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Setting Office Hours: A Must for Home-Based Businesses

In summary, the conversation revolved around the struggle of setting and sticking to office hours while balancing family responsibilities. The participants shared their own experiences and challenges with managing their time effectively. Some tips mentioned include using blocks of time, pockets of time, and borrowed time for making important phone calls. The importance of prioritizing and taking action rather than overthinking organization was also emphasized. The conversation ended with a shared resource of top time management tips for consultants.
Gold Member
I need help in this area. I need to set office hours and STICK to them. Could any of you that do this please share? With all the people in my home, I find it hard to do this but with all the people in my house, I NEED to do this so that I don't "work" all the time. I hope that makes sense. I tried harder today and I got more done around the house. For my dh and kids I have GOT to get this under control. I know once school begins that will help but I have to have a plan in place so that it works whether the family is here or not. HELP! I know it will take discipline but I also heard God clearly at Leadership and NC telling me to get this straight or my business won't grow so it's a must do for all the right reasons.
Hmm, maybe NOT being on CS at 12:30am would be a good start. :)

That said, I'm off to bed. I can't offer any other useful advice, since my time management skills are wanting, as well, **sigh**.:rolleyes:

I'm with you Diane. Let's do it.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I know. It's hard to explain but with 9 people here, :) I need time when it's quiet to be awake. I know that makes no sense but it sort of does. I don't sit around all day too tired to do anything, I just find it hard to compartmentalize what has to be done. However, I'm willing to try. I think I should head back over to Flylady as a start... I know she's right on but I'm fighting it. :)
I completely know where you are coming from, Diane! Sometimes I stay up way too late at night because it is the only quiet time I get for myself, too!! But then I find that my productivity the next day takes a big hit for it, so I am trying to stop doing that. Flylady is something I need to look into as well. I also just ordered a time management CD with my fall supplies - if I get anything good from it I will share.Other than that, I am just interested in what other advice you get, as I am in the same situation myself!
No help for you here, neither. Just another one looking for the same advice. This is one of my major issues right now. (and I only have 3 others in the house) Most of the time, it seems like the kis are up first thing in the morning with me, and there are many times that I am falling asleep at night right along with them, so there is no quiet time.

I think I need to start by disciplining myself to get some non-value added activities done first thing in the morning (such as e-mails, CS, preparing anything for the mail, etc.), and having a phone call list all set to go, so that when I have a 5 or 10 minute block of quiet time (or somewhat quiet) I can sneak a phone call or two in throughout the day.
This was passed down from Don Funt. I hope it helps some to at least get organized. But again, I would love to hear from someone who is home during the day and has "office hours" and how it works for them.

Top Time Tips for Consultants
Shared By Director Lura Antokal with the Director Loop

Using your time effectively can free you up to focus on the true income-producing activities of your business. The tips here have been helpful for Pampered Chef leaders across the country. Choose the ones that will make a difference for you, and be sure to share good ideas with your Consultants!

When it comes to organization, don't spend more time thinking about it than doing it!

Making Phone Time a Priority

Here are four ways to carve out time for phone calls.
· Blocks of time: It's great when you have 30 + minutes of time you can devote to phone calling. Remember to use "prime" time for the phone. You can fold laundry or clean with the kids around, but naptime, school hours, etc. should be dedicated to the phone.
· Pockets of time: 5-10 minutes is plenty for several quick calls. Use survey drawing slips, sales receipts or Contact Management records, and start calling. Don't waste time deciding whom to call - just get going!
· Borrowed time: This is time you add to something that's already scheduled. For example, if you work another job, make phone calls just before or after work, or use your lunch hour. OR, leave for a Show 20 minutes early, pull over in the car, and make a few calls from your cell phone.
· Found time: This is any unexpected opening in your schedule. For example, when you have a Show cancel, use the time you had already committed to your business to make phone calls.

