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Tom Marston, Cooking Show Live!

In summary, the show was great, Tom is an amazing speaker and motivator, and the audience had a blast.
I am going to a Cooking Show Live with Tom Marston here in a few hours. I am soooo excited, I hope that I learn something new. When I get back I will post how it went...that is if you guys want to know:D !

Anyone else been to one with someone spectacular?
Are you going to a show he's doing in your area?
The only show I've been to besides my own was my director's. She's pretty good if I do say so.
The one I went to at conference last year was great....I don't remember her name though.
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  • #3
Yep, he's coming to St. Louis for a regional training. There should be hundreds of us there, way cool if you ask me!
I saw his KSL at NC las tyear - very cool!
I saw one with Chris Manion... she's hilarious! She did the Pull Apart bread... but showed TONS of products, talked about a TON more... and gave so many wonderful product tips and ingredient tips!

It was at a meeting... for consultants, not a true show.
Have fun...take notes!
OMG!!! That is soooooooooooooooooooo KEWL!!!
You had BETTER tell us how it went;) every last detail!!:D
Have a WONDERFUL time.......I AM soooooooooo jealous:p :p :p

I'll be looking for your post,
Yes, Please share how he does his shows!
Tom Marston and Kathy Yellets-(who is my executive director) will be in Frederick, Md on June 19th.

I live about 1 1/2 hours away from there. About half of the consultants in my area is going to see both of them. I'm not sure what all is going on yet, but I am looking forward to it.
I am going to call my director and see if we can get some people to go to that. Where do you find the details for place/time on the 19th?

  • #10
That is so cool you get to see Tom live! My director has some awesome pictures of him that she took in Vienna that she shared at our last cluster meeting. Cant wait to hear all the details and tips you get to share with us!!! You know you will.... :)
  • #11
I got to see Nancy Jo Ryan herself! She is the sweetest lady and it was an honor and privilege to meet her...

She came to the cluster meeting as a special guest - she's my PC Grandma (my director's director) and did a talk for us and presented her show. It was really cool because she tells you that she doesn't do anything "special" and that anyone can do what she does - it was very motivational to hear how far she has taken her business from just starting to earn money for Christmas one year!
  • #12
soonerchef said:
I am going to a Cooking Show Live with Tom Marston here in a few hours. I am soooo excited, I hope that I learn something new. When I get back I will post how it went...that is if you guys want to know:D !

Anyone else been to one with someone spectacular?

I saw Tom Marston last month at a meeting in New Jersey. I'm wondering if he'll do the same thing he did at our meeting....a COOKLESS COOKING SHOW. He said since the beginning of this year, he has NOT been cooking at the show! He just brings a dish that is already made and then has all the guests SELL the products to one another. It's a very interesting concept. I don't think I could do it! You've gotta be super-confident to do that, in my opinion! But then I see his sales each month in the Consulant News and I know it works for him!!

Can't wait to hear how it went! Let us know!!
  • #13
COOKLESS COOKING SHOW - kinda like an express show? Now that is interesting! I think it sounds awesome!
  • #14
I can't wait to hear what the show is like! Definitely let us know all the details! :D
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  • #15
OMG, it was sooooo freaking AWESOME!!!!

I am going to bed now but I will share all the details in the morning from my 3 pages of notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #16
The cookless cooking show sounds great for summer shows! I'll check back later to hear how it went Andrea:)
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  • #17
Okay, here goes...........

First let me start by saying Tom has to be one of the funniest people that I have ever met, he has no problem with sarcasim or playing rude and it was just too funny.

So here are some personal tid-bits about him, Tom is on show # 1161 (funny side story, he was going to quit after show 4, but there was a heckler in the audience that made him do more shows because he had to prove that he wasn't like other consultants...this heckler is the reason he is around today), has made TPC in 5 catagories and is in Wave 1. He pulls down over 6 figures and does 3-4 cooking show a week with another 20+ catty shows a month. He and his partner just bought a 5600 sqf, $900k house!!! He feels like he didn't recruit enough in the beginning and if he had just recruited 1 person every 6 months, by now (his 10th year) he should have a minimum of 512 in his downline...and that is just the power of 1! His big thing this year is "If I forget, I forget...Have a blast, just ask!"

