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Tips for Performing at Kitchen Shows When You Have a Cold

I believe it makes people feel better that I am not handling their food while I am sick. I have only had to reschedule one show and that was because I lost my voice!! Not much I could do there! Hope this idea helps!And yes, load up on that cold medicine before your show!!I do tend to loose my voice when I get colds but it happends at the end of the cold and I can't talk for a few days. My husband is in is glory when this happens. :D So I don't think that will be the case for tomorrow night. But I do like the idea of having the host and guest do the work and I can just
Chef Michelle D
I have a cold :( and I also have a show tomorrow night. I was just wondering what other consultants do when they are under the weather and still have to do a show. I don't want to be sneezing or coughing during my show but I also don't want to not do the show. I plan on taking some good medicine before my show to help control my symptoms what do you to get through the night.
Being in the business for 3 years, I have had this happen many times. Depending on how I feel when I get to the kitchen show depends on how I handle the situation. If I am feeling ok, not coughing, then I go on with the show like normal. But, if I am coughing, I ask my host and a couple guests to help me. I have the host and guests actually prepare the food with my directions. The chop the onion, they shred the cheese etc. This works really well and I believe it makes people feel better that I am not handling their food while I am sick. I have only had to reschedule one show and that was because I lost my voice!! Not much I could do there! Hope this idea helps! And yes, load up on that cold medicine before your show!!
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I do tend to loose my voice when I get colds but it happends at the end of the cold and I can't talk for a few days. My husband is in is glory when this happens. :D So I don't think that will be the case for tomorrow night. But I do like the idea of having the host and guest do the work and I can just talk about the products. Thanks for the ideas.

Here's what I didI had a show in October and had a terrible cough, I didn't want to cancel on the hostess so I decided to make it a hands on show. I let the guest use the products and make the food, while I talked about the tools they were using. That way I was not coughing all over the products and food. It worked out great. It was a $600 show and I got 2 bookings. I did tell the guest when they arrived what was going to happen so they were ready when I called on them.

AllergiesI have severe allergies and usually only take meds when it gets REALLY bad, otherwise the meds will lose effect (believe me I have taken EVERYTHING). My allergies were really bad before a party in August and on the way I took Tylenol Severe Sinus/Allergy. I had taken it many times before (for years). However, this time I had a weird reaction to the meds.

I was HIGH. I had the giggles something awful and my mind was all soupy. I could barely make it through the demo, but everyone there were good sports. They were a little edgy when I demoed the US&G, though. I got 3 bookings and it was an $800. The best part was that I didn't drip snot in their food!! :p

Chef Kearns said:
I was HIGH....They were a little edgy when I demoed the US&G...I didn't drip snot in their food!! :p
Oh my gosh, you crack me up!!! This was a visual that I could have done without though :eek:
Chef Michelle D said:
I have a cold :( and I also have a show tomorrow night. I was just wondering what other consultants do when they are under the weather and still have to do a show. I don't want to be sneezing or coughing during my show but I also don't want to not do the show. I plan on taking some good medicine before my show to help control my symptoms what do you to get through the night.

I would wear gloves, wash my hands every possible minute, and take something to "dry me up". Good luck & feel better!
fruit76loop said:
Being in the business for 3 years, I have had this happen many times. Depending on how I feel when I get to the kitchen show depends on how I handle the situation. If I am feeling ok, not coughing, then I go on with the show like normal. But, if I am coughing, I ask my host and a couple guests to help me. I have the host and guests actually prepare the food with my directions. The chop the onion, they shred the cheese etc. This works really well and I believe it makes people feel better that I am not handling their food while I am sick. I have only had to reschedule one show and that was because I lost my voice!! Not much I could do there! Hope this idea helps! And yes, load up on that cold medicine before your show!!

What wonderful advice!!!

Related to Tips for Performing at Kitchen Shows When You Have a Cold

1. How can I prevent spreading my cold to guests at the kitchen show?

The best way to prevent spreading your cold is to frequently wash your hands with soap and water. You can also use hand sanitizer before and after interacting with guests. Avoid touching your face and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

2. Should I cancel the kitchen show if I have a cold?

If you are feeling very ill, it is best to cancel the kitchen show and reschedule for a later date. However, if you are feeling well enough to continue with the show, make sure to take extra precautions to prevent spreading your cold to others.

3. Can I still handle and serve food at the kitchen show if I have a cold?

If you have a cold, it is best to avoid handling and serving food to guests. Ask a co-worker or friend to assist with these tasks or pre-portion the food before the show. This will help prevent any potential spread of germs.

4. Is it okay to mention to guests that I have a cold?

It is not necessary to mention your cold to guests unless they ask or if it is visibly impacting your ability to perform at the show. If a guest asks, be honest and assure them that you are taking precautions to prevent spreading your cold.

5. What should I do if I start feeling worse during the kitchen show?

If you start feeling worse during the kitchen show, it is important to take a break and rest. Ask a co-worker or friend to take over for a bit while you rest and drink plenty of fluids. If necessary, consider canceling the show and rescheduling for a later date.

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