Try the "Power Hour." ·

~ First 15 minutes - Make 3-minute phone calls to 3 or 4 people (hosts, Show leads, recruit leads, follow-ups from fairs, catalog mailings, etc.)
~ Second 15 minutes - Make 3-minute phone calls to five people on your team. If you don't have a team, use this time to start one - dedicate these 15 minutes to calling those potential recruits!
~ Next 5 minutes - Critique yourself. What worked well, what didn't? How can you make the next "power hour" more productive? (Different time to call? Different script?, etc.)
~ Last 25 minutes - Service the people you have called. Now is the time to get out the host packets for the Shows you scheduled, recruiting packets to those interested, and to complete and submit the orders for Shows just closed.

More Phone Tips: ·

Always ask, "What's the best time to call you? How early or how late do you like to be called? .Is there a daytime number where I can reach you?" People will appreciate that you call when they prefer.
· Set the Clock/Timer or an alarm clock to remind you of tele-classes, coaching call appointments, etc.
· Use a duplicate copy phone log book for ~ phone messages, because it provides a permanent record in case the perforated individual memo slips are misplaced. Have one next to each phone, and teach family members to use it.

Make calls in R-S-V-P order.
~ Recruiting calls first! As a leader, growing your team is the key to your future.
~ Sales: Booking calls and host coaching - Set a goal to have the following month fully booked no later than the 8th of the current month.
~ Very new people - your Super Starters need and deserve a call every week to discuss what's gone well and to address any challenges they've experienced
~ Performers - These are your Cluster members who are no longer Super Starters, and have stated a goal for their business that you can help them to achieve.
~ Use three-way calling with your Cluster.
~ It builds support bonds among them! Saves time!


· Identify your personal time-wasters by logging all your activities for two weeks and recording them in 15-minute blocks. Decide what can be changed.
· On your daily "to do" list, limit yourself to 6 tasks for your Pampered Chef® business and 6 for family/personal.
· "New parents’ rule: For every time you are up with the baby during the night, take one item off your list for the next day!
· Put a $ sign next to tasks that are truly income producing, and focus on those first!
· Throughout the day, ask yourself two questions:
· What's the most important thing for me to do right now?
· How terrible would it be if I didn't do it right now?
· Commit to prompt follow-up. Say, "I will get that out to you the first thing tomorrow," and then use the last 15-20 minutes of your work time to complete those tasks.
· Get up one hour earlier or stay up one hour later twice a week to handle non-phone tasks.
· Keep a single calendar to track activities for everyone in the family, using a different color pen for each person. Some Consultants do this on the FranklinCovey® month-at-a-glance, while others keep a large wall calendar.
· On Sunday, preview the upcoming week with family.
o Double check for kids' school needs, transportation/car pooling, child care, etc.
· Agree with your spouse that the second person to schedule the same time is responsible for finding child care, if needed.
· Keep a basket or tote near the door in which you can put everything you need for running errands, taking children to school and activities, etc. Include phone call lists in case you get some "found" time.
· Be cautious about multi-tasking - newer research indicates it doesn't actually save time! In particular, don't multi-task when you're on the phone with someone.
· Group similar tasks. You'll be more efficient and effective. For example:
o Do all personal errands one day a week. (Create and post at home a generic grocery list that you photocopy; circle items as you need them.)
o Make all your host coaching calls for the week at the same time.
o Stamp catalogs, receipts and opportunity brochures, and put together host packets for 23 months at a time.
o Plan a week's meals at a time, and make double portions whenever possible.

