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Unlock the Mystery of $1000.00 with Our Host Show

In summary, this person is doing a mystery host show in order to earn the fall products and only received one response.
Do any of you have a letter that you use to promote the $1000.00 Mystery Host Show? I can't wait to get started on it!!!
letterI had copied this letter off the thread that talked about the $1,000 mystery show so I'll just copy it onto here. Thank you to the ladies that supplied this letter to us:

Mystery Host Show

How would you like to be my Mystery Host?

I am holding a contest between now and June 14th. For each $100 in orders that you send to me, your name will be entered in a drawing. The winner will receive the host benefits for this show!

Imagine if 10 people submitted $100 in orders…..That would be $215 in free products, 4 ½ priced items and a 30% discount…..not to mention you would receive 10% off any additional orders for the next year.

You can’t beat this offer! It is summer and you may be to busy to host your own show but I am giving you the opportunity to earn the host benefits without doing a full show! Ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers…the list of possibilities goes on!!!!

Orders can be submitted to me via email, online or call me.
Online orders can be entered at www.pamperedchef.biz/michellespc . Click on Products, How to order and enter my name as the host.

If you would like me to send you an order form or catalog please call or email me and I will send it out to you right away!

With our mid season products coming out June 1st don’t miss the opportunity to win


Couple of Rules (of )course
- Orders and payment information must be to me by June 14th
- The $100 total is before the $3.50 shipping and 5% sales tax

Start collecting your orders today!!!
Another Mystery Host letterBe careful of the amounts, I submit as catalog and hosts do not receive extra $15 hospitality. Include what the host bonus is as well!



  • Mystery Host letter.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 924
How have these shows worked out for people?
Great Mystery HostMine turned out great! I actually did a Kitchen Show Mystery Host in my SS1 and 6 people showed up! I also had 10 orders come through email and website. The total show was only $450.00 but I still thought it was really easy and plan on doing one every other month now. They all loved the idea and said they would do it again and again. Also, I didn't ask for a $100 order. I just gave a certain # of tickets for every increasing amount so they can do every Mystery Host show without breaking the bank! it worked for me :)
Mystery Host ShowI also did a mystery host show at my home.
It was my second show. I had invited 16
people, 8 showed up and I had 4 outside orders.
We did a drawing for different host benefits.
A host and co-host to get the % discount
for the night and the 10% off for a year,
then I did separate drawings for the host
free product value - I gave away two $10
and a $5 off, then I gave away two free
shipping prizes (the people that won the % off
had to pay their shipping to make up for that), two people
got half-priced items, and the rest of free product value
I kept to help offset my food expenses.
The show was $464 in commissionable
sales and a lot of fun for everyone.

Great idea!barbh - That is a really good idea!! So basically everyone's chance of winning something is higher! I bet your guests really liked that one! I was thinking about doing a mystery host show too to help my sales in July. I may also use your idea!! ;)
I have reallly been discouraged this month. I sent out an email to all my past hosts/customers with a special host bonus as an incentive to book this month. I really wanted to earn the Fall products. I got absolutely no response at all. I turned in a show with a host who loves to have parties and generally does exceptionally well...it wasn't even 200.00. All she did basically was get an order from her mom, her sister-in-law, her daughter, and my mother and she ordered a few items. I personally gathered a few orders to make a 150.00 show and got it in on the 15th. So, I decided to do a mystery host show. I sent out 27 flyers asking for participation by gathering 100.00 worth of orders and earning the host benefits on the combined show. Out of 27 flyers, I got one response today. So, I told her I didn't get any other takers, so this would be her show and whatever sales she got would be the show total. And, I told her she didn't have to turn it in in June if she didn't want to. So, I have earned the 1st level - $50.00 in products and I earned the special product. But, I didn't reach my goal of $1500.00 in sales. I was hoping to generate enough income to cushion my conference expenses. I am so excited about conference. I am planning to do a Christmas in July show when I get back. I hope that brings in some Fall bookings. My mom told me she would host a show in July also, so I will get my 2 shows in July to earn the woven selection pieces.

This month has been aweful!!

