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Survivor Fans Vs Favs: Don't Miss the Exciting Season Premiere Tonight!

In summary, "Survivor" is starting tonight and many people are excited about it. There is a discussion about the previous season's contestant, Johnny Fairplay, being booted and many are happy about it. Some people mention watching a special preview and others mention recording the show. There is also talk about a contestant named Yao-Man being voted off and some disappointment with how the show is being run. Some viewers are still watching and discussing the current season.
Don't forget Survivor starts tonight!!!!

I am sooooooooooo excited!!!!! I think this will definitely be a good season!!!
Oh really, might have to peek - Celebrity Apprentice just isn't doing it for me...they all act like spoiled brats...
I am DVRing this...can't wait to see it!!

I watched a special "behind the scenes sneak peak" of this season on the TVGuide channel the other day. Looks like it's gonna be good!
Johnny Fairplay was booted!!! WOO HOO!!! He is full of it!!
What station is it on? I'm wondering if it isn't on here yet...

Yes, that guy is a pain...really annoying!
I wish I saw this thread last night guess I will need to set my DVR thanks for letting us know.
Me too!! :cry: :cry: I just got home from a show 100 miles away....and the weather hit on my way there! Just glad I got home in one piece!!;) Drove 35-40 the whole way home...when usually I go 70-75!!!!:)

But in good news.....it was my THIRD $1000 show this week!!! :sing: WHOOOO HOOOO!!!:sing: Patting self on back....Let's go double points!!!!!:D :love: :D :love:
DH and I are big Survivor fans! Haven't missed a season since we've been together. I cannot believe it went down like that. DH wanted Johnny on there longer to see what he would pull.

Congrats on your $1000 - way to go for double points!
I'm so happy that I don't have to tune in each week and see him!
  • #10
chefkristin said:
Johnny Fairplay was booted!!! WOO HOO!!! He is full of it!!

He is the reason I WASN'T going to watch!!! DH & I have watched every season but I just couldn't stand the thought of him being on.
I am so happy he's gone!!! Wow.
I will have to go read the recaplet on http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com .
Was it good??
  • #11
Just a bump so the matching parody has something to look at.
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  • #12
I watched bits and pieces of it last night while it was on but I did record it and will watch it when my twins take their nap (going down in 15 minutes). I was sooooooooo glad though that Fairplay was booted - I just can't stand him!!!!! I almost forgot Yao-Man is on this one! I hope he makes it far!
  • #13
I missed it all - oh well, better things to do I guess. Marlene - congrats on the AWESOME 3 shows!!!! WOW!!! Give yourself an extra pat on the back!
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
I missed it all - oh well, better things to do I guess.

Marlene - congrats on the AWESOME 3 shows!!!! WOW!!! Give yourself an extra pat on the back!

It wasn't that amazing of an episode, you didn't miss much. The fans won the challenge, that was about the only excitement.
  • #15
janetupnorth said:
I missed it all - oh well, better things to do I guess.

Marlene - congrats on the AWESOME 3 shows!!!! WOW!!! Give yourself an extra pat on the back!

Thanks!! I am just glad I don't have any shows this weekend with all of the aweful weather! We have semis all over town because I80 is closed East and West...we are in lockdown!!:cry:
  • #16
I have to say that I usually don't book shows on Thursdays because of Survivor. It's a thing for me and DH to do that's just us. I don't normally do any kind of work on Thursdays. I almost booked this last Thursday because I couldn't remember when Survivor started.
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  • #17
Anyone still watching?? I was sad to see Yau-Man go tonight!
  • #18
It annoys me that they call the series by a different name each season, so we have to remember to set the DVR each season! And I was convinced the bit about the pregnant girlfriend was all untrue, and Johnny was up to his old tricks again.Hey momoftwins, how old are your twins? I have a B/G set, 2 1/2 years old. They are the loves of my life!!
  • #19
I'm watching!!!!!!