Tom does not demo at the shows, he brings a recipe already prepared with him...he likes to to the Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Rice Cooker Cakes, anything with Won Ton wrappers, and his favorite is Pull Apart Bread! He usually passes out the food at the beginning and lets them snack while they chit chat. He has the host pass out the folders that he uses, just a manilla folder with his name and # and in the folder he has Imagine More brochure
(EE97 on supply order), need more $ flyer, take a closer look flyer, write in receipt and NO catalog. He tells everyone that they can keep the entire folder and that is where he wants them to keep their future PC receipts. He tells his guests that he wants them to write down the things that they want on their receipt and that they will get a catalog at the end of the show to take home and browse through. Now, Tom knows all of the product codes and prices and he gives them when he speaks of a product...pretty impressive!! He also cut his finger on the APCS at his first show...

Tom starts his demo with talking about the recipe and making sure the host has passed out the folders. He has the guests write their info on the receipts and then has them write in Tom's info because it takes 4-6 repetitions for someone to remember something. Then his whole show is about an hour and the whole show is mainly the introduction. Tom asks guests what their name is, what 2 words describe them in the kitchen (Tom's was, "quick and easy...no not me, in the kitchen silly"...) and then what their favorite product is. He then asks them what they like to do with it, then he gives info about it or tells a story and then he will ask 3 questions...is it easy to clean? is it easy to use? and would you recommend it to everyone here today? He feels like this way the guests are selling themselves and not him being the slimey sales person. At the end he talks about (and tells everyone that they should do these three steps)...Why you started with PC, what you have gotten out of PC and what you look forward to getting out of PC...and then ask every person at the show about booking a show and what size apron would they like.

Things that I liked about Tom's demo were...he didn't give hosts an option to say no to booking a show. For example...Suzy Guest has a SA bowl, he asks how she got it. Was is from hosting or guesting a show, if it was as a host or as a guest then she needs to host a show to get more SA free and all she has to do is just submit 6 orders and get the SA bowl next month for 60% off. If she were to submit over $200 in sales for a catty show he would buy the host special for them as a gift, he feels that it is worth the $$ since he would still make $45 for typing in 6-7 orders and spending 15 minutes at the comupter...who makes $45 for 15 minutes worth of work? Tom also has a "bucket buddy" and this thing is awesome, it's a white painters bucket with this green tool belt thing for the bucket, he puts all of the small tools in that and then takes the rolling tote, crate and that is it. He gives each host a "thanks a million" thank you card after the show with a $1 Powerball ticket for the next week taped inside the note (I thought that was a really neat thing). He tries to have every hosts show be the kick off show for their business and really gives them little chance to say no, if they quit in 4 shows then they quit...but most stick around, especially when he gets their first 6 shows for them.

Here are some product tips that I learned (these are all things that I didn't know specifically)

*Micro-Fiber Towels, soak up more than 2 cups of water
*Non cookers can do their danties in woolite in the QSP
*Pizza Cutter, beveled on both sides and not just one like the others
*Knives are chromium and stainless steel, if there is too much chromium in the knife then you can get rust spots...that's why some have spots and others don't
*It's de-icing gel in the ICD, it will melt through a gallon of ice cream if left in
*Saran wrap only clings to glazed stoneware
*if you put the garlic into the hopper hump side up the skin should stick to the bell
*jarred garlic will start to harbor bacteria after 3 weeks b/c it needs to breath
*my favorite is...a bowl for the KitchenAid mixer will cost $59, our SS Bowls will fit perfectly into the hole in the mixer...each bowl fits and because it has a rubber bottom it doesn't have to lock in...how cool is that?

I also have a sheet that he uses for host coaching that I will post when I get the e-mail version of it, Tom uses a lot of post cards for reminders and usually doesn't talk to the host personally until two days before the show.

Sorry about any typo's but it's early and this is a long post and I am not going back to check it!
  • #18
Sounds like he was a blast! It's fun to see how other people manage their business:D Thanks for sharing all your tips!
  • #19
Great ideas ! Thank you for taking the time to type out your notes, and thank you for taking such good notes !!!
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  • #20
mrssyvo said:
Great ideas ! Thank you for taking the time to type out your notes, and thank you for taking such good notes !!!

