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Thoughts on 2011 Conference Workshops

In summary, the conference was informative and provided a wealth of tips and tricks for those looking to launch and grow their businesses. The highlight for me was the seminar with Micheal Reed, who was hilarious and gave great advice on how to make your business successful.
Gold Member
Anyone have any AHA moments from conference they would like to share? Also what workshops did you attend and what did you think?

My AHA, is that I work a full-time job. It's retail and I find it hard to make phone calls because of the varying hours. My AHA - schedule phone calls just like scheduling parties. It was a tip given in my workshop TPC & A Full-Time Job

I LOVED Tammy Stanley's Powerful, not Pushy. I actually WANT to make some phone calls. I loved her idea of calling real people to practice the phone scripts (call your oldest customers first since statistically your chances of making sales are lowest with them anyway so if you screw up, it doesn't matter. By the time you reach your newest customers, you will be well practiced and natural)

I got some good info in TPC & a Full-Time Job. Use work breaks (but don't jeopardize your job) to make some of your phone calls and schedule phone calls that you need to make.

Super Sellers Live! was a waste of a valuable workshop choice. It was mandatory for me because I am not a Team Leader. I went to Spring Launch and got most of that info, also my director pounds those same things into us. It was not a bad workshop, I just could have gotten more info that would have helped me in another workshop.
I'll be interested in listening to TPC & A Full Time Job. The only recording I ever heard on that turned out to be geared toward team leaders.I can't believe any workshop would be mandatory. They ought to give you a choice.
I agree on the super sellers live. I loved Tammy Stanley's workshop. I will write more about my other workshop tomorrow .. after sleep!
I would have loved more of the smaller workshops. I saw one on Host Coaching with Penny Parks and Connie Florer that was fantastic. Super Sellers was disappointing - not at all what I thought and there were just too many people in there for me to get much from it. I learn better in a smaller session, I guess.
Mommy2amo said:
I would have loved more of the smaller workshops. I saw one on Host Coaching with Penny Parks and Connie Florer that was fantastic. Super Sellers was disappointing - not at all what I thought and there were just too many people in there for me to get much from it. I learn better in a smaller session, I guess.

Isn't it funny how people all are different? My friend was in Penny Parkes workshop and was very excited as we had heard her do her cooking demo at Spring Launch in 2010. She left disgusted and said how horrible it was and that she had 2 execs sitting by her who both fell asleep and as she looked around there were many others taking a snooze. To me that's a sure sign that they have not kept the interest of the audience.
I LOVED Tammy Stanley's Powerful Conversations.
I'm just curious who were the speakers in the Super Sellers? TIA
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To the people who went to Tammy Stanly, I heard she was terrible. My director went to her and swore she was stoned, drunk or on drugs!!! She swore, cried, laughed like a crazy woman and got mad at some gals who were leaving. What were your thoughts?
cookn' katie said:
To the people who went to Tammy Stanly, I heard she was terrible. My director went to her and swore she was stoned, drunk or on drugs!!! She swore, cried, laughed like a crazy woman and got mad at some gals who were leaving. What were your thoughts?

Must have not been the Team Leaders and below one she did. That was one fantastic!! I did hear they had a lot of audio difficulties in the director one that made some people disappointed.
  • #10
I was in the Powerful Conversations workshop with Tammy Stanley and agree with Cookn' Kate's statement. I was there with some others including my National Executive Director who was less than impressed. I had heard she was great in the super sellers and was excited to hear her. I was very disappointed in my workshop.
  • #11
supper sellers live... was a waste and very boring! They said the same things over and over again. And the speakers seemed to brag about how they are 2 million achivers.... "dont you want to learn from 2 million achivers??"

Powerful..not pushy was a great workshop I got tons of notes from her and she was very informative.

path to a $1000 show for me was great, the speak micheal reed was a hoot. He seems to be just like me personallity wise lol.
  • #12
ChefShalon said:
supper sellers live... was a waste and very boring! They said the same things over and over again. And the speakers seemed to brag about how they are 2 million achivers.... "dont you want to learn from 2 million achivers??".

