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Urgent - Urgent Prayer Request!!!!

In summary, 3-year-old boy falls into septic tank and is revived but is in a coma with uncertain prognosis. His parents are Tim and Theresa and are receiving support from their local church.
  • Thread starter
  • #51
Diane - Luke is currently in a hospital in Madison - just an FYI.
  • #52
It seems to me that a whole bunch of people in this world need a whole bunch of Prayers.. I seriously think we all need to start our own prayer vigals.
  • #53
Janet, thanks for the heads up. When you get a sec, do you want to PM the hospital name? I have a cousin who's a nurse at a local hospital in Madison, and I can e-mail her and ask her to pay him a visit and say a prayer if it's the same hospital.

Leah's right - there sure a lot of people needing our prayers. We need a group prayer!
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  • #54
Today's update on Beniah - he's starting to respond positively to treatment. There is a doctor from Atlanta up here assigned to him who has dealt with this before. This is the longest a patient of his in this situation has lived (which believe it or not is a good sign...). He's made it 5 days now...still a long way to go. They tried to feed him with a feeding tube and had to yank it because he spiked a fever and started to react...

Keep praying for this little one...
  • #55
Oh poor baby. I will keep praying for everyone. Please keep us all updated.
  • Thread starter
  • #56
Luke - the boy in the coma was taken off life support Saturday and has died.

Little Beniah is continuing to show signs of improvement. (A bowel movement over the weekend.) They took him out of the coma for a brief period and he reached out to Mom and Dad and held their hand and then they put him back in the coma so his body can keep fighting. The doctor says what he's seen so far is nothing short of a miracle so KEEP PRAYING!
  • #57
Janet - that is wonderful! My heart skips a beat every time I see you have posted to this thread....praying for God's best...but still with my heart in my throat! I will continue to pray w/o ceasing for little Beniah!
  • #58
janetupnorth said:
Luke - the boy in the coma was taken off life support Saturday and has died.

Little Beniah is continuing to show signs of improvement. (A bowel movement over the weekend.) They took him out of the coma for a brief period and he reached out to Mom and Dad and held their hand and then they put him back in the coma so his body can keep fighting. The doctor says what he's seen so far is nothing short of a miracle so KEEP PRAYING!

I am sorry to hear about Luke..... gods plans are differtn for him at this time... however it seems like God isnt ready for Beniah to come home yet.... we will keep praying for him that is such a mircale.....and wonderful
  • #59
Sad news
janetupnorth said:
Luke - the boy in the coma was taken off life support Saturday and has died.

Little Beniah is continuing to show signs of improvement. (A bowel movement over the weekend.) They took him out of the coma for a brief period and he reached out to Mom and Dad and held their hand and then they put him back in the coma so his body can keep fighting. The doctor says what he's seen so far is nothing short of a miracle so KEEP PRAYING!

This is so sad. How horrible to lose a child so early in life. Luke is in heaven but it makes me cry just thinking of that poor family. The Lord is soverign and faithful to his people. I pray that they will be comforted right now and just trust in God. May the Lord strengthen their faith and love for one another.
Beniah coming out of his coma to reach out for his parents is heart wrenching but a good sign. I will continue to pray that this baby makes it rhrough! Thanks for the updates Janet.

Debbie :(
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  • #60
Update on Luke - he was a troubled teen but started coming to a very dynamic youth group with his friends at about age 18 or 19. He died at age 20 but they said he had turned his life around. That's at least 1 thing to celebrate.
  • #61
Janet, thank you so much for keeping us posted on Luke and Beniah. Obviously, God had a different plan for Luke. His example of turning his life around and hopfully giving his life to God has got to be a powerful testament to those around him. And Beniah reaching out to is parents....as I read that I instantly felt "He's going to be fine." Though my prayers for him continue!
  • #62

Thank you for the continuing updates. So sad to hear about Luke...So happy to hear Beniah was reaching for his parents. He is still in our prayers. God is working hard while he is resting in his coma. I pray God would be glorified through both of these heart wrenching situations!
  • #63
I just read this and will and am praying for Beniah. How great and awesome to watch God work!

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  • #64
The family just created a website yesterday to give updates and are now saying their last name (sorry, I just realized I had been spelling Benaiah wrong!) Anyway, here is the local article on the update and a link to the site wtih a little story from dad (just about the incident, not about the medical trials and miracles) and a guestbook to sign. Feel free to sign in! :) I'm sure they will be encouraged.

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  • #65
From the Criscos on the website this afternoon:

We want to start by saying thank you to everyone for their prayers and continued support - they mean more than you could possibly know.

