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Should Britneys Kids Be Taken Away or Not?

In summary, the conversation discusses the ongoing custody battle between Britney Spears and Kevin Federline over their children. Both parties have been criticized for their parenting abilities, with many people believing that the children should be taken away and placed in a loving foster home. Britney has not been following the guidelines set by the judge, while Kevin has been doing everything asked of him. The group of people surrounding Britney are also seen as enabling her behavior. The conversation also touches on Britney's missed visitation with her children, and the suggestion that she needs to step out of the limelight and seek help in order to get her life back on track.
Staff member
New Director Academy/Training DayHas anyone taken the either of these? What did you think of them?
I attended the very first one they did and it was packed full of great information. I highly recommend it to all new directors!

I will be taking the Director Training when it comes to Raleigh, NC in October!
I still have not taken New Director Training (just too far away), but I did take Director Training. I thought it was great!

I went to Directors training when it was in Sacramento a couple of months ago. Well worth it. I would recommend to everyone.
Beth, I heard that New Directors Training was great, I have a PC friend that went too.
I'm excited to be signed up for the one in Dallas this month!
aframe79 said:
I'm excited to be signed up for the one in Dallas this month!

I'll be there too!
I went to the one at Home Office in April. It was great and really helpful.
NDA is totally worth it!!!
I want to attend one, but they have not had one lined up near me since I promoted in July. I wish there was one closer and soon. I have had NO director training at all. Just reading the handbook.
  • #10
I didn't take NDA until about 8 months after I promoted. The 8 months I waited for it I took teleclasses and read through the Coaching and Training New Consultants and the Leadership Handbook. Set aside some time each week to go through all this info. The rest of the time should be working on your personal business and then working with your team.
  • #11
Do your uplines offer any training for new directors? My director gave me very little but she knows I'm a self-learner (well, that's the excuse I'll give her). I read, took classes, and asked questions as I needed. Perhaps you could ask your director or upline director for more guidance.

It's crazy that a consultant would promote and then have to search for training. Their director and upline should be offering guidance as soon as the new director is getting close so they can take on their new position with confidence.
  • #12
My upline was waiting for someone else to promote to do a group training. But now that isn't happening soon. So I wait and see if I get training. I'm mostly a sef learner too. But a little guidence would be nice.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
What's your take?
  • #14
Yes, but to k-fed? hmmmm it's a lose lose either way!
  • #15
A year ago...who would have thought anyone would think K-Fed was the better choice as a parent! :eek: So sad for the little boys, they are ultimately going to be paying the highest price for this mess.

I definitely think the kids should be away from Britney right now. She was given clear guidelines by the judge as to what to do to keep the kids. She didn't do ONE thing on the list. Kevin did everything that was asked of him. Until she gets her head on straight, she has no business parenting those children on a full time basis. She can't even take care of herself let alone small children.

I heard somewhere that she makes $700,000 a month. That's plenty to live on for a while so step out of the limelight and get it together! Ditch the idiots around you that are enabling you and seek wise counsel!!
  • #17
I don't watch much tv, so I don't know what is going on. However, I do not like B.S. I never have. I think she is a bad influence on children. I do not allow my children to watch her, buy her music, or listen to her on the radio. Unfortunately a lot of other "stars" are in the same boat as far as I'm concerned. We live in a sad world and the children are the ones who suffer the most.
  • #18
georgiapeach said:
Ditch the idiots around you that are enabling you and seek wise counsel!!

Unfortunately that is not going to happen until she REALLY hits rock bottom. THe only way I see that occuring, is a with a near death experience. She appears to be so mentally confused that she doesn't have an objective view of herself.
  • #19
It is all so sad because she was really popular in the beginning. I always wonder what caused her spiral downward. It is really sad now that the kids are involved.
Jamie Lynn her sister is now in the lime light. I wonder what her take on all of this is.
  • #20
I promise that I'm not obsessed with Britney or search for info on her :D but I did read another article on her today.

She missed her visitation with the kids this weekend because her intercom was broken. She was waiting at her house with her cousin for the boys to be dropped off. One of K-Fed's "people" called the cousin and said they were taking the boys home because Britney didn't answer the intercom. WHAT???!!

That sounds so stupid! If she is supposed to be home and the intercom isn't working, do they not have her phone number to call and say "We're at the gate!" They leave and then call the COUSIN's cell phone!