I agree and I'm only in PC for 90 days. They read from notecards and said "roll the clip" Not impressive! I was disappointed after listening to all the MP3 files from past conferences. I definitely filled out my workshop evaluation form... :(
  • #13
Liseit said:
I agree and I'm only in PC for 90 days. They read from notecards and said "roll the clip" Not impressive! I was disappointed after listening to all the MP3 files from past conferences. I definitely filled out my workshop evaluation form... :(

Yes exactly! I listened to the past confernce ones to. And this was just bad. Good thing my other two where GREAT. This workshop got a fair for my evaluation form
  • #14
My team mates were laughing at my eval. I said that they were not fun or exciting and they didn't tell me anything that I haven't or couldn't do at CC online training. They know I'm a technical person and did all the online training within 48 hours of signing my consultant agreement. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #15
I loved my Tammy Stanley, my director was excited to hear her speak because we loved her. She basically said she was awful. She was not impressed by her. The Thursday Tammy Stanley was terrific, but I guess not the other one.

This is one thing that stuck with my from Tammy Stanley - Remember when you call people don't ask them how they are.... they MIGHT actually tell you!!
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  • #16
I also did the Book Smart-Fill your calendar workshop. It was full of information but flew by too fast. They did warn us at the beginning that both Lura Antokal & Cindy Peterson talk fast so they said not to try to keep up--they would email the notes to everyone. I hope they do...
  • #17
I also was "required" to go to Super Sellers.....skipped it! What I really wanted to go to (and couldn't) was Managing your PC business and working a FT job. Does anyone have notes to it?

My conference evaluation will definitely state WE SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED/LOCKED into a particular training. I paid to go to conference and should have the option of attending what trainings I feel I need the most!!
  • #18
Liseit said:
I also did the Book Smart-Fill your calendar workshop. It was full of information but flew by too fast. They did warn us at the beginning that both Lura Antokal & Cindy Peterson talk fast so they said not to try to keep up--they would email the notes to everyone. I hope they do...

If the do, would you please share?!
  • #19
Check their websites. I know a lot of conference presenters post their notes in the calendar or news sections.
  • #20
I went to Tammy Stanley's Thursday workshop. She was phenomenal. Friday, not so much, according to my upline. I'm sorry that all of you Friday people had a bad experience.

And I agree with pdk09 about commenting on the evaluation form about not being locked into a workshop. I will do the same.
  • #21
I was in the Directors workshop with Tammy Stanley and I didn't take it as being on drugs. She is extremely passionate about what she does and I have had a very long personal conversation with her, where she again cried, when she spoke about how greatful she is to The Pampered Chef (which is when she cried during the workshop). In her words, "I was still a nobody before the Pampered Chef (conference 2yrs ago) and now I am a somebody and I'm simply honored to have the opportunity to speak again." I would say from the amount of people I saw each day at her table (vs the Go for No table) she had to have done something right.

She did start off the workshop though by saying that, "I will not please everyone in this room and that is fine. I get it. I do not appeal to everyone, I get that too. I will not be offended if anyone walks out because I get it." Many of us in our row got the feeling that someone in the C-TL level workshop had done or said something that triggered this opening. There were many in the D and above workshop that I saw give her a standing ovation at the end of the workshop. She obviously did touch home with those but not to all.

I just read a post where someone thought "Help your hosts get the most" with certain speakers was top notch yet I have a team mate who said two execs next to her fell asleep as did others...again, appealed to some and not others.

I personally thought the Go for No people stunk this year (loved them last year) but yet I heard other D and aboves raving about them. Each of us will find what "speaks to us" in different ways.

FYI: When you all fill out your slips at the end of each session - they go directly to the speakers, not the Home Office but the survey we'll get via email is the one HO reads.
  • #22
If you signed up late the other workshops were probably full. That could be why you only had that option. It's why they encourage us to sign up early.I hope you guys expressed your dislike of the certain workshops on the evaluations.
  • #23
I took the Rapid Results for New Consultants workshop and it was fabulous, except for one key point. I have been trained, and am ademate about new consultants having their 4 shows lined up with REAL hosts who REALLY do want to do a show. I do not agree at all with the "If you build it, they will come" mentality. So, the first steps of this conference, for me, are and will continue to be done prior to signing any consultants.

