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Shop the Latest Fall Products on Ebay - Roasting Pans and More!

In summary, two of the new fall items for sale are the Roasting Pan and the woven basket. The Roasting Pan is selling for $38 on Ebay, which is more than the original price. The woven basket is only available at the National Conference in July and is selling for $50.
Just thought I would tell all of you that I just saw 2 of the roasting pans on ebay!! :eek: The same person (which we all know has to be a consultant) also has several of the other new fall items for sale.
Ooh I get so frustrated!When I'm on ebay & find that sort of thing. I do admit to purchasing a couple PC products on ebay, but only discontinued items from before I joined. Some consultants even list their websites on there...

There was a discussion about this on another PC board. It was suggested that when we see consultants selling things like this on e-bay, to report it to HO and let them take care of it. I also tell customers that buying PC products on e-bay is certainly no bargain. Many times, the items sell for more than the original price, and after adding S&H, it's really a big rip-off. Besides that, you don't get the PC guarantee, which is what sets us apart from all the rest. Other than that, there is not much we can do, except keep on selling PC the honest way, and feel good about ourselves when we look in the mirror each day.
items on ebayI was looking on e-bay last night and i couldnet believe that the patriotic table cloth was selling for 30 dollars i about died
I'm the SNITCH!I just went on ebay and copied down the people selling the new stuff online and TURNED THEM IN!!!! :D Take that. Those consultants are ruining everyone else's sales. Who's going to want to have show if they can get the new Roasting Pan for $38 on Ebay! I mean really. If I wasn't a consultant I would tempted. So, if it's anyone on this board guess what?
Way to go Donna!
I cant believe this!!! I just went on ebay and there is a store called 321_save. It says "we carry every product from the Pampered Chef catalog, visit our store for monthly specials." So i checked it out and it was advertising that if you spend $50 on products you can choose one of the cookbooks for free!!!! How in the world can they do that?
I couldn't believe it either!:eek: OH MY GOSH! I wanted to see this for myself, so I went on ebay and I couldn't beleive what I saw either! :mad: That sort of stuff really ticks me off! I would be even more mad if I knew for a fact that I was loosing shows because of these consultants....or soon to be former consultants - Thanks to Donna!! Way to go!! I sure hope HO takes action.
I have reported people to BUTunfortunatly some will not get caught , they explained to me how some consultants do it. They are under a friends Ebay account so there name (the consultant ) is not showing anywhere on Ebay. SO basically the friend gets all the orders on Ebay for the consultant and then the consultant submits as a show. That is how they are getting away with it. So they are also getting more free products as they are submitting lots of shows, getting host benefits as well.
  • #10
I had to look on ebay myself and saw that someone has the medium square woven selection piece on there and the only way you could get it is if you went to National Conference in July. Hello? Some of these people I just don't understand. :rolleyes:
Check it out:
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  • #11
Perhaps this one can be stoppedIF this seller isn't a friend selling for a consultant and really is a consultant herself, her name is Lori and she's from La Vista, NE. that shouldn't be too hard for the Home Office to find, so I forwarded the link to HO. I suggest everyone keep doing the same when they come across these things. The bid on the basket is up to $30 with 7 days left! And 6 bidders already!

I also sent the seller a note ("ask seller a question") and informed her that I forwarded her info to the Home Office.

Let's get these people off of e-Bay!

  • #12
Good for you, Diane! Let us know what, if anything, comes out of it!
  • #13
ebay itemsI agree. You know these people have to be pretty active to have all the new stuff. And who would of spent the money to go to conference and receive the woven basket and now quit. If they want to sell this stuff maybe they should just sell it us consultants. They have to be getting this stuff free or how could they sell it for what they do. Lets keep sending stuff to the home office!!! :mad: :)
  • #14
HO has a way of tracking these people down once they get a name to start with. However, it takes time. While I was a conference I spoke with a lady who lost a member of her downline because the lady was having/letting a relative in Florida sell PC products on a website. A director saw the website, called and talked to them then sent their info to HO. HO quickly found out where she was getting her products, compared it to the consultants orders, and the consultant lost her business.