We have a little pool at work going and I have Ceri. I thought for sure they were going to turn and vote her off last night. I kept yelling at the TV shut your mouth!!!!!!:grumpy:
  • #20
I was dissappointed to see Yau Man go too...

I feel for the "fans" they are taking a beating with the weather and having crappy shelters. I was glad that they won immunity, but they would have benefited more by winning the reward stuff!
  • #21
I was so sad to see Yau go, too... and I am really mad at Cirie for making it happen! I just think she is not playing smart, and I can't believe the others went along with her! I was hoping they would vote her off, like someone else said!
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  • #22
Yeah I don't like how Cirie is playing this season!

jbachen - my twins are 2 1/2 years old (will be March 10th) and boy/girl born 9/10/05 at 33w4d. They too are the loves of my life!!!!! They are totally my rock right now (as well as my awesome friends, cheffers and family) with DH being in intensive care (please see my prayer request post). Are you active in your local multiples club???? I am and love it - I am the playgroup coordinator.
  • #23
I feel a little sorry for Cirie, since she just slit her own throat. Does she really think those women will stick with her over their toy boys? If so, she's an idiot. Not that I trust Jonathan, but when someone tells you outright that they're lying to someone else, you can bet they'll lie to you.
  • #24
momoftwins said:
Yeah I don't like how Cirie is playing this season!

jbachen - my twins are 2 1/2 years old (will be March 10th) and boy/girl born 9/10/05 at 33w4d. They too are the loves of my life!!!!! They are totally my rock right now (as well as my awesome friends, cheffers and family) with DH being in intensive care (please see my prayer request post). Are you active in your local multiples club???? I am and love it - I am the playgroup coordinator.

Oh my goodness!! Mine will be 3 on July 13th!! They were born at 36w6d. Aren't twins just the best ever!! Yes, I am active in my MOM group, but it is not exactly the local one - I went a bit further away to find one that holds twice yearly resales, and I am actually the treasurer! It is a great way to get rid of the things we no longer need, and get new stuff to replace it! I do wish we had a playgroup, though, but they are 45 minutes away, so I may find one closer...

I am so sorry to hear about your husband! I will definitely add him to my prayers, and I hope he is well soon!!
  • #25
Spoiler if you have last weeks DVR'ed and haven't watched it yet.....

How in the heck did Chet make it through ANOTHER week?!!?!!
I can see their reasoning...they can vote Joel off now and then everyone will STILL want to vote Chet off next time. But, man, that guy is just an oxygen robber and needs to go! :p
  • #26
I understand what your sayin about Chet but I did NOT like Joel at ALL! Chet does need to go but Joel needs to be put in his place I think. The one challenge each team had to get so many balls back to there side and keep like 5 there to win. Joel tackled Amanda like she was a man! That REALLY made me mad. It made James mad too he went and got him! But when Joel did get a ball right after thst, still the beginning of the game he took it to his side and sat there the whole time. With his strength he should have been out there! Then the way he was dragging Chet was horrible too I did feel for him! I'm glad he went and yes next week without Joel's strength to help win Chet will go home!
  • #27

I agree totally! Joel seems like someone who would feel that he is more deserving to win solely based on his size. I think I was just surprised that they would want to keep Chet for another week and lose a reward or immunity challenge because of it. I do NOT like how "aggressive" the show is getting. It's a bit much when you are sitting there watching with your stomach turning because they are all being so rough! I told my DH that I would NEVER last...I would be the one getting pulled around in the mud and crying!
  • #28
I'm with you. Frankly, tacking Amanda didn't bother me. They're playing the game as equals, so he treated her like one of the guys. You make the choice to participate, you take your lumps like everyone else. That said, I don't like Joel. He's an arrogant jerk. However, he's an arrogant jerk who has some value to the team. Chet seems (from the footage we're shown) to be more of a drain than a help. I mean, what was Joel supposed to do when they were tied together--throw Chet over his shoulder and carry him?
  • #29
raebates said:
I'm with you. Frankly, tacking Amanda didn't bother me. They're playing the game as equals, so he treated her like one of the guys. You make the choice to participate, you take your lumps like everyone else. That said, I don't like Joel. He's an arrogant jerk. However, he's an arrogant jerk who has some value to the team. Chet seems (from the footage we're shown) to be more of a drain than a help. I mean, what was Joel supposed to do when they were tied together--throw Chet over his shoulder and carry him?