Aside from that, it was all excellent.

I wasn't a fan of Tammy Stanley's personality but found her information quite valuable.
  • #24
I wasn't able to attend Conference this year. Much to my sorrow!!! Will you please forward me any email notes that you get from any Workshops. My email is [email protected]

  • #25
Liseit said:
I also did the Book Smart-Fill your calendar workshop. It was full of information but flew by too fast. They did warn us at the beginning that both Lura Antokal & Cindy Peterson talk fast so they said not to try to keep up--they would email the notes to everyone. I hope they do...

Would love to see those notes if they email them!! I SO wish that I had been in your workshop, because the Book Smart-Fill your calendar workshop that I went to was very disappointing!! Not a total loss though...got several great ideas from other consultants in the room during Q and A time!!
  • #26
I took Top Recruiters Tell All and thought the girls did a good job.I also took Meet You at the Top. I was on Track B, so we had a super late lunch. I had a HORRIBLE headache that when we finally got to lunch & eating didn't make it go away. All I wanted to do was lay down & sleep it off. I tried my best to pay attention, but was so distracted & tired that it was difficult. From what I heard, they gave some good info too.
  • #27
Sheila - were you in Top Recruiters Tell all with me? (Jenni & Ellington) or were you in with Grace Bott and I can't remember her name? I asked to get moved out of Grace's since she is my Director (well AD) and I can hear her anytime. I'll be disappointed if you were in the same room with me and I didn't get to meet you.

On a diff note, I'll email you the pic when I get a chance of you, Laurie and Kristina that I took after you walked. :)
  • #28
pkd09 said:
My conference evaluation will definitely state WE SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED/LOCKED into a particular training. I paid to go to conference and should have the option of attending what trainings I feel I need the most!!
You were not required to go. You could have opted out and not gone to any training at that time. All of the other workshops offered at that time were for Leaders. I have not walked out of a workshop no matter how bad and not gotten useful information out of it. There is always at least one thing that I put on my to do list when I leave.

My consultant went to this workshop and found it very useful and was glad that she went.. I do not think you can do a huge amout of critisism of Christina Cunningham and Susan Warshay, they are elite sellers. Maybe their presentation style was not what you wanted, because they are required to follow a script. Some people are better at scripts than others. But these 2 women have incredible businesses and I am surprised if you cannot gleen anything useful from their presentation.

There really is not much new presented at conference, it is just a different way of saying it or sometimes saying it again. Sometimes we have to hear things several different ways and times before it clicks with us.
  • #29
Melissa78 said:
Sheila - were you in Top Recruiters Tell all with me? (Jenni & Ellington) or were you in with Grace Bott and I can't remember her name? I asked to get moved out of Grace's since she is my Director (well AD) and I can hear her anytime. I'll be disappointed if you were in the same room with me and I didn't get to meet you.

On a diff note, I'll email you the pic when I get a chance of you, Laurie and Kristina that I took after you walked. :)

I was in Grace's class. Oh, please apologize to her for me!!! I was up on the 2nd row with my head down rubbing my temples. They kept looking at me. I guess it was pretty obvious that I was ready to get out of the room. But it had NOTHING to do with them, it was my awful headache. I really needed to just go lay down & sleep it off!
  • #30
I wasn't able to go to NC this year but I know last year that there were speakers that brought up ideas that I had never considered. To me they were out of the box and they REALLY helped my business. I do think that different areas can get into ruts and you don't even realize it. I had never thought of multiple selling until one of my workshops. The presenter talked about how she sells TWO deep covered bakers at a time to most customers who get one (just by pointing out that you can't make dinner and dessert for the same meal without having two unless you want to take the time to wait for it to cool down and wash it). From there she sells two each of the prep tools needed (because who wants to wash those too)? Then she sells threes by selling the two and asking if they have anyone/thing they will need to have gifts on hand. It amazed me and guess what? People will buy multiples if you ask and show with suggestions.
  • #31
Sheila said:
I was in Grace's class. Oh, please apologize to her for me!!! I was up on the 2nd row with my head down rubbing my temples. They kept looking at me. I guess it was pretty obvious that I was ready to get out of the room. But it had NOTHING to do with them, it was my awful headache. I really needed to just go lay down & sleep it off!