Before sending information to HO maybe we should contact the seller, as if we are a buyer, and ask if they are a consultant and if they are could they send a catalog, so I can see all the products and place an order.

It is frustrating that people do this. But, I think we are really going to have to choose to not focus on them and focus on our businesses. It is a proven fact that "what goes around, comes around". Any time you do things you shouldn't do, it will eventually come back and "bite you in the rear".

Keep telling your customers about our wonderful guarantee and mention that the only way to have that guarantee is to purchase products directly from a consultant. You don't even have to mention ebay unless they ask about it.

Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.

  • #15
Did you see that??
PampMomof3 said:
I had to look on ebay myself and saw that someone has the medium square woven selection piece on there and the only way you could get it is if you went to National Conference in July. Hello? Some of these people I just don't understand. :rolleyes:
Check it out:

I was just reading through some of the posts I haven't read and saw the link. :eek: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! Did you see the buy it now price for the medium square?!?!?!??! Yeah, they are alittle on the pricey side but $125.00!!!!! And for a BASKET????? What is this consultant on???!?!?

I agree Shawnna - What goes around comes around! I've always been a big believer in that!!
  • #16
The Consultant's Basket Has Been RemovedI just checked e-Bay, and the seller listing the consultant basket only has removed the item from auction.

I also received a thank you note from field services, so my guess is that they found her.

  • #17
What is really sad about selling consultant only items is the fact that there are tons of consultants who didn't earn the incentive that would love to have it. And, then they sell it for an outrageous price. Hello...it was given to you FREE! You worked hard to earn it so I wouldn't say give it away, but lets be reasonable.

  • #18
Way To Go Diane!!! I Hope That Is The Case!
  • #19
I just clicked on the link and went to see the other items this person has for sale. SHE IS USING THE PC WEBSITE PICTURE OF THE LARGE GROOVED CUTTING BOARD. :mad: I am pretty sure that whether she is a consultant or not she is NOT allowed to use the pics from the PC website!!!!

Actually she is stealing lots of PC pictures!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • #20
They use the PC website pictures or from the catalog all the time!! And like someone said earlier, they are already selling things they have just earned! It makes me more mad the longer I think about it...especially if people think they are getting a good "deal" because they bought it off ebay!
  • #21
i have noticed the same thing and have actually had guests at shows tellme they have order this item or that off of e-bay,for less but i also tell them they are not getting the wonderful guarantee that is offered. which means if it get broken in shipping, they are SOL. not only that, the prices rise conseiderably within the last couple of ours usually so they really arent getting such a good deal. but i make me mad too, because they are taking money out of our pocket and the company. i have even looked at the shipping prices on some of the items that are but it now and they are the exact same shipping prices that are on the back of the order for. it makes me mad, but i know they will get what comes. Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. we must be WINNERS :)
  • #22
The box below contains the User IDs that this member has used on eBay.
User ID Effective Date End Date

kittykatluver71 Jul-15-05 Present
loriannvan Nov-12-02 Jul-15-05

I was reading some of her negative buyer comments and they said that she didn't respond or send their items.
She responded to several of them dated last month that she was in Orlando on vacation and that is why she didn't respond. It sounds to me like she is definetely a consultant. I hope HO finds her and removes her from the business for good.
  • #23
There are a ton of pc products on ebay. I sometimes browse looking for consultant supplies or old discontinued items, but almost everything says NIB. And, there were several listings for the new Fall products. I played devils advocate and emailed a few of them.

I asked one who was selling a sifter if that was in one of the surprise packs from conference. She emailed back "I don't know, I am listing this for someone else and she didn't give me that information".

I asked another one if she earned those table linens for June sales.

I told another one that the item he was selling was not even available until September and that the home office was closely checking internet auction sites for consultants who were not following home office guidelines.

Sometimes its fun to play devil's advocate to see how people squirm. I am not even worried about them selling there because I know HO will catch them and they will get their dues. But, it was fun to look anyway.