You make me laugh! I can just see that! They probably would have gotten further that way!!
  • #30
It certainly couldn't have hurt them. :)
  • #31
I have to keep wondering why Chet would even want to go on that show when, obviously, he cannot keep up physically and he doesn't seem to be that quick-witted either. The other "older" woman (I can't think of her name) carries him along and has saved him in the past weeks.

He doesn't appear to do anything at camp, so it's not like he enjoys that aspect either! :confused:
  • #32
Maybe he is a better "Fan" than player!! You know...he loved the show so much that he figured he would love participating? Then figured out he was wrong once he got there?
  • #33
But WHEN are they going to get rid of him (Chet) already?? And WHY in the world do they keep listening to Cirie?!?! I am really done with her this season, and I just think she is playing like a moron and they are ALL listening to her... Sorry - I just watched again with DH, and I am so steamed at her - I just wish they would boot her. I guess they will get their chance next week, when they LOSE both challenges AGAIN! Sheesh...
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  • #34
I too am glad that they got rid of Joel but Chet needs to go!!!!!
  • #35
I just wanted to say that I am soooooooo glad that they voted off Chet instead of Ozzy! He is the one I am cheering to win! I would have cried if they would have blindsided him and got rid of him. (Probably would have been smart on their part, though.)

Speaking of crying...did you all bawl like I did when Jonathan had to leave? I don't know what's up, cuz I really hated him on the other season, but this time he is much more likable and I felt horrible that he had to leave that way.
  • #36
I actually clicked this thread to find out what happened on Thursday's show. The Furry Guy insists that I tape Smallville for him. (He works second shift, so only sees what I tape for him.) I didn't get home until Survivor was over. I'm glad they finally came to their senses and voted Chet off. I'm always sorry to see a play have to leave for health reasons, so I'm sorry Jonathan had to go.I like Ozzy. I just wish he wasn't distracted by a half-dressed, conniving female.
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  • #37
I agree with you Kelly - I am glad they didn't vote off Ozzy and I was teary when Jonathan had to leave!
  • #38
See, I think they would have been REALLY dumb to get rid of Ozzy... although further down the road he might be a bigger threat, they have lost 4 challenges in a row, and without Ozzy, they would have NO chance of winning more challenges. I was sad to see Jonathan go, too. He was much nicer this season.OK, now can we please get rid of Cirie?!?! She just has NO integrity this season!
  • #39
KellyTheChef said:
Speaking of crying...did you all bawl like I did when Jonathan had to leave? I don't know what's up, cuz I really hated him on the other season, but this time he is much more likable and I felt horrible that he had to leave that way.

You MUST be pregnant to cry over Jonathan. ;)

I felt the opposite, I actually cheered (Not that I want him to be hurt necessarily, I just don't like him:yuck: ).

I'm pregnant too, so I guess my theory just went out the window.
  • #40

Maybe our hormones are freaking us both out! I cry at the drop of a hat, anyhow! LOL
  • #41
My hormones are definitely working overtime...I was a crazy woman last night for a few minutes with my husband over something I cannot even remember. Poor guy!
  • #42
I like James...if not James my second pick is Ozzy!