I will let her know but she didn't even mention it (and I roomed with her).
  • #32
That's a great idea Darlene!Thanks Melissa! :D
  • #33
I took the Tammy Stanley Director class and I thought she did well. She has a different personality and you just have to get her. She was laughing, crying, and all over the place. I certainly don't think she was on drugs, just like with our business, we do not know what is going on in her personal life and maybe she had gotten bad news and was trying to hold it together. I would take her over the "Go for No" couple anyday. As for the "Go for No" I like the information they presented. They just don't seem to motivate me though. My other class was "Path to $1,000 shows." The information presented was great, but I don't feel the title described the class very well, it really was just a host coaching class. As a new director I feel that I could have taken a class that may have been more useful to me. (I promoted to Director on July 1st and was so excited I forgot to review what classes I could take!) I did get some good tips out of it. I did hear the Super Sellers class was not good as well. That stinks for those that had no choice but to take it! Make sure you let the HO know your feelings!
  • #34
I had a lot of AHA moments and I can't narrow them down right this 2nd. I'm quite exhausted at the moment.

I just want to comment on some things in this thread and note some things from my workshops and such.

For Tammy Stanley I did her thing for TL's and below. I thought it was great and was really excited. My Director took a workshop with her and thought it was horrible but another Director within our cluster thought it was great so it is to each her/his own.

For my workshops I took Book Smart and thought it would be better. I was in CK Hall (who's on here) and Tammy (can't remember) CK was great and I wish she did more of the workshop. I personally found the other speaker a little boring and not very informative Now this is my opinion and other may have felt good about her. There were good questions asked but it ran late and I had to get to other side of Mccormick for my 2nd workshop.

I however and very glad that I made a conciounse effort to talk to different people in line on the bus etc. I got some great tips from those people and enjoyed meeting them. And one Advanced D from Louisiana gave me great words to earn New Orleans and gave me her card and told me to call her for a drink when I get there! :) :D

But I am excited to implement the things I've learned and can't wait to walk as a new director next year! :D
  • #35
Did anyone go to the workshop on time management? How was it? My AD, Sonia Emerick did this one.
  • #36
lt1jane said:
Anyone have any AHA moments from conference they would like to share? Also what workshops did you attend and what did you think?

My AHA, is that I work a full-time job. It's retail and I find it hard to make phone calls because of the varying hours. My AHA - schedule phone calls just like scheduling parties. It was a tip given in my workshop TPC & A Full-Time Job

I LOVED Tammy Stanley's Powerful, not Pushy. I actually WANT to make some phone calls. I loved her idea of calling real people to practice the phone scripts (call your oldest customers first since statistically your chances of making sales are lowest with them anyway so if you screw up, it doesn't matter. By the time you reach your newest customers, you will be well practiced and natural)

I got some good info in TPC & a Full-Time Job. Use work breaks (but don't jeopardize your job) to make some of your phone calls and schedule phone calls that you need to make.

Super Sellers Live! was a waste of a valuable workshop choice. It was mandatory for me because I am not a Team Leader. I went to Spring Launch and got most of that info, also my director pounds those same things into us. It was not a bad workshop, I just could have gotten more info that would have helped me in another workshop.

I was at that workshop too! Where were you sitting? I was in the front of the room on the left side. That Erin was a hoot!
  • #37
Just goes to show you...you can't please everyone!!! I just read a rave review of a particular speaker that I truly did not care for at all and a not so hot review of a speaker that I did like. Just cracks me up!!!
  • #38
Interesting thread. My big aha moment came during my Conquering the Clock workshop--set team goals. It had never occurred to me before. I will be doing that now. I'm not talking about telling my team what they should do. I'm talking about encouraging my team to participate in good business behavior--asking every host about he opportunity; making daily contacts; etc.
  • #39
Sheila said:
I was in Grace's class. Oh, please apologize to her for me!!! I was up on the 2nd row with my head down rubbing my temples. They kept looking at me. I guess it was pretty obvious that I was ready to get out of the room. But it had NOTHING to do with them, it was my awful headache. I really needed to just go lay down & sleep it off!

