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Struggling to Schedule Shows with Customers? Need Help with Mini Catalogs?

In summary, Marg offers a free gift to customers that hold a show between Aug 16th-Sept 16th. She also offers a flyer with the retired products and upcoming specials.
I'm wanting to send out the mini catalog to shows that cancelled, customers that said maybe or yes to dong a show but I have not been able to schedule a show with them.

I having trouble with the words. Does anyone have a flyer or the words to say that has worked for you.
Are you calling them on the phone? If so, you might say:

Hi, this is ____ with the PC. I am so excited about the new products that are coming out. I know that we had a hard time getting your show set up, but I wanted to touch base and see if you'd like to check out the new products. Would you be interested in having a show in Sept. so you and all your friends will be the first to see the 39 new fall products? I can teach you and your friends how to make the _____.

If she says not now, say:

I can tell September is a busy time for you and having a kitchen show right now would be hard. Would you be interested in having a catalog show?

If she says no again, say:

I totally understand. How about if is send you a mini-catalog so you can see all the new products. When would you like me to touch base with you again?
Awesome suggestions, Ginger! Thanks for sharing. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Mini CatalogWhat I have done in the past was mail the mini catalogs out with a note telling them to look over the mini catalog and I would call them in a few days to see what they thought. This way they new I was going to call them.

But what I'm looking for is a flyer that would tell them about the upcoming specials, our booking benefits, our recruiting specials? Or something else they are using. I would love for anyone to share.

Thanks for sharing what you would say on the phone. That was awesome. It does help if you have the words.

Dialog suggestionThat was great thank you very much for sharing.
This is a copy of the letter that I sent out with my mini-catalogues.

Hi ______!
I hope that you have been having an enjoyable summer!
I just couldn't wait to tell you about our new Fall products, which will be available September 1st. Please find enclosed a mini-catalogue featuring the new products. I think my favourites are the roasting pan and the easy read measuring cups. And how about those new Simple Additions? Aren't those stripes funky?
I am also running a special host promotion. If you hold a kitchen show between Aug 16th and Sept 16th, you receive a free gift (hint - it's something that will be retired as of September 1st) from me.
Please visit my wesbite for all of our product line and great recipes:
My calendar is filling up quickly, so if you want your choice of dates, don't delay - call or email me today!
Warm regards,

I am offering a free gift during this period because there is a consultant promo here in Canada to earn the new mid season products. I had an open house a while back and used the host benefits to get some of the lemon/tangerine/lime scrapers. This is what I'll be giving as my "gift".
Great idea!That is a well written letter Marg and the idea to think ahead and buy the scrapers for gifts is very clever!! Thanks for sharing :D
I put index cards in the flyers with the retired products and the upcoming specials. I clear taped them inside on the roasting pan page so they wouldn't fall out. I've attached the file I used to make them...I printed them directly on the index cards, on both sides.


  • Mini Catalog Index Cards.doc
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You could fold and place the "Our Hosts Never Pay Full Price" flyer in the mini catalog. I change the upper right corner (the host special), by copy/pasting the Adobe flyer that HO sends out. I use it to place on catalogs that I leave at various locations that I frequent regularly. So, if there's any there next time I go in, I just change the flyer.

Well...tried to upload the 1/2 meg file, but my internet connection times out. I can email, but can't upload. I'm guessing that the Chef Success website has a maximum file size they allow to be uploaded. If you want a copy, send me a private email and I'd be happy to email directly. Private emails prevent the forum from getting cluttered with requests.
Rita Wester

UPDATE: Good news, got the file uploaded to this site. Go to downloads (or do a search) for the flyer, "Our Hosts Never Pay Full Price".
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  • #10
Many of you who attended conference have been talking about the "mini" catalog, featuring all the new products. Is this something that will be available for us to order when we get our fall/winter change over materials? I've not seen these before. Did we have them in the spring and I just miss them?
  • #11
We had something simlar. It will be available to order starting this week. The change over packet should be in this week and you can order the booklets. I'm going to use them as a booking tool at my July and August Shows. There inexpense and use a regular stamp.
  • #12
Yes, you can order them on your supply order form. And I think those orders can be placed today if I am not mistaken. My director had several packs for sale at our cluster meeting last week. I had not seen them before but I will definetly be mailing them out this time.
Laura Anglea
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Thank you so much for all your input. That is exactly what I was looking for.
  • #14
chefbilyeu said:
I put index cards in the flyers with the retired products and the upcoming specials. I clear taped them inside on the roasting pan page so they wouldn't fall out. I've attached the file I used to make them...I printed them directly on the index cards, on both sides.

How do you print directly onto the index cards? What a great idea! I really need to figure out how to get creative with my printer!
  • #15
When I go to print the file, I go to page setup. Click on the Paper tab. Go to Paper Size, and scroll down to Index Card (3x5). Then click OK. (If you get a pop up about the margins, just click ignore). Then, when you go to print, click on the properties tab, and under Paper/Quality, make sure the size says Index Card (3x5). Then just tuck them into the corner of your printer, and print away!