Anyway so I can't wait till the one Fan (don't remember his name) that was sent to exile island plays the supposedly "hidden immunity idol". That will be really really funny! Just like it was the last Survivor.
  • #43
Last night was great! Those girls are wicked!!! I hated it when they voted off Ozzy, but they are playing a great game!
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  • #44
so sad when everyone was laughing at Eric. he just so wanted to be liked....and it was his downfall!
  • #45
I couldnt believe that Eric actually believed them. I felt so bad for him to.
  • #46
I felt bad for him, but then DH and I were talking about it afterward...think of it this way...this kid has been watching the show since his early teens. Did he REALLY believe that he could trust those girls? I mean, come on! That's the whole purpose of the show!!! :) I'm really hoping Amanda wins now...she's one of the few that has played the game well yet maintained some of her dignity, too...
  • #47
I'm SHOCKED that he fell for there trick! Man, and for everyone to be laughing at him was awful!
  • #48
I'm waiting for the chorus of, "I'm not really a liar, cheat, and backstabber. It was just a game."I always get a real kick out of that. If you lie, manipulate, and back-stab, you're a lying, manipulative backstabber. If you'll do it for "just a game," I hate to see what you'll do if you think there's something really serious at stake.
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  • #49
Sunday should be an interesting finale!
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  • #50
Well I ran a few errands before the show started so missed the first 45 minutes (darn lines at Dairy Queen!). I saw though that Natalie got the boot! YEAH!!! I wanted the final 3 to be Cirie, Amanda and Parvati. I was hoping for Amanda to win and it looked like it was going to be a tie at first but then that last vote was for Parv. I wonder what the votes would have been had Amanda taken Cirie??? Next season looks to be a good one. Too bad we have to wait until the fall! Luckily BB starts again in July!
<h2>1. What is the concept of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?</h2><p>The concept of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" is to have a season of the popular reality TV show, "Survivor", where fans of the show compete against returning contestants who were previously labeled as fan favorites. This season, the returning players will be competing against each other for the first time, rather than against new players.</p><h2>2. Who are the returning contestants for "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?</h2><p>The returning contestants for "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" were chosen from previous seasons of the show. They include fan favorites such as Ozzy Lusth, Cirie Fields, and Parvati Shallow.</p><h2>3. How will this season be different from previous seasons of "Survivor"?</h2><p>This season will be different because it will feature returning players who are already familiar with the game and its strategies. It will also be the first time that returning players will compete against each other, rather than against new players. Additionally, the challenges and twists for this season will be tailored to the theme of fans vs favorites.</p><h2>4. What can we expect from the season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?</h2><p>The season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" is expected to be full of excitement and drama as the returning players meet the new players and begin forming alliances. The first immunity challenge will also take place, putting the tribes to the test early on.</p><h2>5. When and where can I watch the season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?</h2><p>The season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" will air tonight on CBS at 8/7c. It can also be streamed live on the CBS website or the CBS All Access app. Don't miss out on the action!</p>

Related to Survivor Fans Vs Favs: Don't Miss the Exciting Season Premiere Tonight!

1. What is the concept of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?

The concept of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" is to have a season of the popular reality TV show, "Survivor", where fans of the show compete against returning contestants who were previously labeled as fan favorites. This season, the returning players will be competing against each other for the first time, rather than against new players.

2. Who are the returning contestants for "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?

The returning contestants for "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" were chosen from previous seasons of the show. They include fan favorites such as Ozzy Lusth, Cirie Fields, and Parvati Shallow.

3. How will this season be different from previous seasons of "Survivor"?

This season will be different because it will feature returning players who are already familiar with the game and its strategies. It will also be the first time that returning players will compete against each other, rather than against new players. Additionally, the challenges and twists for this season will be tailored to the theme of fans vs favorites.

4. What can we expect from the season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?

The season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" is expected to be full of excitement and drama as the returning players meet the new players and begin forming alliances. The first immunity challenge will also take place, putting the tribes to the test early on.

5. When and where can I watch the season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs"?

The season premiere of "Survivor Fans Vs Favs" will air tonight on CBS at 8/7c. It can also be streamed live on the CBS website or the CBS All Access app. Don't miss out on the action!

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