I'm sure they understood! I wish I would have known you were in that class, I was too!
  • #40
Thank you all for sharing all these great things.

I was not able to go, but when I went two years ago a Director said something interesting. She had attended a class that I was in as well, and said she had been thinking it was boring, and she knew everything. Then, she noticed a new consultant sitting near her who was hanging on every word the speakers were saying, taking copious amounts of notes, and raving about how great it all was. She said she realized that was one of the reasons she was in the class. She might know it all, but not all of her team members might. And it might give her new ideas on how to present the basics.
  • #41
raebates said:
Interesting thread. My big aha moment came during my Conquering the Clock workshop--set team goals. It had never occurred to me before. I will be doing that now. I'm not talking about telling my team what they should do. I'm talking about encouraging my team to participate in good business behavior--asking every host about he opportunity; making daily contacts; etc.

I also liked this workshop...team goals had never crossed my mind, just my goals! I have already talked with my team and getting them working on their personal goals. Can't wait to get started on all the great info from this workshop! And Rae--It was great to meet you! Great to put a face with the name! :)
  • #42
I thought Tammy Stanley Powerful not pushy was BRILLIANT. I am getting on the phone today because of her!

Supersellers was good. Someone who sells 2 million bucks obviously knows what they are doing!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
Brenda.the.chef said:
I was at that workshop too! Where were you sitting? I was in the front of the room on the left side. That Erin was a hoot!

Darn!! I was hoping to meet other Cheffers and was wearing my pin with a sticker on it to show my screen name. I was near the front on the left too. I was probably about 3rd or 4th row, 1 row behind the pillar. Erin was hilarious. She didn't let the latecomers hide in the back at all. I was glad I came in early and sat fairly close....
  • Thread starter
  • #44
RoseAndrews said:
Supersellers was good. Someone who sells 2 million bucks obviously knows what they are doing!

That wasn't the issue. They were not bad, but I went to Spring Launch. For me, it was a rehash of Spring Launch and my monthly team meetings. The information wasn't useful to me.

My issues with my business are that I am not yet consistent monthly. I can sell the stuff because I have a passion for the products. I need and want workshops that can help me be more consistent with getting bookings and making them stick. I want to be able to decide what I NEED to grow my business, not what HO thinks I need! My immediate goal is to become more consistent with bookings and monthly shows. Once I get that, then I want to work on growing my team and earning trips (I think those two go hand in hand.)
  • #45
lt1jane said:
That wasn't the issue. They were not bad, but I went to Spring Launch. For me, it was a rehash of Spring Launch and my monthly team meetings. The information wasn't useful to me.

My issues with my business are that I am not yet consistent monthly. I can sell the stuff because I have a passion for the products. I need and want workshops that can help me be more consistent with getting bookings and making them stick. I want to be able to decide what I NEED to grow my business, not what HO thinks I need! My immediate goal is to become more consistent with bookings and monthly shows. Once I get that, then I want to work on growing my team and earning trips (I think those two go hand in hand.)

JMHO...but maybe you took the wrong class, maybe you should focus more on bookings & host coaching. HTH....:)
  • #46
lt1jane said:
Darn!! I was hoping to meet other Cheffers and was wearing my pin with a sticker on it to show my screen name. I was near the front on the left too. I was probably about 3rd or 4th row, 1 row behind the pillar. Erin was hilarious. She didn't let the latecomers hide in the back at all. I was glad I came in early and sat fairly close....

I was the one wearing the big balloon hat.. LOL
  • #47
raebates said:
Interesting thread. My big aha moment came during my Conquering the Clock workshop--set team goals. It had never occurred to me before. I will be doing that now. I'm not talking about telling my team what they should do. I'm talking about encouraging my team to participate in good business behavior--asking every host about he opportunity; making daily contacts; etc.


Who were your speakers?? Were you in my class and I didn't see you again?? I took it with Tammy MacDonald and Marlo Hoyt. If you were in that one did you find the critique your week form they were talking about? I can't find it on CC.
  • #48
lt1jane said:
My immediate goal is to become more consistent with bookings and monthly shows. Once I get that, then I want to work on growing my team and earning trips (I think those two go hand in hand.)