Simplify your Show preparation and completion. §

Choose three outfits as your Show "uniforms."
§ Offer one recipe per month (or a choice of2-3 if you prefer).
o Then pack your crate for the month based on the recipe(s) you offer.
§ Have your crate, showcase and tote bag in the car by noon (or before you go to work).
o Have any perishable food items you're taking to the Show packed up and ready to go.
§ Connect with the host the day of the Show to see if there are any essential ingredients she doesn't have. Double-check all recipe ingredients as soon as you arrive.
§ Leave your host's name and phone number with your family in case of emergency.
§ After a Show, match up orders and payments, double-check survey drawing slips for interest in your services, and enter as much information as possible into PamperedPartner®... Then it will be fast and easy to complete and submit the Show as soon as the last few orders come in!
§ Close Shows within 24-48 hours - guests who attended want to receive their products promptly!
§ Make customer care calls before the Show closes, so the host can still get credit for additional bookings or orders.

§ Keep your most frequently used materials within reach on your desk - this will save more time than you'd expect!
§ 70% of all files are never touched again! Use the RAFT system to keep afloat in a sea of paperwork:
o R - Refer it to the person responsible.
o A - Act upon it immediately.
o F - File it. Remember, file for retrieval, not for storage!
o T - Toss or recycle it. (Open your mail next to the wastebasket, and be ruthless!)
§ Hanging file folders make it easy to organize.
o For example, have a set of hanging files labeled January - December. File each event in its own manila folder (with a title and date) in the appropriate month. This can include Shows, Cluster meetings, booths, and even personal events such as birthday parties, a child's field trip information, bills to pay, copies to be made, etc.
§ A tickler file with 1-31 divider tabs is ideal for keeping track of calls for host coaching, booking or recruiting follow-up, customer care, or Consultant coaching. (OR, use PamperedPartner's Contact Management function.)
§ Create a Key Information binder with January-December tab dividers. Place flyers for Consultant promotions, Guest and Host specials, and other timely information behind the appropriate divider. In the front or inside pocket, put a list of Home Office contacts, the most current Consultant News/Directory~ and the supply order form and Training Resources listing.
§ Sort "idea" files into just a few broad headings, such as: bookings, host coaching, product information, selling skills, recruiting, and customer care. Purge these regularly; keep only the newest flyer or the ideas that are especially applicable to your Cluster.
§ Use a few simple forms from the Leadership Handbook to keep on top of your Cluster:
o Cluster Calendar - see all the scheduled Shows for your team.
o Cluster Communication Log - make note of your contacts with individual Consultants throughout the month.
o Tracking individual Consultants - New Consultant Record (for Super Starters) and Critique Your Week and Future Director Tracker (great for taking notes during coaching calls). All these are in the Leadership Handbook and also downloadable from the Web.

more to come................
More from Don Funt:

Make the best use of the Consultant News/Directory.

§ Read the CN... Highlight ideas that you can discuss on coaching calls or at Cluster meeting. Write Consultant's name in margin if you notice an especially appropriate tip for someone.
§ Review the Directory meeting planner for next month. Contact Consultants to request their help in various areas of the meeting.
§ Review the new Monthly Coaching Checklist. Add any personal items, such as upcoming Cluster meeting, reminder of a cluster challenge, Step Up to Director classes, etc.


§ Involve the family in tracking your progress toward goals, and ask them to help you stay on track with your phone calls, Show schedule, etc. They'll be delighted to be your "boss," and they'll learn important lessons about goal-setting and achievement.
§ Make the connection between your business efforts and the benefits they enjoy. For example, "Mom's Pampered Chef business paid for your skiing lessons."
§ Realize that perfect balance every day is unlikely.
o However, over the course of a month or two, all your priorities can be honored. For example, during double incentive points, the holiday selling rush, or the end of a promotional earning period you might miss a soccer game or social event, but you can adjust your schedule the following month if you want to.
§ Choose the involvements that work for you, and politely but firmly say "no" to other requests. For example, "That's sure an important project, and I'm flattered that you thought of me. I'm not able to help with that, however. Thanks for asking, and I wish you the best of luck!"
§ Be confident when explaining your business commitments to friends who hope you will be free whenever they want! For example, "I'd love to get together with you! This afternoon is already scheduled with work, so how about next Thursday instead?"
§ Have a separate phone line for your business, or order "distinctive ring" from your telephone company, so you can distinguish Pampered Chef® calls. And remember to leave the phone unanswered during family time!
§ Enlist your family's help, especially when they'll enjoy the rewards as well. For example,
o Children can stamp receipts, catalogs, etc. Their "not so perfect" work is a great advertisement for the benefits of a home-based business.
§ Pre-schoolers will love to advertise for you by wearing logo T-shirts and other clothing. They'll also be delighted to tryout the kid's kitchen tools and recipes - and it's great basic math education for them!
§ With school-age kids, you can do paperwork while they're doing homework, and still be together. They may also help with your computer data entry, pack and carry for fair booths, and more.
§ If you hire baby-sitters, offer to pay an additional $1 per hour after the children are asleep, for the sitter to stamp, stuff, etc.