Sounds like the entire group doesn't have a complete brain amongst them!!!
  • #21
I think they should be taken away from both parents and put in a loving foster home. I do not see either one of them as a good parent right now. So sad for these children.
  • #22
georgiapeach said:
A year ago...who would have thought anyone would think K-Fed was the better choice as a parent! :eek: So sad for the little boys, they are ultimately going to be paying the highest price for this mess.

I definitely think the kids should be away from Britney right now. She was given clear guidelines by the judge as to what to do to keep the kids. She didn't do ONE thing on the list. Kevin did everything that was asked of him. Until she gets her head on straight, she has no business parenting those children on a full time basis. She can't even take care of herself let alone small children.

I heard somewhere that she makes $700,000 a month. That's plenty to live on for a while so step out of the limelight and get it together! Ditch the idiots around you that are enabling you and seek wise counsel!!

I completely agree! Until she gets some help and gets back on track she shouldn't raise them.
  • #23
georgiapeach said:
I promise that I'm not obsessed with Britney or search for info on her :D but I did read another article on her today.

She missed her visitation with the kids this weekend because her intercom was broken. She was waiting at her house with her cousin for the boys to be dropped off. One of K-Fed's "people" called the cousin and said they were taking the boys home because Britney didn't answer the intercom. WHAT???!!

That sounds so stupid! If she is supposed to be home and the intercom isn't working, do they not have her phone number to call and say "We're at the gate!" They leave and then call the COUSIN's cell phone!

Sounds like the entire group doesn't have a complete brain amongst them!!!

That was the first story but apparently that isn't what happened. She didn't want anything to do with the parenting coach so she missed her visitation. I think she thinks she is above the law.

I also think that she is addicted to the limelight. I think she wants to be seen everyday. Her picture gets taken every single day!!


TMZ just reported that she applied for a job as a bartender. :confused:
  • #24
Britney's true colors are showing. She is not very bright and should have never started having children. She's a lowlife with too much fame and fortune. It is time for her to grow up! Get a clue!
  • #25
smashie said:
That was the first story but apparently that isn't what happened. She didn't want anything to do with the parenting coach so she missed her visitation. I think she thinks she is above the law.

I also think that she is addicted to the limelight. I think she wants to be seen everyday. Her picture gets taken every single day!!


TMZ just reported that she applied for a job as a bartender. :confused:

Ah, you beat me to it! I read the second story, which BTW makes more sense!, and came here to post it. If the second story is the truth, the judge needs to step in and rip into her. The babies are in the car crying for their mom and she's too proud to talk to someone that can help her get them back for good so she ignores them??? What in the world is going through that girl's head?
  • #26
georgiapeach said:
Ah, you beat me to it! I read the second story, which BTW makes more sense!, and came here to post it. If the second story is the truth, the judge needs to step in and rip into her. The babies are in the car crying for their mom and she's too proud to talk to someone that can help her get them back for good so she ignores them??? What in the world is going through that girl's head?

I think she truly is mentally disturbed. It's just my opinion, but I think that after she had both kids so close together she didn't get her head straight, and she is totally messed up. When she shaved her head I knew right then she would never be the same. I mean you would have to be REALLY depressed or mental to do something THAT drastic.

I am surprised she even has any hair at all with how often she dyes it!

I feel bad for the babies, but I think they are better off without their mother.
  • #27
georgiapeach said:
Ah, you beat me to it! I read the second story, which BTW makes more sense!, and came here to post it. If the second story is the truth, the judge needs to step in and rip into her. The babies are in the car crying for their mom and she's too proud to talk to someone that can help her get them back for good so she ignores them??? What in the world is going through that girl's head?

Sorry I beat you to the punch! LOL.... I am a gossip hound. I read all that stuff and I have NO IDEA WHY!!!:confused:
  • #29
georgiapeach said:
Me too....and Me too. :)

LOL, we need a gossip anonymous meeting! :D
  • #30
smashie said:
LOL, we need a gossip anonymous meeting! :D

Or maybe Greg can just start a new forum!! :eek: NO GREG I WAS JUST JOKING!!! I'm already not getting anything done with 3 forums to jump between!
  • #31
georgiapeach said:
Or maybe Greg can just start a new forum!! :eek: NO GREG I WAS JUST JOKING!!! I'm already not getting anything done with 3 forums to jump between!

LOL.........absolutely NOT. I don't think I could handle another one!!!

What sites to you go to for your gossip fix?
  • #32
I go to www.people.com and read the news from the day and look at the pictures.
  • #33
I got to .........drum roll please...... TMZ.com, Perezhilton.com, and Dlisted.com. Hello, my name is smashie, I am a gossip addict.
  • #34
smashie said:
What sites to you go to for your gossip fix?