I agree 100%! This month has been very very hard! I tried the $1000 show idea, with no responses. It's a great idea, if people would do it! I don't think I'm going to give up on it by any means, but maybe go about it a different way...??
Glad to know it's not just me!
  • #10
i was thinking about how to do the whole $1000 show thing. I'm thinking in order for it to be successful maybe think of 10 people that have done well with catalogue shows or kitchen shows and specifically call or ask them in person do do it. I know if I want it to be successful I would have to ask each person individually and explain everything to them, maybe even have a quick meeting with them if at all possible and generate some excitment for it. Maybe instead of having just one winner to get all the host benefis have 2-3 winners so that maybe the hosts will try harder to get more than $100 for more tickets. It would also improve their chances of winning something. Maybe have a small prize for each person that does get $100 in orders like a coupon for an extra $5 off their order next time they hold a kitchen show for you.That way it will encourage them to do another show in the near future. These are just a couple of my thoughts. There are so many possibilities! I maybe would like to have one after the new fall products come in.
  • #11
I am with you! I am thinking about having one in the fall as well to show off the new fall products. The $5 idea was good too, for the future booking!

How's your August looking? People down here are flipping about the host special! I can't wait for that month!
  • #12
I have two scheduled in August so far. Yes, they really want those SS bowls. I'm hoping to book more in August off a show closing soon and a show in July. Is there a consultant incentive yet for August? You know like if we do 2 shows then we earn something. I know there is for July but I haven't heard of one for August.

It took me awhile to fall asleep last night because I kept thinking about how awesome it would be to have a $1000 show and what all I could do. I think I do my thinking best when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep. :rolleyes: I can't wait. I really want to try it.
  • #13
Like I've said before, I am only in my SSM3 and am on my second $1000 show. My recruiter can't believe and truthfully, I can't either! The only thing that I have done different with my $1000 hosts are to go over the host packet in person. The two people that I have done that with have had those shows! Maybe just the personal interaction works? Have any of you tried this? So far, I think I may try to do that with all of them if it keeps going like this! :D
  • #14
How did you do your order form for all the people that won the free products, half price items, and discount? I think that is a good idea to separate each benefit for a mystery show especially if its a $1000 show. I was just wondering how you go about putting that into pampered partner and how you give out the receipts and such. It sounds like it could get confusing and I would need to figure all that out before going ahead with it.
  • #15
Mystery Host Show With Multiple WinnersThey each got their own receipt the night of the show indicating
what their respective discount was - if free shipping, I didn't charge
them shipping on their receipt. If they got the $5.00 off, I just
deducted it on their receipt and collected the balance. Pampered
Partner took everything off from the host and co-host but that
didn't matter because I indicated the 2 people as co-hosts as the
ones that received the % off. Then the free product value was deducted
from the items listed under their names. I just
moved some stuff over for PP purposes only to make up the
free product value so that their % off was accurate.
You do need to be careful
not to give too much away. I knew how much I had in outside orders
ahead of the show, knew I had some promises for outside orders afterwards
but had no idea of how much. I did the drawing for % off first,
then did the give-aways for the $$ off being conservative. As it was, I ended up at a higher % off than what I had given my hosts. I just gave them a little refund when I delivered their order - they were thrilled to
get some money returned! One is going to do a catalog show in the
fall and another asked me to invite her next time.

  • #16
Christmas in July showHow do you all do your Christmas in July shows? Is it an in home show or what? I was thinking of offering one via email...they order stuff and during a certain time they get something (free shipping, 10% off, etc.) Any suggestions?


Shawnna said:
I have reallly been discouraged this month. I sent out an email to all my past hosts/customers with a special host bonus as an incentive to book this month. I really wanted to earn the Fall products. I got absolutely no response at all. I turned in a show with a host who loves to have parties and generally does exceptionally well...it wasn't even 200.00. All she did basically was get an order from her mom, her sister-in-law, her daughter, and my mother and she ordered a few items. I personally gathered a few orders to make a 150.00 show and got it in on the 15th. So, I decided to do a mystery host show. I sent out 27 flyers asking for participation by gathering 100.00 worth of orders and earning the host benefits on the combined show. Out of 27 flyers, I got one response today. So, I told her I didn't get any other takers, so this would be her show and whatever sales she got would be the show total. And, I told her she didn't have to turn it in in June if she didn't want to. So, I have earned the 1st level - $50.00 in products and I earned the special product. But, I didn't reach my goal of $1500.00 in sales. I was hoping to generate enough income to cushion my conference expenses. I am so excited about conference. I am planning to do a Christmas in July show when I get back. I hope that brings in some Fall bookings. My mom told me she would host a show in July also, so I will get my 2 shows in July to earn the woven selection pieces.