I hope this helps!
  • #16
Mail out those Mini-Catalogs!The following sets of labels can be placed in the catalog by each item. Run to the office supply store and grab a packet of Avery 5260, and a package of Avery 5265 and get ready to make 10 phone calls a day for 3 days! After mailing out these 30, do it again. Double book September by becoming phone-friendly!

Directions for labels:
  • Use the 5260 label to print the "fall minicatalog" label, and place on the front cover of the mini catalog.
Use the small 5265 labels for the following:
  • Stoneware, place on page 14
  • Roasting pan, place on page 4
  • Simple Additions, on pg 6
  • and the Celebration plate on page 7
Don't send out more catalogs than you can call back within 4 days of mailing. Good luck and book, book, book!

Thanks to one of our Senior Sales Directors for passing along via email. Felt the urge to share.


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  • labels - minicatalog-celebrationplate.doc
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  • #17
Wow, that's so nice of you to pass along! Lots of work went into that. It looked like it didn't all fit in each little square for some of them, though, when I pulled it up. Maybe it prints up differently? It looks like maybe I need to shrink the font or something.

Thanks again for sharing! I may need to try this. Although our cluster does bulk mailings of the catalogs and I only do this by request only. Maybe I can add a blurb onto a label about that...call me if you'd like the full catalog or something like that.
  • #18
Need the wordsRita,

I love the labels! Have you made any of the calls yet?

I keep repeating "The Phone is My Friend, The Phone is My Friend", but it hasn't worked yet! :D What are you saying when you call these people? Obviously you would start by asking if they received the catalog, but where do you go from there?

I am trying to book 10 shows in Sept and love this idea, but also don't want to waste the postage if I am not going to follow up. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  • #19
Love the Labels!!!I love the labels. What item are you putting the stoneware label on? The new round stone is not included in the special. Thanks for passing your great labels along to us, I think I may use.

Debbie :) :) :)
  • #20
Lisa S said:

I love the labels! Have you made any of the calls yet?
I keep repeating "The Phone is My Friend, The Phone is My Friend", but it hasn't worked yet! :D What are you saying when you call these people? Obviously you would start by asking if they received the catalog, but where do you go from there?
I am trying to book 10 shows in Sept and love this idea, but also don't want to waste the postage if I am not going to follow up. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Lisa, I used to feel the same way about the telephone. I am not much for sitting on the phone gabbing, so that added to my procrastinating in making calls. I am getting better though and I attribute it to a seminar at conference when they said, "The PHONE is your friend, and a DIRECT LINE to your checking account". I mailed the mini-cats and made 7 calls today. Left 4 messages, received 2 not looked at it/will think about it & call if interested, and 1 that wants to book for September.

DebbieSM said:
I love the labels. What item are you putting the stoneware label on? The new round stone is not included in the special. Thanks for passing your great labels along to us, I think I may use.
Debbie, As far as the stoneware label...just put it in the corner of the stone. It's a talking point to future hosts. ie: "You can get your choice of the new traditions stones at 60%. While this new stone is not included in the 60% off bonus, you can still get it for free by hosting a show. Did you know Carolyn received over $291 in products for $56 by hosting her show? And wasn't it fun!? - yada-yada-yada..."

Any other questions, feel free to contact me!
  • #21
Thanks!!!Thanks Rita,
You've been very helpful. I love this site. Everyone here really motivates me.

Thanks Again,
Debbie :D
  • #22
rwesterpchef said:
I mailed the mini-cats and made 7 calls today. Left 4 messages, received 2 not looked at it/will think about it & call if interested, and 1 that wants to book for September.
They say that for every ten calls you make you'll get one yes. You did it in 7! Way to go!!
  • #23
Free CookbookSo the free cookbook on the cover label... is that the new Season's Best or the new Stoneware cookbook?
  • #24
That has got to be the new SB, I would think so anyway! :)
  • #25
Yes, the Seasons Best.

Related to Struggling to Schedule Shows with Customers? Need Help with Mini Catalogs?

1. What are Mini Catalogs?

Mini Catalogs are smaller versions of our main Pampered Chef catalog that feature a curated selection of our best-selling products. They are perfect for sharing with friends and family who may be interested in our products.

2. How can I get Mini Catalogs?

You can order Mini Catalogs through your Pampered Chef consultant or through our website. They are typically included in our seasonal promotions and can also be purchased in packs of 10.

3. Are the prices in Mini Catalogs the same as the main catalog?

Yes, the prices in Mini Catalogs are the same as the main catalog. However, they may feature different products and promotions.

4. Can I customize Mini Catalogs with my personal information?

Yes, you can customize Mini Catalogs with your personal information, such as your name, contact information, and website link. This is a great way to promote your business and attract new customers.

5. How can I use Mini Catalogs to grow my business?

Mini Catalogs are a great tool for introducing new customers to Pampered Chef products. You can hand them out at events, leave them at local businesses, or mail them to potential customers. They are also a great way to upsell and cross-sell products to existing customers.

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