  • #24
I'm confused!
D_Patel said:
unfortunatly some will not get caught , they explained to me how some consultants do it. They are under a friends Ebay account so there name (the consultant ) is not showing anywhere on Ebay. SO basically the friend gets all the orders on Ebay for the consultant and then the consultant submits as a show. That is how they are getting away with it. So they are also getting more free products as they are submitting lots of shows, getting host benefits as well.

How would a consultant be able to submit this as a show? :confused: I totally do not see the connection...I'm thinking an order on ebay goes through ebay, not PC, so how could you submit it under the prices that PC are selling them for??
Please explain...just for the sake of understanding!!

BTW, this whole thing is pretty disgusting...I am often bewildered at how people can turn anything dishonest...while you wouldn't even THINK of doing something like this, somebody out there is DOING it!! Unbelievable!
  • #25
The consultant would collect the orders received from her friend on ebay , and then submit it as a show.That is what Ebay responded to me , i tried to turn someone in , she was not linked to PC at all so the guy from Ebay told me it must be a friend of a consultant. This lady was a Ebay power seller to ! All she sold was PC products.I dont understand how she does it either her prices were lower than the catalog. It will all catch up to them in th end i hope !
  • #26
It seems that some things are cheaper,yet they make up for it in the S/H
  • #27
I played devils advocate too. I emailed someone and asked how they were able to get those linens before they went on sale in September. She said "my sister in law is a director so she I am lucky." So I guess in all honesty...if the director gets everthing free for being a director and then hitting the levels and getting another set free...she can give it to her sis-in-law and she can do whatever she pleases with it. Not quite sure if that is what is happening but...
  • #28
I received an email from a man that I had told that the microplane was not even available till September and that PC was looking at ebay to catch consultants...

Anyway, his response was "That's okay. I'm not a consultant. I don't believe in those "work you tail off so someone else can get rich" deals." So, my guess is that he is just taking orders on ebay and then submitting it to a consultant as an order or show.

These consultants think they are going around the rules by letting someone take orders this way because they are not actually doing it. But, the HO will eventually trace it back to the consultant and she/he will lose her/his business because they are involved and know that is against HO policy to sell this way. Only consultants are allowed to sell.

If you take orders this way, wait for HO to ship your products and then mail them out to your customer, it is taking a long time for the customer to get their products. This could give PC a bad reputation if people are not understanding that they are not buying from a consultant directly.

  • #29
I thought it was odd that ebay had new items that don't debut until September. There will always be people who take shortcuts in life. Hopefully they will be caught by the Home Office.

Technically the consultants selling on ebay are breaking their contract with PC, and if the Office is monitoring the site, there could be legal action against them.

Gues we will have to wait and see.
  • #30
This is just my thought to how they are selling them so cheaply, maybe they are using thier personal discount for personal items??? Who knows. It makes me so mad when I see that stuff on e-bay!!!! :mad: :mad:
  • #31
e-baywhat goes around comes around.....they will get caught
  • #32
dawn424383 said:
There was a discussion about this on another PC board. It was suggested that when we see consultants selling things like this on e-bay, to report it to HO and let them take care of it. I also tell customers that buying PC products on e-bay is certainly no bargain. Many times, the items sell for more than the original price, and after adding S&H, it's really a big rip-off. Besides that, you don't get the PC guarantee, which is what sets us apart from all the rest. Other than that, there is not much we can do, except keep on selling PC the honest way, and feel good about ourselves when we look in the mirror each day.

I hate to hear that kind of stuff too! but I'm with you let's keep on selling our products the right way. :cool:
  • #33
I wrote to kittykatluver71 and asked "how is it that you can sell an item available only to consultants? And ethical consultants are barred from selling on eBay? Many consultants who earned this product rightfully are curious. I (we) await your reply." We'll see if they have the integrity or fortitude to answer.
  • #34

I emailed one person who was selling the linen set...among other things. I asked her if she earned that in June for sales. Her repy was:

"No, I did not. I am not a consultant". She seemed offended that I would ask such a thing.