§ Change your voice mail message daily. It's a great way to let people know when you'll be returning calls, and it's good practice to record a friendly, professional, timely message each day. "Smile when you dial" to convey an upbeat, positive tone.
§ Update your Personal Web site at the same time each month. Review each section to be sure it's up-to-date.
§ Set one day a month to check your Wedding Registry home page. (Refer to the Wedding Registry training booklet for more ideas.)
§ Email is great for quick information and routine updates. However, it's not a good substitute for human contact, either in person or over the phone.
§ Set aside 15-30 minutes a day for email. Handle questions and requests from your Consultants first.
§ Consider perusing general emails as part of your "leisure" time; it doesn't really count as work time! Make the most of this time by sorting helpful tips into simple computer files, or print and file a hard copy.
§ Ask yourself, "How many people could I connect with personally in the time I'm reading email or creating a flyer?"
I have found for me...
I have to do my daily household chores before I can "work". It helps me to not be distracted and concentrate on PC. My kids are old enough now that they have chores.....and believe me they do, and they can help. Every night before bed we do a 7 minute sweep which helps SO much.
That being said, I try to make calls before 11 am-DH comes home for lunch and it is SO hard to make calls when he is home! LOL! Then I try to make calls between 6:30 and 8.
  • #10
Great tips Erin! Thanks for posting.
  • #11
I have this problem as well- The sad part is, DH and I are empty nesters- NO EXCUSE!!!! I find it very easy to become distracted with other things. Thank you Bren for the information. I will be passing it on to my growing team as well.
  • #12
mrssyvo said:
I have this problem as well- The sad part is, DH and I are empty nesters- NO EXCUSE!!!! I find it very easy to become distracted with other things. Thank you Bren for the information. I will be passing it on to my growing team as well.

Right there with you. . .I'm just generally distracted. It's not like I spend the day cleaning my house. :blushing:

There are some great ideas here. I know one of the things I should do is start shredding my old files. I have 7 years of paperwork (neatly stored away in a file cabinet) that isn't doing me any good. My desk is a mess. . .but I look great at my shows.

I'm very organized in what I take to each show. I recommend an accordian file -- mine contains the stuff I give away at my full service checkout: recipe, recruit information, guest list for those who are booking, wedding registry stuff and file folders (I give each new customer a file folder -- w/ my info on the outside -- to keep their receipts).

I'll keep reading for more ideas/motivation!
  • #13
chefjeanine said:
I'm very organized in what I take to each show. I recommend an accordian file -- mine contains the stuff I give away at my full service checkout: recipe, recruit information, guest list for those who are booking, wedding registry stuff and file folders (I give each new customer a file folder -- w/ my info on the outside -- to keep their receipts).

Me too! I have everything I need in there. Great minds think alike!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
These are great ideas! Thanks! Please keep them coming! I definitely need to do the household things first which is where I err every day. I can say I do PC so I am home with my family but when I ignore the "home" I'm not really doing what I say. sigh Thanks everyone!!!! You're helping so much! Can't wait to hear more.
  • #15
Love the accordian file idea! I have hanging file folders in a crate with these items, but it would be great to be able to have something I can just pick up and go, and not have to worry about it for each and every show!