They do go hand in hand. It has taken me a long time to get this, but once you have the consistently that you want and need everything else seems to fall into place. It really is about keeping it simple and doing what the HO tell us.
  • #49
My AHA moment wasn't such an AHA as it was a really good way to put things. In the Book Smart workshop I was in, the speaker said that she starts a show at 6:45pm, and is pulling out of her host's driveway at 8:30pm. Keeping a show short is a great way to show people that they want to book a show with you - you aren't moving in! She tells guests at the end of the show "Take a few moments and finish your shopping while I clean up my table and my dishes. When you are done, come on over to my checkout area, and then help yourself to try out our delicious recipe!" It's a subtle way of saying you can't eat til you check out, so it gets people checked out faster! I loved it!
  • #50
Oh and I absolutely LOVE the idea of a Restock Your Pantry catalog show each month! Hold your own catalog show each month, and make sure to follow up with any guests who ordered from the pantry and see if they need to reorder or want to try something new! Super easy way to get a catalog show in each month and stay active at least for those who find it challenging sometimes (myself included!)
<h2>1. What are the most frequently asked questions about "Thoughts on 2011 Conference Workshops?</h2><p>The most frequently asked questions about "Thoughts on 2011 Conference Workshops" are usually about which workshops were the most valuable or helpful, what new ideas or tips were learned, and how to effectively balance work and conference activities.</p><h2>2. Anyone have any AHA moments from conference they would like to share?</h2><p>Many attendees have shared their "AHA" moments from the conference, most commonly related to time management and finding new ways to grow their business. One example is scheduling phone calls just like scheduling parties, as suggested in the TPC & A Full-Time Job workshop.</p><h2>3. What workshops did you attend and what did you think?</h2><p>Some attendees have shared their workshop choices and overall thoughts. Popular workshops included Tammy Stanley's Powerful, not Pushy, which provided valuable tips for making successful phone calls, and TPC & a Full-Time Job, which offered advice on balancing work and Pampered Chef responsibilities. Some attendees felt that the Super Sellers Live! workshop was not as helpful as other options.</p><h2>4. What was your AHA moment from the conference?</h2><p>My AHA moment at the conference was learning to use work breaks to make phone calls and to schedule phone calls that need to be made. This was a tip shared in the TPC & a Full-Time Job workshop.</p><h2>5. Which workshop did you enjoy the most?</h2><p>The workshop that I enjoyed the most was Tammy Stanley's Powerful, not Pushy. It provided valuable tips and strategies for making successful phone calls, and I left feeling motivated and excited to put them into practice. </p>

Related to Thoughts on 2011 Conference Workshops

1. What are the most frequently asked questions about "Thoughts on 2011 Conference Workshops?

The most frequently asked questions about "Thoughts on 2011 Conference Workshops" are usually about which workshops were the most valuable or helpful, what new ideas or tips were learned, and how to effectively balance work and conference activities.

2. Anyone have any AHA moments from conference they would like to share?

Many attendees have shared their "AHA" moments from the conference, most commonly related to time management and finding new ways to grow their business. One example is scheduling phone calls just like scheduling parties, as suggested in the TPC & A Full-Time Job workshop.

3. What workshops did you attend and what did you think?

Some attendees have shared their workshop choices and overall thoughts. Popular workshops included Tammy Stanley's Powerful, not Pushy, which provided valuable tips for making successful phone calls, and TPC & a Full-Time Job, which offered advice on balancing work and Pampered Chef responsibilities. Some attendees felt that the Super Sellers Live! workshop was not as helpful as other options.

4. What was your AHA moment from the conference?

My AHA moment at the conference was learning to use work breaks to make phone calls and to schedule phone calls that need to be made. This was a tip shared in the TPC & a Full-Time Job workshop.

5. Which workshop did you enjoy the most?

The workshop that I enjoyed the most was Tammy Stanley's Powerful, not Pushy. It provided valuable tips and strategies for making successful phone calls, and I left feeling motivated and excited to put them into practice.

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