For the most part, these are not consultants. They obviously have a consultant supplying them. And, I guess if they purchase from a consultant...for whatever amount...they can do whatever they want to with the product. I don't see how PC can regulate what a non-consultant does. However, any consultant who knowingly supplies products for someone to sell on ebay, or anywhere else is wrong. They are technically going around the HO guidelines, but they are really conducting their business in an unethical way. One way or another, they will end up on the losing end of the situation. How sad that they don't see it.

  • #35
I had e-mailed kittykatluver earlier. She said her sis in law is a director so I am sure the sis in law is getting double and giving them to kitty kat to do as she pleases with it. Just my thoughts
  • #36
Bad People!Why do they have to sell our stuff on eBay? I noticed it BEFORE we even went to conference 3 that the stuff was on there. It makes me sooooo mad- I can sort of understand discontinued products here and there (especially if it is a cleanin' out the closet thing...) but not BRAND spankin' new stuff that we can't even submit for orders yet. You're right- what comes around....
  • #37
You know, I looked on Ebay recently at a lady's store she had set up. I looked at her feedback, and she had ship times of 3 days. She must be buying stock of each product. But what made me laugh was that these people thought they were getting such a deal on these products. They might save a few bucks on the bidding price, but they are more than making up for it in the shipping costs. Plus, even if they buy something for $5 less than the original price, they aren't getting the warantee!! I saw one lady who's feedback said "I've found a new place to buy Pampered Chef", but yet she had bought the pink Quick Stir Pitcher for $15.50!

It's frustrating to see this, but there's not much that can be done. I guess it boils down to having a good relationship with YOUR customers, and giving them the service they need to keep buying from you. :)
  • #38
I wish there was a way to post on e-bay listings that they are paying more on e-bay than if they were buying from a consultant.
  • #39
Such a shame...I am a loyal customer of PC and not a consultant. I am thinking of becoming a consultant though. I often shop on Ebay for extra catalogs. I like to share the catalogs with my friends and family before I have a kitchen show. The last show I had my sales were over $600.00. I don't see how so much PC products could be on ebay either. It's outrageous!!!! To me, those consultants selling on Ebay are not being loyal to their Pampered Chef Family.

Loyal Customer,
TriciaAnn :)
  • #40
I have to admit that I actually tried to buy something...the discontinued quik stir picture in blue, and I tried for some charms for our charm bracelet because I didn't get to start until august so I really want those first few months, but I also wont pay much for any of it. my max bid was like $2.00 for a charm...well I lost to a person who bid $28.00 for 1 charm!!!! I thought that was completely outrageous! I didn't know what to think. I had never bid on e-bay before, and I don't see me doing it anytime soon either. Everything is outrageous and I'm really scared that I won't get what I pay for!
  • #41
I've only ordered one thing ever from Ebay, and it was right after I became a consultant. I knew nothing about this site, and there was a girl selling a "Power Pack" CD with all kinds of tips and show ideas on it. Well, I ordered it like a big dummy because at the time my director was being no help at all and I felt lost. A few weeks later I recruited someone and she found this site. I have NEVER used that CD. I've looked at it, but the ideas she had were not nearly as good as the ones I've gotten here. I'm pretty sure she has gotten most of her theme show ideas from here. They are pretty similar.
  • #42
If it's the disk I think your talking about the consultant used info from this site to put on her disk. I lost the bidding on one of the disks. Which now I'm glad I did since I found this site the next day. I also haven't seen her post here since I found this site; but I sent her an email through Ebay telling her that I found all of the ideas listed on her disk on this free website. I don't know if HO found her but I was mad to think I almost paid for the ideas that everyone here is so willing to share.
  • #43
Back from visiting eBay.:mad: I just looked on eBay after I started reading the postes on here. Although I am not a member of eBay so what I can and can not get into is pretty limited. However I did run across a really incredible "eBay store"

spacious_skies has a "store" that is 99% Pampered Chef items and her posts read 222 in the last month :( and many talk about returning to "her" for buisness. So they have sold 222 Pampered Chef items in the last month. I don't know how to report it to the HO so if someone could let me know or just report them, Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll be stopped. :(
  • #44
EbayI have been looking on Ebay for invitations and other supplies. I am amazed at what is listed on there and their price. I saw a cake tester for $2.50 and then $2.50 shipping!! The shipping is where they are making their money - not off the products.