I usually just click whatever link AOL has attached to their news items. (I use the term "news" loosely!!) Usually it takes me to TMZ or People.
  • #35
Ever since Justin Timberlake left her for 'allegedly' cheating, she has spiraled downward.
Now, though, I think that having 2 babies in 2 years has affected her hormone levels and she has post-partum depression. It explains so much about her: erratic behavior and inability to make good decisions.
The media hype surrounding her parenting skills irritates me, though...they act as if she is the only parent in Hollywood who has made poor parenting choices...
  • #36
Does anyone remember the dates that a new Director can get the travel voucher for promoting between?? I can't find it in the new CN or in my notes from Leadership...TIA!
  • #37
chefmeg said:
Does anyone remember the dates that a new Director can get the travel voucher for promoting between?? I can't find it in the new CN or in my notes from Leadership...TIA!

Travel voucher? Do you mean the free New Director Academy? Anyone who promoted to Director on or after January 1st 2007 can go to New Director Academy free this year. I don't remember a travel voucher. They said they would provide transportation to and from the airport.
  • #38
Even if there is no travel voucher, New Director Academy is SO WORTH IT!!!!!!!! GO GO GOG GO GOGOGO if you are eligible!!!! I'm so bummed I can't go again.
  • #39
I'm so going!! I can't wait!!

The dates this year are...

March 14-15
May 16-17
August 22-23
September 26-27
October 24-25

Myself and my upline, sideline and downline Directors are all going in May. We all promoted within the timeframe for the free NDA!!
  • #40
hmmmm...I swear I remember them announcing the fact that all is free, youjust have to get to Chicago...that was followed by the announcement of if you promote between _____ & ________, the will give a $250 travel voucher as well!
  • #41
That does sound vaguely familiar now that you say it that way! I guess I was so excited about getting to go for free I totally forgot about that part. I think it was Feb 1st-?? (maybe Nov 1st) I really don't remember, but I'm guessing that it wasn't January 1st because then my new Director would have gotten it and I would have remembered that.
  • #42
Wonder what time the everything gets started on day 1 and when we are finished on day 2? I am just trying to shop for flights and am not sure how many days I will need to stay. Any thoughts?
  • #43
There should be a sample schedule behind CC. I remember starting after lunch on the first day. Can't remember when we ended the 2nd day. It was early enough to make a 6 hour drive home and be in bed before midnight. :)
  • #44
I think the $250 in travel expenses had something to do with maintaining the $1250 in personal sales, 5 active personally recruited consultants and $4000 in cluster sales for the three months after the training (or maybe before???), then they get the $250 gift card or something?? I forget too.

Something else I keep forgetting (I should probably start another thread), but does a new consultant need to qualify in their first 30 days in order to get the free website subscription for 90 days?? Or do they just have to qualify in the first 90 days? I can't seem to remember where this info is. And is this forever???
  • #45
PamperedPosey said:
Travel voucher? Do you mean the free New Director Academy? Anyone who promoted to Director on or after January 1st 2007 can go to New Director Academy free this year. I don't remember a travel voucher. They said they would provide transportation to and from the airport.

Where is the information on this though, and the dates/locations please? I only see last year's dates, and have searched CC. I promoted May 1st and really hope to be able to get to this. I'm in CT, nothing close. :(
  • #46
chefkugler said:
My upline was waiting for someone else to promote to do a group training. But now that isn't happening soon. So I wait and see if I get training. I'm mostly a sef learner too. But a little guidence would be nice.

I would just be direct and tell her you'd like to be trained now - that is what you'd like to work on for 2008.
  • #47
PamperedPosey said:
I'm so going!! I can't wait!!

The dates this year are...

March 14-15
May 16-17
August 22-23
September 26-27
October 24-25

Myself and my upline, sideline and downline Directors are all going in May. We all promoted within the timeframe for the free NDA!!

Are these all in Chicago?
  • #48
Happy Chef said:
Has anyone taken the either of these? What did you think of them?

Here's the full scoop, it's updated now on CC

New Director Academy has been enhanced for 2008. Now, registration is free and you’ll attend this valuable training session at the Home Office in the Chicago suburbs.

New Director Academy
Includes valuable training on topics such as setting business growth goals, coaching for results, understanding your reports, and increasing personal and Cluster recruiting.
Is led by members of the Home Office Sales team.
Features plenty of interaction and networking with fellow attendees.
Provides time to explore Heritage Hall and share meals with special Home Office guests.
2008 Registration is FREE!
Get yourself to Chicago, and we'll take care of the rest. FREE registration includes:
Two days of valuable training and networking.
Ground transportation to and from O'Hare or Midway airport.
Friday night hotel (double occupancy).
Three meals (dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch on Saturday).
And … if you promote to Director Feb. 1 – Oct. 1, 2008, you can earn $250 toward your travel expenses! Click here to learn more.