Your welcome, it's my pleasure. My new recruit that I took with me last night was laughing at me and I told her that my note taking was for my fellow cheffers that couldn't be here with me, not sure she understood even then...she will soon though as I am buying her a membership for this site.
  • #21

I STILL cannot believe that you actually went to a show of his!!!;) WAY TO GO!! The imput you must have gotten from it is frightening!:eek: thank you sooooooooooooo very much for sharing with us.

  • #22
Thanks so much, Andrea for sharing! This is great stuff! If you think of anything else, please let us know!!
  • #23
Yes, he's cookless!Tom is my director and it is true he does not cook at the shows..he is great though so you will definetly enjoy his show!!! :D
  • #24
Undies in the quick-stir pitcher?! That is hilarious!!!!
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  • #25
This guys is so freaking funny...

Also, his cooking show avg is $1200...could you imagine. And, he never lets host send less than 40 invites, if they say that they don't know that many people he will say "come on...if you died tomorrow there would be more than 40 people there" if they say that there wouldn't be then he has that host find a co-host and each sends out 20 invites. He has had a few shows with 3-4 people but mainly has 15-20 at all shows!!
  • #26
I have a show tomorrow and I may try his no-cook show and see how it goes. I am still trying for that $1000 show. My host tomorrow already has over $200 in outside orders, but she only invited about 17 people to the show :( I also haven't been able to get a hold of her since she booked her show. The only reason I know about the outside orders is because of a mutual friend. Normally I would assume she was avoiding me and not wanting to have it, but I hear she is working hard to get orders, so who knows what is up.
  • #27

Thank you SO much for taking the time to share this information. This has really, really energized me this morning. I'm going to print out your notes and add some new things to my business.

  • #28
need details
whiteyteresa said:
Tom Marston and Kathy Yellets-(who is my executive director) will be in Frederick, Md on June 19th.

I live about 1 1/2 hours away from there. About half of the consultants in my area is going to see both of them. I'm not sure what all is going on yet, but I am looking forward to it.

How do you find out more information about going? I would love to go!!:D Is there still space available?
  • #29
I had a conference call with him and he is a hoot. I was so excited about doing my shows after talking to him. I couldn't DARE not cook at a show - this is Oklahoma and people LOVE to eat.
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  • #30
He does have a recipe but he just preps it ahead of time and if he does cook at a show it's the pull apart bread or a micro cake. I think that if there was no food guests would be way disappointed
  • #31
Thanks Andrea for posting this. Its great to know how the people that are succeeding far beyond my wildest dreams do it!
I had a chance to see him when he was in NJ but I couldnt make it. Working full time I couldnt get there. :(
  • #32
Thanks so much for taking the time to share this information with us. Support like this is priceless. :)
  • #33
Thanks Andrea, what evereyone else said and more :)
  • #34
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! One of the things I have just chose to start working on again is my show presentation I'm sure this will be very helpful. I haven't even read it yet, just printed it out because I'm sure i'll be mad when I can't find this post later:)
  • #35
ANDREA - The Wonderful!!!This is such great info. One of the top salers/recruiters and you got to see him in person. Then you posted it here! OMG! That is wonderful of you. I know my shows need a real kick in the pants so I am sure there is something here I can use. I have always heard about how really good he is but have never gottent he opportunity to see him. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  • #36
jenniferlynne said:
Undies in the quick-stir pitcher?! That is hilarious!!!!

I cant wait to use that in my show on Sunday!:D :D :D
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  • #37
Oh guys...you make me feel so special...I am just doing my part to repay all of the great advice that I have gained from all of your posts!
  • #38
I am from Canada, so I am not familiar with this Super Dooper TOM!! But boy would I ever like to see him in action!
BTW, I also think it is sooooo awesome of you to type all that out for everyone and share your experience! It's fellow consultants like you that make PC such an awesome and fun job to have!! I can't wait to see your host coaching thingy you are getting from him.
We always have someone from the U.S. do at least one of the workshops here at conference. I would love to see him do a live cooking show at the Canadian conference one of these days!