  • #45
I saw a Medium Woven basketsell for $86.00 on Ebay ! Unreal ! Now those are consultants selling them they were only given out if you attended conference right ? crazy
  • #45
That's Me
PCKCRobyn said:
:mad: I did run across a really incredible "eBay store"

spacious_skies has a "store" that is 99% Pampered Chef items and her posts read 222 in the last month :( and many talk about returning to "her" for buisness. So they have sold 222 Pampered Chef items in the last month. I don't know how to report it to the HO so if someone could let me know or just report them, Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll be stopped. :(

Why, thank you! I am the proud owner of the Spacious Skies store on eBay and I must say, I am deeply flattered to have warranted a mention in this forum! Another PC seller on eBay told me about it and I just had to tell you that I appreciate being considered an "incredible" ebay store. You people really think you are scaring sellers by e-mailing them, but we all know what you are doing. The others that don't, wel they aren't sly enough to have lasted long anyway. I'm not a consultant, so I have no worries of being "caught" by PC. I get several threats and e-mails daily from consultants hoping to get me to divulge info, which I am happy to do since I have nothing to hide. I have several consultants happy to sell to me for cost as I am a reliable customer and it really boosts their sales. I'm telling you, you are wasting your breath on the big ebayers. I get a hearty laugh every time I open an e-mail to see a "threat of legal action" or someone thinking they are being slick asking some dumb question. You see, I am doing nothing wrong, just doing my job. Have a nice day & thanks for the compliment! God bless! :D
  • #46
Excuse me! "You People". Were just Pampered Chef consultants trying to do our job the correct way, the right way, the HONEST way.
We don't really appreciate it when our business is taken away by somebody who dosen't care about why the Pampered Chef business was started in the first place. For a lot of us this is our part-time or full-time job. We do this so we can stay at home with our children. This actually means something to us.

You keep selling your Pampered Chef products on e-bay, and make your profit, and we'll keep selling it with heart, the way it was meant to be sold.

Have a nice day! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #46
What do you consider cost? I guess if you think the 30% or possibly 40% discount you might be getting is cost so be it. And as far as boosting the sales of the consultant. Sorry, doesn't work that way. If she is selling to you at the discount it does not go towards her sales and she doesn't make a commision off of it. Get your facts straight before posting on here. So go and read up more on the PC business because you have no idea what you are talking about. Also, continue to sell that way and make your piddly little money here and there. What goes around comes around. Just the idea that you came to attack us on OUR site is pretty immature. You must not be too busy with that ebay store after all if you have to track down this site, join and post.
Happy selling away here. And doing it honest!!!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #46
Oh and one more thing. Since you are "happy to divulge" any information why don't you share who your "several consultants" are. Or maybe post your name at the bottom of your post. And the " God bless" is tacky as well. I went and checked out your store. Not many bids these days huh? Funny, I have 4 parties booked this week, working a total of 8 hrs and I will make a commission of approximately $900. That is 112.50 an hr. So you selling a cooks corer on your site and making a whopping $7.00 after you have spent the time listing the item, emailing the buyer, packaging it up and taking to the post office does not impress me in the least. So glad you are not a consultant. We don't need people like you associated with our prestigious company.
  • #47
First of all, I am a huge ebayer but i have never bought anything PC from there even before i became a consultant. I think the whole thing is immature. if you have the time to come here and post an immature post like that you might want to check your "store" for more customers. See us REAL consultants dont have time for stupid kids games like that. I work my tail off every day getting my name out, setting up shows and learning more stuff to make my customers happy. what do you do to make your customers happy? can you offer a warranty? can you offer free products up to $200? how about half price items? what can you do for your customers? you are literally ripping people off with OUR products by selling them triple the price and no warranty....that is really something to be proud of...so go ahead and pat yourself on the back. you made the comment God bless....well I can assure you that MY God will not bless someone who is cheating the system and cheating others.....be careful what you say when you bring God in a conversation!! You might want to consider what you are doing...you are only hurting your customers and when they finally figure it out we will be here to take your customers and treat them the way PC was created to treat them.
  • #48
I just got an email from someone who bought a product from KittyKatLover and had seen where I had emailed them to ask how they were getting all their products to sell on ebay. Anyway, this person said that they havent recieved their product yet and already recieved negative feedback. Very interested I thought. We will see how it turns out for them as I asked them to follow up with me...
  • #48
monica_sweetconsultant said:
See us REAL consultants dont have time for stupid kids games like that. I work my tail off every day getting my name out, setting up shows and learning more stuff to make my customers happy. what do you do to make your customers happy? can you offer a warranty? can you offer free products up to $200? how about half price items? what can you do for your customers? you are literally ripping people off with OUR products by selling them triple the price and no warranty....that is really something to be proud of...so go ahead and pat yourself on the back. you made the comment God bless....well I can assure you that MY God will not bless someone who is cheating the system and cheating others.....be careful what you say when you bring God in a conversation!! You might want to consider what you are doing...you are only hurting your customers and when they finally figure it out we will be here to take your customers and treat them the way PC was created to treat them.
I have no problem telling people what they want to know, but I never give my personal info out over the internet. Anyone who gives their location or full name is just asking for trouble. One psycho consultant was kicked off of ebay for making threats to PC sellers. My name is Karen and that is all I offer over the internet to anyone.

