" is typically one month. This means that your show averages will be calculated based on the sales from the three shows you host during that month.

What are the benefits of being in the top 3 for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!"?

The top three performing consultants for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!" will receive recognition from Pampered Chef and may also receive prizes or incentives. This can also help boost your business and increase your sales, as you will be seen as a top performer by your customers and fellow consultants.

How can I improve my show average to qualify for "We Celebrate the Top 3 Show Averages!"?

To improve your show average, you can focus on booking more shows and promoting them effectively to increase attendance. You can also offer special incentives or host exclusive VIP events to encourage higher sales at each show. Additionally, providing excellent customer service and offering high-quality products can also contribute to a higher show average.

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