Benaiah's condition is steadily improving. He has been breathing on his own, with the respirator as a back-up. They plan to remove the respirator tube at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. In order to accomplish the removal there are a couple of thing they will need to do: first, at midnight tonight they will start him on a steriod to reduce the swelling in his throat, then at 3 a.m. they will stop his tube feedings, finally, at 7 a.m. they will pull the tubes.

Please keep Benaiah in your prayers as these events will be hard for him to adjust to. We are told that 85% of children that have their respirators pulled end up relapsing in the first 4 to 6 hours. Also, Benaiah will have to go without food or water until he gets past the relapse phase, so the doctors can be sure he will make it without the respirator. I think we all know what a hungry child can be like.

We will post another update tomorrow, after we know what the outcome will be. Thank you all again - please keep praying!
  • #66
janetupnorth said:
Please keep Benaiah in your prayers as these events will be hard for him to adjust to. We are told that 85% of children that have their respirators pulled end up relapsing in the first 4 to 6 hours. Also, Benaiah will have to go without food or water until he gets past the relapse phase, so the doctors can be sure he will make it without the respirator. I think we all know what a hungry child can be like.

We will post another update tomorrow, after we know what the outcome will be. Thank you all again - please keep praying!

Wow - how terrifying. I have goosebumps. He'll most definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • #67
I will be praying. I have followed this thread from the beginning and my heart aches both with sadness for the fact that it happened and how the parents must be feeling! And for how the power of prayer works. I am so happy this family believes in God!
I have my life group with my church tonight and I will tell of this boys' story and we will lift him and his parents and whole family up in prayer. He is already healed!! God says so in His Word and now everyone will agree and press into God with prayers of faith and we will see all of Gods' miraculous works in this child! We just now need to thank God for what he's already done, he has healed him already!
Last edited:
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  • #68
MissChef said:
I will be praying. I have followed this thread from the beginning and my heart aches both with sadness for the fact that it happened and how the parents must be feeling! And for how the power of prayer works. I am so happy this family believes in God!
I have my life group with my church tonight and I will tell of this boys' story and we will lift him and his parents and whole family up in prayer. He is already healed!! God says so in His Word and now everyone will agree and press into God with prayers of faith and we will see all of Gods' miraculous works in this child! We just now need to thank God for what he's already done, he has healed him already!

Thanks! ...and feel free to continue to live notes for the family on Caring Bridge - I think they will enjoy seeing how many of you have been and still are praying for them and Benaiah to keep healing!

I am going to try to make a "journal" of the thoughts and prayers here for them...but until they get home to get it feel free to encourage them!
  • #69
Any news yet Janet? I did bring this boy and his family to our prayer group last night and I BELEIVE you will be sending us positive updates. He is healed and although I don't know you personally or the boy and his family, I stood in for them and received healing for him and I know - that I know - that I know he is healed!!!!! We are a very spirit filled (Holy Spirit filled) church and we believe in The Word 100%. And there is power when a group of believers pray and we were lifting that family up!:)
Just wanted to let you know! ;)
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  • #70
Thanks - I just checked recently on the site and my e-mail and no updates from any groups here yet...this was the day the tube was being pulled so we are anxiously awaiting!
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  • #71
"So far, so good! They pulled Benaiah's breathing and feeding tubes at 9:20 a.m. today. He is really tired and weak, so he's sleeping a lot, which is good. The doctors say that people in induced comas don't really get much good/sound sleep, so he is making up for it now. If he makes it until 3 p.m. without a relapse, they will start him on water and other clear liquids, then move him up to yogurt and pudding type foods. His energy will increase slowly. Thanks for your prayers, keep 'em going :) " (From his family - about 1:30 p.m. CDT - just posted on the site...)
  • #72
janetupnorth said:
"So far, so good! They pulled Benaiah's breathing and feeding tubes at 9:20 a.m. today. He is really tired and weak, so he's sleeping a lot, which is good. The doctors say that people in induced comas don't really get much good/sound sleep, so he is making up for it now. If he makes it until 3 p.m. without a relapse, they will start him on water and other clear liquids, then move him up to yogurt and pudding type foods. His energy will increase slowly. Thanks for your prayers, keep 'em going :) " (From his family - about 1:30 p.m. CDT - just posted on the site...)

Oh Praise Jesus! I will continue to pray and get people to pray at church tonight too! Keep us posted! This is so awesome - isn't God wonderful!
  • Thread starter
  • #73
jrstephens said:
Oh Praise Jesus! I will continue to pray and get people to pray at church tonight too! Keep us posted! This is so awesome - isn't God wonderful!