I am a former consultant and I know that I am getting my orders for cost. When the consultants place the order, I pay them only what they will end up paying after recieving their commissions. I then simply resell them.

I also happen to be working to stay at home with my kids, which I get to do and never have to find a babysitter to do a show. I'm not "cheating the system", I am simply a customer who happens to resell some of my things I buy. As for the consultants, they wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

You are all giving conflicting stories here- some are working their tail off while I do nothing, others are making more money than I will ever see with my piddly sales. Neither is true. I work my butt off at home while my kids are napping or playing with friends, and then I make a decent enough income to be able to stay home with them. I don't see why you are all fired up about people selling if you "will be here to take your customers and treat them the way PC was created to treat them" when they get sick of me "hurting" them. If you are so sure of that, why be so obsessed with the whole idea of reselling PC items? I had another seller e-mail me about my mention in this forum. They told me where to find it and here I am! I was just giving you some friendly advice about the e-mailing sellers thing, it really is an exercise in futility. I closed my store for a week due to some treatments we had to go out of town for, so you see, of course my sales have dropped.

We are not competing, we reach a totally different audiences. Most of my buyers send a note with payment thanking me for having a store. They live in very remote locations with no consultants around to buy from. Others are disabled or very busy and unable to make it to shows. Others yet are wanting just a seasoning here or a scraper there. These are people, like myself, who would never bother with going to a show or placing an order, paying full price, and waiting over a week to recieve it. I am clear with customers that the items are not covered by PC warranty because there is no consultant receipt to go with it and the ones that can't handle that go to you. You should look upon this as a benefit for Pampered Chef as they get more sales through people like me and thus contributes to the overall success of the company. They should embrace the online possibilities and allow consultants to advertise online. Do you know how many orders I got as a consultant posting in forums or chatrooms and just mentioning that I was a consultant? A considerable portion of my customers are in Utah, Vermont, Montana, other less-populated states with no consultants within a reasonable distance. The internet reaches those people. Yes, there are personal consultant websites, but how do you get it out to those people not on your e-mail list? The consultant agreement forbids "advertising" in the forums or chatrooms or anywhere online. This is something that they need to consider and work out. Maybe you all could figure something out that doesn't violate the rules to help bolster your sales. I'm a SAHM mom as well. The only difference between me and you is that you work for PC and I work for myself. You go to shows and I work from my computer. I am unable to do what you do, so I do it the only way that I can. God has blessed me with a special baby that requires my constant care and in the rural area I live in, there is no special care center to allow me to work outside the home. My DH works nights to support our family and I have no family in the area. I have done what I can to help keep us fed, clothed, and with a roof over our heads, and if that makes me a bad person, so be it. I don't feel guilty.

