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Team Activity: Recognition and Incentive

In summary, the speaker has recently become a director and wants to recognize, encourage, and support their team. They have come up with incentives to help with business materials and expenses, as well as rewards for consistency and promotions. They are excited to present these incentives to their team and are grateful for any feedback.
Gold Member
So, I just qualified as director! Wahoo! It's still so new that I'm waiting for it to reflect on Consultant's Corner. My team basically carried me to this point (it's been a difficult year and I've hardly been active with my business - except to support my team however I can). My team is small but mighty, they are rockstars and I want to encourage and support them. Their expressed need: They really need this business for the income and are struggling to pay for business materials and the much desired conference.
My goal: To recognize, encourage, and to show gratitude - and to help with costs for business materials and to pay for conference.I looked back through the threads because I remember some amazing incentives that Sheila Dacey did in 2010-2011.Trying to keep any potential payouts within the extra 3% override that I earn, I came up with this:For each month that you are active ($150 in sales) you will get $3, $5 if active by the 15th.
For each month that you submit $1250-$2499 you will receive $10 PC dollars
For each month that you submit $2500-$3999 you will receive $20 PC dollars
For each month that you submit $4000+ you will receive $30 PC dollars
That's up to a total of an extra $35 PC dollars you can earn each month to use to purchase catalogs, business materials, products OR to save for conference!For those that choose to go to conference (August 3-5th). I will match any PC dollars earned January-July with CASH to help with your expenses. :D So... That could mean up to $245 Conference Cash! Let's go, learn and celebrate as a team!PLUSConsistency Award
• Silver – If you are active 10 of the 12 months: You’ll earn a $75 Visa Gift Card from me.
• Gold – If you are active 12 of the 12 months: You’ll earn a $100 Visa Gift Card from me.
* Visa Gift cards distributed in January 2018. Consistency goals and reward amount adjusted proportionately for new team members that join after January.Promotion Award
• Promote to Senior Consultant and earn $15 PC Dollars.
• Promote to Team Leader and earn $25 PC Dollars.
• Promote to Director and earn $50 PC Dollars.
• Promote to Advanced Director and earn $75 PC Dollars.I really appreciate your feedback. I am excited about this and want to present it to my team ASAP. :D
I think this is amazing! I want to be on your team. I've been selling over 8 years - my director gives me a ribbon for my sales. I would love those PC dollars to help with business supplies or a gift card too! I had over $6000 in sales in October 2016 and I got a highlighter in the mail as I am the highlight of her team....SMH
Congratulations on becoming a director! That's such an amazing achievement and I'm sure your team is so proud of you. I love that you are focusing on recognizing and supporting your team during this exciting time.Your incentives sound great and I love that you are trying to keep them within your extra 3% override. It's important to make sure that you are still able to earn a profit while also supporting your team. I think the monthly incentives for being active and submitting certain amounts are a great way to encourage consistency and growth within your team.The matching PC dollars for conference is an awesome idea! It's a great way to help your team attend the conference and invest in their business. I'm sure they will appreciate that extra financial support.The consistency and promotion awards are also a great way to recognize and reward your team for their hard work. It's a great way to motivate them to continue pushing towards their goals.Overall, I think your incentives are well thought out and will definitely help your team with their business expenses and growth. I'm sure they will be very excited about these opportunities and it will further strengthen their loyalty to you as their leader. Best of luck with presenting it to your team!

Related to Team Activity: Recognition and Incentive

What is the purpose of recognition and incentive in team activities?

The purpose of recognition and incentive in team activities is to acknowledge and reward team members for their contributions and efforts towards achieving team goals. This helps to boost morale, motivation, and overall team performance.

What are some common forms of recognition and incentive in team activities?

Some common forms of recognition and incentive in team activities include bonuses, awards, public recognition, team outings or celebrations, extra time off, and opportunities for career advancement.

How can team leaders determine which type of recognition and incentive is most effective for their team?

Team leaders can determine which type of recognition and incentive is most effective for their team by gathering feedback from team members, understanding their individual motivations, and considering the team's specific goals and needs.

What are some potential benefits of implementing a recognition and incentive program in team activities?

Implementing a recognition and incentive program in team activities can lead to increased productivity, improved teamwork and collaboration, higher job satisfaction, and reduced turnover rates.

How often should recognition and incentives be given in team activities?

The frequency of recognition and incentives in team activities can vary, but it is important to have a balance and avoid over or under-doing it. Some teams may benefit from more frequent and smaller rewards, while others may prefer larger and less frequent incentives. It's important to regularly assess and adjust the frequency based on the team's needs and performance.

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