Ok, I'm about to cry while still at work! Yes, it is awesome...I hope he continues to do well! I wish I had a picture of him to show everyone...the family has 3 cute little kids!
  • #74
Man I think I would start bawlin if I saw a pic of him. I will continue to pray for him and thank you so much for keeping us updated. God is so amazing, I know that he will work miracles on this little boy. He does such great things!!.
  • #75
janetupnorth said:
"So far, so good! They pulled Benaiah's breathing and feeding tubes at 9:20 a.m. today. He is really tired and weak, so he's sleeping a lot, which is good. The doctors say that people in induced comas don't really get much good/sound sleep, so he is making up for it now. If he makes it until 3 p.m. without a relapse, they will start him on water and other clear liquids, then move him up to yogurt and pudding type foods. His energy will increase slowly. Thanks for your prayers, keep 'em going :) " (From his family - about 1:30 p.m. CDT - just posted on the site...)

Oh wow - I missed this update yesterday -- thank God he is doing well!!
Any newer news today?
  • #76
That is fantastic news Janet! I can't wait to hear after 3 what is happening!!!
  • #77
janetupnorth said:
The family just created a website yesterday to give updates and are now saying their last name (sorry, I just realized I had been spelling Benaiah wrong!) Anyway, here is the local article on the update and a link to the site wtih a little story from dad (just about the incident, not about the medical trials and miracles) and a guestbook to sign. Feel free to sign in! :) I'm sure they will be encouraged.


Thank you for all of the updates, and now for this site! We all need to go and post there so the family knows just how many people all over the country are praying for them!!
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  • #78
dannyzmom said:
Oh wow - I missed this update yesterday -- thank God he is doing well!!
Any newer news today?

We probably won't hear until about 3 p.m. Tim & Teresa have been staying with him until then and not making many phone calls, then posting to the website around 1:30 and it uploads around 3. I have e-mail notification set for when the update posts and also check throughout the day (just in case).

I'll post when I hear something, but yes, check out the site. Teresa a few years back considering selling PC for awhile but never did. I think it would be encouraging to show her what a wonderful, loving PC family we have just by the notes of encouragement! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #79
I just got this e-mail:


Pastor Craig Brooks was just here, he talked to Tim today. Benaiah is sitting up playing. The specialist said he's never seen a child survive a fall into a septic tank. Tim said they may be able to bring him home before Easter Sunday! He will have a long recovery but he will be with his family and they will be home. :)

Praise the Lord for the only way this precious child could still be alive and able to go home! His mighty power, His sovereignty and His mercy! How Awesome Is Our God!!

  • #80
Wow, what a miracle!! That is amazing Janet, I am so happy for you and his family.
  • #81
Oh My goodness that is so wonderful....... I am so happy for him and his family!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #82
Dad has this just posted on the website so there are still concerns but he is doing MUCH better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Benaiah made it through all of yesterday's events with no sign of relapse! He is still on the road to recovery. He didn't have any problems with the tube removal yesterday, he rested through most of the day. He has been able to eat a bit of Jello and drink some juice. He is really weak yet, and is having some withdrawl problems since they took him off of all his pain meds yesterday. Some of the side effects have been muscle stiffness and jerky movements. They have since started him back on some of the pain medication and will be weaning him off of them more slowly this time. His stomach is very bloated, which is probably a result of being sedated. Please keep praying for his continued healing, his little body has been through a lot of changes in the past week+. Thank you everyone! "
  • #83
My goodness Janet! I'm so glad to hear of his recovery! It sounds like he has a great support system surrounding him.
  • #84
Praise God!! I will continue to pray for his complete recovery. Thanks for keeping us posted!
  • #85
janetupnorth said:
Dad has this just posted on the website so there are still concerns but he is doing MUCH better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Benaiah made it through all of yesterday's events with no sign of relapse! He is still on the road to recovery. He didn't have any problems with the tube removal yesterday, he rested through most of the day. He has been able to eat a bit of Jello and drink some juice. He is really weak yet, and is having some withdrawl problems since they took him off of all his pain meds yesterday. Some of the side effects have been muscle stiffness and jerky movements. They have since started him back on some of the pain medication and will be weaning him off of them more slowly this time. His stomach is very bloated, which is probably a result of being sedated. Please keep praying for his continued healing, his little body has been through a lot of changes in the past week+. Thank you everyone! "

Please keep us updated - I will continue to pray!
  • Thread starter
  • #86
Yesterday's update from Benaiah's dad...I was out and about with the kids and mom quite a bit yesterday so I didn't get it until this a.m...

"Benaiah was moved from ICU last night. He is now in a pediatrics hospital room. He is weak and is still having problems with his bowels, but he is eating solid foods and making progress. They are still weaning him off of the pain meds and he cries when we try to get him up to walk around, so we will start slowly working him into regular walks so that he can build his strength.

God continues to reveal his love for us and speak to us through our daily devotions. Today's reading was Psalm 86. God is great!

On a different note, Tim's sister arrived for a visit last night and was admitted to the hospital today for a possible staff infection. She is very ill and also in need of your prayers.

