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Struggling to Find More Bookings at 20 Years Old?

In summary, this month in my SS month and I only have one show scheduled. My other hopefuls backed out. I don't know many people here so I'm really bummed that I only have one show so far. Any tips in getting more bookings?You should call everyone and be confident. Also, try to set up at craft fairs and have a drawing for a free (you supply the food) cooking show.
Okay, this month in my SS month and I only have one show scheduled. My other hopefuls backed out. I don't know many people here so I'm really bummed that I only have one show so far. Any tips in getting more bookings?Not to mention, I'm only 20 so alot of the people here that are older than me....they aren't really taking me seriously as a business person. Is there any way I can get them to look past that?I'd like to get al least one more booking. (I don't want to look desperate.)
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Talk to your neighbors. Also, I only called people I thought would help me out and that was a big mistake. CALL EVERYONE! If you are confident than others will take you more seriously.
Dont take no for an answer. If someone says no to a party ask them about making it a catalog party.
It is tough getting started because there's a lot of comfort zone to get past. Did you say this is your first ss month? It is mine too. I got so close to earning my ss bonus stuff but just couldn't get the extra sales up so my director told me I could go to Consultants Corner and have my ss month 1 changed to the end of this month. That way I can still earn my ss bonus plus bank some for the extra stuff!
Stay close to your recruiter and director...they want you to succeed as much as you do! :D
Try reaching out to businesses. This is a great month to get extra support as people who may not normally have a show or pass a catalog can get behind a cause. If they don't want to do their own show set a goal for how much you want to raise for HWC products and then let people know your goal. Tell them they can be a part of this by collecting a few orders from friends and families. I have asked several people to help me by simply collecting 5 orders for HWC products. Of course I'm hoping they'll want to order other products as well. Hope this helps.
Be confident!You never want to look desperate, especially with a direct selling home business. Be confident and people will want what you have.
Now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and really put yourself out there. I am advertising at kids resale shops, daycare centers, and maybe even putting a classified ad in the paper.
Wherever you go drop off mini catalogs. You never know!
PC offers hosts so many benefits when they say no, they are the ones who are missing out. No other direct selling home business offers hosts so many wonderful benefits, specials and opportunities to get so much for so little.
We need to stress the benefits at our shows to those who really do like PC and want to get more stuff. Sometimes it's a lack of knowledge that keeps ladies from hosting shows.
When you explain how easy it is to get FREE stuff and how many people they have access to for orders, it really blows their minds. With their new found knowledge many hosts increase sales and even get more future bookings for us!! Also try to remember that leaving catalogs door to door, leaving them at doctor's offices, dentist offices, etc is a good way to get orders and maybe you can submit your own show!! It's HWC month so it's easy to ask people to order our pink products at offices and places of business. Give incentives for that like:
Order all 3 pink products and get FREE shipping
Office or business that orders the most pink products get a FREE recipe delivered at time of product delivery!! (Pick a new Season's best recipe)
Make it fun and make it something they will want to be involved in.
Hope this helps! Sorry my message is so long!!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
You guys are sooo right. I think I am still trying to get past the whole "comfort zone" thing.....I'm still a little uncomfortable being so forward. I guess it's just something that I need to work through myself.

I hope I don't screw up my first show. I want to do a good job.
I know how you feel. I'm 24 and I have had similar problems, but now my business is going very well. Have you tried setting up at craft fairs and having a drawing for a free (you supply the food) cooking show? It's a great way to get leads, in fact that's how I got my first few shows. Also, everyone is right about stepping outside your comfort zone. I was afraid to ask people at first, because I didn't want to appear pushy...but when one of my neighbors asked me "why haven't you asked me to have a show yet, I'd love to have one"...I then realized if you don't ask everyone, you're already making their mind up for them. Don't give up, and remember you have a huge support system right here.

Best Wishes,
Allentown, PA
[email protected]
How about having an open house. Set up your own show at your home. You can display your products, demo a recipe, talk about the Help Whip Cancer campaign. You can call it a Help Whip Cancer show. Make the HWC cookies, serve pink punch, make a fruit tray with pink dip, etc. This may get the older ladies involved. We all are concerned about breast cancer.
  • #10
I think a HWC fundraiser would be perfect! You can call businesses and pasts guests if you have any and ask if they would look at a catalog to benefit HWC. Most will say yes. I have a lot more confidence on the phone, and I'm only 21 so I can talk to them without them judging my age over the phone. By the time they see how young I am they have already agreed to look at a catalog and know that I was professional on the phone. I hope this helps you, and good luck with your new business!

Related to Struggling to Find More Bookings at 20 Years Old?

1. How can I reach out to potential hosts at 20 years old?

One way to reach out to potential hosts is through social media. You can join local Facebook groups and post about your business or reach out to friends and family members who may be interested in hosting a party.

2. What are some unique ideas for hosting parties at 20 years old?

Some unique ideas for hosting parties at 20 years old could include a themed party, such as a cooking class or wine tasting, or a virtual party using video conferencing platforms like Zoom.

3. How can I overcome the fear of rejection when reaching out to potential hosts?

One way to overcome the fear of rejection is by reminding yourself that it is not personal. People may decline for various reasons, but it doesn't mean they don't support you or your business. Also, focus on the potential positive outcomes of reaching out, such as gaining a new booking or making a new connection.

4. What are some tips for networking and finding potential hosts at events or gatherings?

When attending events or gatherings, make sure to bring business cards and be confident in talking about your business. You can also offer to do a demonstration or provide samples to pique people's interests. Be sure to follow up with anyone who showed interest in hosting a party.

5. How can I use my age to my advantage when trying to find more bookings?

Your age can be an advantage as it may appeal to a younger demographic who are interested in trying new products and hosting parties. You can also use social media platforms popular among younger audiences, such as Instagram and TikTok, to market your business and reach potential hosts.

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