I agree about the housework too! I get totally disgusted looking at the mess in the house, and I feel like I don't spend enough quality time with my children as well. I think if I had a schedule for the day it would help me to focus instead of wondering aimlessly throughout each day!
  • #16
Great ideas thanks...........
  • #17
Bren706 said:
Love the accordian file idea! I have hanging file folders in a crate with these items, but it would be great to be able to have something I can just pick up and go, and not have to worry about it for each and every show!

Mine is plastic (got it a Big Lots) and has a top that folds over and is secured shut with a little bungie cord that goes over a big button. so that the stuff will not fall out.
  • #18
I have an MP3 file on a call about organizing your time (but I lost my memory stick :cry: :cry:, so I don't have it right now).

One thing I do remember is that you must book the following days in your week:
- One FREE day...that's a day when you DO NOT do ANY PC stuff...no email, no phone calls...nada!!
- One "paperwork" day...two if you're really behind in this....but then switch back to one once you're caught up.

I forget what the others were...."party" days were in there. When I find the info I had, I will share.

Now please say a little prayer for me to find my memory stick!! :eek:
  • #19
Prayer comming your way... Cause when you find it please post the file for us.......
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Oh I'm praying for you! It's a rather selfish prayer because I'd love to have your info but I bet you need it for more than just this info so I really am praying that you find it.
  • #21
Thanks for posting and I'm hoping to get better with my time management.
  • #22
I'll check home tonight, because I'm pretty sure the call is on my iTunes, so I can still send it to you guys.

Thanks for the prayers!! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Okay, I"ve set up getting my Flylady emails again just to get me refocused on that. I love her Body Clutter section. I got up today and was doing some basic things when I got a call from my newest recruit who does not have internet access asking if this AM worked for her to come and enter her first show. YIKES!!!! My desk had a tunnel to the monitor. I enlisted my kids and they straighted pillows and blankets etc. I grabbed a laundry hamper and cleared off my desk which will force me to sort that after she leaves. I got my floors steamed already and so I'm praising God for her phone call. I wasn't really moving as quickly as I could have until she called. God is really showing me how quickly we can accomplish the things we dislike around here. It won't be a quick job to sort all the files etc that I dumped in that hamper but it needs doing. I can't wait to get this right before Him so that I can then watch Him set my business totally on fire. I've heard him for 7 months now telling me and He's been patient but I know from some things going on that the patience was running thin and my disobedience was going to end my business. I'm praying so hard to do this right before Him. I will be working on a workable "office hours" schedule later today. Anyone who does that, would you be willing to post yours so that I've got as many creative ideas as possible to draw from? Thanks in advance. I'm praising God for each of you and how YOU positively affect my business every day!!!!!!!!

Related to Setting Office Hours: A Must for Home-Based Businesses

1. Why is setting office hours important for home-based businesses?

Setting office hours is important for home-based businesses because it helps establish a routine and boundary between work and personal life. It also allows clients and customers to know when they can reach you for business matters.

2. How do I determine my office hours for my home-based business?

You should consider your personal schedule, the needs of your business, and the availability of your clients when determining your office hours. It's important to find a balance that works for both you and your customers.

3. Should I have set office hours even if my business is flexible?

Yes, it is still beneficial to have set office hours even if your business is flexible. This will help you establish a routine and allow you to plan your time effectively. It also provides a sense of structure for your clients and can help manage their expectations.

4. How can I communicate my office hours to my clients?

You can communicate your office hours through various methods such as including them on your business website, social media profiles, email signature, and voicemail. You can also verbally inform your clients during initial meetings or when scheduling appointments.

5. Is it okay to have different office hours on different days?

Yes, you can have different office hours on different days if it works for your business and schedule. Just make sure to communicate these hours clearly to your clients so they know when to reach you. It's also important to have some consistency in your office hours to establish a routine.

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