This month has been aweful!!

  • #17
Christmas in JulyHi Nancy - I too am thinking about having a Christmas in July show. I have a friend who does Avon, so her and I were going to invite everyone on our contact lists. It's not totally planned out yet, but as far as I know we are doing a home show at my house. I'll be in the kitchen and she'll be set up in the living room (they are connected). I want to have this as laid back as possible and not have everyone sitting down for 2 demos, etc. We'll just introduce ourselves and tell them why we planned a Christmas in July show (save time, beat the crowds, etc) Then the guests can mingle in and out of the kitchen and living room and "shop from their seat". I plan on getting guests excited about the new fall products coming out along with the host specials in hopes of booking shows. I think people will appreciate the fact that they can take advantage of this opportunity to beat the crowds.

If you do an email promotion, I would remind everyone how we dread the parking lots that time of year and trying to find the time to get something perfect for everyone on your list. Personally I felt like I spent more time trying to find a parking spot than I did on shopping!! Anyway, offer a special of some kind (10% off $50 orders, a drawing etc) so they can save time AND money! I would really give it a try!! Good luck!!!! :D
  • #18
August Consultant Special
janel kelly said:
Is there a consultant incentive yet for August? You know like if we do 2 shows then we earn something. I know there is for July but I haven't heard of one for August.

The incentive for August is to submit 2 shows between Aug. 1-15 and earn the Mid Season Products (the ones that come out in October) FREE!!! :D


  • #19
Where did you find out the August incentive? Is it on the PC website? I didn't know they are having even more products coming out in October? So just so I understand: in September the new fall products are coming out right? And then in October even more new products are coming out?
  • #20
Each season we have new products, but we also have new mid-season products. Last year the mid-season fall products were Halloween items. I hope this year it is Thanksgiving or Christmas items.

The barbecue products that say "available June 1" listed on page 37 of the catalog are the Spring/Summer mid season products.

  • #21
August Consultant IncentiveI didn't see anything on the website yet. However, the
August 2004 incentive was to hold four shows in August
and receive the mid-season products valued at $69.
  • #22
Here it is!Somebody sent this to me! :D


  • cs_05aug.pdf
    103.9 KB · Views: 538
  • #23
August incentive
janel kelly said:
Where did you find out the August incentive? Is it on the PC website? I didn't know they are having even more products coming out in October? So just so I understand: in September the new fall products are coming out right? And then in October even more new products are coming out?

Hi. My upline director is the one who passed the info on to our cluster just the other day. She must already have her July Consultant News (I am guessing it is in there). As for the mid-season products in October, the previous posters already answered that question. :cool:

  • #24
barbh said:
I didn't see anything on the website yet. However, the
August 2004 incentive was to hold four shows in August
and receive the mid-season products valued at $69.

Submit only 2 shows!! That is do-able... get the charm and the $60 products!! Seems to me that Pampered Chef home office is making it a bit easier for us to earn stuff...nice for those who work full time jobs outside of PC!! see you all at National Conference! :)
  • #25
Thanks guys!

Related to Unlock the Mystery of $1000.00 with Our Host Show

What is the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion?

The "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion is a special offer from Pampered Chef where one lucky customer will be randomly chosen to receive $1000.00 in free products and discounts.

How do I enter the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion?

To enter the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion, simply place an order of $75 or more through a Pampered Chef party or through your personal consultant's website during the specified time period. Each qualifying order will be automatically entered into the drawing.

When will the winner of the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion be announced?

The winner of the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion will be announced within 5 business days after the promotion ends. The winner will be contacted directly by their consultant or notified through their party host.

Can I increase my chances of winning the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion?

Yes, you can increase your chances of winning by placing multiple qualifying orders during the promotion period. Each order of $75 or more will count as one entry.

What happens if I win the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion?

If you are the lucky winner of the "$1000.00 Mystery Host" promotion, you will receive $1000.00 worth of free products and discounts that you can redeem through your consultant. You will also have the opportunity to host your own Pampered Chef party and earn even more rewards.

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