Who can attend?
New Directors who have promoted (or re-promoted) on or after Jan. 1, 2007 and did not attend a New Director Academy in 2006 or 2007.
You must be a Director at the time of the program to attend.
If you're not yet a Director, you must promote by the first of the month in which the New Director Academy is held. If you plan to promote to Director and attend a program, contact our registration staff via e-mail at [email protected] so we can watch for your promotion.
New Director Academy Dates
Registration will open approximately six weeks prior to each event. Registration will close two weeks prior to each event. Be sure to plan ahead and reserve your spot!
Mar. 14-15
May 16-17
Aug. 22-23
Sep. 26-27
Oct. 24-25
Travel Arrangements
By air: Arrive no later than 12:00 noon on Friday. One week before the event, you'll receive information about the complimentary shuttle to the Home Office.

Arrange a return flight that departs no earlier than 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Transportation will take you directly back to O'Hare or Midway airport.
What’s the schedule?
1:30 p.m. — Check-in at the Home Office
2 p.m. – 9 p.m. — Training
Dinner is included
7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. — Training
Breakfast and lunch are included
Business casual, such as slacks and a sweater, is appropriate for New Director Academy.

Contact the Home Office via email at [email protected].
  • #49
its_me_susan said:
Are these all in Chicago?

Yes, they are all in Chicago from now on. They say that getting a tour of Home Office makes a big impact on consultants/Directors.
  • #50
Anyone know if you have already been if you can go again? I went to Harrisburg PA in October, and would love to go again to Home Office. It was an awesome training. Maybe I should just send an e-mail to find out :)
<h2>1. Should Britney's Kids Be Taken Away or Not?</h2><p>This is a sensitive and complex issue that cannot be answered definitively without all the facts and details of the situation. As an employee of Pampered Chef, we do not have the authority to make decisions about child custody. It is ultimately up to the court and child protective services to determine what is in the best interest of the children.</p><h2>2. What is the New Director Academy?</h2><p>The New Director Academy is a training program designed for new directors at Pampered Chef. It provides them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead a successful team and grow their business. It covers topics such as team building, goal setting, and leadership development.</p><h2>3. What can I expect from the New Director Academy?</h2><p>The New Director Academy is a comprehensive training program that includes both online and in-person learning opportunities. You will have access to a variety of resources, tools, and support to help you succeed in your role as a director. You will also have the opportunity to network with other directors and share best practices.</p><h2>4. How long is the New Director Academy?</h2><p>The New Director Academy is a self-paced program that can take anywhere from 3-6 months to complete. It will depend on your availability and how quickly you are able to complete the required training and assignments.</p><h2>5. Is the New Director Academy worth it?</h2><p>Many directors who have completed the New Director Academy have found it to be extremely valuable in their personal and professional growth. It provides the necessary skills and support to help you succeed as a director at Pampered Chef. However, the success of the program also depends on your dedication and commitment to learning and growing as a leader.</p>

Related to Should Britneys Kids Be Taken Away or Not?

1. Should Britney's Kids Be Taken Away or Not?

This is a sensitive and complex issue that cannot be answered definitively without all the facts and details of the situation. As an employee of Pampered Chef, we do not have the authority to make decisions about child custody. It is ultimately up to the court and child protective services to determine what is in the best interest of the children.

2. What is the New Director Academy?

The New Director Academy is a training program designed for new directors at Pampered Chef. It provides them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead a successful team and grow their business. It covers topics such as team building, goal setting, and leadership development.

3. What can I expect from the New Director Academy?

The New Director Academy is a comprehensive training program that includes both online and in-person learning opportunities. You will have access to a variety of resources, tools, and support to help you succeed in your role as a director. You will also have the opportunity to network with other directors and share best practices.

4. How long is the New Director Academy?

The New Director Academy is a self-paced program that can take anywhere from 3-6 months to complete. It will depend on your availability and how quickly you are able to complete the required training and assignments.

5. Is the New Director Academy worth it?

Many directors who have completed the New Director Academy have found it to be extremely valuable in their personal and professional growth. It provides the necessary skills and support to help you succeed as a director at Pampered Chef. However, the success of the program also depends on your dedication and commitment to learning and growing as a leader.

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