Thanks so much again for sharing!!:p
  • #39
I love making the pull apart bread at shows! So you are saying he brings an already prepared recipe like the Taco Ring for example? Does he give the host a choice? Do they reimburse him? I know for one my hosts are always requesting a certain recipe and I am just wondering how he handles all that. I would sure be willing to give this a try!

I have been bringing the molten skillet brownie to alot of shows...already prepared in the family skillet except for cooking. I quickly mix up the chocolate topping and the hot water as the guests are arriving. I use the large Easy Read Measuring Cup to show them off (since most people already have a batter bowl)..then pour it on and it cooks while I am talking and taking orders. I have coolwhip already in the EAD and let them pipe on the coolwhip themselves.
Its an easy quick show and I have gotten a couple bookings by offering to bring this.
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  • #40
Cindycooks said:
I love making the pull apart bread at shows! So you are saying he brings an already prepared recipe like the Taco Ring for example? Does he give the host a choice? Do they reimburse him? I know for one my hosts are always requesting a certain recipe and I am just wondering how he handles all that. I would sure be willing to give this a try!

He has 6 recipes he uses, he usually picks what it will be and he pays for the ingredients. Most of the recipes ingredients that he does are less than $3 total, and he figured that he can't be asking a host to pay him $3 when he made six figures last year sitting in his underware!! He says that when he is purchasing the ingredients that the hosts don't care what it is since they are not paying for it. And, yes...he shows up with the recipe in hand already done. He is usually only gone from his house for a total of 2 hours and that includes drive time!!
  • #41
Ok...I'm a little confused. Does he make absolutely nothing at the show at all? What about when he does the pull apart bread or the microwave cake? He does all that at home?

Did you also say he doesn't bring a lot of products with him? So how does he sell so much? Does he go through the catalog with everyone while they are eating?

Did he by any chance say what the 6 recipes were?

Sorry for all the questions. I am just really trying to increase my sales. Money is really tight around my house and I do not want to get another job.
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  • #42
Lets see here...

For the most part he does no cooking and instead will just bring the prepared recipe so that there is food there. But, when there was the pan-o-rama he wanted the free stuff...so, he was doing the pull aparts at the show and would have them cooking at the start of the show, that way when everyone sat down it would be done, have time to cool while he was talking and then they would pass around the food in the middle of the show instead of at the begining. I don't know how he would decide but I would do the pull aparts or micro cake if I needed an extra boost in sales.

He only brings new products, one cookware piece (12 in skillet) one stoneware piece (always the newest one), and the anything that will fit in his Bucket Buddy and customer favorites...like one batter bowl, chopper, pizza cutter, one SA...not a whole lot.

He did not say what the 6 were but I imagine that 2 were the pull aparts and micro cake, others he talked about were the Pineapple Upsidedown cake and a recipe with won ton wrappers.
  • #43
okay, you said he has a painter's bucket with a tool belt on it. He puts his small tools in the belt, but what does he put in the bucket?...more small tools? I am assuming this is a small bucket...like a putty bucket or a regular paint can and not the 5 gallon buckets we have here. That is very interesting.
  • #44
How do we find out when he is in our area?
  • #45
What's his website address?
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  • #46
AJPratt said:
What's his website address?

I have no idea...that info was not given...
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  • #47
Shawnna said:
okay, you said he has a painter's bucket with a tool belt on it. He puts his small tools in the belt, but what does he put in the bucket?...more small tools? I am assuming this is a small bucket...like a putty bucket or a regular paint can and not the 5 gallon buckets we have here. That is very interesting.

It's a 5 gallon bucket and the tool belt thingy is really not a tool belt, it is made to go on the bucket and the out side of the belt covers the whole bucket. He has the smaller tools in the pockets and then he has things like the BBQ stuff in the center.
  • #48
AJPratt said:
What's his website address?

Was just gonna ask that same question;) ;)
  • #49
I Found It!Tom's website is: well you know the beginning - don't want to get him in trouble:rolleyes: ..../cookingtom


P.S. Thanks a ton for your post, Andrea!
  • #50
If you click on the "I love what I do and you can too" Read More link on his website, you can see a picture of the bucket thingie...not a great picture, but it is there.

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