Thank you all so much for lifting our family up in your prayers. We are so thankful for all of you. "
  • #87
I have been reading this since the beginning, not really knowing what to say.
I have been praying also and waiting for updates. I am glad to know he is on the road to recovery. I will start praying for Tim's sister. In the mean time everyone try to have a nice Easter.
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  • #88
chefkristin said:
I have been reading this since the beginning, not really knowing what to say.
I have been praying also and waiting for updates. I am glad to know he is on the road to recovery. I will start praying for Tim's sister. In the mean time everyone try to have a nice Easter.

I know the family just appreciates the continued prayer support!

Benaiah has some recovery to go (naturally), but he is making good, steady progress! I know they are rejoicing this Easter just to have their son!
  • #89
This was the latest update from Benaiah's site:

"Just a short updated today - Benaiah is eating better and we are trying to get him walking around more so that he can build his leg strength back up. Our biggest concern is that all goes well with him being weaned off of the pain meds. It may take up to a week before he is completely off of them. May God bless you all!"

The Lord is hearing and answering our prayers! Keep lifting this family up so God can continue to be glorified through this situation. Our God is awesome!
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  • #90
Kelly - thanks for posting that for me! :) I've been busy getting verses ready so we can make our Resurrection cookies before bed! :)
  • #91
Here is another update! (Janet- hope you don't feel like I am "taking over" here...I just know everyone wants to know the latest so we can all continue praying for him and his family!!)

"Hellos this evening, wanted to get an update out before bedtime, and fresh for Sunday morning as many of you gather for Church.

Benaiah continues to heal and prove God faithful in this experience. He walked from his room down to the playroom. Shaky and weak. Worn out, but made it all the way.... He also had his first McD's Happy Meal in 11 days. Ate up the Nuggets and a pile of the fries....All smiles....

The doctor's have pulled out most all of the IVs as you read this. They're pulling him off of the pain meds through the evening, and hoping, possibly to remove the final IV sometime tomorrow (Sunday)!!!

If all goes well, discharge may happen early to mid week....

We remain awed and deeply moved by the concern and outflow of prayer and support by you all - we are humbled, not being able to thank you with the right words. God has moved so remarkably in these days, proving Himself to be, as Psalm 46 says, "our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble".

Continue to pray for healing, especially for the internal systems to begin working smoothly (bowels, etc). Also, for strength to get back into Benaiah's muscles,

And also for Tim, Theresa, and family for patience as the time is close to reunion at home. Keep Timmy in prayer for continued peace in the heart and mind. Keep our little one that Theresa carries as well as momma in prayer for safe delivery, healthy child, and timing close to term....

Thanks again, sleep well,

Rev. 22:20"

God is good! :)
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  • #92
No problem Kelly - thanks! I was busy with my own two last night reading the Easter story. I am so glad he may be able to come home this week! :)
  • #93
Thanks Kelly! What wonderful news...another testimony of the power of prayer! NOTHING is impossible with God!
<h2>1. What happened to the 3 year old son of Tim and Theresa?</h2><p>He fell into a septic tank and was pulled out by his father. He was then revived by EMS and flown to Marshfield in WI.</p><h2>2. How is the child currently doing?</h2><p>The child is currently in a chemically induced coma and on a respirator. The medical team is unsure if his organs can sustain life.</p><h2>3. Is there any hope for the child's survival?</h2><p>The medical team is not giving the family any false hopes of survival, but they are sure that his brain function should be okay. However, they are concerned about his organs.</p><h2>4. How can we support the family during this difficult time?</h2><p>The family is receiving emotional support from their local church and there is a financial collection being organized for them. Keeping them in your thoughts and prayers is also greatly appreciated.</p><h2>5. Can you provide more information about the family?</h2><p>In order to respect the privacy and safety of the family, we are only able to share their names and ask for prayers on their behalf. Thank you for understanding.</p>

Related to Urgent - Urgent Prayer Request!!!!

1. What happened to the 3 year old son of Tim and Theresa?

He fell into a septic tank and was pulled out by his father. He was then revived by EMS and flown to Marshfield in WI.

2. How is the child currently doing?

The child is currently in a chemically induced coma and on a respirator. The medical team is unsure if his organs can sustain life.

3. Is there any hope for the child's survival?

The medical team is not giving the family any false hopes of survival, but they are sure that his brain function should be okay. However, they are concerned about his organs.

4. How can we support the family during this difficult time?

The family is receiving emotional support from their local church and there is a financial collection being organized for them. Keeping them in your thoughts and prayers is also greatly appreciated.

5. Can you provide more information about the family?

In order to respect the privacy and safety of the family, we are only able to share their names and ask for prayers on their behalf. Thank you for understanding.

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