Good luck with your business.
  • #49
no matter how noble your intentions, it is still directly against the rules that have been set by the company.
  • Thread starter
  • #49
Guess what? You should have never posted here unless you wanted to hear the truth. We all have good reasons we do what we do to make a living. I am a stay at home mom as well. I DO NOT hire sitters to keep my children while I do parties. My husband is home with them. I also DO NOT work for PC. I work for myself. I also DO NOT work my butt off. I am extremely organized and know how much my family and I can handle. I never put them 2nd. Your original post had a much nastier tone "you people" and "hearty laugh". What did you honestly expect. And then your last post you proceeded to tell us more details about your life.Which of course pulls at all our heartstrings.(that is not sarcastic that is honest).You came on here attacking us like we all had something to do with the emails and threats you are getting. I took no part in emailing you. I only responded when you came to our site. If doing what you are doing is paying your bills then so be it, but do not come on here and try to get us to make you feel better about what you are doing.That fact is that if the consultants were caught doing what you say they are doing, then there would be consequences from home office meaning that what you are doing is wrong as well. Having bills to pay does not justify wrong doings. And if there were nothing wrong with what you are doing you would tell the names of the consultants. "never give personal information over the internet" is bologney!!! With all of that said. I am done. This site is not for arguing. But I just could not let this slide.
  • #50
I have to agree with you luv2sellit!! I am a SAHM and I also dont hire babysitters...my whole family goes to the shows with me....my business is family owned and operated so to say. when i said i work my butt off every day....it was meant like this: I do everything I possibly can to make my business successful. whether it is sitting on the computer to get more ideas, making host packets, trying recipes, or whatever. As for me worrying about your customers, i have plenty. i get my name out the legal way. i go to fairs and crafts shows. i got outside my loop of friends. I didnt have to buy something and then re-sale it just to get by. which i understand why you do it. you make it sound like you are so much better off than us consultants. sounds to me like you are putting more out than you are getting. but it doesnt matter..none of my business. just dont be mad at us for defending the company that we hold dear to our heart and wanting it to be done the legal and fair way. you could sell PC as a consultant without holding a kitchen show. do the catalog shows and give your customers ALL of PC. not just a piece of it. why cheat them out of soemthing great? youre giving them amazing products but only half of the deal. thats why i said cheating them. I have 3 kids, i understand what you said about yours. One of mine was a premie and he is still a handful to take care of. i wish you the best but you really need to calm down and see the whole big picture about Pc and the consultants that are responding to you.
  • #50
Hey, I was just wanting to say thanks for the mention. Made me feel special to have warranted a mention by strangers. Not kidding, I'm serious. Oh, well. I'lll stop posting and go back to just reading posts.

And about the info over the internet thing: I don't think you realize how giving the smallest amount of info over the internet can make you susceptible to online creeps. When I was in college, I used my first and last name as my name in my e-mail. One man from California got the name from a chatroom which gave out e-mail addresses of members. he then got my phone number and somehow, my workplace, which happened to be wal-mart. He then called there and found out that I worked in accounting. Shortly after, i was recieving calls at home and at work from him asking about why i wouldn't talk to him. He said he was going to visit and that he wanted to stay at my apartment (address found by reverse lookup of number). I don't believe I ever spoke to him online or elsewhere. The calls soon became violent in nature and I ended up moving and changing my number and having to do all kind of preventative measures to prevent him from finding out how to reach me, even filing police reports. Turns out he was a mentally ill man who had been released from jail to live in a group home that was supposedly monitored. I can't imagine what I would do if someone found out my physical address and came here while my husband was at work, just me and my kids. I have 5 boys, ranging from 9 months to 10 years, and I prefer to keep them safe. That is why I do not give info out, and I would advise you all to do it as well. Ok, I'm done.
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  • #50
Yikes!! How scarrey is that. I appeared on tv years ago when I worked as an advertising manager. I had a man call me after the program aired and wanted to know if he could "take care of me financially". I told him no thanks that I had a husband to do that. He said that was no problem that he wanted to take care of us both. Said he had seen me on tv and wanted to take care of me. It really freaked me out.

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